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张振跃,男,浙江大学数学学院二级教授,博士生导师,浙江大学信息数学研究所所长。2013年获浙江大学心平教学杰出贡献奖,2014年获国务院政府津贴。主要从事数值代数、科学计算、机器学习和大数据分析等研究领域的模型与算法的理论分析与计算。先后在在国际著名学术刊物SIAM Review、SIAM J. Scientific Computing、SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Application、SIAM J Numerical Analysis、IEEE TPAMI、Patten Recognition, 以及NIPS、CVPR等会议上发表80余篇研究论文,在相关研究中取得了受到许多国际关注的系统性研究成果。早期研究工作被多位国际数值代数专家的专著引用。他是第一位在SIAM Review上发表研究论文的国内大陆学者,其关于非线性降维算法的工作,多年来一直列SIAM J. Scientific Computing 10年高引用率第4、5位。在国际机器学习领域中被广泛应用的Scikit-Learn 中收录的8个关于流形学习的经典算法中,有两个属于其及其合作者。 工作研究项目 非线性降维与聚类中的几个问题研究,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目,91730303,2018.01-2019.12,160万,主要成员 稀疏表示的移动凸包理论与方法,国家自然科学基金,11571312,2016.1-2019.12, 60万 科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973项目):城市大数据的计算理论域方法:2015CB352500, 2014.10-2019.12,50万 多视野高维复杂数据融合降维方法与理论研究,国家自然科学基金,重大项目(培育计划),91230112, 2013.1-2015.12, 65万 数据缺损下的矩阵低秩逼近方法及其应用,国家自然科学基金,11071218,2011.1-2013.12, 28万 支持虚实混合环境的交互技术与界面, 973项目,国家科委,J20090135-03 2009CB320804,2008.8-2013.8,20万 高维条件协方差矩阵模型设计及数值计算研究,国家自然科学基金,10911120395,中美合作项目,8万,2010.1-2011.12 流形学习中的数值代数理论与方法,国家自然科学基金,10771194, 2008.1-2010.12,23万;\ 数据误差特性实时估计和综合处理算法,06-107101-1中国船舶工业集团公司船舶系统,5万,2006 数据聚类和非线性降维的矩阵算法,国家自然科学基金,60372033,2004.1-2006.12,18万; 基础计算方法创新与发展,“973”项目,G19990328,1999.10-2004.9,30万; 代数预处理方法对方程组的应用,武器装备预研基金项目(国防科技重点实验室基金),514790601 01JW0412,2002.1-2003.12, 12(4.8)万; 信息重现的大规模矩阵计算,教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划,2000.6-2002.6,12万; 大规模矩阵特征值的快速与并行计算,国家自然科学基金,19771073,1998.1-2000.12,5万; 快速特征值计算,浙江省自然科学基金,1998.1-2000.12,2.6万; 大规模矩阵特征值计算,国家教育部,413C00101G98001,1998.1-1999.12,2万; 大规模科学与工程计算的方法和理论(攀登计划成员),3万,1992.5-1997.6; 矩阵特征对的并行计算与逆特征值问题研究,国家自然科学基金,1.5万,1991.1 - 1993. 12; 教学与课程 矩阵计算,研究生课程 数学分析(甲)I (H),本科生课程 数学分析(甲)II (H),本科生课程 奖励荣誉 2012年获浙江省第一届高校优秀教师奖 2013年获浙江大学心平教学特殊贡献奖 2014享受政府特殊津贴, 2013竺可桢学院“我最喜爱的教师评选”获“最严谨细致教师”称号。 2014竺可桢学院“我最喜爱的教师评选”获“最具热情奖”。 2015竺可桢学院“我最喜爱的教师评选”获“最佳男神奖”。


计算数学 数据科学


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Limin Li and Zhenyue Zhang*, Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation by Covariance Matching, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, to appear, 2018 Zhenyue Zhang and Yuqing Xia, Rank Restricted Subspace Segmentation: Theory and Algorithms, submitted to Journal of Machine Learning Research,2018, Zhenyue Zhang, Zheng Zhai, and Limin Li, Graph Refinement via Simultaneously Low-rank and Sparse Approximation, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, second revision, 2017 Zhigang Yao and Zhenyue Zhang*, Principal Boundary on Riemannian Manifolds, 2018 Bingjie Li and Zhenyue Zhang*, A Fast algorithm for Nonnegative Rank Factorization, 2018 Yuqing Xia and Zhenyue Zhang*,Rank–sparsity balanced representation for subspace clustering, Machine Vision and Applications, to appear, 2018 Yuqing Xia and Zhenyue Zhang*, Scalable Feedback of Spectral Projection for Subspace Learning, submitted to Signal Processing Letters, 2018 Zhenyue Zhang and Jiayun Mao, Iteratively Improvement via Local Sparse Pursuing for Jointly Sparse Recovery, under revision, 2018 Zhenyue Zhang and Jiayun Mao, Moving Convex Hulls for Sparse Recovery, under revision, 2017 Zhenyue Zhang, Zheng Zhai, and Limin Li, Uniform Projection for Multi-view Learning,IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI),39(8): 1675-1689, 2017 Zhenyue Zhang and Jayun Mao, Jointly sparse neighborhood graph for multi-view manifold clustering,Neurocomputing,216:28-38, 2016 Moody T. Chu and Zhenyue Zhang, The Dynamics of Principal Singular Curves: An Innate Moving Frame on Parametric Surfaces,completed, 2016 Jiayun Mao and Zhenyue Zhang*, A Local Convex Relaxation for Rank-Sparsity Factorization,Pattern Recognition Letter, 71: 31–37, 2015 Zhenyue Zhang and Keke Zhao, Low Rank Matrix Approximation with Manifold Regularization, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI),35(7): 1717-1729, 2013. 张振跃,赵科科,数据缺损矩阵低秩分解的正则化方法,中国科学:数学,43(3): 249~271, 2013 Zhenyue Zhang, Keke Zhao, Hongyuan Zha, Inducible Regularization for Low-rank Matrix Factorizations in Collaborative Filtering, Neurocomputing,97: 52–62.2012 Zhenyue Zhang, Jing Wang, and Hongyuan Zha, Adaptive manifold learning, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,34(2)253-265,2012. Google 学术搜索: 125次引用(2013.10) Rui He and Zhenyue Zhang*, Locally Affine Patch Mapping and Global Refinement for Image Super-Resolution,Pattern Recognition, 44: 2210–2219,2011 Junfeng Lu, Zhenyue Zhang*, Convergence analysis of generalized nonlinear inexact Uzawa algorithm for stabilized saddle point problems, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 6(3): 473–492, 2011 Zhang, Zhenyue; Zhao, Keke; Zha, Hongyuan; Xue, Guirong,Estimate-piloted regularization and fast ALS algorithm for collaborative filtering,Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Future Computer Science and Education, ICFCSE 2011, p 567-570, 2011 Jing Wang and Zhenyue Zhang, Nonlinear Embedding Preserving Multiple Local-linearities, Patten Recognition, Vol.43, pp.1257—1268, 2010 Junfeng Lu and Zhenyue Zhang, A modified nonlinear inexact Uzawa algorithm for stabilized saddle point problem, SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. & Appl. 31(4): 1934-1957, 2010 Keke Zhao and Zhenyue Zhang, Successively Alternate Least Square for Low-rank Matrix Factorization with Bounded Missing Data,Computer Vision and Image Understanding,114(10): 1084-1096,2010 Hongyuan Zha, Zhenyue Zhang, Spectral properties of the alignment matrices in manifold learning,SIAM Review. 51(3): 545-566, 2009 Lingxiao Zhao and Zhenyue Zhang, Supervised locally linear embedding with probability-based distance for classification, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,57:919-926,2009 Zhenyue Zhang and Rue He, Error analysis of Pad'{e} iterations for computing matrix invariant subspaces, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 4(2):381-404, 2009 Yuyang Qiu, Zhenyue Zhang, and Anding Wang, The least squares problem of the matrix equation $A_1X_1B_1^T+A_2X_2B_2^T=T$, Applied Mathematics and Computation. 24(4): 451-461, 2009 Zhenyue Zhang, Hongyuan Zha, and Min Zhang, Spectral Methods for Semi-supervised Manifold Learning, 2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (IEEE CVPR'08), 2008 李旭东,张振跃,人脸表情的形变线性拟合方法,自动化学报, 34(5): 593-597,2008 Zhenyue Zhang and Lingxiao Zhao, Probability-based locally linear embedding for classification, the Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery(FSKD'07),243-247, 2007 Zhenyue Zhang, Yuyang Qiu, and Keqin Du, Conditions for optimal solutions of unbalanced Procrustes problem on Stiefel manifold, J. Computational Mathematics, Vol.25(6):661-671, 2007 Zhenyue Zhang, Hongyuan Zha, Wenlong Ying, Fast parallelizable methods for computing invariant subspace of Hermitian matrices, J. Comp. Math., 25: 583-594.2007 Hongyuan Zha and Zhenyue Zhang, Continuum Isomap for manifold learning, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52(1):184-200,2007 Zhenyue Zhang, Min Fang, and Jing Wang, Stability and fast algorithms of incomplete LU factorization with zero-fill for nine-diagonal matrices, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, 29(2):530-553,2007 Yuyang Qiu, Zhenyue Zhang, Junfeng Lu, The matrix equations AX=B,XC=D with PX=sXP constraint, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 189:1428-1434, 2007 Yuyang Qiu, Zhenyue Zhang, Junfeng Lu, Matrix iterative solutions to the least squares problem of BXAT = F with some linear constraints, Applied Mathematics and Computation,185(1): 284-300, 2007 Zhenyue Zhang and Jing Wang, MLLE: modified locally linear embedding using multiple weights,Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, edited by B. Sch”{o}lkopf and J.C. Platt and T. Hofmann, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1593-1600, 2007 裘渔洋,张振跃,对称约束平衡Procrustes 问题的一个简单解法,计算数学,29(3): 321-324, 2007。 Hongyuan Zha, Zhenyue Zhang, Wenlong Ying, A quadratically convergent QR-like method without shifts for Hermitian eigenvalue problem, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 417: 478-495, 2006 Zhenyue Zhang and Yiu-ming Cheung, On weight design of maximizing weighted likelihood and an extended EM algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,18(10): 1429-1434, 2006 Zhenyue Zhang and Keqin Du, Successive projection method for solving the orthogonal unbalanced Procrustes problem, Science in China: Series A Mathematics, 49(7): 971-986, 2006 Zhenyue Zhang and Hongyuan Zha, A Domain Decomposition Method for Fast Manifold Learning, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18, edited by Y. Weiss, B. Sch'{o}lkopf, and J. Platt, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1625—1632, 2006 Xudong Li and Zhenyue Zhang, Two-layer Meshes and SVD Based Image Watermarking, J Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 40(12): 2088-2092, 2006 Zhenyue Zhang and Hongyuan Zha, Principal manifolds and nonlinear dimension reduction via local tangent space alignment, SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 26(1): 313–338, 2005. 至2015.3.5: ISI Web of Knowledge引用165次,SIAM J. Scientific Computing10年高引用率第5位,Web of Science引用384 / 所有数据库,300 / Web of Science 核心合集,Scopus引用655次。 Zhenyue Zhang, Jing Wang, and Min Fang, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of positive definite solutions for the symmetric recursive inverse eigenvalue problem, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, 26(4):1115-1131, 2005 Jing Wang, Zhenyue Zhang, and Hongyuan Zha, Adaptive manifold learning, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17, edited by Lawrence K. Saul and Yair Weiss and {L'{e}on} Bottou, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1473-1480, 2005 Hongyuan Zha and Z. Zhang, Spectral analysis of alignment in manifold learning. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, v/1069-72 Vol. 5, 2005 Xudong Li and Zhenyue Zhang, Public watermarking using matrix norm. Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics,17(8):1857-1861, 2005 Xudong Li and Zhenyue Zhang, Facial expression synthesizing from multiple facial expressions.Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 17(1): 93:98, 2005 Zhenyue Zhang, Hongyuan Zha, Linear low-rank approximation and nonlinear dimensionality reduction, Science in China Series A-Mathematics, 47(6): pp. 908-920, 2004 JinHyeong Park, Z. Zhang, Hongyuan Zha and R. Kasturi, Local smoothing for manifold learning, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2004, 2: II452-II459, 2004 Xudong Li and Zhenyue Zhang, Boundary stabilized image morphing with asymmetrical radial basis functions.Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 16(6):747-752, 2004 Zhenyue Zhang, Hongyuan Zha, and Horst Simon, Low-rank approximations with sparse factors II: penalized methods with discrete Newton-like iterations, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, 25(4): 901-920, 2004 Zhenyue Zhang, Jing Wang, and Min Fang, Preconditioning methods with nested simple ILU decomposition, Mathematica Numerica Sinica, 26(2): 193-210, 2004 Hongyuan Zha and Zhenyue Zhang, Isometric embedding and continuum Isomap, Proceedings, Twentieth International Conference on Machine Learning, 2: 864-871, 2003 Hui Han, C.Lee Giles, Eren Manavoglu, Hongyuan Zha, Zhenyue Zhang and Edward A. Fox, Automatic document metadata extraction using support vector machines, Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE joint conference on digital libraries (JCDL 2003), 37-48. May 26th, Huston, TX. May, 2003 Zhenyue Zhang and Yushan Huang, Project methods for the least squares with quadratic equality constraints, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, 25(1): 188-212, 2003 Zhenyue Zhang and Hongyuan Zha, Nonlinear dimension reduction via local tangent space alignment, Intelligent Date Engineering and Automated Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2690, Springer-Verlag, pp.477-481, 2003 Zhenyue Zhang and Oyang Tianwei, Computing eigenvectors of symmetric matrices using simple inverse iterations, Journal of Computational Mathematice, 21(5): 657-670, 2003 Zhenyue Zhang and Lixin Wu, Optimal low-rank approximation to a correlation matrix, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 364:161-187, 2003 Zhenyue Zhang and Hongyuan Zha, Local linear smoothing for nonlinear manifold learning, Technical Report CSE-03-003, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pennsylvaia State University, University Park, PA, USA, 2003. H. Erbay, J.L. Barlow, and Z. Zhang, A modified Gram-Schmidt based downdating technique for the ULV decompositions with applications to recursive TLS problems, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 41:195-209, 2002 Zhenyue Zhang and Huanqiu Ye, A Divid-and-Conquer Algorithm for the Rank-Constrained Subest Selection Problem, Math. Numer. Sinica. 24(2): 229-242, 2002 Zhenyue Zhang, Hongyuan Zha, and Horst Simon, Low-rank approximations with sparse factors I: basic algorithms and error analysis, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, 23(3): 706-727, 2002 Zhenyue Zhang and Hongyuan Zha, Structure and perturbation analysis of truncated SVD for column-partitioned matrices, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications,22(4): 1245-1262, 2001 Gene Golub, Zhenyue Zhang, and Hongyuan Zha, Large sparse symmetric eigenvalue problems with homogeneous linear constrains: the Lanczos process with inner-outer iterations, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 309:289-306, 2000 Hongyuan Zha and Zhenyue Zhang, Matrices with low-rank-plus-shift structure: partial SVD and latent semantic indexing, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, 21(2): 522-536, 2000 Zhenyue Zhang and Hongyuan Zha, A parallelizable method for computing the singular subspaces of a general matrix, Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization, edited by Ya-Xiang Yuan, Science Press, New York, pp.169-183, 1999 Hongyuan Zha and Zhenyue Zhang, A sorted partial Jacobi method for computing the signal subspaces, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 270: 79-108, 1998 Hongyuan Zha and Zhenyue Zhang, A cubically convergent parallelizable method for the Hermitian eigenvalue problem, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, 19(2): 468-486, 1998 Hongyuan Zha and Zhenyue Zhang, Modifying the generalized singular value decomposition with application in direction-of-arrival finding, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 38(1):200-216, 1998 Hongyuan Zha and Zhenyue Zhang, Computing the optimal commuting matrix pair. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 37(1): 209-227, 1997 Hongyuan Zha and Zhenyue Zhang, The Arnoldi process, short recursions, and displacement ranks, Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 249:169-188, 1996 Zhenyue Zhang, An inverse extreme eigenpair problem and its parallel iterative solution for symmetric tridiagonal matrices. SIAM J. Numerical Analysis, 32(5): 1620-1634, 1995 Hongyuan Zha and Zhenyue Zhang, A note on constructing a symmetric matrix with specified diagonal entries and eigenvalues, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 35(3):448-452, 1995 Zhenyue Zhang, A parallel iterative method for solving symmetric tridiagonal extreme eigenpair problems. Comput. Math. Appl. 26(12):35-45, 1993 Zhenyue Zhang, A shifted method for solving symmetric eigenvalue problems. Comput. Math. Appl., 25(4):75-86, 1993 Zhenyue Zhang, A basic parallel iterative method for solving symmetric tridiagonal extremal eigenpair problem, Ser.Appl. Math., 1, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1992 Zhenyue Zhang, An inverse eigenvalue problem for periodic Jacobi matrices. (Chinese) Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 13(3):273-282, 1991 Zhenyue Zhang, Inverse eigenproblems for tridiagonal matrices. Chinese J. Numer. Math. Appl. 13 (2): 55-63, 1991 张振跃, 三对角矩阵的逆特征值问题,计算数学,第13卷, 第1期, 77-83页,1991 Zhenyue Zhang, Schwarz alternating procedure with relaxation factor. Chinese J. Numer. Math. Appl., 13(1), pp.99--113, 1991 张振跃, 带松弛因子的Schwarz 交替方法,计算数学,第12卷,第4期, 421-433页, 1990 赵平,张振跃,短缺经济中工业产品质量相互关系的数学模型,管理工程学报,第3卷,第3-4期, 116-120页, 1989 Zhenyue Zhang, On the nonconvergence of the QL algorithm with the Rayleigh quotient. (Chinese) J. Fudan Univ. Natur. Sci. 27(2):143--148, 1988 Zhenyue Zhang, A shift of the $QL$ algorithm. (Chinese) Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 9(1), pp.40--49, 1987 Zhenyue Zhang, On the perturbations of the eigenvalues of a nondefective matrix. (Chinese) Math. Numer. Sinica. 8(1):106-108, 1986 张振跃,关于非亏损矩阵特征值的扰动, 计算数学,第8卷, 第1期, 106-108页, 1986 Jiang, Erxiong and Zhenyue Zhang, A new shift of the $QL$ algorithm for irreducible symmetric tridiagonal matrices. Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 65: 261-272, 1985 武宝亭,张振跃,矩阵代数在化工及化学上的若干应用,山西化工,1983,第1期,43-50 Hongyuan Zha and Zhenyue Zhang, Fast parallelizable methods for the Hermitian eigenvalue problem, CSE Technical Report CES-96-041, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 1996 Zhenyue Zhang and Hongyuan Zha, Majorization, convex hulls and smoothed transmission of stored video. CSE Technical Report CES-96-033, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 1996


