Doctor of Philosophy, University of North Texas, USA (2001)
Master of Music, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, USA (1994)
Bachelor of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary, Hong Kong (1991)
Certificate of Qualified Teacher, Hong Kong Grantham College of Education, Hong Kong (1980)
Teaching of Music
Voice/Choral Training
Psychology of Music
Musicianship I
Piano I
Piano II
Melodious Voice
Teaching of Music I
Teaching of Music Activities
Harmonious Chorus
i Music: Music, Me , and the Society
Piano I, II, III
Music I, II, III
Introduction to Choral Training I
Teaching of Integrated and Creative Thinking
Workshop: Teaching of Musical Activities (Summer Program)
Music preferences
Music teaching and learning
Music Psychology
Refereed Journal Article (SSCI)
Hui, W. V. (2009). Music listening preferences of Macau students. Music Education Research, 11 (4), 485-500.
Conference Presentations & Proceedings
Hui, W. V. (2016). Relationship between personality and music genres of Macau youth. Paper presented at the International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. San Francisco, CA. 5th - 9th July 2016.
Hui, W. V. (2016). Band Musicians in Macau. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioural Sciences 2016, Kobe, Japan. 31st March - 3rd April 2016.
Hui, W. V. (2015). Music engagement of Macau youth. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Social Studies, Communication and Education, Tokyo, Japan. 2nd - 4th December 2015.
Hui, W. V. & Sun, X. (2013). Music listening preferences of college students in Macau and Nanjing. Paper presented at The 9th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research & Arts Education Conference, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore. 17th – 19th July, 2013,
Hui, W. V. & So, W. W. (2013). Creativity: Its link to music and personality. Paper presented at The 9th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research & Arts Education Conference, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore. 17th – 19th July, 2013.
Hui, W. V. (2012). Who Needs Creativity: The Perception of Creativity. Paper presented at The 3rd Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, Osaka, Japan, 3rd – 6th May, 2012.
Hui, W. V. (2012). Music preference and listening motivation. Paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey, 10th – 13th October, 2012.
Hui, W. V. (2011). Why can’t we study music: Macau music education? Paper presented at The 2nd Annual International Conference on Visual and Performing Arts, Athens, Greece. 6-9 June, 2011.
Hui, W. V. (2011). Music media use of Macau youth. Paper presented at the International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology, 2011. Tokyo, Japan. 18-20 January, 2011. ISSN 2074-5710. pp. 2091-2104.
Hui, W. V. (2006). Preference responses of Macau undergraduate students. Paper presented at The 27th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education (ISME), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 16 - 21 July, 2006.
Hui, W. V. (2001). An investigation of music preferences, music and non-music media use, and leisure involvement of Hong Kong adolescents. Paper presented at The 3rd Asian-Pacific Symposium in Music Education Research, Nagoya, Japan. 23-26 August, 2001.
Hui, W. V. (2001). The music and non-music media involvement of Hong Kong adolescents. Paper presented at The International Association for The Study of Popular Music (Canadian Branch) - Canada Annual Conference. 4-6 May, 2001.