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教育背景 1985年毕业于江西农业大学园艺系,1988年毕业于中国农业科学院研究生院。 获奖成果 1、“现代农业高技术产业示范工程-赣州绿色脐橙产业化示范工程”获江西省优秀工程成果二等奖 2、“柑橘现代灌溉系统关键设备与应用技术推广”获2006年全国农牧渔业丰收奖二等奖 3、“西南季节性干旱区柑橘非充分灌溉综合技术研究与大面积应用”获重庆市科技进步三等奖 4、“赣南脐橙高效安全生产关键技术研究与推广应用” 获江西省科技进步一等奖




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Liangzhi Peng, Changpin Chun, Cailun Jiang, li,Cao and Ting Lei , 2008. The Effects of Drip Fertigation in Citrus Orchards on Decreasing Soil pH Value. Proceedings of The International Society of Citriculture (The 11th international citrus congress),Volume II , 932-935 Wang Zenxing,Peng Liangzhi*, Ling Lili, Chun Changpin, Cao Li, Jiang Cailun,2008. Study on the canopy environmental changes and fruit drop of kiyomi tangor tree canopy covered by polyethylene film in winter. Program and Abstracts of the 11th International Citrus Congress , P:203 Cao li,Peng Liangzhi, Chun Changpin, Jiang Cailun, Lei Ting, 2008. Canopy film covering - A simple and effective way to prevent fruit drop for late-season citrus varieties in Chongqing and Sichuan Area in winter. Program and Abstracts of the 11th International Citrus Congress , P:215-216 Peng Liang zhi, Chun Chang pin, Jiang Cailun , Lei Ting, Cao li, 2008. The Effects of Drip Fertigation Frequency on Young Tree Growth and Fruiting of Trovita Sweet Orange. Program and Abstracts of the 11th International Citrus Congress , P:216 Cao li,Peng Liangzhi, Chun Changpin, Jiang Cailun, Lei Ting,2008. CR030321 - A seedless mutation produced by irradiating seed from the Kinnow mandarin. Program and Abstracts of the 8th International Congress of Citrus Nurserymen, p.31-32 Ling Lili,Peng Liangzhi, Cao Li, Chun Changpin, Jiang Cailun,2008. Relationship between Magnesium content and Photosynthesis in Magnesium-deficient Leaves of Beibei 447 Jinchen Orange(Citrus sinensis Osbeck) . Program and Abstracts of the 8th International Congress of Citrus Nurserymen, p.37-38 凌丽俐,彭良志,周薇,唐玉琴,淳长品,江才伦,曹 立,付行政,2012。缺镁诱导的纽荷尔脐橙叶脉肿裂初报。中国南方果树,41(2):1-4。 曹立,彭良志,淳长品,凌丽俐,赖九江,闵嗣璠,江才伦,2012。赣南不同土壤类型脐橙叶片营养状况研究。中国南方果树,41(2):5-9。 李彩,彭良志*,党江波,陆智明,曹立,黄翼,2012。不同施氮水平纽荷尔脐橙叶绿素含量变化。中国南方果树,41(2):14-18。 凌丽俐,彭良志,王男麒,邢飞,江才伦,曹立,淳长品. 缺锌对‘不知火’杂柑叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 中国南方果树,2012,41(3):44-47. 王男麒,彭良志*,淳长品,李勋,薛珺,范玉兰,梁梅青,2012。赣南柑橘园背景土壤营养状况分析。中国南方果树,41(5):1-4 Hong huang, Chengxiao Hu, Qiling Tan, Xiaohu Zhao, Xuecheng Sun, Xiaoming Hu,Liangzhi Peng,and Changpin Chun,2012.Diagnosing of the nutritional status of ‘Newhall’ navel orange trees with the method of modified diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (M-DRIS). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment,Vol.10(3&4):379-383 凌丽俐,彭良志*,淳长品,江才伦,曹立. 赣南脐橙叶片营养状况对果实品质的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报,2012,18(4):947-954. 江才伦,彭良志,曹立,淳长品. 2012. 不同修剪方式对柑橘产量品质的影响及效益研究. 果树学报, 29(6):1058~1062 Peng Liang-zhi, Xie Fa, Jiang Cailun,Caoli,Ling lili.2012.Changes of Nutrient Element Contents and Accumulation in Fruit of Navel Orange During Fruit Growth and Development. XII International citrus congress , Books of Abstract,98. Chun changpin, wenwen Z,Liangzhi P, Xie Fa, Jiang Cailun,Caoli, lili L, Xingzheng F,2012. The effects of source –sink ratio on leaf photosynthetic characteristics of Newhall navel orange. XII International citrus congress , Books of Abstract,99. Wen-Wen Zhang,Xing-Zheng Fua,Liang-Zhi Peng*,Li-Li Linga,Li Caoa,Xiao-Huan Ma,Fa Xie,Cai Li.2013. Effects of sink demand and nutrient status on leaf photosynthesis of spring-cycle shoot in ‘Newhall’ navel orange under natural field conditions. Scientia Horticulturae,150(4):80-85 凌丽俐,彭良志*,王男麒,邢飞,江才伦,曹立,淳长品,2013缺镁胁迫对纽荷尔脐橙叶绿素荧光特性的影响.生态学报,33(1):71-78. 凌丽俐,周薇,彭良志*,唐玉琴,江才伦,曹立,淳长品.2013.缺镁对’纽荷尔’不同叶龄叶片叶绿素及荧光特性的影响.果树学报,30(2):235-240. 刁莉华,彭良志*,淳长品,凌丽俐,李勋,薛珺,范玉兰,钟八莲.2013.赣南脐橙园土壤有效镁含量状况研究.果树学报,30(2):241-247.
