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教育经历 2010.10 -- 2014.11 昆士兰大学 化学工程 博士 2008.9 -- 2010.7 东北大学 流体机械及工程 硕士 2004.9 -- 2008.7 东北大学 过程装备与控制工程 学士 工作经历 2018.7 -- 至今 大连理工大学环境学院 School of Environmental Science and Technology 副教授 Associate professor 2016.4 -- 2018.6 清华大学环境学院 Tsinghua University 博士后 Postdoctoral Research fellow 2015.9 -- 2016.2 澳大利亚昆士兰大学机械学院 the University of Queensland 博士后 Postdoctoral Research fellow 2014.9 -- 2015.8 澳大利亚昆士兰大学化工学院 the University of Queensland 博士后 Postdoctoral Research fellow


固体废物热化学转化 热化学转化过程模拟计算 计算流体力学(CFD)模拟 二氧化碳捕集技术 无机膜分离技术


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Gao, Xuechao.Special Issue on "Transport of Fluids in Nanoporous Materials"[J],PROCESSES,2022,7(1) Changjing Li.Synergistic effects of anionic surfactants on adsorption of norfloxacin by magnetic biochar derived[J],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2022,254 Li, Changjing.Synergistic effects of anionic surfactants on adsorption of norfloxacin by magnetic biochar derive[J],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2022,254(Pt B):113005 姬国钊.Sustainable potassium chloride production from concentrated KCl brine via a membrane-promoted crysta[J],DESALINATION,2022,521 Raheem, Abdul.Parametric gasification process of sugarcane bagasse for syngas production[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2022,44(31):16234-16247 Xuechao Gao.processes Special Issue on "Transport of Fluids in Nanoporous Materials"[J],Processes,2022,7(1):14-17 Ma, Dexiao.Reinforced contact between sludge and hot wall for enhancing conductive drying by applying external [J],PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION,2022,154:372-383 Kahrizi, Mohammad.Relating forward water and reverse salt fluxes to membrane porosity and tortuosity in forward osmo[J],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2022,241 姬国钊.Recent advances on kinetics of carbon dioxide capture using solid sorbents at elevated temperature[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2022,267 Chen, Chuanshuai.Rice husk and rice straw torrefaction: Properties and pyrolysis kinetics of raw and torrefied biomas[J],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2022,24 Ma, Dexiao.Mechanical compression assisted conductive drying of thin-film dewatered sewage sludge: Process perf[J],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2022,126:41-51 Fu, Weng.Molybdenum sulphide modified chelating resin for toxic metal adsorption from acid mine wastewater[J],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2022,251 Chuanshuai Chen.Comprehensive research on the solid, liquid and gaseous products of rice husk and rice straw torrefa[J],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2022 Chen, Chuanshuai.Comprehensive research on the solid, liquid, and gaseous products of rice husk and rice straw torref[J],SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS,2022,5(3):687-697 高原.Degradation of antibiotic pollutants by persulfate activated with various carbon materials[J],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022,429 李爱民.Catalytic gasification of wet municipal solid waste with HfO 2 promoted Ni-CaO catalyst for H 2 -ri[J],FUEL,2022 Irfan, Muhammad.Catalytic gasification of wet municipal solid waste with HfO2 promoted Ni-CaO catalyst for H-2-rich [J],FUEL,2022,286 Yang, Jiwen.High-yield and high-performance porous biochar produced from pyrolysis of peanut shell with low-do[J],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2022,264 Raheem, Abdul.Hydrogen-rich energy recovery from microalgae (lipid-extracted) via steam catalytic gasification[J],Algal Research Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts,2022,52 Irfan, Muhammad.Hydrogen-rich syngas from wet municipal solid waste gasification using Ni/Waste marble powder cataly[J],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2022,132:96-104 高媛.In-situ self-activation strategy toward highly porous biochar for supercapacitors: Direct carbonizat[J],JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2022,882 Li, Changjing.Influencing mechanism of zinc mineral contamination on pyrolysis kinetic and product characteristics[J],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2022,281 赵明.Iso-conversional kinetics of low-lipid micro-algae gasification by air[J],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2022,207:618-629 Qu, Yi.Kinetic study of the effect of in-situ mineral solids on pyrolysis process of oil sludge[J],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2022,374:338-346 姬国钊.Investigation and simulation of the transport of gas containing mercury in microporous silica memb[J],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022,190:286-296 王雪雪.Integrated thermal behavior and compounds transition mechanism of municipal solid waste incineration[J],CHEMOSPHERE,2022,264:128406-128406 Wang, Xuexue.Integrated thermal behavior and compounds transition mechanism of municipal solid waste incineration[J],CHEMOSPHERE,2022,264 Zhang, Yutao.Liquid oils produced from pyrolysis of plastic wastes with heat carrier in rotary kiln[J],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2022,206 姬国钊.Kinetic Analysis of Algae Gasification by Distributed Activation Energy Model[J],PROCESSES,2022,8(8) 李爱民.Kinetic analysis of waste tire pyrolysis with metal oxide and zeolitic catalysts[J],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2022 Yang, Hang.Kinetics of catalytic biomass pyrolysis using Ni-based functional materials[J],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2022,195 Zhang, Yulin.Templating synthesis of hierarchical porous carbon from heavy residue of tire pyrolysis oil for me[J],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2022,390 Gao, Xuechao.The Determination of Pore Shape and Interfacial Barrier of Entry for Light Gases Transport in Amorph[J],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2022,13(3):4804-4812 姬国钊.The simulation of particle movement and heat transfer in rotary kiln for plastic waste pyrolysis[J],科学通报,2022 赵明.Zirconia incorporated calcium looping absorbents with superior sintering resistance for carbon dio[J],SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS,2022,2(12):2733-2741 MingZhao.Alkali metal bifunctional catalyst-sorbents enabled biomass pyrolysis for enhanced hydrogen producti[J],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2022,148:168-175 赵明.Alkali metal bifunctional catalyst-sorbents enabled biomass pyrolysis for enhanced hydrogen produc[J],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2022,148:168-175 Ming Zhao.Alkaline Thermal Treatment of Cellulosic Biomass for H2 Production Using Ca-Based Bifunctional Mater[J],ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering,2022,7(1):1202-1209 赵明.Alkaline Thermal Treatment of Cellulosic Biomass for H-2 Production Using Ca-Based Bifunctional Ma[J],ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering,2022,7(1):1202-1209 Wang, Iwei.A short-cut chemical looping hydrogen generation system by using iron-based material from steel in[J],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2022,394 Wang, Yinxiang.A review of CO2 sorbents for promoting hydrogen production in the sorption-enhanced steam reforming [J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2022,46(45):23358-23379 Raheem, Abdul.Gasification of lipid-extracted microalgae biomass promoted by waste eggshell as CaO catalyst[J],Algal Research Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts,2022,42 高媛.Doping strategy, properties and application of heteroatom-doped ordered mesoporous carbon[J],RSC ADVANCES,2022,11(10):5361-5383 Qu, Boyu.Dynamic Pyrolysis Characteristics, Kinetics and Products Analysis of Waste Tire Catalytic Pyrolysis [J],CATALYSTS,2022,11(9) 高原.Edge defects-enriched porous carbon derived from food waste for high-performance supercapacitors[J],MATERIALS LETTERS,2022,253:74-77 Fu, Weng.Engineering Anion Resin based Amorphous Molybdenum Sulphide Composite for Treatment of Authentic A[J],Journal of environmental chemical engineering,2022,8(5) Ma, Dexiao.Enhancement of conductive drying of sewage sludge with mechanical compression: Drying kinetics, and [J],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022,796 姬国钊.Estimation of Pore Size Distribution of Amorphous Silica-Based Membrane by the Activation Energies[J],PROCESSES,2022,6(12) 王凡.Enhancing hydrogen production from biomass pyrolysis by dental-wastes-derived sodium zirconate[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2022,44(43):23846-23855 Zhang, Yutao.Exergy and energy analysis of pyrolysis of plastic wastes in rotary kiln with heat carrier[J],PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION,2022,142:203-211 姬国钊.回转窑热解废塑料过程中固体颗粒的运动与传热模拟[J],科学通报,2020,65(26):2895-2902 He, Xu.Effects of the Inert Materials on the Stability of Ca-Based CO2 Sorbents and the Synergy with Ceme[J],ENERGY FUELS,2019,33(10):9996-10003 Li, Qiaohong.Evaluation of pyrolysis residue of oil sludge for recycling as bed material[J],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020,98(2):465-474 高原.Degradation of antibiotic pollutants by persulfate activated with various carbon materials[J],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021 王雪雪.Integrated thermal behavior and compounds transition mechanism of municipal solid waste incineration[J],Chemosphere,2021,264:128406-128406 Chuanshuai Chen.Comprehensive research on the solid, liquid and gaseous products of rice husk and rice straw torrefa[J],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2021 Qu, Boyu.Kinetic analysis of waste tire pyrolysis with metal oxide and zeolitic catalysts[J],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021,152 Raheem, Abdul.Hydrogen-rich energy recovery from microalgae (lipid-extracted) via steam catalytic gasification[J],ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS,2021,52 姬国钊.The simulation of particle movement and heat transfer in rotary kiln for plastic waste pyrolysis[J],科学通报,2021 Kinetic analysis of waste tire pyrolysis with metal oxide and zeolitic catalysts[J],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2021 Catalytic gasification of wet municipal solid waste with HfO 2 promoted Ni-CaO catalyst for H 2 -ri[J],Fuel,2021 Zhang, Yutao.Exergy and energy analysis of pyrolysis of plastic wastes in rotary kiln with heat carrier[J],PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION,2021,142:203-211 Fu, Weng.Engineering Anion Resin based Amorphous Molybdenum Sulphide Composite for Treatment of Authentic A[J],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2021,8(5) Kahrizi, Mohammad,Lin, Jiuyang,Ji, Guozhao,Kong, Lingxue,Song, Chengwen,Dumee, Ludovic F.,Sahebi, Soleyman,Zhao, Shuaifei.Relating forward water and reverse salt fluxes to membrane porosity and tortuosity in forward osmo[J],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2020,241 Zhao, Ming,Zhou, Hui,Memon, Muhammad Zaki,Ji, Guozhao,Yang, Xiaoxiao,Vuppaladadiyam, Arun K.,Song, Yinqiang,Raheem, Abdul,Li, Jinhui,Wang, Wei.Alkali metal bifunctional catalyst-sorbents enabled biomass pyrolysis for enhanced hydrogen produc[J],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020,148:168-175 He, Xu,Ji, Guozhao,Liu, Tan,Zhao, Ming.Effects of the Inert Materials on the Stability of Ca-Based CO2 Sorbents and the Synergy with Ceme[J],ENERGY & FUELS,2019,33(10):9996-10003 Li, Changjing,Zhu, Kongyun,Wang, Xuexue,Zhang, Yulin,Gao, Yuan,Li, Aimin,Zhang, Lei,Ji, Guozhao.Synergistic effects of anionic surfactants on adsorption of norfloxacin by magnetic biochar derive[J],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2019,254(Pt B):113005 Yang, Hang,Ji, Guozhao,Clough, Peter T.,Xu, Xiaoyin,Zhao, Ming.Kinetics of catalytic biomass pyrolysis using Ni-based functional materials[J],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019,195 Wang, Fan,Wang, Ping,Raheem, Abdul,Ji, Guozhao,Memon, Muhammad Zaki,Song, Yinqiang,Zhao, Ming.Enhancing hydrogen production from biomass pyrolysis by dental-wastes-derived sodium zirconate[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019,44(43):23846-23855 Gao, Yuan,Ji, Guozhao,Li, Aimin.Edge defects-enriched porous carbon derived from food waste for high-performance supercapacitors[J],MATERIALS LETTERS,2019,253:74-77 Zhao, Ming,Raheem, Abdul,Memon, Zaki Mohammad,Vuppaladadiyam, Arun K.,Ji, Guozhao.Iso-conversional kinetics of low-lipid micro-algae gasification by air[J],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2019,207:618-629 Zhao, Ming,Cui, Xiaomin,Ji, Guozhao,Zhou, Hui,Vuppaladadiyam, Arun K.,Zhao, Xiao.Alkaline Thermal Treatment of Cellulosic Biomass for H-2 Production Using Ca-Based Bifunctional Ma[J],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019,7(1):1202-1209 Ji, Guozhao,Gao, Xuechao,Smart, Simon,Bhatia, Suresh K.,Wang, Geoff,Hooman, Kamel,da Costa, Joao C. Diniz.Estimation of Pore Size Distribution of Amorphous Silica-Based Membrane by the Activation Energies[J],PROCESSES,2018,6(12) Zhao, Ming,He, Xu,Ji, Guozhao,Song, Yinqiang,Zhao, Xiao.Zirconia incorporated calcium looping absorbents with superior sintering resistance for carbon dio[J],SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS,2018,2(12):2733-2741 Ji, Guozhao,George, Anthe,Skoulou, Vicky,Reed, Graham,Millan, Marcos,Hooman, Kamel,Bhatia, Suresh K.,da Costa, Joao C. Diniz.Investigation and simulation of the transport of gas containing mercury in microporous silica memb[J],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018,190:286-296 Ming Zhao,Xiaomin Cui,姬国钊,Hui Zhou,Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam,Xiao Zhao.Alkaline Thermal Treatment of Cellulosic Biomass for H2 Production Using Ca-Based Bifunctional Mater[J],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2018,7(1):1202-1209
