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2009年7月本科毕业于西南交通大学交通工程专业(茅以升交运班),同年9月免试进入同济大学交通运输学院交通信息工程及控制专业硕博连读,师从我国著名交通工程专家杨晓光教授,2015 年12月获同济大学工学博士学位。博士就读期间,受中国国家留学基金资助,于2012年9月-2013年9月以联合培养博士生身份赴日本京都大学工学研究科都市社会工学专攻访学,外方导师为Jan-dirk Schmöcker副教授。 教育经历 2009.92015.12 同济大学交通信息工程及控制博士 2005.92009.6 西南交通大学交通工程学士 工作经历 2016.1至今 大连理工大学交通运输学院讲师


交通行为分析与建模 城市公共交通运营与管理 智能交通


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

张栋.The Impacts of Social Norms on Passengers’ Misbehavior in the Metro Carriage[A],2021,5237-5249 姚荣涵.Period Division-Based Markov Models for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction[J],IEEE ACCESS,2021,8:178345-178359 丛龙泽,张栋,王明莉,徐洪峰,李立.Coordination of City Economy and Port Throughput: a Panel Data Approach[A],2019,1-19 Li, Li,Lu, Qing-Chang,Zhang, Dong,Wang, Ping,Wang, Gui-Ping.Unbalanced Multiple Left Turn Lane Usage Modelling: From Individual Choice to Aggregate Volume[J],JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION,2019,2019 Li, Li,Zhang, Dong.Merging Vehicles and Lane Speed-Flow Relationship in a Work Zone[J],SUSTAINABILITY,2018,10(7) 张栋,王明莉,闫亚文.基于用户感知的公共自行车服务质量测度模型[J],交通运输研究,2018,4(1):22-27 徐洪峰,柳爽,张栋,郑启明.单点全感应式信号控制方法的参数取值[J],吉林大学学报(工学版),2018,01:45-52 安健,郭继孚,张栋,董杨慧,孙玲.公交优先发展评价刍议——打造非小汽车导向的城市出行环境[J],城市交通,2018,16(4):1-8,33 Li, Li,Zhang, Dong,Xu, Zhi-gang,Wang, Ping,Wang, Gui-ping.The Roles of Car Following and Lane Changing Drivers' Anticipations during Vehicle Inserting Pr...[J],JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION,2018,2018 Li, Li,Zhang, Dong.Spatial Characteristics of Merging Decision Making and Implementation at Highway Work Zone[A],2017,1081-1087 张栋.The impact of attitudes and perceptions on high speed rail usage uptake in Taiwan and the Shangha...[J],Asian Transport Studies,2017,4(3):601-620 张栋,徐洪峰.How temporally seamless is our bus service: smart card and AVL data joint analysis[A],2017,1-21 张栋.Balance of Traffic Distribution on Multiple Left-Turn Lanes: A Compositional Analyzing Approach[A],2017,1-22 Li, Li,Chang, Yun-Tao,Zhang, Dong,Xu, Hong-Feng.Modelling the Effect of Human Anticipation on Driving Maneuvers in Lane Changing Process[A],2017 Li, Li,Chang, Yun-Tao,Zhang, Dong,Peng, Zhong-Ren,Xu, Hong-Feng.A Comprehensive Analysis of Drivers' Left-turn Lane Preferences at Signalized Intersection[A],2016,393-400 Xu, Hongfeng,Zhang, Kun,Zhang, Dong.Multi-level traffic control at large four-leg roundabouts[J],JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION,2016,50(6):988-1007 张栋.The impact of attitudes and perceptions on high speed rail usage uptake in Taiwan and the Shangha...[A],2016,1-16
