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教育经历 1999.9 2002.9 大连理工大学 管理科学工程 博士 1994.9 1997.7 大连海事大学 运输管理工程 硕士 1987.9 1991.7 河南师范大学 物理 学士 工作经历 2005.1 至今 大连理工大学管理学院 教学、科研 2003.1 2004.12 复旦大学 博士后研究 1997.7 1999.8 大连海关科技处 工程师 1991.7 1994.8 河南汝州师范 教师


社交网络分析 信誉管理 互联网隐私保护机制 电子商务与信息管理


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Song, Wen,Li, Wenli,Geng, Shidao.Effect of online product reviews on third parties' selling on retail platforms[J],ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS,2020,39 苏鹭燕,李瀛,李文立.用户在线知识付费影响因素研究: 基于信任和认同视角[J],管理科学,2019,32(4):90-104 李文立,赵帅.考虑溯源系统应用的优质农产品双渠道供应链决策研究[J],运筹与管理,2019,28(6):98-108 Chen, Hao,Chau, Patrick Y. K.,Li, Wenli.The effects of moral disengagement and organizational ethical climate on insiders' information security policy violation behavior[J],INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & PEOPLE,2019,32(4):973-992 赵帅,李亚城,李文立,秦开大.平台型企业的商业模式创新及其内在机理 ——以斗南花卉产业集团为例[J],管理案例研究与评论,2019,12(2):192-209 金淳,曹迪,王聪,李文立.汽车零部件第三方物流仓储需求量集成预测模型[J],系统管理学报,2018,27(6):1157-1165 Cao, Yulin,Li, Wenli,Zheng, Dongxia.An Improved Neighborhood-Aware Unified Probabilistic Matrix Factorization Recommendation[J],WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS,2018,102(4):3121-3140 陈昊,李文立.基于情绪中介的信息安全保护行为研究[J],科研管理,2018,39(6):48-56 苏鹭燕,李瀛,李文立.How Customer Value Influences Users’ Purchase Intention for Online Paid Knowledge: An Empirical Study[A],12th China Summer Workshop on Information Management,2018 苏鹭燕,Ruijiang Zhang,李瀛,李文立.What Drives Trust in Online Paid Knowledge? The Role of Customer Value[A],22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems,2018 王小龙,李文立.信息安全遵从行为的激励机制研究——惩罚的确定性与适度性[J],运筹与管理,2018,27(3):133-142 Wang, Xiaolong,Li, Wenli.Understanding the Incentive Mechanism of Penalty for Information Security Policy Compliance Behavior[A],2018 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND HUMANITIES RESEARCH (SSEHR 2018),2018,19-25 Song, Wen,Chen, Jianqing,Li, Wenli.Spillover Effect of Consumer Awareness on Third-Party Sellers’ Selling Strategies on Retail Platforms[A],38th International Conference on Information Systems: Transforming Society with Digital Innovation, ICIS 2017,2017 高琳,李文立,柯育龙.社会化商务中网络口碑对消费者购买意向的影响:情感反应的中介作用和好奇心的调节作用[J],管理工程学报,2017,31(4):15-25 Geng, Shidao,Li, Wenli,Qu, Xiaofei,Chen, Lirong.Design for the pricing strategy of return-freight insurance based on online product reviews[J],ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS,2017,25:16-28 曹玉琳,李文立,郑东霞.融合社会标签的联合概率矩阵分解推荐算法[J],信息与控制,2017,46(4):400-407 Chen, Lirong,Jiang, Tao,Li, Wenli,Geng, Shidao,Hussain, Shahbaz.Who should pay for online reviews? Design of an online user feedback mechanism[J],ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS,2017,23:38-44 Guo, Kaihong,Li, Wenli.A unified framework for the key weights in MAGDM under uncertainty[J],SOFT COMPUTING,2017,21(9):2251-2262 刘杰,王宇,李文立.基于云模型的商家信誉综合评价方法[J],大连理工大学学报(社会科学版),2017,38(1):88-93 李文立.Complimentary Return-Freight Insurance Serves as Quality Signal or Noise?[A],2017 李文立.Mobile Device User’s Privacy Security Assurance Behavior: A Technology Threat Avoidance Theory Perspective[J],Information & Computer Security,2017,25(3):330-344 李瀛,李文立.Psychological Contracts, Antecedents and Consequences: A New Roadmap to Enhance Purchase Intentions in Social Commerce[A],2017 李瀛,李文立.负面评论的商家回复与潜在消费者购买意向的关系研究[A],2017 Chen H.,Li W..Mobile device users' privacy security assurance behavior A technology threat avoidance perspective[J],Information and Computer Security,2017,25(3):330-344 陈昊,李文立,柯育龙.社交媒体持续使用研究:以情感响应为中介[J],管理评论,2016,28(9):61-71 魏曦初,李文立,邱立鹏.基于影响因素分析和数据重构的备件需求预测[J],计算机应用研究,2016,34(5):1419-1422 李睿,张锐剑,李文立,陈昊.移动互联网环境下的隐私泄露容忍度测度方法[J],管理评论,2016,28(7):102-111 Liang, Huan,Li, Wenli,Chen, Hao.Impact of social media on customer satisfaction: A perspective of social capital[A],20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2016,2016 陈昊,李文立,陈立荣.组织控制与信息安全制度遵守:面子倾向的调节效应[J],管理科学,2016,29(3):1-12 陈昊,李文立,柯育龙.组织员工信息系统安全行为研究进展[J],信息系统学报,2016,01:118-134 李文立.THE EFFECT OF E-WOM ON ONLINE SALES OF O2O LOCAL SERVICE[A],2016 李文立.The effect of online product reviews on the openness of e-commerce platform[A],2016,1(1):3-8 Yang, Guangfei,Li, Wenli,Wang, Jianliang,Zhang, Dongqing.A comparative study on the influential factors of China's provincial energy intensity[J],ENERGY POLICY,2016,88(88):74-85 Chen, Wei,Li, Wenli,Zhang, Jian.Dynamic Evolution of the Influence Factors of the Development of Electronic Banking Business in Local Commercial Banks of Underdeveloped Areas[A],2nd International Conference on Industrial Economics System and Industrial Security Engineering (IEIS),2016,383-388 吴娜,李文立,吕欣,柯育龙.泄露他人隐私行为意向的影响要素研究[J],科研管理,2015,36(11):139-147 Li W.,Geng Z..Dynamic adoption model of personalized online services with privacy concerns and wom effect[A],19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2015,2015 李文立.基于产品不确定性视角的消费者满意度研究[A],2015 李文立.组织员工信息系统安全行为研究进展[J],信息系统学报,2015 李文立.Research on Suppliers Segmentation:From the Perspective of Spare Parts Classification[A],2015,2:5-8 李文立.A unified framework for the key weights in MAGDM under uncertainty[J],soft computing,2015,1(11):1-12 梁欢,李文立,陈昊.基于产品不确定性视角的消费者满意度研究[A],信息系统协会中国分会第六届学术年会论文集国际信息系统协会中国分会,2015,533-539 Wang, Xiao-long,Li, Wen-li.Using Galois Lattice to Represent and Analyze Information Security Policy Compliance[A],5th International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation (IEMI) / 4th Institute-of-Industrial-Engineers (IIE) Asian Conference,2015,353-358 Wang X.,Li W..The influence of psychic income and monetary reward on information security policy compliance[J],ICIC Express Letters,2015,9(6):1559-1564 陈立荣,李文立,李强.用户生成内容对电子商务平台定价的影响--基于中国家庭金融调查数据[A],首届(2014)中国产业经济研究学术年会,2014,241-248 魏曦初,李文立.基于备件分类的供应商管理策略研究[J],工业工程与管理,2014,19(6):37-43,132 Cheng, Lijiao,Li, Wenli,Zhai, Qingguo,Smyth, Russell.Understanding personal use of the Internet at work: An integrated model of neutralization techniques and general deterrence theory[J],COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR,2014,38:220-228 Li Wen-li,Wei Xi-chu.Research on the Classification of Spare Parts for Supplier Management[A],21st International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE),2014,379-386 Wang X.-L.,Li W.-L..Using Galois lattice to represent and analyze information security policy compliance[A],5th International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation, IEMI 2014,2014,353-358 Li W.,Gao L.,Ke Y..Social commerce: The critical role of argument strength and source dynamism of ewom[A],18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2014,2014 Chen H.,Li W..Understanding organization employee's information security omission behavior: An integrated model of social norm and deterrence[A],18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2014,2014 Li R.,Li W.,Geng S.,An Y..Measurement of privacy leakage tolerance on the mobile internet[A],18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2014,2014 Li W.,Wu N.,Ke Y.,Lv X.,An Y..The empirical study on human flesh search based on neutralization theory[A],18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2014,2014 宋明秋,陈冬浩,李文立.安全系统开发同化影响因素研究[J],信息系统学报,2014,01:59-68 李文立.Information Security Policy Compliance Game: The Role of Penalty[A],2014,45-49 李文立.Research on Suppliers Segmentation:From the Perspective of Spare Parts Classification[A],2014 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII2014),2014,2:5-8 李文立.UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZATION EMPLOYEE`S INFORMATION SECURITY OMISSION BEHAVIOR: AN INTERGRATED MODEL OF SOCIAL NORM AND DETERRENCE[A],2014,1(1):1-9 Cheng, Lijiao,Li, Ying,Li, Wenli,Holm, Eric,Zhai, Qingguo.Understanding the violation of IS security policy in organizations: An integrated model based on social control and deterrence theory[J],COMPUTERS & SECURITY,2013,39(PART B):447-459 Li W.,Cheng L..Effects of neutralization techniques and rational choice theory on internet abuse in the workplace[A],17th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2013,2013 李文立.基于中和技术理论的隐私泄露意向研究[A],2013,259-264 李文立.Measuring Employees’ Information Security Compliance Behaviors: A Holistic State Perspective[J],International Journal of Information Processing and Management,2013,4(6):76-85 Guo, Kaihong,Li, Wenli.An attitudinal-based method for constructing intuitionistic fuzzy information in hybrid MADM under uncertainty[J],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2012,208:28-38 He Y.,Shan S.,Zhang F.,Li W..Tag semantic analysis on folksonomy with non-exclusive complex network clustering[J],Journal of Computational Information Systems,2012,8(19):8083-8093 郭凯红,李文立.基于证据推理的不确定多属性决策方法[J],管理工程学报,2012,26(2):94-100 李文立,王乐超.历史订单信息对牛鞭效应的影响分析[J],运筹与管理,2012,21(1):195-200 Li W.,Geng S.,Li R..Design of cmac for recognition and evaluation of dangerous chemicals logistics[J],ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications,2012,3(6):1481-1488 Wu H.,Wang Y.,Li W..Kurtosis controlled loan portfolio optimization model[J],ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications,2012,3(5):1117-1124 Zhang, Guoquan,Shang, Jennifer,Li, Wenli.An information granulation entropy-based model for third-party logistics providers evaluation[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH,2012,50(1,SI):177-190 He, Yinghao,Li, Wenli,Shan, Shimin,Zhang, Fan.TOPIC-VECTOR BASED USER MODEL FOR SOCIAL TAGGING SYSTEMS[A],3rd International Conference on Computer Technology and Development (ICCTD 2011),2012,513-518 Zhang, Guoquan,Shang, Jennifer,Li, Wenli.Collaborative production planning of supply chain under price and demand uncertainty[J],EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH,2011,215(3):590-603 Li, Wenli,Song, Chunlei,Han, Lisha.Application of the Work Study to Balancing Hydraulic Component Assembly Lines[A],International Conference on Management, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (ICMMM 2011),2011,452-453:206-210 李文立,王小龙.组织内部员工的信息安全非胜任特征的评价指标与方法[A],信息系统协会中国分会第四届学术年会,2011,576-580 李文立,宋春雷,郭凯红.Research on user authorizing optimization algorithm based on DHP model[J],ICIC Express letters,2011,5(11):4143-4148 郭凯红,李文立.权重信息未知情况下的多属性群决策方法及其拓展[J],中国管理科学,2011,19(5):94-103 Guo, Kaihong,Li, Wenli.Combination rule of D-S evidence theory based on the strategy of cross merging between evidences[J],EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,2011,38(10):13360-13366 Feng, Bo,Li, Wen-Li,Fan, Zhi-Ping,Liu, Yang.ASSESSING THE INTENTION LEVEL OF SERVICE ADOPTION: A 2-TUPLE FUZZY LINGUISTIC APPROACH[J],6th International Symposium on Management Engineering (ISME 2009),2011,7(5B,SI):2579-2591 Li W.,Li G..Factors affecting users' acceptance of sms advertising: An empirical study[J],ICIC Express Letters,2011,5(1):7-13 李文立,王乐超,宋春雷.基于HTML树和模板的文献信息提取方法研究[J],计算机应用研究,2010,27(12):4615-4617 Guo K.,Li W..A C-OWA operator-based method for aggregating intuitionistic fuzzy information and its application to decision making under uncertainty[J],International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications,2010,4(7) Li W.,Li S.,Ke Y..An empirical study of the relationship between complementary resources and it capability: A resource-based perspective[J],ICIC Express Letters,2010,4(5):1425-1430 李文立,郭凯红.D-S证据理论合成规则及冲突问题[J],系统工程理论与实践,2010,30(8):1422-1432 Wang J.-B.,Wang J.-J.,Li W.-L..Some single-machine scheduling with an exponential sum-of-processing-time based learning effect[J],ICIC Express Letters,2010,4(4):1345-1350 Li, Wenli,Guo, Kaihong,Huo, Yunfu.STUDY ON DECISION MAKING METHOD UNDER UNCERTAIN INFORMATION BASED ON D-S EVIDENCE THEORY[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE COMPUTING INFORMATION AND CONTROL,2010,6(8):3737-3749 Kaihong Guo,李文立.An Estimation Method for Control Parameters in Decision Model Based on Least Points Principle[J],ICIC Express Letters,2010,4(2):407-412 李文立.An estimation method for control parameters in dicision model based on least points principle[J],ICIC express letter,2010,4(2):407-412 李文立.D-S 证据理论合成规则及冲突问题[J],系统工程理论与实践,2010,30(8):1414-1421 李文立.A C-OWA Operator-based Method for Aggregating Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers and Its Application to Decision[J],International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications,2010,4(7):140-147 王建军,王吉波,李文立.Some scheduling problems with an exponential sum-of-processing-time based learning effect[J],ICIC Express Letters,2010,4(4):1345-1350 Wang M.,Zhang J.,Li W..Dynamic information game theory analysis of knowledge sharing for training inside enterprises under the mode of master-apprentice[A],2009 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, ICICIC 2009,2009,687-690 Li W.,Ma J..An optimization model for SMS advertising policy based on RFM analysis: Amerchant perspective[J],ICIC Express Letters,2009,3(4):1441-1446 王明征,李文立,Jinchao Zhang.knowledge sharing under the Pattern of Master-apprentice under the Environment of Incomplete Information[J],ICIC Express Letters,2009,3(4):1351-1358 Zou, Kaiqi,Hu, Juan,Li, Wenli,Yu, Laihang.FCM CLUSTERING BASED ON ANT ALGORITHM AND ITS APPLICATION[J],1st International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISII 2008),2009,5(12B):4819-4824 Zou K.,Hu J.,Li W.,Yu L..FCM clustering based on ant algorithm and its application[A],2009,5(12):4819-4824 冯博,樊治平,李文立.基于协同效应的知识创新团队伙伴选择方法[A],第十届全国青年系统科学与管理科学学术会议,2009,188-193 许金友,李文立,王建军.离散粒子群算法的发散性分析及其改进研究[J],系统仿真学报,2009,21(15):4676-4681 宋明秋,张瑞雪,吴新涛,李文立.网页正文信息抽取新方法[J],大连理工大学学报,2009,49(4):594-597 Ke, Yulong,Li, Wenli.A Study of the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Mobile Instant Messaging in China[A],8th International Conference on Mobile Business,2009,23-23 郭凯红,李文立.基于有限状态机最小化理论的同余关系研究[J],计算机应用研究,2009,26(5):1746-1748 杨件,李文立,洪春宇.基于阈值和可用度的合同网协议改进方案研究[J],计算机集成制造系统,2009,15(5):1016-1022 段秀云,李文立.判断矩阵两类不一致性的检验与调整方法研究[J],数学的实践与认识,2009,39(8):207-211 许金友,李文立.基于自适应PSO和类别分解的多任务串行联盟生成[J],计算机应用研究,2009,26(4):1338-1341
