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教育经历 1995.9 - 2004.4 大连理工大学 工程力学 博士 1990.9 - 1993.7 大连理工大学 船体 硕士 1980.9 - 1984.7 大连工学院 船体 学士 社会兼职 教育部/辽宁省本科教学审核评估专家 国家自然基金面上项目和青年基金项目通讯评审专家 国家海洋标准化技术委员会船舶理论与实验分技术委员会委员 《船舶力学》、《中国舰船研究》、《船舶》、《海船工程》、《兵器装备工程学报》编委


(1)船舶、海洋平台整体与局部结构振动分析预报; (2) 含损各向异性结构动力行为特征; (3)多层介质中声波动传递、耦合。 指导研究生方向: (1)加筋结构振动与声辐射特征行为; (2)复合材料层合结构振动与声特征行为; (3)工作激励下振动模态识别与状态监测; (4)海上大型结构水弹性研究(与上海交大付世晓合作培养)。


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[1]Li, Gen-Tian.Static and dynamic behavior analysis of damaged panel using finite element analysis[J],Chuan Bo Li Xue/Journal of Ship Mechanics,2022,9(6):93-102 [2]袁奎霖.Stress intensity factor calculation for surface crack in typical welded joints of ship structures by[A],Proceedings of the Thirtieth (2020) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference,2022,3211-3216 [3]Jiang D..Study on operational modal analysis of ship structure based on ambient excitation[A],16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2009, ICSV 2009,2022,2:1224-1231 [4]洪明.STUDY ON OPERATIONAL MODAL ANALYSIS OF SHIP STRUCTURES BASED ON AMBIENT EXCITATION[A],The sixteenth international congress on sound and vibration,2022 [5]Guo, Xin-Yi.Study on variations of acoustic radiation modes of a damaged stiffened panel[J],Chuan Bo Li Xue/Journal of Ship Mechanics,2022,9(2):115-123 [6]洪明.Nonlinear model predictive control based on LS-SVM Hammerstein-wiener model[J],Journal of Computational Information Systems,2022,8(4):1373-1381 [7]洪明.Opertional Modal Analysis of a Ship Model in the Presence of Harmonic Excitation[J],Journal of Marine Science and Application,2022,12(1):38-44 [8]洪明.Optimal Control of A Beam with Distributed Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators Based on A Precise In[J],Journal of Marine Science and Application,2022,11(1):44-51 [9]Yin, Yu-mei.Prediction of the vertical vibration of ship hull based on grey relational analysis and SVM method[J],JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,20(3):467-474 [10]Yin, Yumei.PREDICTING METHOD OF NATURAL FREQUENCY FOR SHIP'S OVERALL VERTICAL VIBRATION[J],Brodogradnja,2022,65(3):49-58 [11]Lei, Chuan.Modal Parameters Identification of Time-varying System Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform[A],3rd Asian Pacific Conference on Mechanical Components and Control Engineering (ICMCCE),2022,668-669:1081-1085 [12]崔洪宇.A damage detection method based on strain modes for structures under ambient excitation[J],MEASUREMENT,2022,125:438-446 [13]崔洪宇.A damage identification method for a thin plate structure based on PVDF sensors and strain mode[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C JOURNAL OF ME,2022,233(14):4881-4895 [14]崔洪宇.Adaptive inverse control of offshore jacket platform based on grey prediction[A],2011 2nd International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation, ICDMA 2011,2022,150-154 [15]洪明.Analytical solution of fundamental frequency of arbitrary laminated plates under various boundary co[J],Journal of Marine Science and Application,2022,14:46-52 [16]Yang, Jie.An efficient method for non-stationary random vibration analysis of beams[J],JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL,2022,17(13):2015-2022 [17]崔洪宇.An investigation of rolling bearing early diagnosis based on high-frequency characteristics and se[J],NEUROCOMPUTING,2022,216:649-656 [18]崔洪宇.An investigation on early bearing fault diagnosis based on wavelet transform and sparse component [J],STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL,2022,16(1):39-49 [19]崔洪宇.Application of VPMCD method based on PLS for rolling bearing fault diagnosis[J],Journal of Vibroengineering,2022,19(1):160-175 [20]崔洪宇.Crack Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Blades Based on EMD Method[A],2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Automation Science (ICMEAS),2022,157(1) [21]崔洪宇.Damage identification in a plate structure based on a cross-direction strain measurement method[J],MEASUREMENT,2022,158 [22]洪明.Hammerstein-wiener model predictive control of continuous stirred tank reactor[A],2011 International Conference on Electric and Electronics, EEIC 2011,2022,97 LNEE(VOL. 1):235-242 [23]Jiang L..Improved ultrasonic piezoceramic sandwich transducer[A],20th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-2010,2022,4:394-397 [24]洪明.The Analytical Study and Modal Identification Experiment on Free Vibration of Beams Carrying Multipl[J],Journal of Marine Science and Application,2022,13(1):32-40 [25]Xu, J.C..The contrast experimental study on operational modal analysis of ship structural model[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials,2022,226-228:241-246 [26]Huang X.F..The optimal location of piezoelectric sensor/actuator based on adaptive genetic algorithm[A],4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, ADME 2014,2022,635-637:799-804 [27]洪明.The Optimal Location of Piezoelectric Sensor/Actuator Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials,2022,635(1):799-804 [28]Wang, Zhuang.The LQG Control of Piezoelectric Intelligent Structure Based on the Finite Element Method[A],11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2022,3903-3908 [29]王智.The LQG control of piezoelectric intelligent structure based on the finite element method[A],2014 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA 2014,2022,2015-March(March):3903-3908 [30]袁奎霖.2D weight functions of stress intensity factors for high aspect ratio semi-elliptical surface crac[J],THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS,2022,110 [31]黄怀州.海洋平台运作中的安全文化[J],中国海洋平台,2022,19(1):42-44 [32]姜琳.海底阻抗对浅海波导中椭球体的声散射研究[J],船舶力学,2022,6:1013-1021 [33]张雨华.滚装船增设车库通风系统噪声控制[A],2022,2 [34]张雨华.滚装船车库通风系统噪声控制[J],造船技术,2022,6:34-35,39 [35]万岭.环境激励下船体模态参数识别实验研究[J],振动与冲击,2022,8:57-61 [36]洪明.环境激励下船体模态参数识别的实验研究[J],振动与冲击,2022,31(8):59-63 [37]洪明.环境激励下船舶结构模态参数识别方法综述[J],船舶,2022,5:1-16 [38]黄秀峰.振动控制中压电元件优化配置研究进展[J],压电与声光,2022,5:768-779 [39]张强.损伤引起加筋板结构屈曲性态变异研究[J],中国舰船研究,2022,2(1):24-29 [40]姜琳.敷设阻尼有限板在半空间中声散射的试验研究[J],船舶力学,2022,9:1065-1070
