Representative Publications
Li, P., Meng, Y., Wang, L., Di, LJ., BioID: a proximity-dependent labeling approach in proteomics study, Methods Mol Biol. 2019;1871:143-151
Zhao, Z., Hao, D., Wang, L., Li, J., Meng, Y., Li, P., Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Zhou, H., Gardner, K., Di, LJ., CtBP promotes metastasis of breast cancer through repressing cholesterol and activating TGF-b signaling, Oncogene. 2018 Nov 15.
Wang, L., Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Li, J., Meng, Y., Dou, M., Noguchi, CT, Di, LJ., Inhibiting Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Reverses Obesity-Induced White Adipose Tissue Inflammation by Regulating Apoptosis Inhibitor of Macrophage/CD5L-Mediated Macrophage Migration. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2018 Sep;38(9):2103-2116
Hao, D., Liu, J., Chen, M., Li, J., Wang, L., Li, X., Zhao, Q., Di, LJ., Immunogenomic analyses of advanced serous ovarian cancer reveal immunoscore is a strong prognostic factor and a predictor of chemo-sensitivity. Clin. Cancer Res. 2018 Aug 1;24(15):3560-3571
Wang, L., Wang, Y., Meng, Y., Zhang, C., Di, LJ., GSK3 activated STAT5 regulates expression of SFRPs to modulate adipogenesis. FASEB J. 2018 Sep;32(9):4714-4726
Wang, L., Li, J., Guo, L., Li, P., Zhao, Z., Zhou, H., Di, LJ., Molecular link between glucose and glutamine consumption in cancer cells mediated by CtBP and SIRT4., Oncogenesis. 2018 Mar 13;7(3):26
Hao, D., Li, J., Jia, S., Meng, Y., Zhang, C., Wang, L., Di, LJ., Integrated analysis reveals tubal and ovarian originated serous ovarian cancer and predicts differential therapeutic responses, Clin. Cancer Res. 2017 Dec 1;23(23):7400-7411.
Li, J., Hao, D., Wang, L., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Zhao, Z., Li, P., Deng, C., Di, LJ.. Epigenetic targeting drugs potentiate chemotherapeutic effects in solid tumor therapy. Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 22;7(1):4035
Li, P., Li, J., Wang, L., Di, LJ., Proximity labeling of interacting proteins: Application of BioID as a discovery tool. Proteomic. 2017 Oct;17(20)
Hao, D., Wang, L., Di, LJ., Distinct mutation accumulation rates among tissues determine the variation in cancer risk, Scientific Report. 2016, Jan 20;6:19458
Wang, L., Di, LJ.. Wnt/β-catenin mediates AICAR effect in increasing GATA3 expression and inhibiting adipogenesis. J Biol Chem. 2015 Aug 7;290(32):19458-68.
Wang, L., Zhou, HS., Wang, YT., Cui, GZ., Di, LJ., CtBP maintains cancer cell growth and metabolic homeostasis via regulating SIRT4. Cell Death Diseases. 2015 Jan 29;6:e1620,
Wang, L., Di, LJ., BRCA1 And Estrogen/Estrogen Receptor In Breast Cancer: Where They Interact? Int J Biol Sci. 2014 14;10(5):566-75,
Wang, L., Di, LJ., Noguchi CT. Erythropoietin, a novel versatile player regulating energy metabolism beyond the erythroid system. Int J Biol Sci. 2014 Aug 23;10(8):921-39.
Wang, L., Di, LJ.(Co-first), Noguchi, CT. AMPK is involved in mediation of erythropoietin influence on metabolic activity and reactive oxygen species production in white adipocytes. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2014 Sep;54:1-9,
Wang, L., Teng, R., Di, LJ., Rogers, H., Wu, H., Kopp, JB., Noguchi, CT.. PPARα and Sirt1 mediate erythropoietin action in increasing metabolic activity and browning of white adipocytes to protect against obesity and metabolic disorders. Diabetes. 2013 Dec;62(12):4122-31.
Di, LJ., Byun, J., Wong, M., Wakano, C., Hunter, K., Olopade, OI., Perou, C., Evan, M., Chou, JW., Gardner, K., CtBP integrates genome scale targeting of genome stability, EMT pathways and stem cell fate in breast cancer, Commun. 2013 4:1449).
Wakano, C., Byun, J., Di, LJ., Gardner, K., The Dual Lives of Bidirectional Promoters. BBA-Gene Regul Mech. 2012 Jul;1819(7):688-93,
Di, LJ., Fernandez, A., De Siervi, A., Longo, DL., Gardner, K., Regulation of BRCA1 transcription by a metabolic switch. Struct. Mol. Biol. 2010 Dec;17(12):1406-13,
De Siervi, A., De Luca, P., Byun, JS., Di, LJ., Fufa, T., Haggerty, CM, Vazquez, E., Moiola, C., Longo, DL., Gardner, K.., Transcriptional autoregulation by BRCA1. Cancer Res. 2009 70:532-42,
Di, LJ., Wang, L., Lv X., Zheng W., Xue Z., Guo Zhi-Chen., Liu, DP & Liang, CC., Inter-MARs’ association mediated by SATB1 contributes to active transcriptional looping events in human -globin gene cluster. PLoS ONE. 4(2):e4629. 2009,
Di, LJ., Wang, L., Zhou, GL., Wu, XS., Guo, ZC., Ke, XS., Liu, DP & Liang, CC., Identification of long range regulatory elements of mouse alpha-globin gene cluster by quantitative associated chromatin trap (QACT). Cell. Biochem. 105:301-312. 2008,
Zhou, GL., Xin, L., Song, W., Di, LJ., Liu, G., Wu, XS., Liu, DP & Liang, CC., Active chromatin hub of the mouse alpha-globin locus forms in a transcription factory of clustered housekeeping genes. Mol Cell Biol. 26:5096-5105, 2006.