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学历 2007.02 – 2011.01 英国利兹大学教育学院 / 测试与评估 / 博士学位 2005.09 – 2006.10 英国利兹大学教育学院 / 英语作为第二外语教学 / 硕士学位 2001.09 – 2005.07 中国西南师范大学外国语学院 / 英语 / 学士学位 教学经验 2019.07 – 澳门科技大学 / 国际学院 / 副教授 2014.08 – 2019.06 澳门科技大学 / 国际学院 / 助理教授 2011.05 – 2014.06 墨尔本皇家理工大学南西贡校区 / 讲师 2010.09 – 2011.04 英国伦敦培生学术英语测试 / 研究助理 2008.09 – 2010.07 英国利兹大学 / 东亚系 / 兼职老师


教育测试与评估,教师专业发展与评估,计算机辅助 教学,语言教学


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书和章节 1.Wei, W. (2017). Critical review of washback studies: hypothesis and evidence. In Al-Mahrooqi, Al-Maamari & Thakur (Eds.), Revisiting EFL Assessment:CriticalPerspectives,(pp.49-67).Springer:Switzerland. 2. Wei, W. (2014). The practice of reading assessment in South and Southeast Asia. In Al-Mahrooqi & Roscoe (Eds.) pp. 468-494, Focusing on EFL Reading: TheoryandPractice,CambridgeScholars:Cambridge,UK. 期刊文章 1.Wei, W., & Hui, K. F. (2019). Evaluating teacher performance in language learning classes: the gap between students and department administrators. Teachers&Teaching:TheoryandPractice,25(4),486-500.(SSCI,IF=2.378) 2. Wei, W., & Xie, Y. (2018). University teachers’ reflections on the reasons behind their changing feedback approaches. Assessment and Evaluation in HigherEducation,43(6),867-879. (SSCI,IF=1.877) 3. Wei, W., & Ying, Z. (2017). An Investigation of integrative and independent listening test tasks in a computerized academic English test. Computer AssistedLanguageLearning,30(8),864-883.(SSCI,IF=2.121) 4. Wei, W. (2017). Can integrated skills tasks change students’ learning strategiesandmaterials?LanguageLearningJournal.45(3),336-351.(ESCI) 5. Wei, W. (2015). Using summative and formative assessments to evaluate EFL teachers’ teaching performance in a higher education context. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 40 (4), 611-623. (SSCI, IF=1.391) 6. Wei, W., Debrot, D., & Witney, C. (2015). The role of leadership in small scale educational change. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 35 (1), 40-54. (SSCI,IF=0.531) 7. Ying, Z., & Wei, W. (2014). Knowing the Test Takers: Investigating Chinese and Indian EFL/ESL Students’ Performance on PTE Academic. Asian EFL Journal.16(1),119-151. 会议或者工作坊 1.Wei, W. Witney, C. Cowan, M. & Graham, S. (2011, November). The perceptions of academic language and learning support among staff and students at a transitional university. Paper presented with colleagues at The 2011 Biennial AALL (Association for Academic Language and Learning) Conference,Adelaide,Australia. 2. Wei, W. (2012, February). Washback effects and impacts of the high-stakes English tests on curriculum reform. Paper presented at the 8th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 3. Jones,G.&Wei,W.(2012,November).Areweontrack?AstudyofChinese test takers. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Association of LanguageTesting andAssessment of Australiaand New Zealand (ALTAANZ), UniversityofSydney,Australia. 4. Wei, W. (2012, November). Washback effects on language learning strategies: a case study using PTE Academic integrated skills items. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Association of Language Testing and Assessment of Australia and New Zealand (ALTAANZ), University of Sydney,Australia. 5.Pui, Ondris., Sriratanaviriyakul, N., Wei, W., Then, P & Tho, Z, (2013, May). Using PRS to Enhance Student Learning Process: The Application of Revised Study Process Questionnaire-2 Factors, Paper presented at 4th International Conference on IS Management and Evaluation, Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam. 6. Witney,C.&Wei,W.(2013.June).Motivationalorientationinstudentsata transactional university in Southeast Asia. Paper presented at the 7th International Technology,Education and Development Conference, Madrid, Spain. 7. Witney, C. & Wei, W. (2013, June). Learning strategies in students at a transactional university in Southeast Asia. Paper presented at the 7th International Technology,Education and Development Conference, Madrid, Spain. 8. Wei, W. (2014, June). Using formative and summative assessments to evaluateEnglishlecturers’teachingperformances.PaperpresentedatGCIN (Global Curriculum & Instruction Network) Conference 2014, Hong Kong InstituteofEducation,HongKong. 9. Wei, W. (2015, February). Do students use the new vocabulary from textbooks in their oral presentation? Paper presented in the 3rd English Language Teaching International Conference: Departing from Tradition: Innovations in English Language Teaching and Learning, University of Macau,Macau. 10. 孙建荣. 韦卫.(2015,10 月). 工作坊:如何进行有效的教师发展:参与 度与结果. 两岸四地高校教育发展网络 2105 年年会, 北京理工大学,北 京 11. 韦卫. 孙建荣 (2015,10 月). 工作坊:高等教育环境下的学生教学评估 问卷设计. 两岸四地高校教育发展网络 2105 年年会, 北京理工大学,北 京. 12. Wei, W. (2015, November). Unethical and superficial changes in classroom teaching as a result of using studentevaluation surveys toassess university professor's’ teaching performance. Paper presented in The International Conference on Quality Assurance and the Enhancement of Teaching and LearninginHigherEducation,MacaoPolytechnicInstitute,Macau. 13. 韦 卫 . 胡 蓉 . (2015, 11 月 ). Competing feedback from summative assessments and classroom instructions on English major students' use of readingcomprehensionstrategies. 语言测试与评价国际研讨会, 广东外 语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心、教育部考试中心,广东 外语外贸大学,广州. 14. 韦卫. 罗渝. (2016, 12 月). Exploring EFL peers’ feedback giving and learningbehaviorsin ahighereducation context. 第四届广外应用语言学 论坛, 广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心,广东外语 外贸大学,广州. 15.韦卫. 谢艷梅.(2016, 10 月). 高等教育环境下大学教授给学生学习成果 反馈策略与方法的研究. 两岸四地高校教育发展网络 2106 年年会, 中 国科学技术大学,合肥。 16. 韦卫. 周婷.(2016,10 月). 高校教师与学生协商共建评分标准对学生深 度学习(deep learning)过程和学习成效的影响. 两岸四地高校教育发展 网络 2106 年年会, 中国科学技术大学,合肥。 17. H. Dai, W. Wei, H. Wang and T. Wong. (2017, December) Impact of outcome-based education on software engineering teaching: A case study. Paper presented at the 2017 IEEE 6th International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), The Education UniversityofHongKong,HongKong. 18. 韦卫. 孙建荣. (2018, 10 月). 基于学生学习过程与学习成果数据分析的' 翻转课堂'教学设计效度实证研究. 两岸四地高校教育发展网络 2108 年 年会, 西安交通大学,西安. 19.Chen,Zhao.&Wei,W.(2019).Ismobile-assistedonlinefeedbackabetter waytoimprovepronunciationthanface-to-facefeedbackatbothwordand phraselevel?PaperacceptedattheTheXXthInternationalComputer AssistedLanguageLearning(CALL)ResearchConference,TheEducation UniversityofHongKong,HongKong. 20. Ting,J.,&Wei,W.(2019).InvestigatingTCFLpre-serviceteachers’ self-reflectionpracticesfromtheperspectiveofteachercognitiontheory. PaperpresentedatTheFifthInternationalConferenceonTeachingChinese asaSecondLanguage,TheEducationUniversityofHongKong,HongKong. 21. 罗运久. 韦卫.(2019). 基于人工智能单词矢量化算法设计 HSK 词汇测 试及干扰项的实证研究. 中国英汉语比较研究会语言测试与评价专业 委员会 2019 年会,广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中 心和桂诗春语言高等研究院. 广东外语外贸大学,广州
