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教育经历 1985.9 1989.7 大连理工大学 内燃机 博士 1982.9 1985.7 大连工学院 热能工程 硕士 1978.9 1982.7 哈尔滨船舶工程学院 核动力 学士 工作经历 1985.6 至今 大连理工大学能源与动力学院 教师


多相流动与传热传质 热力系统与设备节能 多效蒸发海水淡化 高效蒸发技术


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王天娇.Droplet Wetting Propagation on a Hybrid-Wettability Surface[J],LANGMUIR,2021,37:11646-11656 孙瑜.火积耗散理论在水平管降膜蒸发器性能分析中的应用[A],2021 梁刚涛.Impact of droplet on flowing liquid film: Experimental and numerical determinations[J],International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,2021,126:105459-105459 郭亚丽.横管降膜蒸发过程中喷淋密度对传热系数影响的数值研究[J],工程热物理学报,2021,41(10):2571-2579 郭亚丽.横管降膜蒸发换热影响因素分析[A],2021 陈石.An undamped oscillation model with two different contact angles for a spherical droplet impacting...[J],VESTNIK SAMARSKOGO GOSUDARSTVENNOGO TEKHNICHESKOGO UNIVERSITETA-SERIYA-FIZIKO-MATEMATICHESKIYE NAUKI,2021,24(2):390-400 项祝捷.水中不凝气体气泡析出过程数值模拟[A],2021 朱光泽.海水热物性及空气溶解度[A],2021 林开欣.竖直壁面液膜自由流动特性的数值模拟[A],2021,B20200023 涨德.旋流式实心喷嘴干涉喷淋特性实验研究[A],2021 庄钰.A Simultaneous Optimization Model for a Heat-integrated Syngas-to-Methanol Process with Kalina Cy...[J],Energy,2021,227:120536- Mengting Song.Thermodynamic performance assessment of SOFC-RC-KC system for multiple waste heat recovery[J],Energy Conversion and Management,2021,245:114579- Mengting Song.Advanced exergy analysis for the solid oxide fuel cell system combined with a kinetic-based model...[J],Energy Conversion and Management,2021,245:114560- 柳山林.The falling, necking, and break-up of droplet between horizontal tubes with low Reynolds number[J],International Journal of Multiphase Flow,2021,142:103717-103717 梁刚涛.Experiments and modeling of boiling heat transfer on hybrid-wettability surfaces[J],International Journal of Multiphase Flow,2021,144:103810-103810 梁刚涛.Assessment of nanofluids pool boiling critical heat flux[J],International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2021,164:120403-120403 王家骏.Interfacial phenomena in impact of droplet array on liquid film[J],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2021,615:126292-126292 龚路远.The coupling process of steam condensation and falling flm evaporation with non-condensable gas[J],International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2021,107201-107201 郭亚丽.Effects of preheater arrangement on performance of MED desalination system[J],DESALINATION,2021,496 刘[21]郭亚丽.Double droplets simultaneous impact on liquid film[A],7th International Conference on Cooling and Heating Technologies (ICCHT),2015,88(1) 邱庆刚.Effect of Helix-alike Fin Height on Flow and Heat Transfer in Internal Cooling Duct[A],4th International Conference on Cooling and Heating Technologies. Jinhae, Korea,2008,481-488 张博.Effect of operating conditions on water injector of district heating supply system[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,152(154):1041-1045 李红军.Effect of mixing chamber structure on a steam ejector performance[A],5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics,2007,496-496 郭亚丽.Effects of seawater parameters on feed flow pattern and performance of the system in MEE desalina...[A],The International Desalination Association World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse 2017,2017 Ni, Bing.Effects of temperature and salinity on fouling in hypersaline seawater[J],Desalination and Water Treatment,2020,173:41-48 杨洛鹏.Energy-consumption analysis of a configuration of anabsorption vapor compression coupled to MED i...[J],Desalination and Water Treatment,2010,18(1):38-45 穆海林.Energy Consumption and Nox Emmision from Steelmaking in China[A],4th International Conference on Heating and Cooling Technologies,2008 端木琳.Establishment of human thermoregulation model and simplified solution in non-uniform environmen...[A],1st International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2008),2008,625-631 Mingxin Li.A surrogate-based optimization framework for simultaneous synthesis of chemical process and heat ...[J],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2021,170:180-188 梁刚涛.Experimental investigation of a drop impact on wetted spheres[J],EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE,2014,55(5):150-157 郭亚丽.Evolution and heat transfer after droplet impact on heated liquid film with vapor bubbles insid...[J],NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART B FUNDAMENTALS,2019,76(5):273-284 沈胜强.Experimental investigation of falling film evaporation heat transfer coefficient on horizontal tu...[A],The 7th International Conference on Fluid and Thermal Energy Conversion,2011,216-224 权生林.Experimenal study of droplet impact on low temperature solid[A],ICTST 2015,2015 权生林.Experimenal Study of Solidification Characteristics of Droplet[A],Euromed 2015 Desalination for Clean Water and Energy,2015 郭亚丽.Evolution of droplet impact on liquid film[A],the International Conference on Fluid and Thermal Energy Conversion,FTEC2013,2013 沈胜强.Experimental investigation of shell-side steam pressure drop in crossflow in a horizontal falli...[A],7th International Conference on Cooling and Heating Technologies (ICCHT),2015,88(1) 权生林.Experimental investigation of Water Droplet Impacting Dry Arc Solid Surface[A],4th International Conference on Cooling and Heating Technologies,2008,533-536 刘晓华.Experimental investigation on droplet dynamic characteristics during impacting onto solid sphere[A],The First Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences,2017 沈胜强.Experimental Investigation on the Performance of an Adjustable Ejector[A],4th International Conference on Heating and Cooling Technologies,2008晓华.Study of the effect of surface wettability on droplet impact on spherical surfaces[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOW-CARBON TECHNOLOGIES,2021,15(3):414-420 Liu, Shanlin.Experimental study on droplet flow of falling film between horizontal tubes[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW,2019,118:10-22 沈胜强.Falling film evaporation on a triangular-pitch horizontal tube bundle[A],8th International Symposium on Heat Transfer,2012 权生林.Experimental Study of Morphology on Water Droplet Impacted onto Incline Solid Surface[A],The 5th International Conference on Cooling and Heating Technologies,2010 牟兴森.Experimental study on overall heat transfer coefficient of seawater on three tube arrangements fo...[J],Desalination and Water Treatment,2015,1(1):1-10 庞赟佶.Fe2O3添加对松木屑热解的影响特性分析[J],热科学与技术,2019,18(3):185-190 王平.HPAM溶液在多孔介质中的渗流实验研究[A],高等教育学会工程热物理专业委员会第二十一届全国学术会议,2015,7 卢德扬.TVC-MED海水淡化装置分析与设计[A],高等学校工程热物理第十届全国学术会议,2013,11 沈胜强.TVC在MED海水淡化装置中的作用和性能分析[J],热科学与技术,2010,09(2):144-148 王菲.不同制冷剂喷射制冷性能计算分析[J],化工学报,2010,2:275-280 王菲.不同制冷剂的气-液喷射泵性能计算分析[A],中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用2009年学术会议,2009,1-4 王菲.不同制冷剂的气-液喷射泵性能计算分析[J],工程热物理学报,2010,31(8):1270-1272 王平.三维有序排列多孔介质单相饱和流的研究[A],高等学校工程热物理第二十届全国学术会议,2014,7 王平.三维有序排列多孔介质对流换热的数值研究[J],物理学报,2014,63(21):201-206 陈石.不同参数对液滴振荡影响的模拟研究[A],高等学校工程热物理第二十二届全国学术会议,2016 张天宇.三液滴冲击液膜中间薄膜射流动力学特征研究[A],高等学校工程热物理第二十四届全国学术会议,2018 王平.不同水质的PAM溶液流变特性实验研究[A],高等学校工程热物理第二十四届全国学术会议,2018,2018001-7 zhangliang.不同流场下纳米流体波壁管内的流动特性[J],热科学与技术,2014,1:1-9 贾俊曦.三类固体氧化物燃料电池发电系统热力学分析[J],哈尔滨工程大学学报,2007,9:990-997 张全国.中部地区生态果园能量系统的数学模拟[J],热科学与技术,2005,4:360-366 端木琳.个性化通风系统的热舒适性分析[J],暖通空调,2007,2:31-37
