Director of Center for Law Studies of Faculty of Law
I. University of Macau
Member of Academic Council of Faculty of Law
Member of the Candidate Selection Committee for Admission and Member of the Supervisory Committee to Master in Law in Portuguese Language
Member of the Editorial Board and Executive Director of the Bulletin of the Faculty of Law
Member of the Editorial Board of the Collection of Thesis and Studies of the Faculty of Law
Former Director of Faculty of Law from September 1998 to August 2007
Former Director of the Bulletin of the Faculty of Law from September 1998 to August 2007
Former Member of the Senate Research Committee of the University of Macau
Former Elected Member of the University Council of UM
Former Secretary of IEEM General Assembly
II. Other Institutions
Director and President of the Pedagogic Council of the Center for Legal and Judiciary Training of the Macau SAR
Former member of the Pedagogic Council of Magistrates Training Center
Former member of the Superior Council for Lawyers
Former member of the Consultative Commission of Macau Civil Code Reform
Former Member of Editorial Board of Macau Law Journal in representation of the Dean and as Dean of Faculty of Law
Master of Law, Juridical – Civil Sciences, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Bachelor of Law, University of Coimbra, Portugal
I. Bachelor of Law:
Obligations Law
Family and Succession Law
II. Master of law
Civil Law
Lessons of Obligations Law, updated according to the Civil Code and other laws of Macau, Lições de Direito das Obrigações, in Portuguese Language, translated to chinese Language, Collection of Legal Texts of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, 2014, forthcoming for publication in chinese, 2015/2016.
Lessons of Family and Succession Law, updated according to the Civil Code and other laws of Macau, Lições de Direito da Família e das Sucessões, in Portuguese Language, translated to chinese Language, forthcoming publication in Collection of Legal Texts of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, 2015/2016;
Report on Macau Law (Repertório do Direito de Macau), Faculty of Law, LexisNexis Hong Kong and University of Macau, 2014
The Macau Family Law in the Reform of 1999 (Direito da Família de Macau na Reforma de 1999), Report on Macau Law (Repertório do Direito de Macau), Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, April 2007;
Succession Law (Direito das Sucessões), Report on Macau Law (Repertório do Direito de Macau), Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, April 2007;
Macau’s Civil Law, in chinese Language, in The Selection of Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences of Macau – Legal Studies, Social Sciences Academic Press (china) ( 澳门之民法, 澳门人民社会科学研究文选 – 法律卷 (上卷), 社会科学文献出版社 ), 2009;
Contracts in Special in the Civil Code of Macau of 1999, in English Language, in Studies on Macau Civil, Commercial, Constitutional and Criminal Law, LexisNexis Hong Kong and University of Macau, 2010;
Gaming and betting in the 1999 Civil Code of Macau and the enforceability of obligations, in English Language, UM Research Project, Faculty of Law, LexisNexis Hong Kong and University of Macau, 2012.
The transitional period and the pre-rulling of the Basic Law of the Macau SAR of the PRC (O Período de transição e a pré-vigência da Lei Básica da RAEM da RPC), “Revista O Direito”, December 1993;
Specialized training for Lawyers in Macau (A formação especializada de juristas em Macau), Macau Law Journal (Revista Jurídica de Macau), Vol. II, nº 2, 1995;
Civil Law of Macau (Direito Civil de Macau), Revista Perspectivas do Direito, Vol. II, nº 2, 1997;
A perspective of the localization versus continuity in the University of Macau (Uma perspectiva da localização versus continuidade na Universidade de Macau), Bulletin of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, BFDUM, nº 1, 1997;
The place of Macau in CPLP and in the World (Por um lugar para Macau na CPLP e no Mundo), in Revista Administração, Vol. XI, nº 40, 1998;
Legal Education in Macau (Formação Jurídica em Macau), Bulletin of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, II, Nº 5, 1998;
Teaching and Research of Comparative Law in the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Manuel Trigo and Augusto Teixeira Garcia, Bulletin of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau,VIII, Nº 17, 2004;
Legal Regime of Participation (Marriage Assets Regime), Regime da Participação nos Adquiridos, Bulletin of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Ano X, Nº 21, 2006;
Contracts in Special and gaming and betting in the Civil Code of Macau of 1999 (Dos contratos em especial e do jogo e aposta no Código Civil de Macau de 1999), in Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Faculdade de Coimbra, Nos 20 anos do Código das Sociedades Comerciais, Homenagem aos Prof. Doutores A. Ferrer Correia, Orlando de Carvalho e Vasco Lobo Xavier, Vol. III, Vária, Coimbra Editora, 2007;
Gaming and betting in the 1999 Civil Code of Macau and the enforceability of obligations, in Portuguese and chinese languages (O jogo e aposta no Código Civil de Macau de 1999 e a Eficácia das Obrigações, Bulletin of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Ano XII, Nº 25, 2008.
Alimony’s in general, Dos alimentos em geral, Bulletin of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Ano XVIII, Nº 35, 2014.
Presentation of the Faculty of Law (Apresentação da Faculdade de Direito), published in International Seminar, Higher Education in Macau (Estudos Superiores em Macau), 1996;
The legal transition experience in Macau (A experiência da transição jurídica em Macau), VII AULP Meeting, Portuguese Language Universities Association, Macau´s Presence, 26, GAES, 1988;
The Transition in the Joint Declaration, in Population and Development in Macau, 1994;
From the Joint Declaration to Basic Law Transition, what the Basic Law says about the transition, published in, Macau and its Neighbours in Transition, University of Macau and Macau Foundation, 1997;
The mantainance of the capitalist system and the succession legal system (A manutenção do sistema capitalista e o sistema sucessório), in “10.º aniversário, Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau”, 1999;
Comum Language and Comum Legal Matrix: Macau’s Civil Law in the context of the Relations between china and the Portuguese Speaking Countries, Língua Comum e Direito de Matriz Comum: O Direito Civil de Macau no Contexto das Relações entre a china e os Países de Língua Portuguesa, in Revista de Direito, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento – XIX Encontro da Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa, Luanda, Angola, 2009;
Limits of Civil Liability and the Right of Compensation, Limites de Responsabilidade Civil e o Direito de Indemnização – Segunda Conferência Internacional sobre “As Reformas Jurídicas de Macau no Contexto Global”, forthcoming, Bulletin of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Ano XIII, Nº 29, 2009;
Conditions of Civil Juridical relevance of the De Facto Union, Condições de Relevância Jurídica Civil da União de facto, Seminário sobre o Direito da Família, Maputo, Mozambique, em Março de 2010, forthcoming, University de Macau and University of Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique.
Gaming and Betting contracts legal regime in Macau and other relevant connected legal systems from a private law comparative perspective (present project)
Civil Law Sources and Contracts Law in Macau and Portuguese Speaking Countries (previous project)
Teaching Assistant in the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra since December 1988 until November 1990, in the discipline of Introduction to Law;Lawyer registered in the Lawyers Association of Portugal on the 9th April 1990, meanwhile requested the suspension of registration;Lawyer registered in Macau in 18th March 1991, meanwhile requested the suspension of his registration in 28th September 1992, after the constitution of the Lawyers Association of Macau;Former member of the Pedagogic Council of the Center for Legal and Judiciary Training and member of the Pedagogic Council of Magistrates Training Center since its creation in 1995 until 2002;Member of the Organization of Families of Asia and Pacific;Associate Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law;Member of the Macau Association of Comparative Law.