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教育经历 1998.9 -- 2001.9 哈尔滨工业大学 工程力学 博士 1995.9 -- 1998.7 哈尔滨工业大学 建筑材料 硕士 1991.9 -- 1995.7 哈尔滨工业大学 无机非金属材料 学士 工作经历 2001.9 -- 2003.9 哈尔滨工业大学 讲师 2000.4 -- 2001.9 哈尔滨工业大学 助理研究员 2008.4 -- 至今大连理工大学 教授 2003.7 -- 2008.4 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授


复合材料与结构 结构健康监测 智能/纳米材料与结构


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[1] Yang Lei,Xu Hao,Liu Kehai,Gao Dongyue,Huang Yifan,Zhou Qin,Wu Zhanjun.Molecular dynamics simulation on the formation and development of interlayer dislocations in bilayer graphene[J],Nanotechnology,2020,31(12):125704 [2] 王宏宇,彭聪,李世超,刘新,武湛君.Improvement of the liquid oxygen compatibility of epoxy via the addition of surface‐modified boehmite[J],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2019,135(44):46918-46918 [3] 杨雷,李志伟,徐浩,武湛君.Prediction on residual stresses of carbonepoxy composite at cryogenic temperature[J],Polymer Composites,2019 [4] Sun, Hu,Wang, Yishou,Qing, Xinlin,Wu, Zhanjun.High Strain Survivability of Piezoceramics by Optimal Bonding Adhesive Design[J],SENSORS,2018,18(8) [5] Gao, Dongyue,Wu, Zhanjun,Yang, Lei,Zheng, Yuebin.Integrated impedance and Lamb wave-based structural health monitoring strategy for long-term cycle-loaded composite structure[J],STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL,2018,17(4):763-776 [6] Liu, Xin,Wang, Guohui,Pei, Jiahua,Wang, Zhi,Wu, Zhanjun.Fabrication and mechanical properties of a novel epoxy-hollow glass microsphere composite[J],JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS,2018,52(12):1627-1632 [7] 锁刘佳,雷振坤,赵士元,武湛君,Akihiro Takezawa.Study on sliding-window length based on Rayleigh backscattering spectrum correlation in distributed optical-?ber strain measurement[J],Optical Fiber Technology,2018,2019(47):126-132 [8] 李世超,王宏宇,柳敏静,彭聪,武湛君.Epoxy‐functionalized polysiloxane reinforced epoxy resin for cryogenic application[J],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2018,136(2):46930-46930 [9] 王宏宇,彭聪,李世超,刘新,武湛君.Synthesis and application of a benzoxazine-type phosphorus-containing monomer on epoxy/benzoxazine copolymer[J],Thermal stability and compatibility with liquid oxygen,2018,157:131-142 [10] 武湛君,郑跃滨,张佳奇,刘科海,姜又强,周凯.Acoustoelastic guided wave propagation in axial stressed arbitrary cross-section[J],Smart Materials and Structures,2018 [11] 郑跃滨,刘科海,武湛君,高东岳,高进,马书义,雷振坤.Lamb waves and electro-mechanical impedance based damage detection using a mobile PZT transducer set[J],Ultrasonics,2018,92:13-20 [12] 白生宝,肖迎春,武湛君,刘国强,黄博.基于Lamb波和典型相关分析的复合材料结构损伤监测[J],压电与声光,2018,40(1):149-154 [13] 王宏宇,孙涛,武湛君.Morphology and crystalline evolution of tungsten induced by low-energy helium ions irradiation[J],Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,2018,319(1):75-81 [14] 刘新,武湛君,何辉永,许乔奇.单向碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料的超低温力学性能[J],复合材料学报,2017,34(11):2437-2445 [15] 彭聪,武湛君,周大雨.二氧化硅/环氧/苯并噁嗪三元共聚体系的制备:热学和力学性能[A],第三届中国国际复合材料科技大会,2017,2 [16] 王宏宇,孙涛,彭聪,武湛君.偶联剂种类对二氧化硅增韧环氧树脂低温性能影响[A],第三届中国国际复合材料科技大会,2017,1 [17] Liu, Xin,Pei, Jiahua,Liu, Minjing,Wang, Zhi,Liu, Lixin,Jing, Li,Wu, Zhanjun.Microstructure and mechanical properties of textured TiB2 ceramic fabricated by combination of catalyst and hot-forging[J],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2017,200:217-222 [18] Yang, Lei,Li, Zhiwei,Sun, Tao,Wu, Zhanjun.Effects of Gear-Shape Fibre on the Transverse Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional Composites: Virtual Material Design by Computational Micromechanics[J],APPLIED COMPOSITE MATERIALS,2017,24(5):1165-1178 [19] 刘新,张建云,朱与墨,何辉永,武湛君.湿热老化对复合材料超低温力学性能的影响[A],第三届中国国际复合材料科技大会(CCCM-3),2017 [20] 刘新,武湛君,何辉永,许乔奇.超低温介质对碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料力学性能的影响[J],复合材料学报,2017,34(9):1944-1952 [21] Xu, Hao,Zeng, Zhihui,Wu, Zhanjun,Zhou, Limin,Su, Zhongqing,Liao, Yaozhong,Liu, Menglong.Broadband dynamic responses of flexible carbon black/poly (vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites: A sensitivity study[J],COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2017,149:246-253 [22] Shi, Guodong,Wang, Junhan,Wang, Hengli,Wu, Zhanjun,Wu, Huaping.Hydrothermal synthesis of morphology-controlled KNbO3, NaNbO3, and (K,Na)NbO3 powders[J],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2017,43(9):7222-7230 [23] 尹晚,渠晓溪,武湛君,高东岳,雷振坤.火箭贮箱结构健康监测传感器系统设计[J],压电与声光,2017,39(1):67-71 [24] 徐新生,周震寰,武湛君.Excitation of plane Lamb wave in plate like structures under applied surface loading[J],Smart Materials and Structures,2017,27(2):25011-25020 [25] 杨雷,武湛君.Experimental study on mechanical properties of bisphenol F epoxy resin at different cryogenic temperatures[A],2017 [26] 武湛君,杨雷.Integrated impedance and Lamb wave–based structural health monitoring strategy for long-term cycle-loaded composite structure[J],Structural Health Monitoring,2017 [27] 刘新,武湛君.Enhancement of interlaminar fracture toughness and damage mechanisms analysis in CFRPs reinforced with sprayed nano particles[A],2017 [28] Peng, Cong,Li, Jialiang,Li, Zhiwei,Wu, Zhanjun,Zhou, Dayu.Synthesis of SiO2/epoxy-benzoxazine ternary copolymer via sol-gel method: Thermal and mechanical behavior[J],MATERIALS & DESIGN,2016,111:453-462 [29] 李家亮,武湛君.含磷硅环氧杂化材料液氧相容性与低温力学性能研究[A],2016年航空科学与技术全国博士生学术论坛,2016,1 [30] 李志伟,李家亮,彭聪,杨雷,武湛君.六溴环十二烷和三氧化二锑对双酚A型环氧树脂液氧相容性能的影响[A],2016,1-5 [31] Yang, Lei,Liu, Xin,Wu, Zhanjun,Wang, Rongguo.Effects of triangle-shape fiber on the transverse mechanical properties of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced plastics[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2016,152:617-625 [32] Li, Jialiang,Liu, Xin,Wu, Zhanjun,Wang, Zhi.The effect of 10-(2,5-dihydroxyphenyl)-9, 10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide on liquid oxygen compatibility and cryogenic mechanical properties of epoxy resins[J],HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS,2016,28(7):820-830 [33] 王培德,郑跃滨,杨雷,雷振坤,武湛君.高应变载荷下压电传感器性能研究[J],压电与声光,2016,38(4):588-593 [34] Wu, Zhanjun,Yang, Zhengyan,Zhang, Jiaqi,Qu, Xiaoxi.Fabrication and Characterization of the Piezoelectric Ceramic-Polymer Composites[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY,2016,13(4):690-696 [35] Yang, Lei,Wu, Zhanjun,Liu, Xin.Micromechanical modelling and simulation of triangle-section carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites[A],17th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2016,2016 [36] Xu, L.,Wang, Y.,Cai, Y.,Wu, Z.,Peng, W..Determination of impact events on a plate-like composite structure[J],AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL,2016,120(1228):984-1004 [37] 刘新,许乔奇,武湛君,刘世祥,何辉永.超低温对T700碳纤维/环氧复合材料弯曲性能的影响[J],宇航学报,2016,37(5):618-624 [38] Gao, Dongyue,Wu, Zhanjun,Yang, Lei,Zheng, Yuebin.Guide waves-based multi-damage identification using a local probability-based diagnostic imaging method[J],SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES,2016,25(4) [39] Liu, Kehai,Ma, Shuyi,Wu, Zhanjun,Zheng, Yuebin,Qu, Xiaoxi,Wang, Yishou,Wu, Wenhua.A novel probability-based diagnostic imaging with weight compensation for damage localization using guided waves[J],STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL,2016,15(2):162-173 [40] Liu, Kehai,Wu, Zhanjun,Jiang, Youqiang,Wang, Yishou,Zhou, Kai,Chen, Yingpu.Guided waves based diagnostic imaging of circumferential cracks in small-diameter pipe[J],ULTRASONICS,2016,65:34-42 [41] Wang, Zhi,Zhao, Quanyue,Jing, Li,Wu, Zhanjun,Sun, Ximiao.Corrosion behavior of ZrB2-SiC-Graphite ceramic in strong alkali and strong acid solutions[J],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2016,42(2):2926-2932 [42] Fan, Hongyu,Wu, Zhanjun,Xu, Qiaoqi,Sun, Tao.Flexible, amine-modified silica aerogel with enhanced carbon dioxide capture performance[J],JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS,2016,23(1):131-137 [43] 陈颖璞,赵明,马书义,武湛君,吴会强,马云龙.管道损伤处纵向导波模态转换对损伤识别的影响[J],工程力学,2016,33(6):215-221 [44] 柳敏静,武湛君.复合材料蜂窝夹层结构在飞机中的应用[J],科技导报,2016,34(8):21-25 [45] 武湛君,孙涛.Efficient plasma-assisted approach in nanostructure fabrication[J],Materials and Design,2016,89(1):78-84 [46] 孙涛,武湛君.Effect of different silane coupling agents on cryogenic properties of silica-reinforced epoxy composites[J],High performance polymers,2016 [47] Wu, Zhanjun,Ma, Shuyi,Chen, Yingpu,Wang, Yishou.Detection and Identification of Dents in Pipelines using Guided Waves[J],MATERIALS EVALUATION,2016,74(1):79-89 [48] Peng, Cong,Li, Jialiang,Wu, Zhanjun,Peng, Weibin,Zhou, Dayu.Investigating into the liquid oxygen compatibility of a modified epoxy resin containing silicon/phosphorus and its mechanical behavior at cryogenic temperature[J],RSC ADVANCES,2016,6(44):38300-38309 [49] Wu, Zhanjun,Li, Shichao,Liu, Minjing,Wang, Hongyu,Wang, Zhi,Liu, Xin.Study on liquid oxygen compatibility of bromine-containing epoxy resins for the application in liquid oxygen tank[J],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2016,27(1):98-108 [50] Yang, Lei,Wu, Zhanjun,Gao, Dongyue,Liu, Xin.Microscopic damage mechanisms of fibre reinforced composite laminates subjected to low velocity impact[J],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2016,111:148-156 [51] Li, Jialiang,Peng, Cong,Li, Zhiwei,Wu, Zhanjun,Li, Shichao.The improvement in cryogenic mechanical properties of nano-ZrO2/epoxy composites via surface modification of nano-ZrO2[J],RSC ADVANCES,2016,6(66):61393-61401 [52] Li, Jialiang,Li, Zhiwei,Wang, Hongyu,Wu, Zhanjun,Wang, Zhi,Li, Shichao.Liquid oxygen compatibility and cryogenic mechanical properties of a novel phosphorous/silicon containing epoxy- based hybrid[J],RSC ADVANCES,2016,6(93):91012-91023 [53] Shi, Guodong,Wu, Zhanjun,Jiang, Chunyu,Peng, Siting,Yan, Jia,Wang, Zhi.Porous alumina ceramics produced by physical vapor deposition assisted freeze-casting method[J],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015,161:580-582 [54] Sun, Tao,Fan, Hongyu,Wang, Zhi,Liu, Xin,Wu, Zhanjun.Modified nano Fe2O3-epoxy composite with enhanced mechanical properties[J],MATERIALS & DESIGN,2015,87:10-16 [55] Peng, Cong,Wu, Zhanjun,Li, Jialiang,Wang, Zhi,Wang, Hongyu,Zhao, Ming.Synthesis, thermal and mechanical behavior of a silicon/phosphorus containing epoxy resin[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2015,132(46) [56] Wu Zhanjun,Gao Dongyue,Wang Yishou,Rahim, Gorgin.In-service Structural Health Monitoring of a Full-scale Composite Horizontal Tail[J],JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION,2015,30(6):1215-1224 [57] Wu, Zhanjun,Xu, Longtao,Wang, Yishou,Cai, Yongchao.Impact energy identification on a composite plate using basis vectors[J],7th Annual ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS),2015,24(9) [58] 杨雷,武湛君.热残余应力对纤维增强树脂基复合材料横向力学性能的影响[A],2015中国力学大会,2015,53-53 [59] 杨雷,刘新,高东岳,王阳,武湛君.考虑纤维随机分布的复合材料热残余应力分析及其对横向力学性能的影响[J],复合材料学报,2015,33(3):525-534 [60] Wang, Zhi,Liu, Xin,Xu, Baosheng,Wu, Zhanjun.Fabrication and properties of HfB2 ceramics based on micron and submicron HfB2 powders synthesized via carbo/borothermal reduction of HfO2 with B4C and carbon[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS,2015,51:130-136 [61] Wu, Zhanjun,Wang, Min,Wang, Zhi.The gas phase SiO2/epoxy nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical and thermal properties[J],HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS,2015,27(4):469-475 [62] Wang, Zhi,Li, Shichao,Wu, Zhanjun.The fabrication and properties of a graphite nanosheet/polystyrene composite based on graphite nanosheets treated with supercritical water[J],COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2015,112:50-57 [63] Gorgin, Rahim,Ma, Yunlong,Wu, Zhanjun,Gao, Dongyue,Wang, Yishou.Probabilistic-based damage identification based on error functions with an autofocusing feature[J],SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS,2015,15(4):1121-1137 [64] Ma, Shuyi,Wu, Zhanjun,Wang, Yishou,Liu, Kehai.The reflection of guided waves from simple dents in pipes[J],ULTRASONICS,2015,57(C):190-197 [65] Wu, Zhanjun,Zhuo, Qin,Sun, Tao,Wang, Zhi.Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resins Reinforced with Synthetic Boehmite (AlOOH) Nanosheets[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2015,132(5) [66] Wu, Zhanjun,Li, Jialiang,Wang, Zhi.Liquid oxygen compatibility and thermal stability of bisphenol A and bisphenol F epoxy resins modified by DOPO[J],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2015,26(2):153-159 [67] Sun, Tao,Zhuo, Qin,Chen, Yingpu,Wu, Zhanjun.Synthesis of boehmite and its effect on flame retardancy of epoxy resin[J],HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS,2015,27(1):100-104 [68] 王智,武湛君.Effect of surface oxidation on thermal shock resistance of ZrB2–SiC–ZrC ceramic at temperature difference from 800 to 1900°C[J],Corrosion Science,2015,98(9):233-239 [69] 杨雷,武湛君.国产芳纶纤维复合材料层板低速冲击试验研究与数值模拟[A],第二届中国国际复合材料科技大会(CCCM-2),2015 [70] 杨雷,武湛君.Micromechanical damage simulation of fibre reinforced composite laminates subjected to low velocity impact by multi-scale method[A],The 20th International Conference on Composite Materials,2015 [71] 刘新,武湛君.The bending properties of T700/epoxy composite at ultra-low temperature[A],2015 [72] Wu, Zhanjun,Li, Shichao,Liu, Minjing,Wang, Zhi,Liu, Xin.Liquid oxygen compatible epoxy resin: modification and characterization[J],RSC ADVANCES,2015,5(15):11325-11333 [73] Yang, Lei,Wu, Zhanjun,Cao, Yu,Yan, Ying.Micromechanical modelling and simulation of unidirectional fibre-reinforced composite under shear loading[J],JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES,2015,34(1):72-83 [74] Gao, Dongyue,Wu, Zhanjun,Zheng, Yuebin,Yang, Lei.The Performance of a Surface-bonded PZT Sensor Based Rocket Tanks SHM System under the Cryogenic Temperature Operating Environment[A],10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM),2015,2945-2953 [75] Chen, Hongbo,Wang, Zhi,Wu, Zhanjun.Investigation and characterization of densification, processing and mechanical properties of TiB2-SiC ceramics[J],MATERIALS & DESIGN,2014,64:9-14 [76] Sun, Tao,Wu, Zhanjun,Zhuo, Qin,Liu, Xin,Wang, Zhi,Fan, Hongyu.Microstructure and mechanical properties of aminated polystyrene spheres/epoxy polymer blends[J],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2014,66:58-64 [77] Wu, Zhanjun,Li, Jialiang,Chen, Yingpu,Wang, Zhi,Li, Shichao.Effect of 9,10-Dihydro-9-Oxa-10-Phosphaphenanthrene-10-Oxide on Liquid Oxygen Compatibility of Bisphenol A Epoxy Resin[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2014,131(19) [78] 李世超,柳敏静,武湛君,李家亮.阻燃剂对双酚F型环氧树脂液氧相容性影响[J],材料科学与工艺,2014,22(4):74-80 [79] 武湛君,王智.Synthesis and liquid oxygen compatibility of a phosphorous-containing epoxy resin[J],Polymer Engineering and Science,2014,55(3):651-656 [80] 武湛君,王智.The gas phase SiO2/epoxy nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical and thermal properties[J],High Performance Polymers,2014,10(20):23-26 [81] 杨雷,武湛君.Micromechanical failure analysis of fiber reinforced composite laminates subjected to quasi-static indentation[A],the 9th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials,2014 [82] 武湛君,柳敏静,王智.Synthesis and characterization of a liquid oxygen-compatible epoxy resin[J],High Performance Polymers,2014,32(4):51-63 [83] Liu, Xin,Wu, Zhanjun,Wang, Rongguo,Yan, Jia.Experimental Study of the Electrical Resistivity of Glass-carbon/Epoxy Hybrid Composites[J],POLYMERS & POLYMER COMPOSITES,2014,22(3):289-292 [84] Li, Jialiang,Li, Shichao,Wang, Min,Wu, Zhanjun,Wang, Zhi,Liu, Minjing,Liu, Xin.Effect of hexabromocyclododecane and antimony trioxide on flame retardancy of bisphenol A epoxy resin[J],IRANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL,2013,22(12):903-910 [85] Liu, M.J.,Li, S.C.,Wu, Z.J.,Wang, Z.,Li, J.L..Modification of Liquid Oxygen Compatibility of Bisphenol F Epoxy Resin[J],INTERNATIONAL POLYMER PROCESSING,2013,28(5):506-515 [86] Wang, Z.,Xie, B.,Zhou, W.,Shi, G.,Wu, Z..Thermophysical properties of TiB2-SiC ceramics from 300 °c to 1700 °c[J],International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials,2013,41:609-613 [87] 马书义,武湛君,刘科海,王奕首.管道变形损伤超声导波检测试验研究[J],机械工程学报,2013,49(14):1-8 [88] Gao D.Y.,Wu Z.J.,Wang Y.S.,Liu K.H..Influence of bonding quality for piezoelectric sensors with applications to Lamb wave damage detection[A],2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Automatic Control, ICMEAC 2013,2013,330:494-499 [89] 李家亮,武湛君,王智,李世超.双酚A型环氧树脂的机械冲击液氧相容性研究[A],第十五届中国科协年会,2013,1-8 [90] 单一男,武湛君,王奕首.基于应变模态的复合材料板结构模型的损伤识别方法[A],第十五届中国科协年会,2013,1-6 [91] 许龙涛,王奕首,武湛君,马书义.加筋复合材料圆筒结构的撞击识别[J],复合材料学报,2013,30(5):218-225 [92] 刘新,武湛君,王荣国,刘文博,严佳.三角形截面碳纤维在复合材料中的分布规律[J],科技导报,2013,31(7):33-36 [93] 许龙涛,武湛君,王奕首,马书义.加筋复合材料结构撞击识别的关键技术[J],科技导报,2013,31(7):42-45 [94] 武湛君,徐新生.基于应变模态的薄壁结构损伤识别与定位[J],东北大学学报(自然科学版),2013,34(S2):188-193 [95] 刘新,武湛君.超低温对T700碳纤维/环氧复合材料拉-压疲劳性能的影响[J],宇航学报,2013 [96] 刘新,武湛君.Dielectric property of unidirectional triangle-shape carbon fiber reinforced polymeric composites[J],Journal of Composite Materials,2013 [97] 王智,庞岩,武湛君.基于科研资源向教学资源转化的飞行器结构力学的本科教育研究与实践[J],考试周刊,2013,47:155-156 [98] Du, C.,Wu, Z.,Wang, Y.,Qing, X..Quantitative Crack Monitoring Using Diffracted Lamb Waves[A],9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM),2013,1004-+ [99] 王奕首,武湛君.面向复合材料结构损伤监测的超声导波温度补偿技术研究[A],2013,299-306 [100] 史国栋,王智,王奕首,武湛君,梁军.热处理对EB-PVD制备的NiCoCrAl薄板的微观结构和拉伸强度的影响[J],中国有色金属学报(英文版),2012,22(10):2395-2401
