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教育经历 2006.9 2009.9 早稻田大学 计算机科学与工程 博士 2003.9 2005.7 大连理工大学 管理科学与工程 硕士 1999.9 2003.7 大连理工大学 信息管理与信息系统 学士 工作经历 2016.12 至今 大连理工大学管理与经济学部 教授 2011.9 2012.1 大连理工大学管理与经济学部 讲师 2009.10 2011.9 大连理工大学管理科学与工程流动站 博士后 2005.7 2006.8 中兴通讯股份有限公司 软件工程师


大数据与智能决策(大数据、人工智能、决策支持系统) 大数据与可持续发展(环境大数据、碳达峰碳中和)


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Yang, Guangfei,Huang, Jian,Li, Xianneng.Mining sequential patterns of PM2.5 pollution in three zones in China[J],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2018,170:388-398 刘玉红,杨光飞,李文丽.中国城市臭氧(O3)浓度时空分布[A],2018,1-10 张彦,杨光飞,李文丽.汽油升级政策是否改善了中国的PM污染[A],2018,39-45 张连奎,李文丽,杨光飞.基于闭合序列模式的中国城市PM2.5污染时空模式挖掘[A],2018,308-315 Qu, Ling,Yang, Guangfei,Pan, Donghua.An empirical analysis of the chronergy of the impact of web search volume on the premiere box Office[A],18th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences, KSS 2017,2017,780:162-174 杨光飞,崔雪娇,张翔.基于抽样和规则的不平衡数据关联分类方法[J],系统工程理论与实践,2017,37(4):1035-1045 Li, Xianneng,Yang, Huiyan,Yang, Meihua,Yang, Xian,Yang, Guangfei.Accelerating Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Neighborhood Search[A],2017 IEEE CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION (CEC),2017,1549-1556 Yang, Huiyan,Li, Xianneng,Yang, Guangfei.A Mixed Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for the Time-of-Use Pricing Optimization[A],ADVANCES IN SWARM INTELLIGENCE, ICSI 2017, PT I,2017,10385:328-336 Cui, Weihua,Li, Xianneng,Yang, Guangfei.Product Diffusion Research Based on Symbolic Regression[A],17th Annual International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS),2016,660:115-129 Li, Xianneng,Yang, Guangfei.Transferable XCS[A],Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO),2016,453-460 Li, Xianneng,Yang, Guangfei.Artificial bee colony algorithm with memory[J],APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING,2016,41:362-372 Yang, Xian,Yang, Guangfei,Wu, Jiangning.Integrating rich and heterogeneous information to design a ranking system for multiple products[J],DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS,2016,84:117-133 廉莲,杨光飞.Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Differential Evolution[J],International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools,2016,25(4):1-39 Yang, Guangfei,Li, Wenli,Wang, Jianliang,Zhang, Dongqing.A comparative study on the influential factors of China's provincial energy intensity[J],ENERGY POLICY,2016,88(88):74-85 Yang, Guangfei,Sun, Tao,Wang, Jianliang,Li, Xianneng.Modeling the nexus between carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth[J],ENERGY POLICY,2015,86:104-117 Yang, Guangfei,Li, Xianneng,Wang, Jianliang,Lian, Lian,Ma, Tieju.Modeling oil production based on symbolic regression[J],ENERGY POLICY,2015,82(1):48-61 Yang, Guangfei,Cui, Xuejiao.A Study of Interestingness Measures for Associative Classification on Imbalanced Data[A],19th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD),2015,9441:141-151 Yang, Guangfei,Huang, Jian.Model Selection of Symbolic Regression to Improve the Accuracy of PM2.5 Concentration Prediction[A],19th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD),2015,9441:189-197 杨光飞.Sample and Rule Centric Approach for Associative Classification on Imbalanced Data[A],2015 杨光飞.Carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth: Panel data evidence from 67 countries[A],2015 杨光飞.Learning EOQ Models from Data[A],2015 Li X.,Yang G.,Hirasawa K..Evolving directed graphs with artificial bee colony algorithm[A],2014 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA 2014,2014,2015-January:89-94 Lian L.,Zhang S.,Yang G.,Deng J..Exploring choice behavior of express service in China[A],2014 4th International Conference of Logistics Engineering and Management: System Planning, Supply Chain Management, and Safety, ICLEM 2014,2014,753-758 吴江宁,杨弦,杨光飞.A ranking method based on modified ratings and contrastive votes of products[J],Journal of Computational Information Systems,2014,10(14):5923-5930 杨光飞,廉莲.PM2.5 Forecast Based on Symbolic Regression in Dalian, China[A],The 15th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences,2014 杨光飞.Deriving Consumer Behavior Differences between China and America by Mining Consumer Reviews[A],2014 杨光飞,郭崇慧.The Word-of-mouth Ranking Method Based On Chinese Customer Reviews[A],2014 Li, Xianneng,Yang, Guangfei,Hirasawa, Kotaro.Evolving Directed Graphs with Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm[A],14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA),2014 杨光飞,廉莲.Forest fire forecasting by meteorological factors based on associative classification[A],The 14 International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences,2013 杨光飞,党延忠,廉莲.Modeling Relationship between Economy and Industrial Pollution in China by Symbolic Regression[A],2013 Yu, Litao,Dang, Yanzhong,Yang, Guangfei.Transfer Clustering via Constraints Generated from Topics[A],IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC),2012,3203-3208 杨光飞,党延忠.Coordination, Knowledge Coordination and Knowledge Coordination Management[A],In Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS2012),2012,123-127 余力涛,党延忠,杨光飞.不完备数据条件下基于SFA迁移分类的客户流失预测模型[J],情报学报,2012,31(9):973-978 马凤闸,吴江宁,杨光飞.基于双重选择策略的跨领域情感倾向性分析[J],情报学报,2012,31(11):1202-1209 吴江宁,杨光飞.Identifying Valuable Product Features by Mining Consumer Reviews on Chinese E-Commerce Websites[A],2012,111-116 Yang, Guangfei,Mabu, Shingo,Shimada, Kaoru,Hirasawa, Kotaro.An evolutionary approach to rank class association rules with feedback mechanism[J],EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,2011,38(12):15040-15048 余力涛,党延忠,杨光飞.基于迁移学习的客户流失预测模型[A],第六届(2011)中国管理学年会——商务智能分会场,2011,5 杨光飞,党延忠.不完美数据中的知识发现研究综述[A],第六届(2011)中国管理学年会——商务智能分会场,2011,8 Yang, Guangfei,Mabu, Shingo,Shimada, Kaoru,Hirasawa, Kotaro.A novel evolutionary method to search interesting association rules by keywords[J],EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,2011,38(10):13378-13385 Yang G.,Dang Y.,Mabu S.,Shimada K.,Hirasawa K..Searching interesting association rules based on evolutionary computation[A],15th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2011,2011,7104 LNAI:243-253 杨光飞.An Evolutionary Approach to Rank Class AssociationRules with Feedback Mechanism[J],Expert Systems with Application,2011,38(12):15040-15048 党延忠,杨光飞.Domain Adaptation Based on Rules Discovered from Cross-domain Features[A],2011,425-428 杨光飞,党延忠.Searching Interesting Association Rules based on Evolutionary Computation[A],PAKDD workshop QIMIE 2011,2011 党延忠,杨光飞,王明征.A New Domain Adaptation Method Based on rules Discovered from Cross-domain Features[A],2011 吴江宁,杨光飞.基于本体的项目和领域专家匹配原型系统[J],计算机应用研究,2009,26(10):3787-3790 Wu, Jiangning,Yang, Guangfei.An ontology-based method for project and domain expert matching[A],2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2005,2005,3614 LNAI:176-185 Wu, Jiangning,Yang, Guangfei.An ontology-based method for project and domain expert matching[A],Second International Confernce on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2005,2005,3614(PART II):176-185
