2003.9—2008.1 在燕山大学进行学习
2008.7—至今 在河北科技师范学院化学工程学院基础教学部任教
1、 Fabication of single-crystalline beta-Ga2O3 nanowires and zigzag-shaped nanostructures. Journal Physical Chemistry C,2007,111(47),SCI,第一作者.
2、 Metallization and softening of B6O at high pressure,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2014,600,71-77,第一作者.
3、 Fabrication of single-crystalline gallium nitride nanowires by using alginate as template,materials letters,第一作者,SCI检索.
4、 Preparation of TiO2/Ga2O3 Nanowires by a sol–gel –solvother -mal method. Yuehui Wang,Dongjun Wang,Aijun Song,Zhigang Zhang,Shitao Song.Materials Science Forum,2011,663,965-968.第一作者.
5、 The infiltration of green chemistry concept in university chemical education,Key Engineering Materials,2011,vol. 480,668. 第一作者,EI检索
6、 氧化镓之字形纳米材料性能和结构研究.王月辉,田宏燕,王红蕾,刘璐,王东军.硅酸盐通报,2011.30(2),478-481.等.