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Academic Qualifications Ph.D. in Finance, Cass Business School, City University (London, UK) Related Working Experiences Acting Research Director, Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, University of Macau Visiting Researcher, The Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT), Bank of Finland Visiting Researcher, The Technology and Management Centre for Development, University of Oxford Visiting Researcher, Bangor Business School, Bangor University Acting Dean, Graduate School, University of Macau Associate Dean, Graduate School, University of Macau Editorial Board Member: Banking and Finance Review, Research in International Business and Finance, International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering Director, University Chapter, Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) Referee for International Academic Journals, including Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, British Journal of Management, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of Comparative Economics, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, and Money, Economic Inquiry, China Economic Review, Applied Economics, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Emerging Markets Review, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Journal of Asian Economics, Empirical Economics, Economics Bulletin, Asian Business and Management Journal, International Review of Economics and Finance, Asia Pacific Management Review, Banking and Finance Review, Studies in Economics and Finance, and etc. Assistant Professor of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau Vice Director, Department of International Business, China Merchants Bank, Guangzhou Branch State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Guangzhou Branch People’s Bank of China, Guangzhou Branch Teaching Undergraduate Courses Financial Management (FINC210) Financial Management I (FINC300) Financial Management II (FINC301) Management of Financial Institutions (FINC312) Public Sector Finance (FINC330) Money and Banking (ECIF350) International Banking (ECIF482) Postgraduate Courses Commercial Bank Management (MFIN616) China Business Seminar and Field Study (IMBB110)


FinTech Entrepreneurial finance Corporate finance Banking Innovation

Research Projects University Governance in China – Phase 1, funded by the Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Macao Higher Education Institutions in the Area of Research in Humanity and Social Science, 2019 Responsible Investing in the Gaming Industry – Phase 1, funded by the Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Macao Higher Education Institutions in the Area of Research in Humanity and Social Science, 2019 “新时代粤港澳大湾区协调发展机制体系研究”, 国家社会科学基金重大项目, 2018 The Quality and Quantity of Bank Intermediation and Economic Growth: Evidence from Asia Pacific, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2017 Innovation and corporate governance in China, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2016 Study of CDS determinants and its relationship to financial stability, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2013 Bank Efficiency and Stock Performance in the mainland China and Hong Kong, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2011 Bank performance in Asia: pre and post financial crisis, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2011 Banking Efficiency and Productivity Growth in Hong Kong and Macau, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2009 Sources of Financial Innovations, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2008 The Determinants of Bank Performance in China, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2008 Chinese Banking Research Project, funded by the Seng Heng Bank Limited, 2007 Bank Concentration and Retail Interest Rates in UK, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2006


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Fu, X., Lin, Y., Zhang, Y., Responsible investing in the gaming industry. Journal of Corporate Finance, 64, 101657, 2020 Fu, X., Bao. Q., Xie, H., Fu, X.L., Diffusion of Industrial Robotics and Inclusive Growth: Labour Market Evidence from Cross Country Data. Journal of Business Research, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.05.051 Fu, X.L., Buckley, P.J., Fu, X., The Growth Impact of Chinese Direct Investment on Host Developing Countries. International Business Review, 29 (2), 101658, 2020 Fu, X., Li, M.C., Molyneux, P., Credit default swap spreads: market conditions, firm performance, and the impact of the 2007–2009 financial crisis. Empirical Economics,2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-020-01852-0. Fung, K.C., Aminian, N., Fu, X., Rhee, J.H., & Tung, C.Y., Silicon trade policies” and a comparative analysis of China-U.S. and Japan-U.S. trade conflicts, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/14765284.2020.1731785 Fung, K.C., Aminian, N., Fu, X., and Tung, C.Y., Digital silk road, Silicon Valley and connectivity, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 16, 313-336, 2018 Lin, Y., Fu, X., Gu, X., and Song, H., Institutional ownership and return volatility in the casino hospitality industry. International Journal of Tourism Research, 20, 204-214, 2018 Fu, X., Lin, Y., Molyneux, P., The Quality and Quantity of Bank Intermediation and Economic Growth: Evidence of Asia Pacific. Applied Economics, 50, 4427-2226, 2018 Fung, K.C., Aminian, N., Fu, X., and Kornhohen, I., Internationalization of the Use of Chinese Currency: Perspectives from the New and the Ancient Silk Roads. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 16, 1-16, 2018 Li, M.C. and Fu, X., Determinants of Credit Default Swap Spreads: A Four-Market Panel Data Analysis. Journal of Finance and Economics, 5, 9-31, 2017 Lin, Y. and Fu, X., Does institutional ownership influence firm performance? Evidence from China. International Review of Economics and Finance, 49, 17-57, 2017 Fu, X., Lin, Y., and Molyneux, P., Bank Capital and Liquidity Creation in Asia Pacific. Economic Inquiry, 54, 966-993, 2016 Fu, X., Lin, Y., and Molyneux, P., Bank Competition and Financial Stability in Asia Pacific. Journal of Banking and Finance, 38, 64-77, 2014 Fu, X., Lin, Y., and Molyneux, P., Bank Efficiency and Shareholder Value in Asia Pacific. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, and Money, 33, 200-222, 2014 Heffernan, S.A., Fu, X.L., and Fu, X., Financial Innovations in the UK, Applied Economics, V45, 3400-3411, 2013 Fu, X. and Sio, U., Economies of Scale and Scope in Macau’s Banking Sector, Banks and Bank Systems, V4, 88-95, 2011 Fu, X. and Vong, I.L., Bank Efficiency and Productivity Change in Hong Kong and Macao, Macao Monetary Research Bulletin, 18, 109-139, 2011 Fu, X. and Heffernan, S.A., Determinants of Financial Performance in Chinese Banking, Applied Financial Economics, V20, 1585-1600, 2010 Fu, X., Competition in Chinese Commercial Banking, Banking and Finance Review, V1, 1-16, 2009 Heffernan, S.A. and Fu, X., The Structure of Retail Markets: What Do We Learn from Bank-Specific Rates? Applied Financial Economics, V19, 1885-1898, 2009 Fu, X. and Heffernan, S.A., The Effects of Reform on China’s Bank Structure and Performance, Journal of Banking and Finance, V33, 39-52, 2009 Fu, X. and Heffernan, S.A., Economies of Scale and Scope in China’s Banking Sector, Applied Financial Economics, V18, 345-356, 2008 Fu, X. and Heffernan, S.A., Cost X-efficiency in China’s Banking Sector, China Economic Review, V18, 35-53, 2007 Ng, S.U. and Fu, X., Market Structure and Performance in Macau Banking, Euro Asia Journal of Management, V17, 61-78, 2007 Selected Books and Book Chapters Fu, X., Lin, Y., and Molyneux, P., Bank Competition, Efficiency and Liquidity Creation in Asia Pacific. London: Palgrave Macmillian, 2015 Heffernan, S.A. and Fu, X., Bank Structure and Performance in the UK, in Vallelado, E. and P. Molyneux (ed.), Size and Efficiency in the European Banking Industry. COMARES, 2007 Fu, X. et al. 《现代银行业—中国人民银行干部培训翻译教材丛书》(chief translator). (Modern Banking, by S.A. Heffernan – used as a textbook for training the central bank staff in China). Beijing: China Financial Publishing House, 2007 Selected Conference Papers Li, D., Fu, X.,(2018). The efficiency of university technology transfer in China, proceedings of the 2018 CEA Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK. Lin, Y., Fu, X., Fu, X.L.,(2016). Innovation and ultimate controlling shareholders in China: Should the state shrink itself to residuals? Research Workshop co-organized by the Technology and Management Centre for Development and the Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK. Li, M.C. and Fu, X.,(2016). Determinants of Credit Default Swap Spreads: A Three-Market Panel Data Analysis, proceedings of the World Finance & Banking Symposium, Dubai, UAE. Fu, X., Lin, Y., Molyneux, P.,(2016). Bank Performance and Economic Growth in Asia Pacific, proceedings of the Research Seminar Series, BOFIT, Bank of Finland, Helsinki, Finland. Lin, Y. and Fu, X., Does Institutional Ownership Influence Firm Performance? Evidence from China, proceedings of the Asian Finance Association Annual Conference, Changsha, China, 2015 Fu, X., Lin, Y., Molyneux, P., Bank Capital and Liquidity Creation in Asia Pacific, proceedings of the Western Economic Association Annual Meeting, Denver, US, 2014 Fu, X., Lin, Y., Molyneux, P., Bank Efficiency and Shareholder Value in Asia Pacific, proceedings of the Asia Finance Association Annual Meeting, Bali, Indonesia, 2014 Fu, X., Lin, Y., Molyneux, P., Bank Competition and Financial Stability in Asia Pacific, proceedings of the Research Seminar Series, BOFIT, Bank of Finland, Helsinki, Finland, 2013 Heffernan, S. A. and X. Fu, Bank Productivity Changes in two Asian Giants, proceedings of the Conference on Economic and Financial System Development in the Pacific-Rim Region, Honolulu, US, 2012 Heffernan, S. A. and Fu, X., Bank Productivity Changes in two Asian Giants, presented at the Asian Finance Association Annual Conference, Macau, 2011 Fu, X. and Vong, A., Bank Efficiency and Productivity Growth in Hong Kong and Macau, proceedings of the 21st CEA (Europe/UK) Annual Conference, Oxford, UK, 2010 Heffernan, S. A. and Fu, X., Financial Innovations in the UK, proceedings of the 58th Annual Conference of the Midwest Finance Association, Chicago, US, 2009 Heffernan, S. A. and Fu, X., The Determinants of Bank Performance in China, proceedings of the 21st Annual Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2008 Heffernan, S. A. and Fu, X., Structure-Performance Evidence on UK Retail Bank Pricing, The 16th European Financial Management Association Conference, 2007 Heffernan, S. A. and Fu, X., UK Structure and Performance using Bank-Specific Rates, The 15th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, 2007 Fu, X. and Heffernan, S. A., Bank Structure and Performance in the UK, Annual Wolpertinger Conference, 2006 Fu, X. and Heffernan, S. A., The Effects of Reform on China’s Bank Structure and Performance, The 30th Anniversary Conference of the Journal of Banking and Finance, 2006 Fu, X. and Heffernan, S. A., China: The Effects of Bank Reform on Structure and Performance, The 18th Annual Australian Finance and Banking Conference, 2005 Fu, X. and Heffernan, S. A., X-efficiency in China’s Banking Sector, Research Seminar, The Financial Services Authority (UK), 2004 Fu, X. and Heffernan, S. A., Economies of Scale and Scope in China’s Banking Sector, Annual Wolpertinger Conference, 2004 Selected Working Papers and Other Publications Lin, Y., Fu, X., Fu, X.L., Innovation and ultimate controlling shareholders in China: Should the state shrink itself to residuals? Li, D., Fu, X., The efficiency of university technology transfer in China
