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Education PhD in Japanese Studies (Hokkaido University) MA in Japanese Studies (Hunan University) BA in Japanese Studies (Shandong University) Courses Regularly Taught JAPN3002 Japanese Research Method I JAPN3005 Japanese Research Method II JAPN4004 Selected Readings in Modern Japanese III JAPN4018 Special Topics in Humanities I JPNB461 Translation I CHIN812 Theories and Methods of Contrastive Linguistics BJPN456 Japanese Research Project I BJPN457 Japanese Research Project II BJPN300 Contemporary Japanese I BJPN301 Contemporary Japanese II BJPN411 Japanese History II


Grammar and Pragmatics of Japanese Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Study of Language and Culture Chinese-Japanese Translation Studies

Research Projects 2018-2021 Textual and Comparative Studies on the Recreation Tendency in China and Japan Regarding the Four Masterpieces in Ming and Qing Dynasties. University of Macau. (RC Ref. no. MYRG2018-00060-FAH). 2014-2016 A Cognitive Linguistic Approach to the Semantic Correspondence of Attribute and Adverbial in Japanese and the Contrastive Study with Chinese. University of Macau. (RC Ref. no. MYRG2014-00050-FAH) 2012-2014 Chinese- Japanese Contrastive Study on Sentence Types: Chinese SHI Sentence and Japanese Noun- Predicate Sentence. University of Macau. (RC Ref. no. MYRG101 (Y1-L2)-FSH12-CFZ). 2011-2012 A Study on Jesuit Missionary’s Contributions to Japanese Linguistics. University of Macau. (RC Ref. no. SRG023-FSH11-CFZ). 2009-2011 Japanese Applied Linguistics Research. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 211 Project. (GDUFS211-1-013). 2006-2010 Classic Japanese Grammar Research. National 11-5 Standard Textbooks Project. 2006-2010 Modern Japanese Grammar Research. National 11-5 Standard Textbooks Project.


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构式的对应和不对应机制——以汉语领主属宾句与日语领属被动句为例, 汉日语言对比研究论丛, 第10辑。页173-184,01/07/2019。 The Mechanism of Correspondence and Non-correspondence in Sentence Construction: Focusing on Chinese Possessum-Object Sentence and Japanese Possessive Passive Sentence. Journal of Chinese-Japanese Contrastive linguistic Study, Vol.10. pp. 173-184. 异位修饰汉日对比研究的回顾与综述, 汉日语言对比研究论丛, 第9辑。页18-29,09/2018。Review and Summary Regarding Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Study on the Modifiers at Different Position. Journal of Chinese-Japanese Contrastive linguistic Study, Vol. 9. pp. 18-29. 汉日领属关系被动句的认知共性与差异, 日语学习与研究, 2018(3) 。页34-41,25/06/2018。 Cognitive Similarities and Differences of Possessive-Relationship Passive Sentence in Chinese and Japanese. Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research, 2018(3). pp. 34-41. CSSCI; Google Scholar 基于认知突显理论的汉日情感动词构式的特征及其认知成因分析, 日语学习与研究, 2017(5) 。页1-8,25/10/2017。An Analysis of the Features and the Cognitive Causes of the Emotional Verb Constructions in Chinese and Japanese Based on the Cognitive Salience Theory. Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research, 2017(5). pp. 1-8. CSSCI; Google Scholar 汉日授受动词认知模式及语义结构对比分析, 汉日语言对比研究论丛, 第8辑。页195-207,08/2017。 A Contrastive Study on Cognitive Models and Semantic Structures of the Give-and-Receive Verbs in Chinese and Japanese. Journal of Chinese-Japanese Contrastive linguistic Study, Vol. 8. pp. 195-207. Google Scholar 日语修饰成分定状异位研究的现状与问题, 日语学习与研究, 2017(3) 。页38-44,26/06/2017。 Review and Problems Regarding the Different Position of Modifier as Attribute and Adverbial in Japanese. Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research, 2017(3). pp. 38-44. CSSCI; Google Scholar 从语言经济性看汉日鳗鱼句的异同点,汉日语言对比研究论丛, 第6辑。页109-117, 01/08/2015。A Contrastive Analysis of Eel Sentence in Chinese and Japanese: Based on the Economy Principle of Language. Journal of Chinese-Japanese Contrastive linguistic Study, Vol. 6. Pp 109-117. Google Scholar 汉日系词句对比研究—以汉语属性句和日语措定句为中心—,汉日语言对比研究论丛, 第5辑, 页15-26, 01/09/2014。A Contrastive Study on Copular Sentences in Chinese and Japanese: Focusing on the Predicational Sentences. Journal of Chinese-Japanese Contrastive linguistic Study, Vol. 5. Pp 15-26. トートロジー文とコピュラ文との関わりについて――その意味构造に注目して――。日本学刊,第17期。01/06/2014。Relationship between Tautology Sentence and Copula Sentence: A Perspective of Semantic Structure (in Japanese). Nihon Gakkan, Vol.17. Pp.12-29. 汉日形容词定状异位现象的语义特征和意象图式,解放军外国语学院学报,2013(4)。25/07/2013。Semantic Features and Image Schema of Position Switching between Attributes Adverbials of Chinese and Japanese Adjectives. Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages. 2013(4). Pp.35-40. CSSCI; Google Scholar A Pragmatic Game-Theoretic Analysis of False Information Speech (in English). Nihon Gakkan, Vol.16. 01/06/2013. Pp.75-91. 汉日形容词移动的语义指向和认知方式分析, 南国人文学刊,2013(1)。01/04/2013。An Analysis of Semantic Orientation and Cognitive Process of A-Float in Chinese and Japanese (in Chinese). South China Journal of Humanities, 2013(1). Pp.85-104. A Textural Research on Japanese Grammar Published in Macao during the 17th Century: Features and Linguistic Outlook of the Arte Breve da Lingoa Iapoa (in English). Review of Culture (International Edition 43). 01/09/2013. Pp.52-58. 十七世纪澳门出版日语语法书之考述——以耶稣会传教士陆若汉之《日本小文典》为例, 澳门研究,2012(1)。15/03/2012。Jesuit Missionary João Rodrigues and His Arte Breve da Lingoa Iapoa: A Textural Research on Japanese Grammar Published in Macao during 17th Century. Journal of Macau Studies, 2012(1). Pp.112-117. 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Google Scholar Conference Papers and Other Presentations 汉日话题句构式的认知对比研究, 第11届汉日对比语言学研讨会, 西安外国语大学, 23/08/2019。A Cognitive Contrastive Study on onstructions of Topic Sentence in Chinese and Japanese. The 11th Symposium on Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Linguistics. Xi’an. 构式的对应和不对应机制——以汉语领主属宾句与日语领属被动句为例, 第10届汉日对比语言学研讨会, 苏州大学,18/08/2018。The Mechanism of Correspondence and Non-correspondence in Sentence Construction: Focusing on Chinese Possessum-Object Sentence and Japanese Possessive Passive Sentence. The 10th Symposium on Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Linguistics. Suzhou. 汉日领属关系被动句的认知共性与差异, 第9届汉日对比语言学研讨会, 北方工业大学, 18/08/2017。Cognitive Similarities and Differences of Possessive-Relationship Passive Sentence in Chinese and Japanese. The 9th Symposium on Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Linguistics. Beijing. 基于认知突显理论的汉日情感动词构式的特征及其认知成因分析, 第9届汉日对比语言学研讨会, 北方工业大学, 18/08/2017。An Analysis of the Features and the Causes of the Emotional Verb Constructions in Chinese and Japanese based on the Cognitive Prominence Theory. The 9th Symposium on Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Linguistics. Beijing. 汉日形容词义序错配结构的句法语义特征, 第8届汉日对比语言学研讨会, 延边大学, 19/08/2016。The Syntactic and Semantic Features of Adjective Meaning-Order Mismatched Structure in Chinese and Japanese. The 8th Symposium on Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Linguistics. Yanji. 汉日对比性话题句与对比性鳗鱼句, 2016年度华南日语教育工作坊,澳门大学, 25/06/2016。Comparative Topic Sentence and Comparative Eel Sentence in Chinese and Japanese. 2016 Workshop on Japanese Education in South China Region, University of Macau. 25-26/06/2016. 日语修饰成分定状异位研究现状及问题,全球化时代的日语教育・日本学研究国际学术研讨会,暨南大学,26-27/12/2015。广州 21世纪における澳门の高等日本语教育―澳门大学を中心に―,全球化时代的日语教育・日本学研究国际学术研讨会,暨南大学,26-27/12/2015。广州 日汉语修饰成分定状异位研究述评,第17届中国语言与文化国际学术研讨会,澳门大学,14-15/12/2015。澳门 汉日定语的“经济原则”,第17届中国语言与文化国际学术研讨会,澳门大学,14-15/12/2015。 形容词の连体修饰と连用修饰に関する认知言语学的考察. 第7届汉日对比语言学研讨会. 上海外国语大学, 20/08/2015。Approach to Attributes and Adverbials of Adjectives in Chinese and Japanese. The 7th Symposium on Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Linguistics. Shanghai. 汉日形容词定状易位现象中动词的语义特征分析, 第7届汉日对比语言学研讨会, 上海外国语大学, 20/08/2015。A Study on Semantic Features of Verb Phrase in Adjective Position Switching in Chinese and Japanese. The 7th Symposium on Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Linguistics. Shanghai. Macao’s Higher Japanese Education in 21st Century: Focusing on the University of Macau. Dec. 2014 Monthly Meeting, Society of Japanese Language Education Hong Kong. Hong Kong. 13/12/2014. 《日本教会史》的编撰者与版本之考述,中华日本学研究协会2014年大会,北京日本研究中心,27-28/9/2014。 A Textural Research on Compilers and Editions of Historia da Igreja do Japão. 2014 Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Japanese Studies. Beijing. 从语言经济性原则看汉日鳗鱼句,第6届汉日对比语言学研讨会,中国人民大学,20-22/8/2014。An Analysis of the Eel Sentence in Chinese and Japanese from the Perspective of the Economy Principle in Language. The 6th Symposium on Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Linguistics. Beijing. 文法研究における中日対照研究の现状と成果―中日授受动词认知モードの分析を例に―,第6届汉日对比语言学研讨会,中国人民大学,20-22/8/2014。The Status and the Achievements of Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Study in Grammar Research: Taking the Analysis of the Cognitive Model of Give-and-Receive Verbs in Chinese and Japanese as an Example. The 6th Symposium on Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Linguistics. Beijing. 《日本大文典》的语法体系及其语言观论考,2013暨南大学国际学术研讨会,暨南大学,8-10/11/2013。 「VPのはNPだ」构文の认知メカニズム――「VP的是NP」构文との対照を兼ねて, 2013暨南大学国际学术研讨会, 暨南大学,8-10/11/2013. A Cognitive Approach to ‘VP-no-wa NP-da’ Construction with a Contrastive Study on ‘VP-de shi NP’ Construction. 2013 International Academic Symposium of Jinan University. 8-10/11/2013. トートロジーとコピュラ文との関わりについて―意味构造から见る―,日本语学会2013年度秋季大会,静冈大学,26-27/10/2013。Relationship between Tautology and Copula Sentence: A Perspective of Semantic Structure. 2013 Autumn Conference of the Society for Japanese Linguistics. 26-27/10/2013. Shizuoka, Japan. 汉日语系词句对比研究—以日语措定句和汉语属性句为中心—,第5届汉日对比语言学研讨会,福建师范大学,21-23/8/2013。 中日英假信息话语的语用博弈论分析,第5届汉日对比语言学研讨会,福建师范大学,21-23/8/2013。 耶稣会传教士陆若汉及《日本大文典》语言观论考,中华日本学研究协会2013年大会,台湾政治大学,11-12/5/2013。Jesuit Missionary João Rodrigues and the View of Language in Arte da lingoa de Iapam. 2013 Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Japanese Studies. Taipei. 同语反复名词谓语句的语义结构和语境特征,第4届汉日对比语言学研讨会,湖南大学,18-20/08/2012。 The Semantic Structures and the Context Features of Tautological Noun-Predicate Sentence. The 4th Symposium on Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Linguistics. 17-20/08/2012. Changsha. 汉日形容词定状异位现象的语义特征和意象图式,第4届汉日对比语言学研讨会,湖南大学,18-20/08/2012。The Semantic Features and the Image Schema of the Adjective Displacement Phenomena in Chinese and Japanese. The 4th Symposium on Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Linguistics. 17-20/08/2012. Changsha. 十七世纪澳门出版日语语法书之考述,中华日本学研究协会2012年大会,香港大学,15-16/08/2012。A Textural Research on Japanese Grammar Published in Macao during 17th Century. 2012 Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Japanese Studies. 15-16/08/2012. Hong Kong. ポルトガル人宣教师による日本语学への贡献,2011年世界日本语教育大会,天津外国语大学,19-21/8/2011。Portuguese Missionaries’ Contribution to Japanese Linguistics. 2011 International Conference on Japanese Language Education. 19-21/8/2011. Tianjin. 汉日形容词移动的语义指向和认知方式分析,第3届汉日对比语言学研讨会,杭州师范大学,16-18/8/2011。 日语助词「こそ」和汉语副词“才”的对比研究,第2届汉日对比语言学研讨会,黑龙江大学,13-16/8/2010。 中日授受动词の认知相対论的研究――「给」と「やる」「与える」の対照を通して,第1届汉日对比语言学研讨会,北京大学,28-30/8/2009。


Director, Guangdong Section of the Chinese Association for Chinese-Japanese Contrastive Linguistics Commissioner, the Pragmatics Association of China Member of Editorial Board, Japanese Research of the Commercial Press Researcher, National Key Research Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics of GDUFS
