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WANG, Qingjie, PhD from Tulane University(USA)and MPhil. from Peking University (China). Prior to joining the University of Macau as Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies in 2019, he has taught philosophy in several US universities and in the Chinese University of Hong Kong since 1993. He specializes in Contemporary European Philosophies, East-West Comparative Philosophies, and Moral Philosophies, etc. Professional Experience 2019-              Distinguished Professor in Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Macau 2004–2019      Professor in Dept. of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2000–2004      Associate Professor in Dept. of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 1995–2002      Assistant Professor and Associate Professor (tenured) in Philosophy Dept. Oklahoma State University, USA. 1993–1995      Assistant Professor in Dept. of History & Philosophy, Montana State University, USA 1984–1987      Assistant Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Peking University, P.R. China Education PhD, & MA. Tulane University, U.S.A. MPhil. Peking University, P.R. China. B.A. Nanjing University, P.R. China. Courses Regularly Taught Philosophical Hermeneutics; Moral Philosophy; Heidegger’s Philosophy; East-West Comparative Philosophy; Asian Philosophy; Philosophy of Life, Chinese Philosophy and Its Culture; Philosophy and the Contemporary Problems; Philosophical Classics, etc..


Continental Philosophy, esp. Heidegger’s Philosophy and Hermeneutics East-West Comparative Philosophy Chinese Philosophy Ethics and Moral Philosophy


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Wang, Qingjie, Virtue, Law and Their Traditions in China – Ethics and Jurisprudence from a Comparative Perspective. Zhejiang: Zhejiang University Press, (forthcoming). 《德性、法律与中国传统 – 比较视域下的伦理与法理》,王庆节主编并导言,浙江:浙江大学出版社,2019 Sun, Zhouxin, Wang, Qingjie, eds. Major Works of Martin Heidegger (30 vols.). Beijing: Shangwu Press.《海德格尔文集》(总30卷),孙周兴、王庆节主编,马丁·海德格尔 (德)着,北京:商务印书馆。(2018年6月已全部出齐30卷,其中王庆节主译两卷,合译一卷) Wang, Qingjie, Zhang Wei, eds. 2017. Heidegger: Translation, Interpretation and Understanding. (Beijing: San Lian Publisher, 2017).《海德格尔: 翻译、解释与理解》,王庆节、张任之主编,北京:三联书店,2017年。 Wang, Qingjie, 2016. Moral Affection and Confucian Exemplary Ethics. Beijing: Peking University Press.《道德感动与儒家示范伦理学》,王庆节着,北京:北京大学出版社 ,2016年。 Wang, Qingjie, 2015. Heidegger and Beginning of Philosophy. Beijing: Sanlian《海德格尔与哲学的开端》,王庆节着,北京:三联出版社,2015年。 Wang, Qingjie, 2004, Heidegger and A Hermeneutical Interpretation of Confucianism and Daoism, Beijing: Renmin University Press.《解释学、海德格尔与儒道今释》,王庆节 着,北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2004年。 Wang, Qingjie, Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik, (GA3). 2018. Beijing: Shangwu Press.《康德与形而上学疑难》(全集版第3卷),王庆节译,马丁·海德格尔(德)着,北京:商务印书馆, 2018年; 单行本版,上海:上海译文出版社,2011。 Wang, Qingjie, trans. A New Translation of Einfuehrung in die Metaphysik, Beijing: Shangwu Press. 《形而上学导论》(新译本),王庆节译,马丁·海德格尔(德)着,北京: 商务印书馆,2015年。 Chen Jiaying & Wang Qingjie, co-trans. Sein und Zeit, Beijing: Sanlian Publisher, 1987, first edition, and Taipei: Guiguan Publisher,1990. 陈嘉映,王庆节译,《存在与时间》,马丁海德格尔(德)着, 北京:三联书店, 1987年; 台北: 桂冠图书, 1990年。 Wang, Qingjie “Body, Intimateness and the Ground of Confucian Ethics,” in Gregory S. Moss and Robert H. Scott (eds.) The Significance of Indeterminacy: Asian and Continental Perspectives, Routledge, 2018. Wang Qingjie, “The ‘Gongfu Finger’ and Learning in the Analects of Confucius,” in Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 2018, 13(2): 232-239. Wang, Qingjie “Two Starting Points in Heidegger’s Critical Interpretation of Kant’s Transcendental Imagination,” in Geniusas (ed.), Stretching the Limits of Productive Imagination: Studies in Kantianism, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. Rowman & Littlefield, 2018,77-90. Wang, Qingjie. “Thing-ing and No-thing in Heidegger, Kant and Laozi”, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, 2(2016). 159-174. Wang, Qingjie. “Virtue Ethics and Being-Morally-Moved”. Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, 9/3(2010), 309-321. WANG, Qingjie “It-self-so-ing” and “Other-ing” in Laozi’s Concept of Zi Ran”, in Comparative Approaches to Chinese Philosophy, Bo Mou (ed.), Ashgate World Philosophy Series, Ashgate, UK, 2003. 225 — 244. Wang, Qingjie “Genealogical Self and a Confucian Way of Self-making,” in International Philosophical Quarterly, vol.42, no.1, (2002), 93-112. Wang, Qingjie “Heng and Temporality of Dao: Laozi and Heidegger,” in Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, vol.1, no.1 (2001), 55-71. Republished in Space, Time, and Culture, edited by David Carr and Cheung Chan-Fai, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht/ Boston/London, 2004, 201-218. Wang, Qingjie “On The Dao Encounters the West – Explorations in Comparative Philosophy,” in China Review International, Spring issue, (2001), 157-161. Wang, Qingjie “Laozi’s Heng Dao and Appropriation of Nature,” in Asian Philosophy, vol.10, no.2, (2000),149-163. Wang, Qingjie “The Golden Rule and Interpersonal Care – from a Confucian Perspective,” in Philosophy East & West, vol.49, 4, (1999), 415-438. Wang, Qingjie “The Confucian Filial Obligation and Care for Aged Parents,” in Confucian Bio-ethics, Ruiping Fan (ed.), Dordrecht/Boston: Kluwer Ac. 1999, 235-256. Wang, Qingjie “On Laozi’s Concept of Ziran,” in The Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 24 (1997), 291-321. Wang, Qingjie “Heidegger and Inter-cultural Dialogue,” in Analecta Husserliana, vol.47, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka(ed.), Dordrecht/Boston: Kluwer Ac. 1995, 281-311. Wang Qingjie, “Introduction: Virtue, Law and Their Traditions in China”, in Virtue, Law and Their Traditions in China – Ethics and Jurisprudence from a Comparative Perspective. with introduction by Wang Qingjie, Zhejiang: Zhejiang University Press, 2018. 1-15. (forthcoming). 王庆节,载于王庆节主编并导言,《德性、法律与中国传统 – 比较视域下的伦理与法理》,浙江:浙江大学出版社, 2018. 1-15。 Wang Qingjie, “The ‘Kin Concealment’, Justice and Moral Dilemma in Confucian Ethics”, in Chinese-Literature-Philosophy Bulletin, Sinica, Taiwan, vol. 51 (2017), 39-64. 王庆节, 〈亲亲相隐、正义与道德两难〉,《中研院文哲所集刊》, 51 (2017), 39-64. Wang, Qingjie. “On Moral Affection and Confucian Exemplary Ethics of Virtue”, Academic Monthly, 8(2016), 32-39. 王庆节,〈道德感动与儒家的德性示范伦理学〉,《学术月刊》,8(2016),32-39。 Wang, Qingjie. “Transcendental Imagination or Existential Einbildungskraft? – Heidegger’s Interpretation and Criticism of Kant”, Modern Philosophy, 4(2016), 58-65. 王庆节,〈「先验想象力」抑或「超越论形象力」– 海德格尔对康德先验想象力概念的解释和批判〉,《现代哲学》,4(2016), 58-65。 Wang, Qingjie, “Heidegger and the ‘Abgrund’ of Metaphysics”, Modern Philosophy, 1(2015), 9-15. 王庆节〈海德格尔与形而上学的「渊基」〉,《现代哲学》,1(2015),9-15. Wang, Qingjie. “Heidegger’s Phenomenological Conception of Phenomenon and Wang Yangming’s ‘Extension of Original Moral Knowing’”, Journal of Guangxi University, 2 (2015), 7-22. 王庆节,〈现象学的现象、海德格尔与王阳明的致良知〉,《广西大学学报》,2 (2015),7-22。 Wang, Qingjie. “The Problem of Transzendenz and Transzendental in Heidegger’s ‘Being and Time’”, Journal of Tongji University (Social Science Section), 1(2014), 24-39. 王庆节,〈超越、超越论与海德格尔的《存在与时间》〉,《同济大学学报》(社会科学版),1(2014),24-39。 Wang, Qingjie. “Heidegger’s Dasein and Three Major Chinese Translations of it”, Social Sciences in Chinese Higher Education, 2(2014), 40-54. 王庆节,〈海德格尔的「Dasein」与其三个主要中文译名〉,《中国高校社会科学》,2(2014),40-54。 Wang, Qingjie. “Kant’s Threefold Definition of ‘Transzendental’ and A Transcendental- Phenomenological Critique of Kant” – also on Chinese translations of ‘Transzendental’”, World Philosophy, 4(2012), 5-23. 王庆节,〈「Transzendental」概念的三重定义与超越论现象学的康德批判——兼谈「transzendental 」的汉语译名之争〉,《世界哲学》, 4(2012),5-23。 Wang, Qingjie. “On Moral Obligations and Ethical Normativity”, Philosophical Analysis, 2/5 (2011), 31-41. 王庆节,〈也谈道德应当与伦理规范〉,《哲学分析》,2/5 (2011),31-41。 Wang, Qingjie. “‘Body’ in Traditional Chinese Thoughts and The Confucian Conception of ‘Intimateness’”, Philosophical Trends, 11(2010), 13-17. 王庆节,〈中国思想传统中的身体观与儒家的「亲近」学说〉,《哲学动态》,11(2010), 13-17。 Wang, Qingjie. “Being-morally-moved and the Starting Points of Moral Consciousness”, Philosophical Researches, 10(2010), 100-110. 王庆节,〈道德感动与伦理意识的起点〉,《哲学研究》,10(2010),100-110。 Wang, Qingjie. “Truth, Dao-li and Liberation of Thought”, Philosophical Analysis, 1(2010), 17-31. 王庆节,〈真理、道理与思想解放〉,《哲学分析》,1.1(2010),17-31。 Wang, Qingjie. “Four Confucian Justifications for Adult Children’s Filial Duties to their Elderly Parents”, in Lee Ming-huei and Lin Wei-chieh ed., 200 Dialogue and Transformation between Contemporary Confucianism and Western Culture.(Taipei: Institution of Chinese Literature and Philosophy,2007). 479-496. 王庆节,〈儒家关于孝养父母之为子女道德本分的四个理据〉,收入《当代儒学与西方文化会通与转化》,李明辉、林维杰主编,台北:中研院文哲所,2007,第479-496页。 Wang, Qingjie. “Confucian Ethics as an Exemplary Ethic”, Academic Monthly, 9(2006), 48-50. 王庆节,〈作为示范伦理的儒家伦理〉, 《学术月刊》,9(2006),48-50。 Wang, Qingjie. “Heidegger’s Fourfold and Laozi’s Theory of ‘Wu’”, Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, 2(2005), 261-314. 王庆节,〈海德格的四方域物论与老子的自然物论〉,《现象学与人文科学》,2(2005), 261-314。 Wang, Qingjie. “It-self-so-ing and Other-ing in Laozi’s ‘Ziran’”, Journal of Inquiry, 6(2004), 41-50. 王庆节,〈老子的自然概念:自我的自己而然与他者的自己而然〉,《求是学刊》,6(2004),41-50。 Wang, Qingjie. “The Geological Concept of Self and Confucian Exemplary Ethic”, Jiangsu Social Sciences, 5(2004), 11-21. 王庆节,〈系谱学的自我观念与儒家的示范伦理学〉,《江苏社会科学》,5(2004),11-21。 Wang Qingjie “Truth of Interpretation and A True Interpretation”, Forum of Chinese Phenomenology and Philosophy, 5(2003), pp.262-295.〈解释的真与真的解释–利科的文本与解释理论初探〉, 载于《中国现象学和哲学评论》,上海:上海译文出版社,第五辑,2003年。第262-295页。 Wang Qingjie, “The Ontological Grounding of Moral Obligations and the Adult Children’s Moral Duties for Nurturing Their Old Parents” Philosophical Researches〈伦理道义的存在论根基与子女孝养父母的道德本分〉, 《哲学研究》,10(2003),27-32。 Wang Qingjie, “On the Chinese Understandings and Translations of Heidegger’s Ereignis”, World Philosophy, 4(2003),pp.2-9. <也谈海德格尔 “Ereignis” 的中文翻译和理解>. 载于《世界哲学》杂志, 北京: 哲学研究杂志社, 2003年第4期, 第2-9页。此文繁体字版载于 《现象学与人文科学》创刊号, 页197-212.台北: 城邦出版有限公司,12. Wang Qingjie “Dasein as Qin-zai and Xiong’s China Concern“, in Voice of Freedom, Beijing: San Lian Publisher, 1997, 383-387. 王庆节,〈亲在与中国情怀〉, 载于《自由的真谛》,熊伟编著,北京:三联出版社,1997年,第383-387页。 Wang Qingjie, “Toward Clearing – Heidegger’s Way of Thinking“, in Poetic Philosophers, in Zhou Guoping, ed. 1987, Shanghai: Shaihai People’s Press, 125-155. Also in The Conciousness of Culture in Contemporary China, Gan Yang ed. 1993, 247-298. 王庆节,〈走向澄明之境—海德格尔之路〉,载于《诗人哲学家》,周国平编,上海:上海人民出版社,1987年,第125-155页; 又载于《当代中国文化意识》,甘阳编,1993年,第247-298。 Chen Jiaying & Wang Qingjie “Postscripts for Chinese Translation of Heidegger’s Being and Time”, in Culture: China and the World, 2(1987), 338-351. 陈嘉映,王庆节,〈《存在与时间》译者后记〉,载于《文化,中国与世界》,第2期,北京:三联出版社,1987年,第338-351页。


Academic Committee Member (China), The 24th World Congress of Philosophy. Academic Board Member, China Confucius Foundation 中国孔子基金会 Executive Board Member, The Chinese Association of Phenomenology 中国现象学专业委员会 Executive Board Member, The Chinese Association of Contemporary Western Philosophy. 中国现代外国哲学学会 Executive Board Member, The Chinese Association of Hermeneutics. 中国诠释学专业委员会 Executive Board Member, The Chinese Kant Society 中国康德学会
