1.聚苯硫醚纺粘有基针刺非织造布的制备方法[C].中国专利. 授权专利号:ZL 201110392240.7.
2.一种剥离型聚苯硫醚/蒙脱土纳米复合材料及其制备方法[C].中国专利. 申请专利号:201710119760.8.
江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划(CXZZ13-0748 ),主持人,已结题.
1. Jian Xing, Qing-Qing Ni, Bingyao Deng, Qingsheng Liu. Morphology and properties of polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)/polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) polymer alloys by melt blending [J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2016, 134: 184-190 (SCI).
2. Jian Xing, Xuebing Wang, Bingyao Deng, Qingsheng Liu. Modification of montmorillonite by different surfactants and its use for the preparation of polyphenylene sulfide nanocomposites [J]. High Performance Polymers, 2016, 28(5): 618-629 (SCI).
3. Jian Xing, Xuebing Wang, Bingyao Deng, Qingsheng Liu. Nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of polyphenylene sulfide composites based on organic clay modified by benzimidazolium salt [J]. High Performance Polymers, 2016, 28(7): 761-772(SCI).
4. Jian Xing, Bingyao Deng, Qingsheng Liu. Effect of benzimidazolium salt on dispersion and properties of polyphenylene sulfide/organic clay nanocomposites via melt intercalation[J]. Fibers and Polymers, 2015, 16(6): 1220-1229 (SCI).
5.Jian Xing, Bingyao Deng, Qingsheng Liu. Preparation and thermal properties of polyphenylene sulfide/organic montmorillonite composites [J]. Fibers and polymers, 2014, 15(08): 1685-1693 (SCI).
6. Jian Xing, Bingyao Deng, Qingsheng Liu. Effect of graphene nanoplatelets(GNPS) on the performance of polyphenylene sulfide(PPS) composites produced by melt intercalation[J]. High Performance Polymers, 2017,DOI:
7.邢剑, 邓炳耀, 刘庆生. 聚偏氟乙烯熔纺纤维的制备与表征[J].化工新型材料, 2016, 44(5): 97-99.
8.邢剑, 邓炳耀, 刘庆生. 聚苯硫醚/有机蒙脱土复合材料热氧化研究[J].合成纤维工业, 2014, 37(5): 6-10.
9.邢剑, 邓炳耀, 刘庆生. 气流拉伸聚苯硫醚纤维的制备与表征[J].合成纤维工业, 2012, 35(5): 9-13.
10. Jian Xing, Bingyao Deng, Qing-Qing Ni. Modification of montmorillonite by different surfactants and its use for the preparation of polyphenylene sulfide nanocomposites[C]. The 7th Japan conference on composite material; 3C-16, (JCCM-7, 2016).
11. 邢劍, 夏紅, 鄧炳耀, 倪慶清. 熔融インターカレーションによるPPS/有機粘土ナノコンポジットの創製[C].日本機械学会北陸信越支部第 53 期総会・講演会, (2016).
12. Jian Xing, Bingyao Deng, Qingsheng Liu, Yue Zhang. Study on preparation and thermal oxidation properties of PPS/MMT composite materials[C]. The 12th Asian Textile Conference; G1-PO-35,(2013).
13. 邢剑, 邓炳耀, 刘庆生, 鲍稳. 聚苯硫醚气流拉伸纤维的制备与热处理[C]. 2012中国纺织学术年会论文集, 5-9,(2012).