Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Law
PhD in Law, European University Institute
Master of Research (Law), European University Institute
LL.M International Business Law, Central European University
Licentiate in Law, Free International University of Moldova
Advanced Issues of International Trade Law
Business Law
Commercial Contracts
Comparative Legal Systems
Economic Law of the European Union
EU Trade Law
Intellectual Property Law in the Creative Economy
Transnational Law
The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to BRICS Texts and Materials (BRICS-Lawyers, 2019), ISBN: 978-9996511172 (co-authored with Rostam Neuwirth)
“Off-Label Use of Medicines Under Scrutiny: Between Competition Law and Pharma Regulations” Medicine and Law (2019) 38(2): 165-182, ISSN: 0723-1393
“Trade Wars are Good and Easy to Win”: From Security Exceptions to the Post-WTO World” KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation (2019) 9(1): 29-62, ISSN: 2234-7526
“The Judicial Review of the Standard of Proof in Cartel Cases: Raising the Bar for the Croatian Competition Authority” Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (2018) 11(18): 311-323, ISSN: 1689-9024
“The Acquisitions of the Chinese State-Owned Enterprises under the National Merger Control Regimes of the EU Member States: Searching for a Coherent Approach” Market and Competition Law Review (2018) 2(1): 99-120, ISSN: 2184-0008
“The Right of Defence in the Decentralized System of EU Competition Law Enforcement”, World Competition Law and Economics Review (2018) 41(3): 309-334, ISSN: 1011-4548 (co-authored with Maciej Bernatt and Marco Botta)
“The “Dark Matter” in EU Competition Law: Non-Infringement Decisions in the New EU Member States before and after Tele2 Polska” European Law Review (2018) 43(3): 424-446, ISSN: 0307-5400 (co-authored with Maciej Bernatt and Marco Botta)
“China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union: “Integrating the Integrations” Public Administration Issues (2018) 5: 7-20, ISSN: 1999-5431
“Fake Food” as a New Ingredient in the “Cuisine Juridique”: A Case for “Regulatory Co-Opetition” Medicine and Law (2018) 37(1): 175-192, ISSN: 0723-1393
“Emergency Arbitration in the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Cases: Challenges and Perspectives for Arbitration Institutions” KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation (2018) 8(1): 1-26, ISSN: 2234-7526
“The Acquisitions of the Chinese State-Owned Enterprises under the EU Merger Control Regime: Time for Reflection?” Revue Lamy de la concurrence (2017) 67: 30-36, ISSN: 1770-9377
“BRICS Countries and Their Cooperation in the Field of Competition Law and Policy: A New Voice in International Antitrust?” Revue Lamy de la concurrence (2017) 64: 20-23, ISSN: 1770-9377
“Private Litigation under China’s Anti-Monopoly Law: Empirical Evidence and Procedural Developments” KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation (2017) 7(1): 163-206, ISSN: 2234-7526
“The Regulation of Trade and Public Health in Asia-Pacific: A Case for “Inter-Regime Regulatory Co-opetition”” Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy (2015) 10(2): 349-380, ISSN: 1819-5164 (co-authored with Rostam Neuwirth)
“International Trade, Intellectual Property and Competition Rules: Multiple Cases for Global “Regulatory Co-opetition”?” Comparative Law Journal of the Pacific (2015) XIX: 393-425, ISSN: 1772-1644 (co-authored with Rostam Neuwirth)
“The objectives of competition law and the effective conduct of the infringement proceedings: Judgments of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in BH Telecom and Telekomunikacije RS” Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (2015) 8(11): 241-248, ISSN: 1689-9024
“Enforcement of the EU competition rules in Romania: Application of the ‘effect on trade’ concept in the enforcement practice of the Romanian Competition Council” Romanian Competition Journal (2014) 1-2: 11-23, ISSN: 2343-9785
“The Limits for the Global Proliferation of Competition Law: The Case of Macao SAR” European Scientific Journal (2014) 2: 31-39, ISSN: 1857-7881
“Enforcement of EU Competition Rules in Estonia: Substantive Convergence and Procedural Divergence” Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (2014) 7(9): 67−85, ISSN: 1689-9024
“Expanding the Definitions of ‘Undertaking’ and ‘Economic Activity’: Application of Competition Rules to the Actions of State Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina” Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (2013) 6(8): 11−33, ISSN: 1689-9024
“New Competition Law of the Republic of Moldova: Prospects and Concerns” Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartell- und Wettbewerbsrecht (2013) 6: 210-218, ISSN: 2424-2901
“Merger remedies in a small market economy: Empirical evidence from the Baltic states” Baltic Journal of Law and Politics (2013) 6(1): 1-26, ISSN: 2029-0454 (co-authored with Külliki Lugenberg)
“Abuse of Dominance in South Eastern Europe: Enforcement Practices of the National Competition Authorities in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia” Mediterranean Competition Bulletin (2012) 8: 4-26
“Illegality of Conduct in EU Merger Control: Should We Trust the “Summary Analysis”?” L’Europe unie/United Europe (2012) 6: 139−153, ISSN: 7497–0051
“’Objective Justifications’ of ‘Restrictions by Object’ in Pierre Fabre: A More Economic Approach to Article 101(1) TFEU?” European Law Reporter (2011) 11: 348−353, ISSN: 1028-9690
“Parental Liability for the Antitrust Infringements of Subsidiaries: A rebuttable presumption or probatio diabolica?” European Law Reporter (2011) 10: 288−292, ISSN: 1028-9690
“Who is To Blame? Liability of “Economic Units” for Infringements of EU Competition Law” European Law Reporter (2011) 2: 52−56, ISSN: 1028-9690
“Epilogue of the Plasterboard Litigation: How Much Legal Certainty in the Commission’s Treatment of Repeated Infringements?” European Law Reporter (2010) 10: 318−322, ISSN: 1028-9690
“More Economics in Assessment of Coordinated Effects: Impala Litigation and Unworkable Legal Standards” Concorrenza e Mercato (2010): 347−369, ISSN: 1720-2698
“Back to the Basics: Concepts of Undertaking and Economic Activity in the SELEX Judgment” European Law Reporter (2009) 12: 422−427, ISSN: 1028-9690
“”Piercing the Corporate Veil”: Imposition of Fines on Associations of Undertakings for Violation of EC Competition Law” European Law Reporter (2009) 3: 92−97, ISSN: 1028-9690
“The New Serbian Law on the Protection of Competition: A Critical Assessment” Pravni život časopis za pravnu teoriju i praksu (2009) 12(IV): 567-580, ISSN: 0350-0500
“Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and Foreign Judgments in the Republic of Moldova” Wuhan University International Law Review (2009) 10(2): 194-213, ISSN: 2097-3777
“ECJ’s Ruling in Beef Industry Case: Competition Law Must Be Observed At All Times” European Law Reporter (2008) 12: 402-406, ISSN: 1028-9690
“Damages for Schneider Electric: Setting the Standards for Community’s Non-Contractual Liability” European Law Reporter (2008) 5: 158-161, ISSN: 1028-9690
“Telecommunications Mergers Under the EC Competition Law and US Antitrust Law: Substantive Assessment and Procedural Cooperation” Cambridge Student Law Review (2008) 4(1): 22-39, ISSN: 1750-0893
“Exploring the Role of Legal Presumptions Under the ‘Convincing Evidence’ Standard in EC Merger Control” ICC Global Antitrust Review (2008) 1: 117-134
“Arbitration of Investment Disputes: Experiences of the Republic of Moldova” Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (2007) 11(1): 99-112, ISSN: 1439-9741
“Efficiency Defence in the Merger Control Regimes of EC and Republic of Serbia: A Comparative Perspective” Pravni život časopis za pravnu teoriju i praksu (2007) 14(VI): 241-256, ISSN: 0350-0500
“EU-US Merger Control Cooperation: A Model for the International Antitrust?” Pravni život časopis za pravnu teoriju i praksu (2006) 11(III): 113-126, ISSN: 0350-0500