2001年6月毕业于浙江工业大学,获硕士学位,2004年7月于中科院上海微系统与信息技术研究所获博士学位。2004至2006年上海交通大学化学化工学院任讲师,主要从事化学电源方面的研究工作;2006至2008年就职于Valence Tech. (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. 从事电池材料的研发和生产技术管理工作。2008进入上海电力学院任教。
Junsheng Wang, Fei Zhao, Jie Cao, Yu Liu, Baofeng. Wang*. Enhanced electrochemical performance of Cu2O-modified Li4Ti5O12 anode material for lithium-ion batteriesIonics2015, DOI: 10.1007/s11581-015-1399-x
2. Junsheng Wang, Baofeng. Wang*, Jie Cao, Yufeng Tang. Facile solution-based synthesis of spinel Li4Ti5O12nanosheets and the application in lithium ion Batteries Solid State Ionics2014,268, 131-134
3. Baofeng. Wang*,Junsheng Wang,Jie Cao, HonghuaGe, Yufeng TangNitrogen-doped Li4Ti5O12nanosheets with enhanced lithium storage properties, Journal of Power Sources,2014,,266,150-154
4. Baofeng. Wang*,JieCao, Yu Liu, Tao Zeng, Lei Li,Improved capacity and rate capability of Fe2O3 modified Li4Ti5O12 anode batteriesJournal of Alloys and compounds 2014, 587,21–25
5. PengXue, DachengGao, Shengyang Chen, Shuyu Zhao, Baofeng Wang and Lei Li*. Improved high-temperature capacity retention of the LiMn2O4 cathode lithium-ion battery by ion exchange polymer coatingRSC Advances 2014,4 ,52624-52628
6. Yufeng Tang, Zhanqiang Liu, XujieLv, Baofeng Wang and Fuqiang Huang*TiO2 nanotubes grown on graphene sheets as advanced anode materials for high rate lithium ion batteriesRSC Advances 2014,4 , 36372-36376
7. Lei Tan, Lei Pan, Chengying Cao, Baofeng Wang, Lei Li, Nitrogen-doped carbon coated TiO2nanocomposites as anodeJournal of Power Sources 2014,253,193-200
8. Baofeng. Wang*, JieCao and Yu Liu,Surface modification of spinel Li4Ti5O12 withFe for lithium ion batteriesMaterials Technology 2014,29(2):124-128
9. Lei Tan, ChengyingCao, HuijunYang,BaofengWang*, LeiLi,Nitrogen-dopedcarboncoatedanataseTiO2 anode materialfor lithium-ionbatteries,MaterialsLetters2013,109,195–198
10. Baofeng Wang*, Chunyan Lai, Xiping Zhu,Deyong Huang, High-rate LiFePO4 electrode material synthesized by chemical grinding method, Advanced Materials Research2012,347-353,3459-3463
11. Baofeng Wanget.al Ultrafine spherical LiFePO4 Cathode materials synthesized by chemical reduction and lithiation method in alcohol solution,Solid State ionics2007, 178: 843–847
12. Baofeng Wanget.al Structural and Electrochemical Characterization of Nanocrystalline LiFePO4 Synthesized by an HEDP-Based Soft-Chemistry Route,Electochem. Comm2006, 8:1801–1805