1993.9-1998.7 浙江农业大学茶学系,获学士学位
2001.9-2004.7 浙江大学环资学院,获硕士学位
1. Ruan JY*, Ma LF, Shi YZ 2013 Potassium management in tea plantations: its uptake by field plants, status in soils and efficacy on yields and quality of teas in China. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 176(3), 450-459.
2. Zhang L, Li Q, Ma LF, Ruan JY* 2013 Characterization of fluoride uptake by roots of tea plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Plant Soil, 366, 659-669.
3. Ruan JY*, Ma LF, Yang YJ 2012 Impact of magnesium nutrition on accumulation and transport of amino acids in tea plants. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 92, 1375-1383.
4. Han WY*, Ma LF, Shi YZ, Ruan JY, Kemmitt SJ 2008 Nitrogen release dynamics and transformation of slow release fertiliser products and their effects on tea yield and quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88, 839-846.
5. Ruan JY*, Ma LF and Shi YZ 2006 Aluminium in tea plantations; mobility in soils and plants, and the influence of nitrogen fertilizers. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 28, 519-528.
6. Ruan JY*, Ma LF, Shi YZ and Han WY 2004 The impacts of pH and calcium on the uptake of fluoride by tea plants (Camellia sinensis L.). Annals of Botany 93: 97-105. 10.Ruan JY, Ma LF, Shi YZ and Zhang FS 2004 Effects of litter incorporation and nitrogen fertilization on the contents of extractable aluminium in the rhizosphere soil of tea plant (Camallia sinensis L.). Plant and Soil 263: 283-296.
7. Wenyan Han*, Lifeng Ma, Ruanshi Shi, Jiangyun Ruan and Michel Marchand. Status of K availability and efficiency of potash application in tea fields of China. In Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection, ed by Li CJ et al, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2005: 388-389
8. Han WY*, Shi YZ, Ma LF, Ruan JY and Zhao FJ 2007 Effect of liming and seasonal variation on lead concentration of tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Chemosphere 66: 84-90.
9. Han WY, Zhao FJ, Shi Y, Ma L and Ruan JY 2006 Scale and causes of lead contamination in Chinese tea. Environmental Pollution139, 125-132.
10. 马立锋,陈红金,单英杰,姜铭北,张耿苗,吴林土,阮建云*,吕健飞等,浙江省绿茶主产区茶园施肥现状及建议.茶叶科学,2013,33(1):74-84.
11. 马立锋,杨亦扬,石元值,阮建云,韩文炎 Mehlich 3 浸提剂在茶园土壤养分分析中的应用. 土壤通报,38(4):745-748
12. 马立锋,韩文炎,石元值 浙江省部分茶区茶园土壤中硼含量其影响因素研究. 中国农业科学,2003,36(12):1515-1518
13. 马立锋,石元值,韩文炎,阮建云. 湘浙部分茶园氟质量分数的分析. 浙江林学院学报2005,22(1):28-32
14. 马立锋,阮建云,石元值,韩文炎. 茶树氟累积特性研究. 浙江农业学报,2004,16(2):96-98
15. 马立锋、阮建云、石元值、韩文炎. 钙[Ca(NO3)2和CaO]对茶树氟吸收的影响. 土壤通报,2005,36(1):85-87
16. 马立锋,石元值,韩文炎 浙江省茶园土壤锰含量状况研究. 土壤通报,2004,35(2):203-205
17. 马立锋,阮建云,石元值,韩文炎 中国茶叶中的氟近十年来的研究进展. 土壤与环境,2003,12(3):342-345
18. 马立锋,石元值,阮建云,韩文炎.我国茶叶中的氟含量状况研究.农业环境保护,2002,21(6):537-539
19. 马立锋,石元值,阮建云,韩文炎.湘鄂砖茶主产区茶园氟含量状况及影响因素.茶叶科学,2002,22(1):34-37
20. 马立锋、石元值、阮建云. 苏、浙、皖茶区茶园土壤pH状况及近十年来的变化.土壤通报,2000,31(5),205-207