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2007,博士,EcosystemScience&Management,TexasA&MUniversity,CollegeStation,TX,USA 2000,学士,南开大学环境科学系 工作经历: 12/2018-至今,教授,东北师范大学地理科学学院 02/2010–12/2018,研究员,中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 01/2008–02/2010,博士后,DepartmentofLand,AirandWaterResources,UniversityofCalifornia,Davis,USA 09/2007–12/2007,博士后,DepartmentofEcosystemScience&Management,TexasA&MUniversity,CollegeStation,TX,USA 承担项目: •2020-2022:活性氮在森林土壤中的存留机制,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,41971058,项目负责人 •2019-2024:重大生态工程的温室气体效应,重点研发项目《典型脆弱区生态工程气候效应及其适应全球变化对策研究》子课题《重大生态工程的温室气体效应》,2019YFA0607301,课题负责人 •2016-2020:同位素示踪微生物氮在森林土壤中的去向,中科院前沿科学重点研究计划,QYZDB-SSW-DQC006,项目负责人 •2015-2020:中组部万人计划“青年拔尖”人才资助计划,项目负责人 •2016-2020:中国北方森林和草地生态系统碳氮耦合循环与碳源汇效应研究,国家重点研发计划,2016YFA060080,课题骨干 已结题项目: •2016-2018:全球变化生态学研究,国家自然科学基金委优青项目,31522010,项目负责人,资助金额150万 •2014-2018:森林生态系统活性氮循环机制及其环境效应研究,科技部青年973项目,2014CB954400,项目负责人 •2014-2018:土壤-微生物系统功能及其调控土壤生物,中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类),XDB15010301,课题骨干 •2012-2014:CO2升高对温带森林土壤氮循环多过程的影响机制,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,41175138,项目负责人 •2011-2015:天然森林和草地土壤固碳功能与固碳潜力研究,科技部973项目,2011CB403202,课题骨干 •2012-2014:新碳在大气-植物-土壤系统中的分配机制-应用同位素脉冲标记技术,国家自然科学基金委青年项目,31100326,项目负责人 •2010-2014:全球变化背景下东北森林生态系统的氮循环和反硝化作用研究,中科院百人计划项目,KZCX2-YWBR-20,项目负责人授课: 现代自然地理学方法,东北师范大学(2018年-至今) 科技论文写作,东北师范大学(2018年-至今) 博士生英文论文写作,中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所(2011年-2016年)




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1) Chang, Q.†, Qu, G.†#, Xu, W., Wang, C.#, Cheng, W., Bai, E.* (2020). Light availability controls rhizosphere priming effect of temperate forest trees. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. In press. (†: equal contribution) 2) Gao, D.#, Bai, E.*, Li, M., Zhao, C., Yu, K., Hagedorn, F. (2020). Responses of soil nitrogen and phosphorus cycling to drying and rewetting cycles: A meta-analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. In press. 3) Wang, X. #, Wang, C. #,*, Cotrufo, M., Sun, L., Jiang, P., Liu, Z., Bai, E.* (2020). Elevated temperature increases the accumulation of microbial necromass nitrogen in soil via increasing microbial turnover. Global Change Biology. doi:10.1111/gcb.15206. 4) Qu, L. #, Wang, C. #*, Bai, E.* (2020). Evaluation of the 18O-H2O incubation method for measurement of soil microbial carbon use efficiency. Soil Biology and Biochemistry.20:107802 5) Pei, G.#, Liu, J.#, Peng, B.#, Wang, C.#, Jiang, P. Bai, E.* (2020). Non-linear coupling of carbon and nitrogen release during litter decomposition and its responses to nitrogen addition. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. e2019JG005462 6) Wang, C. #, Wang, X. #, Pei, G. #, Xia, Z., Peng, B. #, Sun, L. #, Wang, J., Gao, D. #, Chen, S., Liu, D., Dai, W., Jiang, P., Fang, Y., Liang, C., Wu, N., Bai, E. * (2020). Stabilization of microbial residues in soil organic matter after two years of decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 141:107687. 7) Zhang, W., Zhang, X., Bai, E., Cui, Y., He, H., Zhang, X. (2019). The strategy of microbial utilization of the deposited N in a temperate forest soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 56, 359–367. 8) Liu, Z.*, Tian, Y., Han, Y., Bai, E. *, Li, Y., Xu, Z., Liu, S* (2019). A “turn off-on” fluorescent nanoprobe consisting of CuInS2 quantum dots for determination of the activity of β-glucosidase and for inhibitor screening. Microchimica Acta. 186:806. (IF: 5.479) 9) Houlton, B. *, Almaraz, M., Aneja, V., Austin, A., Bai, E., Cassman, K., Compton, J., Davidson, E., Erisman, J., Galloway, J., Gu, B., Yao, G., Martinelli, L., Scow, K., Schlesinger, W., Tomich, T., Wang, C. #, Zhang, X. (2019). A world of cobenefits: Solving the global nitrogen challenge. Earth’s Future. 7, 865–872. 10) Sun, L. #, Xia, Z.*, Sang, C. #, Wang, X. #, Peng, B. #, Wang, C. #, Zhang, J., Muller, C., Bai, E.* (2019). Soil resource status affects the responses of nitrogen processes to changes in temperature and moisture. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 55: 629-641. 11) Pei, G.#, Liu, J.#, Peng, B.#, Gao, D.#, Wang, C. #, Dai, W. #, Jiang, P. #, Bai, E.* (2019). Nitrogen, lignin, C/N as important regulators of gross nitrogen release and immobilization during litter decomposition in a temperate forest ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management. 440, 61-69. 12) Peng, B. #, Sun, J. #, Liu, J. #, Dai, W., Sun, L#., Pei, G. #, Gao, D. #, Wang, C#., Jiang, P., Bai, E.* (2019). N2O emission from a temperate forest soil during the freeze-thaw period: A mesocosm study. Science of the Total Environment. 648, 350-357. 13) Wang, H.#, Hu, G., Xu, W., Boutton, T., Zhuge, Y., Bai, E.* (2018). Effects of nitrogen addition on soil organic carbon mineralization after maize stalk addition. European Journal of Soil Biology. 89, 33–38. 14) Kong, J., Yang, J., Bai, E. (2018). Long-term effects of wildfire on available soil nutrient composition and stoichiometry in a Chinese boreal forest. Science of the Total Environment. 642, 1353 – 1361. 15) Gao, Q., Bai, E, Wang, J., Zheng, Z., Xia, J., You, W. (2018). Effects of litter manipulation on soil respiration under short-term nitrogen addition in a subtropical evergreen forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 429, 77-83. 16) Sun, J. #, Dai, W., Peng, B. #, Liu, J. #, He, T., Jiang, P., Han, S., Bai, E.* (2018). Does the accelerated soil N cycling sustain N demand of Quercus mongolica after decade-long elevated CO2 treatment? Biogeochemistry. 139: 197-213. 17) Gao, D. #, Hagedorn, F., Zhang, L., Liu, J. #, Qu, G. #, Sun, J. #, Peng, B. #, Fan, Z. #, Zheng, J., Jiang, P., Bai, E.* (2018). Small and transient response of winter soil respiration and microbial communities to altered snow depth in a mid-temperate forest. Applied Soil Ecology. 130: 40-49. 18) Almaraz, M., Bai, E., Wang, C., Trousdell, J., Conley, S., Faloona, I., Houlton, B. (2018). Extrapolation of point measurements and fertilizer-only emission factors cannot capture statewide soil NOx emissions. Science Advances 4 (9), eaau7373. 19) Lu, X., Vitousek, P., Mao, Q., Gilliamd, F., Luo, Y., Zhou, G., Zou, X., Bai, E., Scanlonh, T., Hou, E., Mo, J. (2018). Plant acclimation to long-term high nitrogen deposition in an N-rich tropical forest. PNAS. 115 (20) 5187-5192. 20) Wang, C.#, Liu, D., Bai, E.* (2018). Decreasing soil microbial diversity is associated with decreasing microbial biomass under nitrogen addition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 120, 126-133. 21) Almaraz, M.†, Bai, E.†, Wang, C., Trousdell, J., Conley, S., Faloona, I., Houlton, B. (2018). Agriculture is a major source of NOx pollution in California. Sciences Advances. 4: 1, eaao3477. (†: equal contribution) 22) Wang. C.#, Houlton, B., Liu, D., Hou, J., Cheng, W. Bai, E.* (2018). Stable isotopic constraints on global soil organic carbon turnover. Biogeosciences. 15, 987-995. 23) Gao, D. #, Zhang, L., Liu, J. #, Peng, B. #, Fan, Z. #, Dai, W., Jiang, P, Bai, E.* (2018). Responses of terrestrial nitrogen pools and dynamics to different patterns of freeze‐thaw cycle: a meta‐analysis. Global Change Biology. 24:2377–2389. 24) Gao, D.#, Peng, B.#, Fan, Z.#, Pei, G.#, Bai, E.* (2018). Different winter soil respiration between two mid-temperate plantation forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 409: 390-398. 25) Zhang, H., Lü, X., Knapp, A., Hartmann, H., Bai, E., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Wang, X., Yu, Q., Han, X.* (2018). Facilitation by leguminous shrubs increases along a precipitation gradient. Functional Ecology. 32:203–213 26) Sun, J. #, Xia, Z., He, T., Dai, W., Peng, B. #, Liu, J. #, Gao, D. #, Jiang, P., Han, S., Bai, E.* (2017). Ten years of elevated CO2 affects soil greenhouse gas fluxes in an open top chamber experiment. Plant and Soil. 420:435–450. 27) Wei, M., Hu, G., Wang, H.#, Bai, E., Luo, Y., Zhang, A., Zhuge, Y*. (2017). 35 years of manure and chemical fertilizer application alters soil microbial community composition in a Fluvo-aquic soil in Northern China. European Journal of Soil Biology. 82: 27-34. 28) Wang, C.#, Wei, H., Liu, D., Luo, W., Hou, J., Cheng, W., Han, X., Bai, E.* (2017). Depth profiles of soil carbon isotopes along a semi-arid grassland transect in northern China. Plant and Soil. 417: 43-52. 29) Wang, C.#, Houlton, B., Dai, W., Bai, E.* (2017). Growth in the global N2 sink attributed to N fertilizer inputs over 1860 to 2000. Science of The Total Environment. 574, 1044-1053. 30) Liu, D., Zhu, W., Wang, X., Pan, Y., Wang, C.#, Xi, D., Bai, E., Yang, Y., Han, X., Fang, Y*. (2017). Abiotic versus biotic controls on soil nitrogen cycling in drylands along a 3200km transect. Biogeosciences. 14, 989–1001. 31) Liu, W., Wang, S*., Luo, W., Dai, W., Bai, E. (2017). Characteristics of soil water movement in a grass slope in a karst peak‐cluster region, China. Hydrological Processes. 31(6):1331-1348. 32) Liu, J. #, Wang, C. #, Peng, B. #, Xia, Z., Jiang, P., Bai, E. * (2017). Effect of nitrogen addition on the variations in the natural abundance of nitrogen isotopes of plant and soil components. Plant and Soil. 412: 453–464. 33) Liu, J. #, Peng, B. #, Xia, Z., Sun, J. #, Gao, D. #, Dai, W., Jiang, P., Bai, E.* (2017). Different fates of deposited NH4+ and NO3- in a temperate forest in northeast China: a 15N tracer study. Global Change Biology. 23(6):2441-2449. 34) Liu, J. #, Wu, N. #, Wang, H. #, Sun, J. #, Peng, B. #, Jiang, P., Bai, E.* (2016). Nitrogen addition affects chemical compositions of plant tissues, litter and soil organic matter. Ecology. 97(7):1796-1806. 35) Li, W., Wu, J., Bai, E., Guan, D., Wang, A., Yuan, F., Wang, S., Jin, C*. (2016). Response of terrestrial nitrogen dynamics to snow cover change: A meta-analysis of experimental manipulation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 100, 51-58. 36) Li, W., Wu, J., Bai, E., Jin, C., Wang, A., Yuan, F., Guan, D. (2016). Response of terrestrial carbon dynamics to snow cover change: A meta-analysis of experimental manipulation (II). Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 103, 388-393. 37) Zhang, W., Cui, Y. Lu, X., Bai, E., He, H., Xie, H., Liang, C., Zhang, X. (2016). High nitrogen deposition decreases the contribution of fungal residues to soil carbon pools in a tropical forest ecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 97, 211-214. 38) Wang, C. #, Liu, D., Luo, W., Fang, Y., Wang, X., Lü, X., Jiang, Y., Han, X., Bai, E.* (2016). Variations in leaf carbon isotope composition along an arid and semi-arid grassland transect in northern China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 9(5): 576–585. 39) Xia, Z., Bai, E.*, Wang, Q., Gao, D. #, Zhou, J., Jiang, P., Wu, J. (2016). Biogeographic distribution patterns of bacteria in typical Chinese forest soils. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7: 1106. 40) Suo, Y., Yuan, Z., Lin, F., Wang, X., Ye, J., Bai, E., Hao, Z. (2016). Local-scale determinants of elemental stoichiometry of soil in an old-growth temperate forest. Plant and soil. 408: 401-414. 41) Luo, W., Sardans, J., Dijkstra, F., Peñuelas, J., Lü, X., Wu, H., Li, M., Bai, E., Wang, Z., Han, X., Jiang, Y. (2016). Thresholds in decoupled soil-plant elements under changing climatic conditions. Plant and soil. 409: 159–173. 42) Sun, J. #, Peng, B. #, Li, W. #, Qu, G. #, Dai, W., Dai, G., Jiang, P., Han, S., Bai, E.* (2016). Effects of nitrogen addition on potential soil nitrogen cycling processes in a temperate forest ecosystem. Soil Science. 181 (1), 29-38. 43) Luo, W., Dijkstra, F., Bai, E., Feng, J., Lü, X., Wang, C.#, Wu, H., Li, M., Han, X., Jiang, Y. (2016). A threshold reveals decoupled relationship of sulfur with carbon and nitrogen in soils across arid and semi-arid grasslands in northern China. Biogeochemistry. 1: 141-153. 44) Luo, W., Elser, J. J., Lv, X., Wang, Z., Bai, E., Yan, C., Wang, C. #, Li, M., Zimmermann, N. E., Han, X., Xu, Z., Li, H., Wu, Y., Jiang, Y. (2015). Plant nutrients do not covary with soil nutrients under changing climatic conditions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 29, 1298–1308. 45) Wang, H.#, Boutton, T. W., Xu, W., Hu, G., Jiang, P., Bai, E.* (2015). Quality of fresh organic matter affects priming of soil organic matter and substrate utilization patterns of microbes. Scientific Reports. 5, 10102. 46) Wang, H.#, Xu, W., Hu, G., Dai, W., Jiang, P., Bai, E.* (2015). The priming effect of soluble carbon inputs in organic and mineral soils from a temperate forest. Oecologia. 178(4):1239-50. (IF:2.902) 47) Houlton, B. Z., Marklein, A. R., and Bai, E. (2015). Representation of nitrogen in climate change forecasts. Nature Climate Change. 5. 398–401. (IF:17.184, Top) 48) Fang, Y., Koba, K., Makabe, A., Takahashi, C., Zhu, W., Hayashi, T., Hokari, A.A., Urakawa, R., Bai, E., Houlton, B.Z., Xi, D., Zhang, S., Matsushita, K., Tu, Y., Liu, D., Zhu, F., Wang, Z., Zhou, G., Chen, D., Makita, T., Toda, H., Liu, X., Chen, Q., Zhang, D., Li, Y., Yoh, M. (2015). Microbial denitrification dominates nitrate losses from forest ecosystems. PNAS. 112 (5): 1470–1474. (IF:9.423, Top) 49) Wu, N. #, Filley, T., Bai, E.*, Han, S., Jiang, P. (2015). Incipient changes of lignin and substituted fatty acids under N addition in a Chinese forest soil. Organic Geochemistry. 79: 14-20. (IF:2.999) 50) Wang, C.#, Wang, X., Liu, D., Wu, H., Lü, X., Fang, Y., Cheng, W., Luo, W., Jiang, P., Shi, J., Yin, H., Zhou, J., Han, X., Bai, E.* (2014). Aridity threshold in controlling ecosystem nitrogen cycling in arid and semi-arid grasslands. Nature Communications. 01/2014; 5:4799. 51) Xu, W., Li, W. #, Jiang, P., Wang, H. #, Bai, E.* (2014). Distinct temperature sensitivity of soil carbon decomposition in forest organic layer and mineral soil. Scientific Reports. 4:6512 DOI:10.1038/srep06512. 52) Bai, E.*, Li, W. #, Li, S. #, Sun, J. #, Peng, B. #, Dai, W., Jiang, P., Han, S. (2014). Pulse increase of soil N2O emission in response to N addition in a temperate forest on Mt Changbai, Northeast China. PLoS ONE. 01/2014; 9(7):e102765. 53) Wei, C., Yu, Q., Bai, E., Lv, X., Li, Q., Xia, J., Kardol, P., Liang, W., Wang, Z., Han, X. (2013). Nitrogen deposition weakens plant-microbe interactions in grassland ecosystems. Global Change Biology. 19, 3688–3697. 54) Liu, F. Archer, S., Gelwick, F., Bai, E., Boutton, T.W., Wu, B. (2013). Woody plant encroachment into grasslands: Spatial patterns of functional group distribution and community development. PLoS ONE. 8(12): e84364. 55) Luo, W., Jiang, Y., Lu, X., Wang, X., Li, M., Bai, E., Han, X. Xu, Z. (2013). Patterns of plant biomass allocation in temperate grasslands across a 2500-kmtransect in northern China. PLoS ONE. 8(8): e71749. 56) Xia, Z., Xu, H., Chen, G., Dong, D., Bai, E., Luo, L. (2013). Soil N2O production and the δ15N–N2O value: Their relationship with nitrifying/denitrifying bacteria and archaea during a growing season of soybean in northeast China. European Journal of Soil Biology. 58, 73-80. 57) Bai, E.*, Li, S.#, Xu, W., Li, W., Dai, W., Jiang, P. (2013). A meta-analysis of experimental warming effects on terrestrial nitrogen pools and dynamics. New Phytologist. 199, 441-451. 58) Bai, E.*, Boutton, T.W., Liu, F., Wu, X.B., Archer, S.R. (2013). 15N isoscapes in a subtropical savanna parkland: spatial-temporal perspectives, Ecosphere. 4(1):4. 59) Bai, E.*, Houlton, B.Z., Wang, Y.P. (2012). Isotopic identification of nitrogen hotspots across natural terrestrial Ecosystems. Biogeosciences. 9, 3287-3304. 60) Bai, E.*, Boutton, T.W., Liu, F., Wu, X.B., Hallmark, C.T., Archer, S.R. (2012). Spatial variation of soil δ13C and its relation to carbon input and soil texture in a subtropical lowland woodland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 44, 102–112. 61) Bai, E.*, Boutton, T.W., Liu, F., Wu, X.B., Archer, S.R. (2012). Spatial patterns of soil δ13C reveal grassland-to-woodland successional processes. Organic Geochemistry. 42, 1512–1518. 62) Liu, F., Wu, X.B., Bai, E., Boutton, T.W., Archer, S.R. (2011). Quantifying soil organic carbon in complex landscapes: an example of grassland undergoing encroachment of woody plants. Global Change Biology. 17, 1119–1129. 63) Liu, F., Wu, X.B., Bai, E., Boutton, T.W., Archer, S.R. (2010). Spatial scaling of ecosystem C and N in a subtropical savanna landscape. Global Change Biology. 16, 2213–2223. 64) Bai, E.*, Houlton, B.Z. (2009) Coupled isotopic and process-based modeling of gaseous nitrogen losses from tropical rain forests. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 23, GB2011, doi:10.1029/2008GB003361. 65) Bai, E.*, Boutton, T.W., Wu, X.B., Liu, F., Archer, S.R. (2009). Landscape-scale vegetation dynamics inferred from spatial patterns of soil δ13C in a subtropical savanna parkland. Journal of Geophysical Research. 114, G01019, doi:10.1029/2008JG000839. 66) Bai, E.*, Boutton, T.W., Liu, F., Wu, X.B., Archer, S.R., Hallmark, C.T. (2009). Spatial variation of the stable nitrogen isotope ratio of woody plants along a topoedaphic gradient in a subtropical savanna. Oecologia. 159:493-503. 67) Houlton, B.Z., Bai, E. (2009) Imprint of denitrifying bacteria on the global terrestrial biosphere. PNAS. 106, 21713–21716. 68) Bai, E.*, Boutton, T.W., Liu, F., Wu, X.B., Archer, S.R. (2008). Variation in woody plant δ13C along a topoedaphic gradient in a subtropical savanna parkland. Oecologia. 156:479-489. 已发表其他文章: 1) Dai, W., Bai, E.*, Li, W., Jiang, P., Dai, G., Zheng, X. (2020). Predicting plant–soil N cycling and soil N2O emissions in a Chinese old-growth temperate forest under global changes: uncertainty and implication. Soil Ecology Letters, 2, 73–82. 2) 范珍珍#, 王鑫#, 王超#*, 白娥. 整合分析氮磷添加对土壤酶活性的影响[J]. 应用生态学报, 2018, 29 (4), 1266-1272. 3) 孙建飞#,戴崴巍,贺同鑫,彭勃#,姜萍,韩士杰,白娥*. 蒙古栎叶片及其土壤碳,氮同位素自然丰度对大气CO2浓度升高的响应[J]. 应用生态学报, 2017, 28(7), 2179-2185. 4) 曲桂芳#,徐文华,王会#,彭勃#,高德才#,孙建飞#,郑俊强, 姜萍,白娥*. 五角槭根系的负激发效应降低了异养呼吸及其温度敏感性[J]. 生态学杂志, 2016, 35(10): 2692-2698. 5) 孙建飞#,白娥*,戴崴巍,彭勃#,曲桂芳#,姜萍. 15N标记土壤连续培养过程中扩散法测定无机氮同位素方法改进[J]. 生态学杂志, 2014, 33(9): 2574-2580. 6) 李伟#,白娥*,李善龙#,孙建飞#,彭勃#,姜萍. 施氮和降水格局改变对土壤CH4和CO2通量的影响[J].生态学杂志, 2013, 32(8): 1947-1958.


副编辑(Associate editor): Biogeochemistry (2016-至今) 编委: Journal of Plant Ecology (2015-至今) Soil Ecology Letters (2019-至今) Ecological Processes (2012-至今) Frontiers in Forests and Global Change (2019-至今) Scientific Reports (2015-2019) 植物生态学报 (2016-至今) 应用生态学报 (2014-至今)
