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教育经历 2000.12 2005.4 帝国理工学院 计算机科学 博士 1987.9 1990.7 中国科技大学 计算机体系结构 硕士 工作经历 2007.12 至今 大连理工大学 教授 2007.11 2009.9 Imperial College london.UK Reserch Hssociate 2006.4 2007.10 Royal Holloway University of London Reserch Hssociate 2000.6 2006.3 Imperial College london.UK Reserch Hssistant 1999.11 2000.5 英国华威大学计算机系 访问学者




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[1]Xu, Lijuan,Wang, Fan,Dempere-Marco, Laura,Wang, Qi,Yang, Yan,Hu, Xiaopeng.Path-Based Analysis for Structure-Preserving Image Filtering[J],JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL IMAGING AND VISION,2020,62(2):253-271 [2]Xu, Lijuan,Dempere-Marco, Laura,Wang, Fan,Ji, Zhihang,Hu, Xiaopeng.Towards path-based semantic dissimilarity estimation for scene representation using bottleneck analysis[J],IET COMPUTER VISION,2019,13(8):691-699 [3]Xu, Lijuan,Ji, Zhihang,Dempere-Marco, Laura,Wang, Fan,Hu, Xiaopeng.Gestalt-grouping based on path analysis for saliency detection[J],SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION,2019,78:9-20 [4]杨燕,胡小鹏,吴思宁,王凡,刘培启.基于注意力选择的局部特征匹配方法[J],大连理工大学学报,2019,59(2):186-193 [5]Hu, Xiaopeng,Li, Jingting,Yang, Yan,Wang, Fan.Reliability verification-based convolutional neural networks for object tracking[J],IET IMAGE PROCESSING,2019,13(1):175-185 [6]Wang, Qi,Tang, Shuangshuo,Zhai, Dingding,Hu, Xiaopeng.Salience based object tracking in complex scenes[J],NEUROCOMPUTING,2018,314:132-142 [7]翟丁丁,王琦,杨燕,王凡,胡小鹏.适用于旋转摄像下目标检测的图像补偿[J],中国图象图形学报,2018,23(9):1393-1402 [8]Lv, Zefeng,Wang, Fan,Hu, Xiaopeng,Yang, Yan.ENERGY-BALANCING, LOCAL DATA CORRELATION-AWARE CLUSTERING ALGORITHM FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION,2018,33(5):488-494 [9]Ji, Zhihang,Wu, Sining,Wang, Fan,Xu, Lijuan,Yang, Yan,Hu, Xiaopeng.Mining Regional Co-Occurrence Patterns for Image Classification[J],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2018 [10]Lu, Zhixing,Sun, Yuanyuan,Hu, Xiaopeng.PERIOD REGION DISTRIBUTIONS OF MCMULLEN FAMILY M SETS[J],FRACTALS-COMPLEX GEOMETRY PATTERNS AND SCALING IN NATURE AND SOCIETY,2017,25(4) [11]Yang, Yan,Hu, Xiaopeng,Xu, Lijuan,Wang, Fan.SIFT Saliency Analysis for Matching Repetitive Structures[J],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2017,2017 [12]Yan J.,Sun Y.,Guan Y.,Hu X..A texture descriptor combining fractal and LBP complex networks[A],2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, BIBM 2016,2017,524- [13]Aslam, Muhammad,Wang, Fan,Lv, Zefeng,Asad, Muhammad,Zafar, Samra,Munir, Ehsan Ullah,Hu, Xiaopeng.Energy Efficient Cubical layered Path Planning Algorithm (EECPPA) for Acoustic UWSNs[A],2017 IEEE PACIFIC RIM CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTERS AND SIGNALPROCESSING (PACRIM),2017,2017-January:1-6 [14]Aslam, Muhammad,Wang, Fan,Hu, Xiaopeng,Asad, Muhammad,Munir, Ehsan Ullah.Multihopping Multilevel Clustering Heterogeneity-Sensitive Optimized Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks[J],JOURNAL OF SENSORS,2017,2017 [15]Yan, Jundong,Sun, Yuanyuan,Cai, Shanshan,Hu, Xiaopeng.AN IMPROVED BOX-COUNTING METHOD TO ESTIMATE FRACTAL DIMENSION OF IMAGES[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANALYSIS AND COMPUTATION,2016,6(4):1114-1125 [16]Wang, Qi,Hu, Xiaopeng.Scene analysis for effective visual search in rough three-dimensional-modeling scenes[J],JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC IMAGING,2016,25(6) [17]Wang, Fan,Wu, Sining,Wang, Kunpeng,Hu, Xiaopeng.Energy-Efficient Clustering Using Correlation and Random Update Based on Data Change Rate for Wireless Sensor Networks[J],IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2016,16(13):5471-5480 [18]Yan, Jundong,Sun, Yuanyuan,Guan, Yawen,Hu, Xiaopeng.A Texture Descriptor Combining Fractal and LBP Complex Networks[A],IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEEBIBM),2016,524-524 [19]Ni, Zai-wen,Wang, Fan,Hu, Xiao-peng.Hypercube KNN-based adaptive anomaly detection for wireless sensor networks[A],WIRELESS COMMUNICATION AND SENSOR NETWORK,2016,649-657 [20]胡小鹏.Adaptive energy-efficient clustering path planning routing protocolsfor heterogeneous wireless sensor networks[J],networks,Sustainable Computing:Informatics and Systems,2016,6:57-71 [21]王凡,胡小鹏.Efficient Clustering Routing Algorithm Based on Opportunistic Routing[J],Int. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences,2016,9:198-208 [22]He, Shuyou,Hu, Xiaopeng.Chinese Character Recognition in Natural Scenes[A],9th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design(ISCID),2016,124-127 [23]Xu, Lijuan,Wang, Fan,Yang, Yan,Hu, Xiaopeng,Sun, Yuanyuan.Graph-Based Salient Region Detection through Linear Neighborhoods[J],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2016,2016 [24]Wei, Qiang,Wang, Xing-yuan,Hu, Xiao-peng.Feedback chaotic synchronization of a complex chaotic system with disturbances[J],JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL,2015,21(15):3067-3071 [25]Xu, Rudan,Sun, Yuanyuan,Yang, Zhihao,Song, Bo,Hu, Xiaopeng.The Classification of HEp-2 Cell Patterns Using Fractal Descriptor[J],IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEEBIBM),2015,14(5,SI):513-520 [26]Sun, Yuanyuan,Xu, Rudan,Chen, Lina,Hu, Xiaopeng.Image compression and encryption scheme using fractal dictionary and Julia set[J],IET IMAGE PROCESSING,2015,9(3):173-183 [27]Wei, Qiang,Wang, Xing-Yuan,Hu, Xiao-Peng.Inverse optimal control for permanent magnet synchronous motor[J],JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL,2015,21(4):801-807 [28]Luo, Mengzhenfeng,Wang, Fan,Hu, Xiaopeng.Estimating Missing Values of WSN using modified Frequent itemsets mining and NN search[A],4th International Conference on Computer, Mechatronics, Control andElectronic Engineering (ICCMCEE),2015,37:673-678 [29]靳永刚,王凡,胡小鹏.基于曲率尺度空间的轮廓线匹配方法[J],山东大学学报(理学版),2014,49(12):43-48 [30]Fu, Bo,Jin, Yong-Gang,Wang, Fan,Hu, Xiao-Peng.PRIOR FUSION BASED SALIENT OBJECT DETECTION[A],11th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active MediaTechnology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP),2014,106-109 [31]Li, Qing,Wang, Fan,Hu, Xiaopeng.A FAST LANE DETECTION ALGORITHM BASED ON BRIGHTNESS DIFFERENCE[A],11th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active MediaTechnology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP),2014,253-256 [32]Wei, Qiang,Wang, Xing-yuan,Hu, Xiao-peng.Adaptive hybrid complex projective synchronization of chaotic complex system[J],TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL,2014,36(8):1093-1097 [33]Wei, Qiang,Wang, Xing-yuan,Hu, Xiao-peng.Finite-time hybrid projective synchronization of unified chaotic system[J],TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL,2014,36(8):1069-1073 [34]王凡,冯楠,胡小鹏.一种基于 RRT-ConCon 改进的路径规划算法[J],大连理工大学学报,2014,54(6):637-643 [35]Zhang Hu,Wang Fan,Hu Xiaopeng.IMPROVED MINIMUM HOP ROUTING PROTOCOL BASED ON RESIDUAL ENERGY AND CONGESTION[A],4th IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and DigitalContent (IEEE IC-NIDC),2014,22-26 [36]Wei B.,Wang F.,Hu X..Rotation-invariant template matching based on ring projection and orientation codes[A],5th International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, ICICIP 2014,2014,192-197 [37]Wei, Qiang,Wang, Xing-yuan,Hu, Xiao-peng.Chaos Synchronization in Complex Oscillators Networks with Time Delay via Adaptive Complex Feedback Control[J],CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2014,33(8):2427-2447 [38]Sun, Yuanyuan,Xu, Rudan,Chen, Lina,Kong, Ruiqing,Hu, Xiaopeng.A Novel Fractal Coding Method Based on M-J Sets[J],PLOS ONE,2014,9(7):e101697 [39]Wu Jiang,Yang Yan,Wang Fan,Hu Xiaopeng.The Progressive Target Search Mechanism of Visual Scene[A],13th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and InformationScience (ICIS),2014,195-199 [40]Wei, Qiang,Wang, Xing-yuan,Hu, Xiao-Peng.Optimal control for permanent magnet synchronous motor[J],JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL,2014,20(8):1176-1184 [41]Zhao, Dong,Yang, Yan,Ji, Zhihang,Hu, Xiaopeng.Rapid multimodality registration based on MM-SURF[J],NEUROCOMPUTING,2014,131:87-97 [42]Wei, Qiang,Wang, Xing-yuan,Hu, Xiao-peng.Hybrid function projective synchronization in complex dynamical networks[J],AIP ADVANCES,2014,4(2) [43]Xu, Rudan,Sun, Yuanyuan,Yang, Zhihao,Song, Bo,Hu, Xiaopeng.Fractal Descriptor Applied to the Classification of HEp-2 Cell Patterns[A],IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEEBIBM),2014,237-241 [44]王凡,胡小鹏.基于曲率尺度空间的轮廓线匹配法[J],山东大学学报(理学版),2014,49(11):9-24 [45]Wang, Fan,Jiang, Xiao,Hu, Xiao Peng.A TBB-CUDA Implementation for Background Removal in a Video-Based Fire Detection System[J],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2014,2014 [46]Wei, Bohong,Wang, Fan,Hu, Xiaopeng.Rotation-invariant Template Matching Based on Ring Projection and Orientation Codes[A],5th International Conference on Intelligent Control and InformationProcessing (ICICP),2014,192-197 [47]胡小鹏.Congestion Control Based on Multi-priority Data for Opportunistic Routing[A],2013,418:122-132 [48]胡小鹏.A Method of Acceleration Applied in Symmetric-SIFT and SIFT[A],2013,575-582 [49]Sun, Yuanyuan,Xu, Rudan,Chen, Lina,Hu, Xiaopeng.Image Retrieval Based on Fractal Dictionary Parameters[J],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2013,2013 [50]Wang Kuiwei,Xu Lijuan,Sun Haiyan,Hu Xiaopeng.Small Target Detection and Tracking Based on Hole Filling Algorithm and Kalman Filter[A],2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology(ICCSNT),2012,1245-1248 [51]Shi Guomin,Sun Haiyan,Zhao Dong,Hu Xiaopeng.Multi-Scale Object Tracking Based on Mean Shift and AUC[A],2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology(ICCSNT),2012,1249-1252 [52]胡小鹏.Small target detection and tracking based on hole filling algorithm and kalman[A],2012 [53]Liu Weili,Wang Fan,Hu Xiaopeng,Yang Yan.Detection of Fire Based On Multi-Sensor Fusion[A],International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology(ICCSNT),2012,223-227 [54]Liu W.,Wang F.,Hu X.,Yang Y..Detection of fire based on multi-sensor fusion[A],2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, ICCSNT 2011,2011,1:223-227 [55]Yang Y.,Hu X.,Wang F.,Wang K..Scene analysis for fire detection[A],2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, ICCSNT 2011,2011,1:425-429 [56]Dempere-Marco, Laura,Hu, Xiaopeng,Yang, Guang-Zhong.A Novel Framework for the Analysis of Eye Movements during Visual Search for Knowledge Gathering[J],COGNITIVE COMPUTATION,2011,3(1,SI):206-222 [57]胡小鹏,孙怡.Background Modeling for Fire Detection[A],2011 [58]胡小鹏.Novel Framework for the Analysis of Eye Movements during Visual Search for Knowledge Gathering[J],Cognitive Computation,2010,2(9085):9-26
