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留学经历 1995年3月至1999年3月,作为访问学者于澳大利亚悉尼大学农学院植物育种研究所从事合作研究,获农学博士学位 工作经历 1983年8月至1992年12月云南农业大学杂交水稻研究中心 2002年1月至2011年月12月于澳大利亚悉尼大学农学院植物育种研究所植物组织培养实验室从事植物遗传、分子生物学和育种方面的研究工作 2012年2月-- 于西南大学柑桔研究所工作




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1. Du W, Zhao X, Raju T, Davies P, Trethowan R. (Accepted on 12 October 2011) Identification of Ascochyta rabiei disease resistance in chickpea genotypes. Euphytica. Online first. SCI影响因子(5年): 1.563 . 2. Oliver S, Zhao X, Dennis E and Dolferus R. (2008)。 The molecular basis of cold-induced pollen sterility in rice. Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture 2006 and Beyond. P205-207. 3. Gierscha TM, Wu MJ, Duncan L, Zhao X and Chin J. (2007)。 Detection of mutations in the 7A allele of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) granule-bound starch synthase (Wx-7A) with a monoclonal antibody produced by targeted peptide immunization. Journal of Cereal Science. 45:162-171. SCI影响因子(5年): 3.202. 被引用2次。 4. Darvey N, Zhao X, and Trethowan R. (2006)Isolated microspore culture in a cyclical breeding system for the production of inbred lines and hybrids. Proceedings of 6th International Triticale Symposium. Stellenbosch, South Africa,p77-79. 5. Oliver S. van Dongen J, Alfred S, Mamun E, Zhao X, Saini H, Fernandes S, Blanchard C, Sutton B, Geigenberger P, Dennis E. & Dolferus R. (2005)。 Cold-induced repression of the rice anther-specific cell wall invertase gene OSINV4 is correlated with sucrose accumulation and pollen sterility. Plant, Cell and Environment. 28:1534-1551. SCI影响因子(5年): 5.536。 6. Zhao X, Verma R, Dolferus R and Darvey N. (2004) Chromosomal location of QTLs controlling low temperature induced male sterility in temperate japonica rice. The International Rice Cold Tolerance Workshop. Canberra, Australia. 7. Zhao X and Sharp PJ (1998)。 Production of all eight genotypes of null alleles at \'waxy\' loci in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)。 Plant Breeding. 117:488-490. SCI影响因子(5年): 1.43. 被引用14次。。 8. Zhao X, Batey IL, Sharp PJ, Crosbie G, Barclay I, Wilson R, Morell MK, and Appels R. (1997)。 A single genetic locus associated with starch granule properties and noodle quality in wheat. Journal of Cereal Science 27: 7-13. SCI影响因子(5年): 3.202. 被引用78次。 9. Zhao X and Sharp PJ. (1996)。 An improved 1-D SDS-PAGE method for the identification of three bread wheat \'waxy\' proteins. Journal of Cereal Science 23: 191-193. SCI影响因子(5年): 3.202. 被引用56次。 10. Zhao X and Sharp PJ. (1996)。 Production of different null GBSS phenotypes in common wheat. Proceedings of 8th Assembly, Wheat Breeding Soc Australia. Canberra, Australia. P81-83.
