2. 共转录调控与非编码RNA在基因沉默中的作用机制
3. 植物关键发育阶段转换(开花和种子萌发)的分子机制
1.Ietswaart, R., Rosa, S., Wu, Z., Dean, C., & Howard, M. (2017). Cell-size-dependent transcription of FLC and its antisense long non-coding RNA COOLAIR explain cell-to-cell expression variation. Cell systems, 4(6), 622-635.
2.Wu, Z.*, Ietswaart, R.*, Liu, F., Yang, H., Howard, M., and Dean, C. (2016). Quantitative regulation of FLC via coordinated transcriptional initiation and elongation. PNAS 113,218-223.
3.Wu, Z.*, Zhu, D.*, Lin, X.*, Miao, J.*, Gu, L., Deng, X., Yang, Q., Sun, K., Cao, X., Tsuge, T., Dean, C., Aoyama, T., Gu, H., and Qu, L.J. (2016). RNA-binding proteins RZ-1B and RZ-1C play critical roles in regulating pre-mRNA splicing and gene expression during development in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 28, 55-73.
4.Wang, Z.W.*, Wu, Z.*, Raitskin, O., Sun, Q., and Dean, C. (2014). Antisense-mediated FLC transcriptional repression requires the P-TEFb transcription elongation factor. PNAS 111, 7468-7473.
5.Zhu, D.*, Wu, Z.*, Cao, G.*, Li, J., Wei, J., Tsuge, T., Gu, H., Aoyama, T., and Qu, L.J. (2014). TRANSLUCENT GREEN, an ERF family transcription factor, controls water balance in Arabidopsis by activating the expression of aquaporin genes. Molecular Plant 7, 601-615.
6.Marquardt, S., Raitskin, O., Wu, Z., Liu, F., Sun, Q., and Dean, C. (2014). Functional consequences of splicing of the antisense transcript COOLAIR on FLC transcription. Molecular Cell 54, 156-165.
7.Crevillen, P., Sonmez, C., Wu, Z., and Dean, C. (2013). A gene loop containing the floral repressor FLC is disrupted in the early phase of vernalization. The EMBO Journal 32, 140-148.
8.Ietswaart, R., Wu, Z., and Dean, C. (2012). Flowering time control: another window to the connection between antisense RNA and chromatin. Trends in Genetics 28, 445-453.