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2013年3月– 目前 副院长 长春工业大学 材料科学高等研究院 2012年1月– 目前 教授 长春工业大学 化学工程学院 2012年3月– 2013年2月 研究教授 韩国成均馆大学 2011年3月– 2012年1月 副教授 长春工业大学 2007年3月– 2011年2月 博士 韩国成均馆大学 2004年9月– 2007年4月 硕士 长春工业大学 1999年9月– 2003年7月 本科 上海交通大学


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Guang Hui Gao, Yi Li, Doo Sung Lee, Environmental pH-sensitive polymer carriers for molecular imaging and drug delivery, Journal of Controlled Release, 2013, 169, 180-184 (IF=6.499) 2. Guang Hui Gao, Min Jung Park, Yi Li, Geun Ho Im, Jae-Hoon Kim, Hun Nyun Kim, Jae Won Lee, Pyoung Jeon, Oh Young Bang, Jung Hee Lee, Doo Sung Lee, The use of pH-sensitive positively charged polymeric micelles for protein delivery, Biomaterials, 2012, 33, 9157-9164 (IF=7.404) 3. Guang Hui Gao, Yi Li, Doo Sung Lee, Block Copolymer Hydrogels, Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2012 4. Guang Hui Gao, Jae Won Lee, Minh Khanh Nguyen, Geun Ho Im, Jehoon Yang, Hyejung Heo, Pyoung Jeon, Tae Gwan Park, Jung Hee Lee, Doo Sung Lee, pH-Responsive polymeric micelle based PEG-poly(b-amino ester)/poly(amido amine) as intelligent vehicle for magnetic resonance imaging in detection of cerebral ischemic area, Journal of Controlled Release, 2011, 155, 11-17 (IF=6.499) 5. GuangHui Gao, GeunHo Im, MinSang Kim, JaeWon Lee, Jehoon Yang, JungHee Lee, DooSung Lee, Magnetite nanoparticle encapsulated pH-responsive polymeric micelle as an MRI probe for detecting acidic pathologic areas, Small, 2010, 6, 1201-1204 (IF=8.349) 6. Guang Hui Gao, Hyejung Heo, Jung Hee Lee, Doo Sung Lee, An acidic pH-triggered polymeric micelle for dual-modality MR and optical imaging, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, 5454-5461 (IF=5.968) 7. Hong Yu Yang, Xiu Mei Zhang, Li Jie Duan, Ming Yao Zhang, Guang Hui Gao, Hui Xuan Zhang, Environmental pH-responsive fluorescent polyurethane for potential optical imaging, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 129, 846-852 (IF=1.24) 8. Gui Di Cai, Hong Yu Yang, Li Dan Zhu, Hua Liu, Chao Zhou, Guang Feng Wu, Ming Yao Zhang, Guang Hui Gao, Hui Xuan Zhang, Toughening polystyrene by core-shell polybutadiene-graft- polystyrene copolymer using potassium persulphate as initiator, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2013, 19, 823-828 (IF=1.977) 9. Li Dan Zhu, Hong Yu Yang, Gui Di Cai, Chao Zhou, Guang Feng Wu, Ming Yao Zhang, Guang Hui Gao, Hui Xuan Zhang, Sub-micrometer Rubber Particles as ‘Craze-bridge’ for Toughening Polystyrene/HIPS, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 129, 224-229 (IF=1.24) 10. Hong Yu Yang, Xiu Mei Zhang, Li Jie Duan, Ming Yao Zhang, Guang Hui Gao, Hui Xuan Zhang, Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorescent Polyurethane with Free Carboxyl Groups, Journal of Polymer Research, 2012, 19, 9973-9977 (IF=1.733)
