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教育经历 1978.1 - 1982.1 江苏工学院 水力机械 学士 工作经历 1974.4 - 1976.9 福建省永泰县东星青年农场 知青 1976.9 - 1978.1 福建省永泰县农械厂 工人 1978.1 - 1982.1 江苏工学院 学生 1982.1 - 1986.11 江苏工学院 助教 1986.11 - 1987.6 英国卡迪夫大学机械工程能源系 访问学者 1987.6 - 1988.5 江苏工学院 讲师 1988.5 - 1989.6 美国田纳西大学空间研究院 高级访问学者 1989.6 - 1992.8 江苏工学院 讲师 1992.8 - 1992.12 空军气象学院 讲师 1992.12 - 1999.9 空军气象学院 教授 1999.8 - 2003.8 北京大学力学系 教授 2000.1 - 2000.6 美国约翰霍普金斯大学 访问教授 1999.9 - 2008.1 解放军理工大学 教授、首席教授 2008.1 - 至今 大连理工大学航空航天学院 教授


计算流体力学 湍流与非线性动力学 涡动力学和流动控制 空气动力学 环境流体力学


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[1]Liu, Xuanhe,Li, Zhuoyue,Wu, Chuijie,Gao, Nan.Toward calibration-free wall shear stress measurement using a dual hot-film sensor and Kelvin bridges[J],MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2018,29(10) [2]熊英,关晖,吴锤结.黏性分层流中椭球体俯仰振荡研究[J],应用数学和力学,2018,39(8):900-912 [3]Xin, Zhiqiang,Wu, Chuijie.Vorticity dynamics and control of the turning locomotion of 3D bionic fish[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018,232(14,SI):2524-2535 [4]Guan, Hui,Xue, Yifei,Wei, Zhijun,Wu, Chuijie.Numerical simulations of sloshing and suppressing sloshing using the optimization technology method[J],APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION,2018,39(6):845-854 [5]HABTE Mussie A,吴锤结.Transverse Harmonic Oscillation of a Rectangular Container With Viscous Fluid: a Lattice Boltzmann?Immersed Boundary Approach[J],Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,2018 [6]Xiong, Ying,Guan, Hui,Wu, ChuiJie.Unsteady analysis of six-DOF motion of a 6:1 prolate spheroid in viscous fluid[J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2017,60(11) [7]吴锤结.对动边界计算流体力学和自主游动鱼类尾涡的研究进展[A],第十一届南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM-11),2017,1 [8]关晖,王金城,卫志军,吴锤结.密闭容器中三维可压缩气泡相互作用研究[A],第十一届南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM-11),2017,1 [9]Habte, Mussie A.,Wu, ChuiJie.Particle sedimentation using hybrid Lattice Boltzmann-immersed boundary method scheme[J],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2017,315:486-498 [10]Habte, Mussie A.,Wu, ChuiJie.Influence of wall motion on particle sedimentation using hybrid LB-IBM scheme[J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2017,60(3) [11]卫志军,吴锤结.Numerical Simulations of Sloshing and Suppressing Sloshing Using the Optimization Technology Method[J],Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,2017,1:1-10 [12]熊英,关晖,吴锤结.基于有限体积法的非结构网格大涡模拟离散方法研究[J],应用数学和力学,2016,37(11):1129-1144 [13]Peng, NaiFu,Guan, Hui,Wu, ChuiJie.Optimal dynamical systems of Navier-Stokes equations based on generalized helical-wave bases and the fundamental elements of turbulence[J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2016,59(11) [14]关晖,王金城,卫志军,吴锤结.密闭容器中三维可压缩气泡相互作用初探[A],第九届全国流体力学学术会议,2016,1 [15]Gao, N.,Li, Y. Q.,Bai, H. L.,Wu, C. J..Effects of Synthetic jets on a D-Shaped Cylinder wake at a Subcritical Reynolds Number[J],FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION,2016,97(3):729-742 [16]马永亮,龚升,关晖,吴锤结.三维返回舱降落伞系统在超声速流下的数值模拟[A],2016海峡两岸流体力学研讨会,2016,3 [17]关晖,王金城,卫志军,吴锤结.密闭容器中三维可压缩气泡相互作用的数值模拟研究[A],2016海峡两岸流体力学研讨会,2016,3 [18]Guan, Hui,Wei, Zhi-Jun,Rasolkova, Elizabeth Rumenova,Wu, Chui-Jie.Numerical Simulations of Two Coaxial Vortex Rings Head-on Collision[J],ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS,2016,8(4):616-647 [19]Zhu Lin-Lin,Guan Hui,Wu Chui-Jie.Three-dimensional numerical simulation of a bird model in unsteady flight[J],COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS,2016,58(1):1-11 [20]Wei, Zhi-Jun,Wu, Chui-Jie,Guan, Hui.EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF KINEMATIC FLOW FIELD IN THE GEOMETRIC SIMILAR GTT TANKS[A],35th ASME International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,2016,1 [21]Li, Tao,Sui, Jingxia,Wu, Chuijie.Numerical investigation of dynamical behavior of tethered rigid spheres in supersonic flow[J],APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION,2016,37(6):749-760 [22]Peng, NaiFu,Guan, Hui,Wu, ChuiJie.Research on the optimal dynamical systems of three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations based on weighted residual[J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2016,59(4):1-8 [23]Guo, Shuang,Lu, Huawei,Gao, Nan,Liu, Jie,Wu, Chuijie.Simplified compound suction schemes of an aspirated highly loaded compressor cascade[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING,2016,230(4):628-638 [24]李涛,随晶侠,吴锤结.超声速流场中6自由度物体运动的模拟研究[J],应用数学和力学,2016,37(1):27-47 [25]吴锤结.空间站解体陨落中的多体运动与控制的数值模拟研究[A],非线性力学国家重点实验室(LNM)2016年度学术年会,2016 [26]高南,吴锤结.Effect of low-momentum-synthetic jets on a D-shaped cylinder wake at a subcriticle Reynolds number[J],Flow, Turbulence and Combustion,2016,97(1):729-742 [27]吴锤结.基于四面体动网格的1:6 扁球体自主运动的大涡模拟研究[A],2016 [28]吴锤结.Particle sedimentation using combined LB-IBM Scheme[A],2016 [29]吴锤结.Unsteady analysis of the six DOF of a 1:6 prolate spheroid[A],2016 [30]吴锤结.加权残数最优螺旋波基动力系统与湍流基元解[A],流体力学研讨会,2016 [31]吴锤结.湍流研究中的若干问题[A],湍流与流动稳定性专题研讨会,2016 [32]吴锤结,卫志军.Optimal dynamical systems of Navier-Stokes equations based on generalized helical-wave base & fundamental elements of turbulence[A],IUTAM Symposium: Helicity, Structures & Singularity in Fluid & Plasma Dynamics,2016 [33]吴锤结,卫志军.基于加权残数法的Navier-Stokes 方程最优低维动力系统建模理论研究[A],第十五届现代数学和力学学术会议,2016 [34]卫志军,吴锤结.Numerical simulations of interactions of three-dimensional compressible bubbles in a sealed container.[A],2016 [35]Li Tao,Sui JingXia,Gong Sheng,Wu ChuiJie.Dynamical separation of rigid bodies in supersonic flow[J],SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES,2015,58(12):2110-2121 [36]Sha, Jie,Zhang, Lixiang,Wu, Chuijie.A Novel Low-Dimensional Method for Analytically Solving Partial Differential Equations[J],ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS,2015,7(6):754-779 [37]Zhu LinLin,Guan Hui,Wu ChuiJie.A study of a three-dimensional self-propelled flying bird with flapping wings[J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2015,58(9) [38]关晖,薛亦菲,吴锤结.三维晃荡的数值模拟及拓扑优化减晃研究[A],2015中国力学大会,2015,229-229 [39]吴锤结.Vorticity dynamics and control of the three dimensional self-propelled travelling wave wall in ground effect[J],Procedia Engineering,2015 [40]吴锤结.三维扑翼鸟在自主飞行中俯仰角的控制和数值模拟[J],中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学,2015,46(6) [41]郭爽,陆华伟,宋彦萍,吴锤结.吸力面附面层抽吸在三维高负荷扩压叶栅中的作用机制[J],航空动力学报,2014,29(11):2529-2536 [42]关晖,薛亦菲,吴锤结.三维晃荡的数值模拟及拓扑优化在减晃中的应用研究[A],2014年中国计算力学大会,2014,1-7 [43]龚升,吴锤结,高南.孔壁通透率对平面附壁射流的影响[J],实验流体力学,2014,28(3):52-57 [44]吴锤结.Numerical Simulations of Two Coaxial Vortex Rings Head-on Collision[A],Proceedings of the Tenth Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference,2014 [45]吴锤结.Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations of Flexible Supersonic Parachute Breathing Motion[A],Proceedings of the Tenth Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference,2014 [46]吴锤结.Head on Collision of Two Coaxial Vortex Rings[A],2014 [47]吴锤结.Numerical simulation of a self-propelled flying of a with flapping wings[A],2014 [48]吴锤结.Dynamics of two coaxial vortex rings head-on collision[A],2014 [49]吴锤结.Vorticity Dynamics and Control of Self-Propelled Flying of a Three-Dimensional Bird[A],2014 [50]吴锤结.Breathing motion: fluid-structure interaction of flexible supersonic parachute[A],2014 [51]Guo, Shuang,Lu, Hua-Wei,Liu, Jie,Wu, Chui-Jie.THE EFFECTS OF CAVITY GEOMETRY ON AN ASPIRATED COMPRESSOR CASCADE[J],JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS,2014,52(1):117-128 [52]吴锤结.Vorticity Dynamics of Self-Propelled Locomotion of the Three Dimensional Traveling Wave Wall[A],2014 [53]郭爽,陆华伟,宋彦萍,吴锤结.端壁附面层抽吸对大转角扩压叶栅旋涡影响的实验研究[J],推进技术,2013,34(11):1466-1473 [54]关晖,吴锤结.展向喷嘴湍流横向射流大涡模拟及其统计分析[J],力学季刊,2013,34(3):353-360 [55]Xu D.,Guan H.,Wu C..Sound generation and interactions of shock waves with rows of vortices[J],Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2013,30(3):276-281 [56]Guo, Shuang,Lu, Huawei,Chen, Fu,Wu, Chuijie.Vortex control and aerodynamic performance improvement of a highly loaded compressor cascade via inlet boundary layer suction[J],EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS,2013,54(7) [57]吴锤结.消除三维旋涡尾迹[A],第八届全国流体力学青年研讨会,2013 [58]吴锤结.消除尾涡-历时二十四年的追求及其启示[A],第6届力学史与方法论会议-银川,2013 [59]吴锤结.Vorticity dynamics and swimming control of 3D bionic fish[A],IUTAM Symposium on Vortex Dynamics: Formation, Structure and Function,2013 [60]吴锤结.Vorticity dynamics and control of self-propelled swimming of a 3D wavy ray[A],第14届分离流与涡运动研讨会,2013 [61]吴锤结.Vorticity dynamics and control of self-propelled swimming of the 3D rays[A],2013 [62]Wu ChuiJie.Prof. FU Song won the Fellow Awards of the International Association for Computational Mechanics[J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2012,55(12):2492-2494 [63]Xin ZhiQiang,Wu ChuiJie.Numerical simulations and vorticity dynamics of self-propelled swimming of 3D bionic fish[J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2012,55(2):272-283 [64]许东阳,关晖,吴锤结.激波-多涡列-声场相互作用及其 POD 分析[J],中国科学 物理学 力学 天文学,2012,42(1):78-97 [65]吴锤结.Sound generation and interactions of shock waves with rows of vortices[A],2012 [66]吴锤结.Topology optimization of the three-dimensional fish tail[A],Abstract Book-23rd ICTAM, IUTAM & China Science Literature Publishing House,2012 [67]吴锤结.力学人生各阶段主攻目标初探[A],第五届全国力学史与方法论学术研讨会,2011,184-185 [68]许东洋,吴锤结.激波钝体相互作用的数值模拟[A],2011,1-6 [69]信志强,吴锤结.三维仿生鱼游动控制及涡动力学分析[A],2011,1-6 [70]吴锤结,信志强.三维仿生鱼尾鳍拓扑优化研究[A],第七届海峡两岸工程力学研讨会,2011,36-36 [71]Xin Z.Q.,Wu C.J..Vorticity dynamics of self-propelled swimming of 3D bionic fish[A],Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics: Recent Progresses in Fluid Dynamics Research, ICFM VI,2011,1376:473-475 [72]吴锤结.我们教鱼什么—鱼类尾鳍形态拓扑优化研究[A],第七届海峡两岸工程力学研讨会,2011 [73]吴锤结.可压流体在复杂边界条件下的浸没边界法[A],2011 [74]王亮,吴锤结."槽道效应"在鱼群游动中的节能机制研究[J],力学学报,2011,43(1):18-23 [75]Xin, Z. Q.,Wu, C. J..Vorticity Dynamics of Self-Propelled Swimming of 3D Bionic Fish[A],6th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics,2011,1376 [76]许东洋,吴锤结.激波与多涡列相互作用的数值模拟研究[A],中国计算力学大会'2010(CCCM2010)暨第八届南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM8),2010,8 [77]Wang Liang,Wu ChuiJie.An adaptive version of ghost-cell immersed boundary method for incompressible flows with complex stationary and moving boundaries[J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2010,53(5):923-932 [78]吴锤结.Where Is the Rudder of a Fish – The Mechanism of Swimming and Control of Self-propelled Fish School[A],The 8th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference,Invited lecture,2010 [79]吴锤结.“交叉型”教学在流体力学教学中的作用和研究[J],中国校外教育,2010,S2:64-79 [80]Wu, Chui-Jie,Wang, Liang.Vortex Dynamics Principles of Direction Control, Speed Control and Energy-saving Mechanism of Self-propelled Swimming of Fish School[A],12th International Conference on the Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science,2010,1233:153-+ [81]邹丽,吴锤结,王振.“交叉型”教学在流体力学教学中的作用于研究[J],中国校外教育,2010,7(7):65-65 [82]吴锤结.涡动力学研究最新进展及其未来发展的建议[A],中国力学学会2009学术大会,2009,1-8 [83]王亮,吴锤结.“槽道效应”在鱼群游动中的节能机制研究[A],中国力学学会2009学术大会,2009,1-7 [84]Wu, Chui-Jie,Wang, Liang.Adaptive Optimal Control of the Flapping Rule of a Fixed Flapping Plate[J],ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS,2009,1(3):402-414 [85]Guan Hui,Wu ChuiJie.Large-Eddy Simulations of turbulent flows with lattice Boltzmann dynamics and dynamical system sub-grid models[J],SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES,2009,52(3):670-679 [86]夏广庆,吴锤结.Research of Microhollow Cathode Discharge for the Application to Micro Plasma Thrusters[A],2009 [87]夏广庆,吴锤结.Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Microhollow Cathode Discharge for the Application to Micro Plasma Thrusters[A],2009 [88]邹丽,吴锤结,王振.同伦分析方法的初始猜测研究[A],中国力学学会学术大会会议论文集,2009 [89]ChuiJie, Wu,Ming, Wang,Liang, Wang.Large-eddy simulation of formation of three-dimensional aeolian sand ripples in a turbulent field[J],SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES G-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2008,51(8):945-960 [90]Wu ChuiJie,Wang Liang.A method of constructing a database-free optimal dynamical system and a global optimal dynamical system[J],SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES G-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2008,51(7):905-915 [91]吴锤结,王明,王亮.湍流风场中三维风成沙波纹形成过程的大涡模拟研究[J],中国科学. G辑, 物理学,力学,天文学,2008,38(6):637-652 [92]吴锤结.对流体力学与湍流研究未来发展的几点看法[A],2008年中青年流体力学研讨会,2008 [93]吴锤结.鱼游方向控制和鱼群节能机理的涡动力学原理[A],涡动力学与生物推进学术研讨会,2008 [94]吴锤结.二维仿生鱼群自主游动及控制的数值模拟研究[A],第十二届全国分离流、涡运动与流动控制学术会议,2008 [95]吴锤结.Where is the rudder of a fish -The mechanism of swimming and control of self-propelled fish school[A],International Workshop on Mechanics and Biomimetics of Biomaterials and Animal Locomotion,2008 [96]吴锤结.大型客机尾流控制及安全研究[A],大型客机前沿气动问题研讨会,2008 [97]吴锤结.Suppression of the von Karman vortex street behind a circular cylinder by a traveling wave generated by a flexible surface[A],the 6th International Conference on Vibration Engineering,2008 [98]吴锤结.Numerical Simulation of Self-Propelled Swimming of 3D Bionic Fish School[A],DUT-KMU 双边学术交流会,2008 [99]吴锤结.Mixing Property of Impinging Jets in Y Typed Micro Mixers[A],2008 [100]吴锤结.典型沙漠地貌形成与演化过程的湍流大涡模拟研究[A],2008
