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教育经历 2010.9 2016.6 大连理工大学 热能工程 博士 2006.9 2010.7 上海理工大学 热能与动力工程 学士 2003.9 2006.7 许昌县三高 无 工作经历 2016.10 至今 大连理工大学 2016.8 2016.9 潍柴动力股份有限公司


化学反应动力学机理中非线性关系分析 骨架氧化机理的构建及不确定性研究


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Xu, Zhen.Computational optimization of fuel supply, syngas composition, and intake conditions for a syng...[J],FUEL,2021,234:120-134 李耀鹏.Comprehensive analysis of exergy destruction sources in different engine combustion regimes[J],ENERGY,2021,149:697-708 李耀鹏.Principle of determining the optimal operating parameters based on fuel properties and initial ...[J],FUEL,2021,216:284-295 Xiao, Junhua.Numerical optimization and comparative study of n-butanol concentration stratification combusti...[J],FUEL,2021,213:83-97 范玮卫.基于着火延迟数据的外延法预测燃料的十六烷值[J],燃烧科学与技术,2022,3:224-228 常亚超.基于解耦法构建柴油表征燃料的骨架机理[J],工程热物理学报,2022,35(12):2521-2525 范玮卫.基于非劣解排序遗传算法的航空煤油燃烧特性数值模拟分析[J],河南机电高等专科学校学报,2022,28(1):46-54 范玮卫.定容弹与激波管着火延迟相关性研究[A],中国内燃机学会燃烧节能净化分会2016年学术年会,2022,124-129 范玮卫.定容弹与激波管着火延迟相关性研究[A],2021,124-129 Xu, Guangfu.Evaluation of variable compression ratio (VCR) and variable valve timing (VVT) strategies in a ...[J],FUEL,2021,253:114-128 Cao, Jingjie.Establishment of an improved heat transfer model based on an enhanced thermal wall function for...[J],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2021,195:748-759 Zhang, Yanzhi.Construction of a decoupling physical-chemical surrogate (DPCS) for practical diesel fuel[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2021,149:536-547 Wang, Pengfei.Development of a decoupling physical-chemical surrogate (DPCS) model for simulation of the spra...[J],FUEL,2021,240:16-30 Xu, Guangfu.Potential of reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) combustion coupled with variable...[J],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2021,171:683-698 庞斌.柴油多元表征燃料多环芳烃生成模型的开发[J],内燃机学报,2022,32(4):289-295 李耀鹏.柴油/甲醇活性控制压燃(RCCI)发动机的参数优化[A],中国内燃机学会燃烧净化节能分会2013年学术年会论文集中国内燃机学会,2022,1-8 王鹏飞.Development of a decoupling physical-chemical surrogate (DPCS) model for simulation of the spra...[J],FUEL,2022,240:16-30 常亚超.Development of a new skeletal mechanism for n-decane oxidation under engine-relevant conditions...[J],COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2022,160(8):1315-1332 Dong, Xue.Development of a practical reaction model of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) formation an...[J],FUEL,2022,267 常亚超.Development of a Reduced Chemical Mechanism for Dimethyl[A],SAE INTERNATIONAL POWERTRAINS, FUELS AND LUBRICANTS MEETING,2022 常亚超.Development of a Reduced Chemical Mechanism for Dimethyl Ether (DME) Using a Decoupling Methodolo...[A],SAE 2017 International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, FFL 2017,2022,2017-October 常亚超.Detailed mechanism reduction using global sensitivity analysis based on reaction class[A],12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019,2022 常亚超.Development of a skeletal mechanism for diesel surrogate fuel by using a decoupling methodology[J],COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2022,162(10):3785-3802 常亚超.Development of a skeletal oxidation mechanism for biodiesel surrogate[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE,2022,35(3):3037-3044 Niu, Bo.Efficient Approach for the Optimization of Skeletal Chemical Mechanisms with Multiobjective Gen...[J],ENERGY FUELS,2022,32(6):7086-7102 Cao, Jingjie.Establishment of an improved heat transfer model based on an enhanced thermal wall function for...[J],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2022,195:748-759 李耀鹏.Evaluation of the necessity of exhaust gas recirculation employment for a methanol/diesel react...[J],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2022,101:40-51 徐光甫.Evaluation of variable compression ratio (VCR) and variable valve timing (VVT) strategies in a ...[J],FUEL,2022,253:114-128 段会全.Experimental study on the influence of low-temperature combustion (LTC) mode and fuel propertie...[J],FUEL,2022,256 Wang, Pengzhi.Influence of the functional group of fuels on the construction of skeletal chemical mechanisms:...[J],COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2022,221:120-135 Dong, Xue.Kinetic Modeling Study of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Formation and Oxidation for Oxygenate...[J],ENERGY FUELS,2022,34(4):4882-4898 李耀鹏.The principle of determining the optimized operating parameters based on the adopted fuel propert...[A],11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2017,2022,2017-December 李耀鹏.Thermodynamic energy and exergy analysis of three different engine combustion regimes[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2022,180:849-858 李耀鹏.Towards a comprehensive understanding of the influence of fuel properties on the combustion cha...[J],能源,2022,99:69-82 Fan, Weiwei.Understanding of the Ignition Behavior of n-Heptane Spray in Constant Volume Combustion Bombs F...[J],ENERGY FUELS,2022,33(12):12830-12838 Fan, Weiwei.Understanding the Relationship between Cetane Number and the Ignition Delay in Shock Tubes for ...[J],ENERGY FUELS,2022,29(5):3413-3427 王继国.Adsorption equilibrium of ethylene-carbon dioxide mixture on zeolite ZSM5[A],Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis,2022,28(C):555-562 Zhang, Yanzhi.A molecular dynamics study of binary-component n-alkane fuel vaporization characteristics at sub/...[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE,2022,38(3):3303-3312 常亚超.Application of a Decoupling Methodology for Development of Skeletal Oxidation Mechanisms for He...[J],ENERGY FUELS,2022,27(6):3467-3479 李耀鹏.Comprehensive analysis of exergy destruction sources in different engine combustion regimes[J],能源,2022,149:697-708 Xu, Zhen.Computational optimization of fuel supply, syngas composition, and intake conditions for a syng...[J],FUEL,2022,234:120-134 李耀鹏.Comparing the Exergy Destruction of Methanol and Gasoline in Reactivity Controlled Compression Ig...[A],SAE World Congress Experience, WCX 2017,2022,2017-March(March) 贾明.Comparing the Exergy Destruction of Methanol and Gasoline in Reactivity Controlled Compression Ig...[J],SAE,2022 常亚超.Construction and assessment of reduced oxidation mechanisms using global sensitivity analysis a...[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE,2022,37(1):751-761 常亚超.Construction and derivation of a series of skeletal chemical mechanisms for n-alkanes with unifor...[J],COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2022,236 Zhang, Yanzhi.Construction of a decoupling physical-chemical surrogate (DPCS) for practical diesel fuel[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2022,149:536-547 常亚超.Construction of a skeletal mechanism for butanol isomers based on the decoupling methodology[J],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2022,128:250-260 Zhou, Chengyu.Construction of a Skeletal Oxidation Mechanism for 2,5-Dimethylfuran Using Decoupling Methodolo...[J],ENERGY FUELS,2022,34(12):16654-16665 常亚超.Construction of a skeletal oxidation mechanism of n-pentanol by integrating decoupling methodol...[J],COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2022,194:15-27 Niu, Bo.Construction of reduced oxidation mechanisms of polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers (PODE1-6) with c...[J],COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2022,232 常亚超.Construction of Skeletal Oxidation Mechanisms for the Saturated Fatty Acid Methyl Esters from M...[J],ENERGY FUELS,2022,29(2):1076-1089 李耀鹏.燃油特性对活性控制压燃(RCCI)发动机性能的影响[A],中国内燃机学会燃烧节能净化分会2015年学术年会,2022,1165-1174 李耀鹏.甲醇比例和EGR率对柴油/甲醇活性控制压燃(RCCI)发动机燃烧特性的影响[A],中国内燃机学会燃烧节能净化分会2014年学术年会暨先进发动机节能及测试技术论坛,2022,997-1004 常亚超.解耦法:一个构建简化或骨架机理的有效方法[J],物理化学学报,2022,32(9):2209-2215 Niu, Bo.Novel Method for Quantitative Assessment of Reduced Chemical Mechanisms Based on the Inherent Sim...[J],ENERGY & FUELS,2022,35(5):4478-4492 Yue, Meng.Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Combustion Characteristics of Premixed Lean Methan...[J],Energies,2022,13(23) Xiao, Junhua.Numerical optimization and comparative study of n-butanol concentration stratification combusti...[J],FUEL,2022,213:83-97 李耀鹏.Parametric study and optimization of a RCCI (reactivity controlled compression ignition) engine...[J],能源,2022,65:319-332 徐光甫.Potential of reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) combustion coupled with variable...[J],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2022,171:683-698 李耀鹏.Principle of determining the optimal operating parameters based on fuel properties and initial ...[J],FUEL,2022,216:284-295 常亚超.Reduction of Detailed Chemical Mechanisms Using Reaction Class Based Global Sensitivity and Pat...[J],ENERGY FUELS,2022,33(9):9289-9301 常亚超.Reduction of large-scale chemical mechanisms using global sensitivity analysis on reaction clas...[J],COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2022,212(212):355-366 Fan, Weiwei.Similarity Analysis of the Chemical Kinetic Mechanism on the Ignition Delay in Shock Tubes and Ho...[A],SAE 2017 International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, FFL 2017,2022,2017-October 牛波.遗传算法优化主要参比燃料的骨架机理[A],中国内燃机学会燃烧节能净化分会2016年学术年会论文集中国内燃机学会,2022,117-123 Niu, Bo.Efficient Approach for the Optimization of Skeletal Chemical Mechanisms with Multiobjective Gen...[J],ENERGY & FUELS,2021,32(6):7086-7102 常亚超.Development of a Reduced Chemical Mechanism for Dimethyl Ether (DME) Using a Decoupling Methodolo...[A],2021,2017-October 常亚超.Construction and assessment of reduced oxidation mechanisms using global sensitivity analysis a...[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE,2021,37(1):751-761 常亚超.Construction of a skeletal oxidation mechanism of n-pentanol by integrating decoupling methodol...[J],COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2021,194:15-27 Zhou, Chengyu.Construction of a Skeletal Oxidation Mechanism for 2,5-Dimethylfuran Using Decoupling Methodolo...[J],ENERGY & FUELS,2021,34(12):16654-16665 Wang, Pengzhi.Influence of the functional group of fuels on the construction of skeletal chemical mechanisms:...[J],COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2021,221:120-135 Dong, Xue.Kinetic Modeling Study of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Formation and Oxidation for Oxygenate...[J],ENERGY & FUELS,2021,34(4):4882-4898 Dong, Xue.Development of a practical reaction model of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) formation an...[J],FUEL,2021,267 常亚超.Reduction of large-scale chemical mechanisms using global sensitivity analysis on reaction clas...[J],COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2021,212(212):355-366 常亚超.Reduction of Detailed Chemical Mechanisms Using Reaction Class Based Global Sensitivity and Pat...[J],ENERGY & FUELS,2021,33(9):9289-9301 常亚超.Detailed mechanism reduction using global sensitivity analysis based on reaction class[A],2021 Duan, Huiquan.Experimental study on the influence of low-temperature combustion (LTC) mode and fuel propertie...[J],FUEL,2021,256 李耀鹏.Comparing the Exergy Destruction of Methanol and Gasoline in Reactivity Controlled Compression Ig...[A],2021,2017-March(March) 范玮卫.基于着火延迟数据的外延法预测燃料的十六烷值[J],燃烧科学与技术,2021,22(3):224-228 Fan, Weiwei,Chang, Yachao,Jia, Ming,Liu, Gang.Understanding of the Ignition Behavior of n-Heptane Spray in Constant Volume Combustion Bombs F...[J],ENERGY & FUELS,2019,33(12):12830-12838 Fan, Weiwei,Jia, Ming,Chang, Yachao,Li, Yaopeng.Similarity Analysis of the Chemical Kinetic Mechanism on the Ignition Delay in Shock Tubes and Ho...[A],2017,2017-October
