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EDUCATION Ph.D. Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2006. B.Sc. Electronic Materials and Devices, Xidian University, Xi’an, China, 1997.   POSITIONS Aug 2017 – present Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau Aug 2013 – Aug 2017 Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau Apr – Aug 2013 Senior Scientist I, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore  Apr 2012 – Mar 2013 Scientist II, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore May 2009 – Mar 2012 Scientist I, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore Apr 2008 – Apr 2009 Postdoctoral Fellow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA Jan 2006 – Mar 2008 Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore TEACHING Undergraduate Courses 1.Physical Science    Ph.D. Courses 1.Solid State Physics 2.Advanced Instrumentation for Materials Characterization


Energy harvesting and storage (photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, biomass, CO2 and N2 reductions, fuel cell, solar cell, battery, supercapacitor, and hydrogen production/storage) Spintronics Nanodevices (ReRAM and PRAM) Magnetism Fabrication and first-principles design of materials Condensed Matter Physics


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Mingpeng Chen, Bing Ji, Ziyi Dai, Xinyu Du, Bingchen He, Ge Chen, Dong Liu, Shi Chen, Kin Ho Lo, Shuangpeng Wang*, Bingpu Zhou* and Hui Pan*, Vertically-aligned 1T/2H-MS2 (M= Mo, W) nanosheets for surface-enhanced Raman scattering with long-term stability and large-scale uniformity. Appl. Surf. Sci. 527, 146769 (2020). 2.Xinyu Du, Haoqiang Ai, Mingpeng Chen, Dong Liu, Shi Chen, Xuesen Wang, Kin Ho Lo* and Hui Pan*, PLD-fabricated perovskite oxide nanofilm as efficient electrocatalyst with highly enhanced water oxidation performance. Appl. Catal. B 272, 119046 (2020). 3.Dong Liu, Rui Tong, Yuanju Qu, Qing Zhu, Xiongwei Zhong, Mingliang Fang, Kin Ho Lo, Feifei Zhang, Yinchao Ye, Yuxing Tang, Shi Chen*, Guichuang Xing* and Hui Pan*, Highly Improved Electrocatalytic Activity of NiSx: Effects of Cr-doping and Phase Transition. Appl. Catal. B 267, 118721 (2020). 4.Zhiqin Ying, Xi Yang, Rui Tong, Qing Zhu, Tian Chen, Zhubing He*, and Hui Pan*, Enhancing the efficiency and stability of NiOx based silicon photoanode via interfacial engineering. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2, 6883−6890 (2019). 5.Yangfan Shao, Mengmeng Shao, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Xingqiang Shi*, and Hui Pan*, Exploring new two-dimensional monolayers: pentagonal transitional metal borides/carbides (penta-TMB/Cs), J. Mater. Chem. A 6, 10226–10232 (2018). 6.Mengmeng Shao, Yangfan Shao, Jianwei Chai, Yuanju Qu, Mingyang Yang, Zeli Wang, Ming Yang, Weng Fai Ip, Chi Tat Kwok, Xingqiang Shi, Zhouguang Lu, Shijie Wang, Xuesen Wang, and Hui Pan*, Synergistic Effect of 2D Ti2C and g-C3N4 for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen production. J. Mater. Chem. A, 5, 16748–16756 (2017). 7.Yangfan Shao, Xingqiang Shi*, and Hui Pan*, Electronic, Magnetic, and Catalytic Properties of Thermodynamically Stable Two-Dimensional Transition-Metal Phosphides. Chem. Mater. 29, 8892–8900 (2017). 8.Yuanju Qu, Mingyang Yang, Jianwei Chai, Zhe Tang, Chi Tat Kwok, Ming Yang, Zhenyu Wang, Daniel Chua, Shijie Wang, Zhouguang Lu and Hui Pan*, Facile Synthesis of Vanadium-Doped Ni3S2 Nanowire Arrays as Active Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 5959–5967 (2017). 9.Hui Pan*, Ultra high electrochemical catalytic activity of MXenes. Scientific Reports 6, 32531 (2016). 10.Hui Pan*, Principles on design and fabrication of nanomaterials as photocatalyst for water-splitting. Renew. Sust. Energy Rev. 57, 584–601 (2016). 11.Hui Pan*, Metal dichalcogenides monolayers: Novel catalysts for electrochemical hydrogen production, Scientific Reports 4, 5348 (2014). 12.Hui Pan,  and Yuan Ping Feng*, Semiconductor Nanowires and Nanotubes: Effects of Size and Surface-to-Volume Ratio, ACS Nano 2, 2410-2414 (2008). 13.Hui Pan, Jiabao Yi, Lei Shen, Rongqin Wu, Junhua Yang, Jianyi Lin, Yuan Ping Feng*, Jun Ding*,  L. H. Van, J. H. Yin, Room Temperature Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor in Carbon-Doped ZnO, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 127201 (2007) (highlighted by physicsworld.com (3 Oct. 2007)).


2012 – present Member of Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S, Singapore) 2016 – present Member of Physical Society of Macau (PSM, Macau)  2008 – present Regular reviewer for more than 40 international SCI journals, such as Chemistry of Materials, ACS Nano, Physical Review B, Journal of Physical Chemistry, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, New Journal of Physics, Journal of Power Sources, Energy & Environmental Science, and Applied Catalyst B:  Environmental
