4.APN (Asia Pacific Network for global change research)亚太全球变化研究项目《Future water resources, its quality management and nutrient flux in Asian coastal megacities》(参与,33.7951万美元,2019/04-2022/03,在研)
1. Aiping Zhu,Zhigang Yang, Zuobing Liang,LeiGao*, Rui Li, Lei Hou, Shaoheng Li, Zhenglan Xie, Yu Wu, Jianyao Chen, Lixiang Cao. Integrating hydrochemical and biological approaches to investigate the surface water and groundwater interactions n the hyporheic zone of the Liuxi River basin, southern China.Journal ofHydrology, 2020,583: 124622. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124622. (中科院大类1区,地学TOP期刊,IF=4.405)
2. Aiping Zhu,Jianyao Chen, Lei Gao*, Yuta Shimizu, Dongmei Liang, Ming Yi, Lixiang Cao**. Combined microbial and isotopic signature approach to identify nitrate sources and transformation processes in groundwater.Chemosphere, 2019, 228: 721-734. (中科院大类2区,环境类TOP期刊,IF=5.108)
3. Aiping Zhu*,Mitsuyo Saito, Shi-nichi Onodera**, Yuta Shimizu, Guangzhe Jin, Tomoko Ohta, Jianyao Chen.Evaluation of the spatial distribution of submarine groundwater discharge from a small island in Seto Inland Sea of Japan using222Rn and comparative modeling.Marine chemistry, 2019, 209, 25-35. (海洋学2区, IF=3.42)
4.Jianyao Chen,Aiping Zhu, Changyuan Tang, et al. Nitrogen aspects of hydrological processes: a case study in Likeng landfill, Guangzhou, China.Environmental Science: Processes &Impacts, 2014, 16, 2604-2616.(导师一作,本人第二,中科院大类3区,IF=3.12)
5.YuPei Liu,Aiping Zhu, Hongming Tan, Lixiang Cao, Renduo Zhang. Engineering banana endosphere microbiome to improve Fusarium wilt resistance in banana.Microbiome, (2019) 7:74. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-019-0690-x. (中科院大类1区,IF=10.465)
6.Aiping Zhu, Hongming Tan, Lixiang Cao. Isolation of phytase-producing yeasts from rice seedlings for prospective probiotic applications. 3 Biotech, (2019) 9: 216. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-019-1746-0 (中科院大类4区, IF=1.786)
7.Lei Gao, Rui Li, Zuobing Liang, Chang Yan,Aiping Zhu, Shaoheng Li, Zhigang Yang, Haijun He, Huayang Gan, Jianyao Chen. Remobilization mechanism and release characteristics of phosphorus in saline sediments from the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), South China, based on high-resolution measurements.Science of the Total Environment,2020, 703, 134411.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134411 (中科院大类1区,TOP期刊,IF=5.92).
8.Lei Gao, Zhuowei Wang,Aiping Zhu, Zuobing Liang, Jianyao Chen & Changyuan Tang. Quantitative source identification and risk assessment of trace elements in soils from Leizhou Peninsula, South China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, An International Journal, 2018:1-21. (中科院大类3区, IF=2.012)
9.Zuobing Liang, Xinfeng Zhao, Jianyao Chen, Lei Gao,Aiping Zhu, Zhuowei Wang, Shaoheng Li, Jiju Shan, Yuemin Long, Chang Yan, Kai Zhang. Seasonal characteristics of chemical compositions and sources identification of PM2.5 in Zhuhai, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2018, 1-14. (中科院大类3区,IF=3.252)
10.Tao Jiang, Ming Zhong, Ying-jie Cao, Long-jian Zhou, Bo Lin,Aiping Zhu. Simulation of water quality under different reservoir regulation scenarios in the tidal river.Water Resour Manage, 2016(30):3593. doi:10.1007/s11269-016-1375-x.(中科院大类2区,IF=3.30)
11.Lei Gao, Jianyao Chen, Changyuan Tang, Zhiting Ke, Jiang Wang, Yuta Shimizu andAiping Zhu. Distribution, migration and potential risk of heavy metals in the Shima River catchment area, South China.Environmental Science: Processes &Impacts, 2015,17, 1769-1782. (中科院大类3区,IF=3.12)
12.Zhenglan Xie; Lei Gao; Zuobing Liang; Jianyao Chen; Shaoheng Li;Aiping Zhu; Yu Wu; Zhigang Yang; Rui Li; Zhuowei Wang.Characteristics, sources, and risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in topsoil and surface water from the Liuxi River Basin, south China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,2020,78, 401–415.(中科院大类3区, IF=2.62).
13.朱爱萍,陈建耀,江涛,高磊等.北江流域横石河-翁江沿岸土壤重金属污染特征分析.中国环境科学, 2015, 35(2): 506-515.(EI收录)
14.朱爱萍,陈建耀,高磊,杨欣等.北江上游水环境重金属污染及生态毒性的时空变化.环境科学学报, 2015, 35(8): 2487-2496.(一级学报)
15.朱爱萍,陈建耀,江涛,黎坤等.深圳茅洲河口营养盐的时空分布特征.热带地理, 2015, 35(3): 298-305.
16.高磊,陈建耀,朱爱萍,付丛生等.基于SCS模型的跨界小流域物质通量估算——以东莞石马河流域为例.中国环境科学, 2015, 35(3): 925-933.(EI收录)
17.高磊,陈建耀,王江,柯志庭,朱爱萍等.东莞石马河流域水化学特性时空差异来源辨析.环境科学, 2015, 36(5): 1573-1581.(EI收录)
18叶长青,陈晓宏,张家鸣,朱爱萍.具有趋势变异的非一致性东江流域洪水序列频率计算研究.自然资源学报, 2013, 28(12): 2105-2116.(EI收录)
19.叶长青,陈晓宏,张家鸣,张丽娟,朱爱萍.不同变化环境背景下非平稳性洪水频率对比研究.水力发电学报, 2014, 33(3): 1-9.
20.朱爱萍.东莞市供水安全及其对策探讨.广东水利水电, 2012, (10): 3-6.