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卜兆君,博士,教授,博士生导师,教授委员会委员,副院长。主要从事湿地科学和生态学教学与研究工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金"长白山泥炭地藓类植物有性繁殖与更新对环境变化的响应(30700055)”、"长白山泥炭藓丰富度偏峰分布格局的植物相互作用调控机理(40971036)”、"长白山泥炭地苔藓植物生态位分化的竞争-化感-防御权衡机制(41471043)"和"长白山区泥炭地苔藓植物持久孢子库的形成机制(41871046)"。共发表学术论文近90篇,其中,以第一作者或通讯作者身份在NewPhytologist、Earth-ScienceReviews、WaterResearch、QuaternaryScienceReviews、Plant&Soil、Catena、ScienceoftheTotalEnvironment、Oecologia、Basic&AppliedEcology、Wetlands等刊物上发表论文近60篇,参编《吉林湿地》、《中国湿地与湿地研究》、《湿地生态系统观测方法》等5部专著。 现任长白山湿地生态过程与环境变化吉林省重点实验室主任、中国生态学会湿地生态专业委员会副主任委员、教育部自然保护与环境生态类专业教学指导委员会委员、环保部第六届国家级自然保护区评审委员、中国地理学会生物地理专业委员会委员、中国植物学会苔藓专业委员会委员、国际泥炭沼泽保护组织(IMCG)理事、国际泥炭地学会(IPS)会员、国际苔藓植物学家协会(IAB)会员和国际化感学会(IAS)会员。学习经历 2000/09–2004/12,东北师范大学生命科学学院,获生态学博士学位 1995/09–1998/07,东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院,获自然地理学硕士学位 1991/09–1995/07,东北师范大学环境科学系,获环境科学学士学位 工作经历 2018/01-2018/02,澳大利亚NSW大学生态系统科学中心,访问教授 2016/05-2016/06,日本Hokkaido大学地球环境研究院,访问教授 2012/02–2013/02,加拿大McGill大学地理系,访问学者 2010/11–2011/01,美国S.Illinois大学植物生物学系,访问学者 2002/09–2003/05,瑞典Uppsala大学植物生态系,访问学者 2013/12–现在,东北师范大学地理科学学院,教授 2005/12–2013/12,东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院,副教授 2001/07–2005/12,东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院,讲师 1998/07–2001/07,东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院,助教




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29)Chen X*, McGowan S, Bu Z-J*, Yang X-D, Cao Y-M, Bai X, Zeng L-H, Liang J, Qiao Q-L. 2020. Diatom-based water table reconstruction in Sphagnum peatlands of northeastern China. Water Research, 174, 115648 28) Ma J-Z,Chen X, Mallik A, Bu Z-J*, Zhang M-M, Wang S-Z*, Sundberg S. 2020. Environmental together with interspecific interactions determine bryophyte distribution in a protected mire of Northeast China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8: 32. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.00032. 27)Zhang M-M*, Bu Z-J*, Wang S-Z, Jiang M. 2020. Moisture changes in Northeast China since the last deglaciation: Spatiotemporal out-of-phase patterns and possible forcing mechanisms. Earth-Science Reviews, 201: 102984. DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102984. 26) Liu C, Bu Z-J*, Mallik A, Rochefort, L, Hu X-F, Yu Z. 2020. Resource competition and allelopathy in two peat mosses: implication for niche differentiation. Plant and Soil, 446(1): 229-242. 25)Zhang M-M*, Bu Z-J*, Jiang M, Wang S-Z, Liu S-S, Jin Q, Shi P-H. 2019. Mid-late Holocene maar lake-mire transition in northeast China triggered by hydroclimatic variability. Quaternary Science Reviews, 220: 215-229. 24) Yang Q-N, Li H-C,Zhao H-Y*, Li H-K,Bu Z-J,Wang S-Z,Chou C-Y,Liu Z. 2019. Hydroclimate controls of the distribution and abundance of mosses in Hani mire, Northeast China: Modern vegetation survey and peat-core analysis.Quaternary International, 528: 30-40. 23) Zhang M-M, Bu Z-J*,Jiang M, Wang S-Z, Liu S-S, Chen X, Hao J, Liao W-Y. 2019. The development of Hani peatland in the Changbai Mountains (NE China) and its response to the variations of the East Asian summer monsoon. Science of the Total Environment, 692: 818-832. 22)Lu F, Bu Z-J, Lu S*. 2019.Estimating Chlorophyll content of leafy green vegetables from adaxial and abaxial reflectance.Sensors,19: 4059. 21) Li T, Bu Z-J, Liu W-Y, Zhang M-Y, Peng C, Zhu Q-A, Shi S, Wang M*. 2019. Weakening of the‘enzymatic latch’mechanism following long-term fertilization in a minerotrophic peatland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 136: 107528. 20) Wang M*, Tian JQ, Bu Z-J, Lamit LJ, Chen H, Zhu Q-A, Peng CH. 2019. Structural and functional differentiation of the microbial community in the surface and subsurface peat of two minerotrophic fens in China. Plant and Soil, 437: 21–40. 19) Feng L, Sundberg S, Ooi M, Wu Y-H, Wang M, Bu Z-J*. 2018. Oxygen-deficiency and allelochemicals affect Sphagnum spore persistence in peatlands. Plant and Soil, 432: 403-413. 18) Liu J, Wang Z-C, Zhao H-Y*, Peros M, Yang Q-N, Liu S-S, Li H-K, Wang S-Z, Bu Z-J. 2018. Mercury and arsenic in the surface peat soils of the Changbai Mountains, northeastern China: distribution, environmental controls, sources, and ecological risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(34): 34595-34609. 17) Bai X, Bu Z-J, Chen X*. 2018. Morphology of Chrysophycean stomatocysts in three peatlands in central China[J]. Mires and Peat, 21(19): 1-16. 16) Granath, G*, Rydin H, Baltzer JL, Bengtsson F, Boncek N, Bragazza L, Bu Z-J, et al. 2018. Environmental and taxonomic controls of carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition in Sphagnum across broad climatic and geographic ranges. Biogeosciences, 15: 5189-5202. 15) Wang Z-C*, Liu S-S, Bu Z-J, Wang S-Z. 2018. Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during Sphagnum litters decay. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25: 18642-18650. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-2019-x. 14) Feng L, Bu Z-J*, Mallik A, Wang Z-C, Liu S-S, Wu Y-H*. 2017. Continuous waterlogging may not facilitate germinability maintenance of Sphagnum spores. Wetlands, 37: 1015-1022. DOI: 10.1007/s13157-017-0936-y. 13) Yang Q-N, Zhao H-Y*, Li H-C*, Li H-K, Bu Z-J, Wang S-Z, Wang A-X. 2017. Distributions of “bomb 14C”, biogeochemistry and elemental concentration in Hani mire peat profiles, NE China: Implications of environmental change. Quaternary International, 528: 30-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.06.033. 12) Cao Y-M, Chen X*, Bu Z-J, Zeng L. 2017. Spatial variations in the surface water chemistry of subtropical peatlands (Central China) linked to anthropogenic pressures. Water, 9, 505. DOI: 10.3390/w9070505. 11) Bu Z-J*, Sundberg S, Feng L, Li H-K, Zhao H-Y. Li H-C. 2017. The Methuselah of plant diaspores: Sphagnum spores can survive in nature for centuries. New Phytologist, 214: 1398-1402. 10) Wang Z-C*, Liu S-S, Huang C, Liu Y, Bu Z-J*. 2017. Impact of land use change on profile distributions of organic carbon fractions in peat and mineral soils in Northeast China. Catena, 152: 1-8. 9) Bu Z-J*, Li Z, Sundberg S, Liu L-J, Feng Y-M, Yang Y-H, Liu S, Song X. Zhang X-L. 2017. Bryophyte spore germinability is inhibited by peatland substrates. Acta Oecologica, 78:34-40. 8) Chen X, Bu Z-J*, Stevenson MA, Cao Y, Zeng L, Qin B. 2016. Variations in diatom communities at genus and species levels in peatlands (central China) linked to microhabitats and environmental factors. Science of the Total Environment, 568: 137-146. 7) Ma J-Z, Bu Z-J*, Zheng X-X, Ge J-L, Wang S-Z. 2015. Effects of shading on relative competitive advantage of three species of Sphagnum. Mires & Peat, 16, Article 04, 1–17. 6) Ren M-X, Bu Z-J*. 2014. Is there 'anther-Anther interference' within a flower? Evidences from one-by-one stamen movement in an insect-pollinated plant. PloS ONE, 9 (1): e86581. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086581. 5) Bu Z-J*, Zheng X-X, Rydin H, Moore T, Ma J-Z. 2013. Facilitation vs. competition: does inter-specific interaction affect drought responses in Sphagnum? Basic and Applied Ecology, 14(7): 574-584. 4) Bu Z-J*, Chen X, Rydin H, Wang S-Z, Ma J-Z, Zeng J. 2013. Performance of four mosses in a reciprocal transplant experiment: indication for peatland succession in NE China. Journal of Bryology, 35(3): 220-227. 3) Chen X*, Bu Z-J, Yang X-D, Wang S-Z. 2012. Epiphytic diatoms and their relation to moisture and moss composition in two montane peatlands, Northeast China. Fundamental and Applied limnology, 181(3): 197-206. 2) Bu Z-J, Rydin H* & Chen X. 2011. Direct and interaction-mediated effects of environmental changes on peatland bryophytes. Oecologia, 166(2): 555-563. 1) Bu Z-J*, Joosten, H, Li H, Zhao G, Zheng X, Ma J & Zeng J. 2011. The response of peatlands to climate warming: a review. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 31: 157-162.


兼任Wetlands、Mires & Peat编委以及Oecologia、Journal of Vegetation Science、Geoderma、STOTEN、Ecology & Evolution、AoB Plants、Atmospheric Environment、Wetlands、Mires & Peat、中国科学、生态学报、植物生态学报、地理科学等20余种期刊的审稿人。
