2007.11 香港城市大学数学系 数学博士
2004.06 复旦大学数学研究所 计算数学理学硕士
2001.06 曲阜师范大学数学系 数学与应用数学理学学士
2021.10 - 至今 吉林大学数学学院 教授
2008.07- 2021.06 东北师范大学数学与统计学院 副教授
2007.09 - 2008.06 东北师范大学数学与统计学院 讲师
2019.11 - 2020.01 香港浸会大学 访问学者
2018.03 - 2018.05 香港浸会大学 访问学者
2018.01 - 2018.02 日本国立信息研究所 访问学者
2017.10 - 2017.11 普渡大学 访问学者
2014.09 - 2014.10 麦克马斯特大学 访问学者
2014.08 - 2014.09 汉堡工业大学 访问学者
2013.01 - 2014.01 普渡大学大学 访问学者
2018.01 - 2018.02 日本国立信息研究所 访问学者
2017.10 - 2017.11 普渡大学 访问学者
2014.09 - 2014.10 麦克马斯特大学 访问学者
2014.08 - 2014.09 汉堡工业大学 访问学者
2013.01 - 2014.01 普渡大学大学 访问学者
H. Diao*, H. Liu, and B. Sun, On a local geometric structure of generalized elastic transmission eigenfunctions and application, Inverse Problems, 37 (2021), 105015 (36pp).
X. Cao, H. Diao*, H. Liu and J. Zou, On novel geometric structures of Laplacian eigenfunctions in R3 and applications to inverse problems, SIAM Journal on Mathematics Analysis, 53(2021), no. 2, 1263–1294.
H. Diao, H. Liu, L. Zhang and J. Zou, Unique continuation from a generalized impedance edge-corner for Maxwell’s system and applications to inverse problems, Inverse Problems, 37 (2021) 035004.
Q. Meng, H. Diao*, and Z. Bai, Condition numbers for the truncated total least squares problem and their estimations, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., e2369, 2021.
H. Diao, X. Cao and H. Liu, On the geometric structures of conductive transmission eigenfunctions and their application, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 46 (2021), no. 4, 630-679.
X. Cao, H. Diao*, H. Liu and J. Zou, On nodal and generalized singular structures of Laplacian eigenfunctions and applications, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 143(2020), 116-161.
H. Diao*, H. Liu and L. Wang, On generalized Holmgren’s principle to the Lamé operator with applications to inverse elastic problems, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 59(2020), 179
Q. Meng, H. Diao* and Q. Yu, Structured condition number for multi-right hands linear systems with parameterized quasiseparable coefficient matrix, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 368(2020), 112527.
H. Diao, Z. Song, David P. Woodruff, and X. Yang, Total least squares regression in input sparsity time, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS 2019), pages 2478-2489. Curran Associates, Inc., 2019.
H. Diao, R. Jayaram, Z. Song, W. Sun, and David P. Woodruff, Optimal sketching for Kronecker product regression and low rank approximation, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS 2019), pages 4739-4750. Curran Associates, Inc., 2019.
H. Diao* and Q. Meng, Structured generalized eigenvalue condition numbers for parameterized quasiseparable matrices, BIT, 59(2019), 695-720.
H. Diao, P. Li and X. Yuan, Inverse elastic surface scattering with far-field data, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 13(2019), 721–744.
H. Diao* and Y. Sun. Mixed and componentwise condition numbers for a linear function of the solution of the total least squares problem, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 544(2018), 1-29
H. Diao*, Condition numbers for a linear function of the solution of the linear least squares problem with equality constraints, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 344 (2018), 640- 656.
H. Diao* and J. Zhao, On structured componentwise condition numbers for Hamiltonian eigenvalue problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 335(2018), 74-85.
H. Diao*, Y. Wei, and P. Xie. Small sample statistical condition estimation for the total least squares problem, Numer. Algor., 75(2017), no. 2, 435-455.
H. Diao, L. Liang and S. Qiao, A condition analysis of the weighted linear least squares problem using dual norms, Linear and Multilinear Algebra., 66(2018), no. 6, 1085-1103.
H. Diao, X. Shi and Y. Wei, Effective condition numbers and small sample statistical condition estimation for the generalized Sylvester equation, Sci. China Math., 56 (2013), no. 5, 967-982.
H. Diao, W. Wang, Y. Wei and S. Qiao, On condition numbers for Moore-Penrose inverse and linear least squares problem involving Kronecker products, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 20 (2013), no. 1, 44-59.
H. Diao, H. Xiang and Y. Wei, Mixed, componentwise condition numbers and small sample statistical condition estimation of Sylvester equations, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 19 (2012), no. 4, 639-654.