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Education Ph.D., History, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2017 M.Phil., History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007 B.A. (First Class Honor), History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005 Professional Experience Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Freiburg, 2017-18 Research Assistant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007-2012 Courses Regularly Taught HIST1001 Chinese History I (undergraduate course) HIST2004 Reading of Chinese Classical Documents and Historical Materials (undergraduate course) HIST7762 Law and Society in Ancient China (graduate course)


Early China Excavated manuscripts


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Books (2019) Law, Administration, and Society in Eastern Han China: A Study of the Bamboo and Wooden Texts Excavated from May 1st Square, Changsha, Hunan Province 东汉的法律、行政与社会:长沙五一广场东汉简牍探索. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd. (Co-edited with Ming-chiu Lai and Chun Fung Tong). Articles and book chapters (Forthcoming) “Notes on the Wooden Manuscripts Excavated from Tomb no. 147 at Tushantun, Shandong Province” 读山东青岛土山屯147号墓出土木牍札记. Jianbo 简帛. (Forthcoming) “Shuihudi.” In The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa. Edited by Daniel T. Potts, Ethan Harkness, Jason Neelis, and Roderick McIntosh. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Forthcoming) “Zhangjiashan.” In The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa. Edited by Daniel T. Potts, Ethan Harkness, Jason Neelis, and Roderick McIntosh. John Wiley & Sons, Inc (Forthcoming) “Between the State and His Superior: The Anxiety of Being a Low-Ranked Scribe in the Qin and Han Bureaucratic Hierarchy.” Asia Major 33.2. (Forthcoming) “A Case Study of the Qin Wooden Administrative Manuscripts: The Materiality, Textual Structure, and Delivery of Tablet nos. 9-2283, [16-5] and [16-6] from Liye, Hunan” 秦代简牍文书学的个案研究──里耶秦简9-2283、[16-5]和[16-6]三牍的物质形态、文书构成和传递方式. Bulletin of Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 中央研究院历史语言研究所集刊 91.3. (2020) “The Qin and Han Economies in Modern Chinese and Japanese Historiographies.” In Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies. Volume 1: Contexts. Edited by Sitta von Reden, 619-40. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter Press. (2020) “Qin and Han Evidence 12.b Excavated Texts.” In Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies. Volume I: Contexts. Edited by Sitta von Reden, 529-55. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter Press. (2018) “The Zhifu System in the Han Local Administration” 汉代地方行政中的直符制度. Jianbo 简帛 16: 253-77. (2017) “Scribes, Assistants, and the Materiality of Administrative Documents in Qin-Early Han China: Excavated Evidence from Liye, Shuihudi, and Zhangjiashan.” T’oung Pao 103-4-5: 297-333. (2015) “Two Murders in the Harem of Han Emperor Cheng, Considered in the Contexts of Communication and Imperial Affinal Politics” 从讯息传递与外戚政治探讨汉成帝元延年间两宗宫闱命案. Chinese Culture Quarterly 九州学林 36: 193-218. (2013) “On the Term dubi kun: Reconstructing the Image of Han Hired Laborers by Investigating their Clothing”「犊鼻褌」小考──从服饰看汉代佣作者的形象. Chinese Culture Quarterly 九州学林 33: 97-106. (2012) “Hired Activities and Movement of Population in Qin-Han Periods” 秦汉时期的僱佣活动与人口流动. Journal of Chinese Studies 中国文化研究所学报 54: 1-28. (2011) “Buji on Han Wooden and Bamboo Strips Revisited: ‘Zu yong zuo mingji’ as a Case Study” 汉简簿籍再探:以「卒佣作名籍」为例. Journal of Chinese Studies 中国文化研究所学报 53: 33-56 (Co-authored with Ming-chiu Lai). (2010) “Some Issues on the Liye Qin Wooden Documents and Qin Paleography” 试论里耶秦牍与秦代文书学的几个问题. Jianbo 简帛 5: 55-76 (Co-authored with Ming-chiu Lai). (2009) “An Essay on Duli and its Relation with Duyou in Han Bamboo and Wooden Slips” 试论汉简所见的都吏及其与督邮的关系. Studies on Chinese Excavated Materials 中国出土资料研究13: 105-30 (Co-authored with Ming-chiu Lai). (2009) “Duli and its Duties as Seen in Han Bamboo and Wooden Slips” 汉简所见的都吏及其职责. In Essays from the International Conference on Han Civilization 汉代文明国际学术研讨会论文集. Edited by Beijing Museum of Dabaotai Han tomb 北京大葆台西汉墓博物馆, 485-96. Beijing: Beijing yanshan chubanshe (Co-authored with Ming-chiu Lai). Translations (2019) Li Andun 李安敦 (Anthony J. Barbieri-Low) and Ye Shan 叶山 (Robin D. S. Yates). “The Function and Effectiveness of the Qin and Han Laws: The Place of the Zhangjiashan Legal Texts in the Development of Traditional Chinese Law” 秦汉法律的功能和效用:张家山法律文献在传统法律发展中的地位. Jianbo 简帛. (2019) Li Andun 李安敦 (Anthony J. Barbieri-Low) and Ye Shan 叶山 (Robin D. S. Yates). “Book of Submitted Doubtful Cases Text and Scribal Officals” 《奏谳书》与史职官吏. Jianbo 简帛 18. (2018) Li Andun 李安敦 (Anthony J. Barbieri-Low) and Ye Shan 叶山 (Robin D. S. Yates). “Reconstruction and Study of the Statutes and Ordinances of the Second Year Text” 《二年律令》的复原与研究. Jianbo 简帛 17: 165-80. Others (2018) “A Study of the Mirror-Inverted Imprints on Tablet nos. 9-2283, [16-5] and [16-6] from Liye, Hunan Province” 里耶秦简9-2283、[16-5]和[16-6]三牍的反印文和叠压关系. Jianbo website 简帛网. http://www.bsm.org.cn/show_article.php?id=3209. Published on August 22, 2018. (2017) “Hired Activities and Movement of Population in Qin-Han Periods (A Revised Version)” 秦汉时期的僱佣活动与人口流动(修订稿). Jianbo website 简帛网. http://www.bsm.org.cn/show_article.php?id=2946. Published on December 14, 2017. (2010) “International Conference on ‘Institutions and Social Order in the Han Empire’” 「汉帝国的制度与社会秩序」国际学术会议综述. Trends of Recent Research on the History of China 中国史研究动态 11: 22-25 (Co-authored with Man Tak Kwok and King Kwan Li). Conference presentations (2019) “A Case Study of the Qin Wooden Administrative Manuscripts: The Materiality, Textual Structure, and Delivery of Tablet nos. 9-2283, [16-5], and [16-6] from Liye, Hunan” 秦代简牍文书学的个案研究──里耶秦简9-2283、[16-5]和[16-6]三牍的物质形态、文书构成和传递方式. Presented at the 10th International Conference on Ancient Chinese Texts and Traditional Culture 第十届中国古文献与传统文化国际学术研讨会, Department of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, October 11-12. (2018) “A Case Study of the Qin Wooden Administrative Manuscripts: The Materiality, Textual Structure, and Delivery of Tablet nos. 9-2283, [16-5] and [16-6] from Liye, Hunan” 秦代简牍文书学的个案研究──里耶秦简9-2283、[16-5]和[16-6]三牍的物质形态、文书构成和传递方式. Presented at the International Conference on Chinese Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts 2018 中国简帛学国际论坛2018:兼东亚简牍文化国际论坛, Kyungpook National University, South Korea, December 17-20. (2018) “Between the State and His Superior: The Anxiety of Being a Low-Ranked Scribe in the Qin and Han Bureaucratic Hierarchy.” Presented at the 22nd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies, University of Glasgow, August 29-September 1. (2017) “Between the State and His Superior: The Anxiety of Being a Low-Ranked Scribe in the Qin and Han Bureaucratic Hierarchy.” Presented at the International Conference on Chinese Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts 2017 中国简帛学国际论坛2017‧新出土战国秦汉简牍研究, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, October 9-11. (2016) “A Preliminary Study of the System of Zhifu in Han China” 汉代直符制度试探. Presented at the Conference on the Studies of the History of Warring States and Qin-Han Periods from the Perspective of Bamboo and Wooden Manuscripts 简牍与战国秦汉历史:中国简帛学国际论坛2016, Centre for Chinese History, CUHK, Hong Kong, December 12-13. (2016) “Scribes and Assistants in the Qin Administration: Excavated Evidence from Liye, Shuihudi, and Zhangjiashan.” Presented at the 75th AAS Annual Conference, Seattle, USA, March 31-April 3. (2015) “Qin Management of Human Resources in Light of an Administrative Document from Liye, Hunan Province.” Presented at the reading workshop held after the 20th Annual Creel Lecture given by Prof. Robin D. S. Yates, the Creel Center for Chinese Paleography, University of Chicago, USA, November 6-7. (2015) “Qin Management of Human Resources in Light of an Administrative Document from Liye, Hunan Province.” Presented at the 19th Annual Southeast Early China Roundtable, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA, October 30-November 1. (2012) “An Examination on Two Murders in the Harem of Han Emperor Cheng” 试释成帝元延年间两宗宫闱命案. Presented at the International Conference on “State and Society in Warring States and Qin-Han Dynasties”「战国秦汉的国家与社会」国际学术研讨会, Research Institute for the Humanities, Chungbuk National University, South Korea, May 17-20. (2011) “On the Term dubi kun : Reconstructing the Image of Han Hired Laborers by Investigating their Clothing”「犊鼻褌」小考──从服饰看汉代佣作者的形象. Presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of Qin-Han History中国秦汉史研究会第十三届年会, Chinese Society of Qin-Han History, Nanyang, Henan, China, August 19-22. (2010) “An Examination on ‘Zu yong zuo mingji’ as Seen in Han Bamboo and Wooden Slips” 试释西北汉简所见的「卒佣作名籍」. Presented at the International Symposium of Han Cities, Archaeology of Settlements and Han Culture汉代城市和聚落考古与汉文化国际学术会议, Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Neihuang, Henan, China, September 17-19 (Co-authored with Ming-chiu Lai). (2010) “A Study on Hired Activities and Movement of Population in Qin-Han Periods” 试论秦汉时期的僱佣活动与人口流动. Presented at the International Conference on “Institutions and Social Order in the Han Empire”「汉帝国的制度与社会秩序」国际学术会议, Centre for Chinese History, CUHK, Hong Kong, May 5-7. (2008) “Duli and its Duties as Seen in Han Bamboo and Wooden Slips” 汉简所见的都吏及其职责. Presented at the International Conference on Han Civilization 汉代文明国际学术研讨会, Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage, Beijing, China, May 9-11 (Co-authored with Ming-chiu Lai).


Member of European Research Council (ERC) funded project “Beyond the Silk Road: Economic Development, Frontier Zones and Inter-Imperiality in the Afro-Eurasian World Region, 300 BCE to 300 CE” (https://www.basar.uni-freiburg.de/) at the University of Freiburg, 2017-18 Guest Researcher, Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg University, 2017-18
