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Guo Y, Du Q, Li G, et al. Soilphosphorus fractions and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi diversity followinglong-term grazing exclusion on semi-arid steppes in Inner Mongolia[J].Geoderma, 2016, 269: 79-90. LI X, LIU Z, REN W, et al.Linking nutrient strategies with plant size along a grazing gradient: Evidencefrom Leymus chinensis in a natural pasture[J]. Journal of IntegrativeAgriculture, 2016, 15(5): 1132-1144. Wang Y, Kang Y, Ma C, et al.CNGC2 is a Ca2+ Influx Channel that Prevents Accumulation of Apoplastic Ca2+ inthe Leaf[J]. Plant physiology, 2016: pp. 01222.2016. Li X, Hou X, Ren W, et al.Long-term effects of mowing on plasticity and allometry of Leymus chinensis ina temperate semi-arid grassland, China[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2016, 8(6):899-909. Wang Z, Ji L, Hou X, et al.Soil respiration in semiarid temperate grasslands under various landmanagement[J]. PloS one, 2016, 11(1): e0147987. Li X, Wu Z, Liu Z, et al.Contrasting effects of long-term grazing and clipping on plant morphologicalplasticity: evidence from a rhizomatous grass[J]. PloS one, 2015, 10(10):e0141055. Li X, Liu Z, Wang Z, et al.Pathways of Leymus chinensis individual aboveground biomass decline in naturalsemiarid grassland induced by overgrazing: A study at the plant functionaltrait scale[J]. PloS one, 2015, 10(5): e0124443. Wan D, Wan Y, Hou X, et al. Denovo assembly and transcriptomic profiling of the grazing response in Stipagrandis[J]. PloS one, 2015, 10(4): e0122641. Li X, Wang Z, Hou X, et al.Herders’ perception of climate change does not always fit with actual climatechange[J]. The Rangeland Journal, 2014, 36(6): 557-564. Zhen, W. A. N. G., YUN, X. J.,WEI, Z. J., Schellenberg, M. P., WANG, Y. F., Xia, Y. A. N. G., & HOU, X.Y. Responses of plant community and soil properties to inter-annualprecipitation variability and grazing durations in a desert steppe in InnerMongolia[J]. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014, 13(6): 1171-1182. Wang Z, Hou X, Schellenberg MP, et al. Different responses of plant species to deferment of sheep grazing ina desert steppe of Inner Mongolia, China[J]. The Rangeland Journal, 2014,36(6): 583-592. Wu X, Li P, Jiang C, et al.Climate changes during the past 31 years and their contribution to the changesin the productivity of rangeland vegetation in the Inner Mongolian typicalsteppe[J]. The Rangeland Journal, 2014, 36(6): 519-526. Yang T, Li P, Wu X, et al.Assessment of vulnerability to climate change in the Inner Mongolia steppe at acounty scale from 1980 to 2009. The Rangeland Journal, 2014, 36(6): 545-555. Chen, H., Hou, X., Ubugunov,L., Vishnyakova, O., Wu, X., Ren, W., & Ding, Y. Carbon storage underdifferent grazing management in the typical steppe. Eurasian soil science,2014, 47(11): 1152-1160. Wang Z, Zhang Q, Xin X, et al.Response of the annual biomass production of a typical steppe plant communityto precipitation fluctuations. The Rangeland Journal, 2014, 36(6): 527-534. Zhang Q, Ding Y, Ma W, et al.Grazing primarily drives the relative abundance change of C4 plants in thetypical steppe grasslands across households at a regional scale. The RangelandJournal, 2014, 36(6): 565-572. Ding W, Ren W, Li P, et al.Evaluation of the livelihood vulnerability of pastoral households in NorthernChina to natural disasters and climate change. The Rangeland Journal, 2014,36(6): 535-543. Hou X, Wang Z, Michael S P, etal. The response of grassland productivity, soil carbon content and soilrespiration rates to different grazing regimes in a desert steppe in northernChina. The Rangeland Journal, 2014, 36(6): 573-582. Qing Zhang, Xiangyang Hou,Frank Yonghong Li, Jianming Niu, Yanlin Zhou,Yong Ding,LiqingZhao,Xin Li,Wenjing Ma,Sarula Kang. Alpha, beta and gamma diversity differ inresponse to precipitation in the Inner Mongolia grassland. PLOS ONE,2014,9(3):e93518. David R. Kemp, Han Guodong, HouXiangyang, David L. Michalk, Hou Fujiang,Wu Jianping, and Zhang Yingjun.Innovative grassland management systems for environmental and livelihoodbenefits. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013, 110(21):8369-8374.


