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工作经历 2017.07-至今 南科大-北大植物与食品联合研究所所长 2016.04-至今 南方科技大学生物系 讲席教授 2005 – 2015 北京大学生命科学学院 教授 2001 – 2005 美国加州Salk Institute 博士后 教育背景 1996 – 2001 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA) 植物分子生物学专业 理学博士 1992 – 1995 北京大学生命科学学院 生物技术专业 理学硕士 1988 – 1992 南开大学生物系 植物生理专业 理学学士


植物激素信号转导 植物衰老与采后生物学 植物siRNA生物学


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Yichuan Wang*, Yusi Ji, Ying Fu and Hongwei Guo*, Ethylene-induced microtubule reorientation is essential for fast inhibition of root elongation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. Xing Zhang, Yusi Ji, Chang Xue, Honghao Ma, Yulin Xi, Peixin Huang, Huan Wang, Fengying An, Bosheng Li, Yichuan Wang and Hongwei Guo*, Integrated Regulation of Apical Hook Development by Transcriptional Coupling of EIN3/EIL1 and PIFs in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. Cheng Zhang#, 1, Xiao-Dong Teng#, 1, Quan-Quan Zheng Yan-Yun Zhao, Jie-Yang Lu, Yichuan Wang, Hongwei Guo*, Zhong-Nan Yang*, Ethylene signaling is critical for synergid cell functional specification and pollen tube attraction. Plant Journal. Feng Y., Xu P., Li B., Li P., Wen X., An Feng., Gong Yan., Xin Yi., Wang Y.*, Guo H.* (2017)., Ethylene Promotes Root Hair Growth through Coordinated EIN3/EIL1 and RHD6/RSL1 Activity in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114(52):13834-13839. Jiang B., Shi Y., Zhang X., Xin X., Qi L., Guo H., Li J., Yang S.(2017). PIF3 is a negative regulator of the CBF pathway and freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114(32):E6695-E6702. Li Z., Woo H.*, Guo H.*,Hye Ryun.*(2017).Genetic redundancy of senescence- associated transcription factors in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany. online publication. Guo P., Li Z., Huang P., Li B., Fang S3., Chu J., Guo H.* (2017). A Tripartite Amplification Loop Involving the Transcription Factor WRKY75,Salicylic Acid and Reactive Oxygen Species Accelerates Leaf Senescence. Plant Cell.29(11):2854-2870. Zhang X.,and Guo H.* (2017).mRNA decay in plants: both quantity and quality matter. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 35:138-44. Sun X., Li Y., He W.,Ji C.,Xia P., Wang Y., Du S., Li H, Raikhel N., Xiao J.*, Guo H.* (2017).. Pyrazinamide and derivatives block ethylene biosynthesis by inhibiting ACC oxidase. Nature Communations.8:15758. Hao D., Sun X., Ma B., Zhang J.-S.* and Guo H.*(2017).6 – Ethylene. Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants. J.Li, C. Li and S. M. Smith, Academic Press: 203-241. Li Z. and Guo H.*. (2017). Ethylene treatment in studying leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Senescence (In Press). Li Z., Zhao Y., Liu X., Jiang Z., Peng J., Jin J., Guo H.* and Luo J.*. (2017). Construction of the leaf senescence database and functional assessment of senescence-associated genes. Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Genomics Databases.1533: 315-333. Song W., Liu L., Wang J., Wu Z., Zhang H., Tang J., Lin G., Wang Y., Wen X., Li W., Han Z., Guo H.*, Chai J.* (2016). Signature motif-guided identification of receptors for peptide hormones essential for root meristem growth. Cell Research. 26:674-85. Li M., An F., Li W., Ma M., Feng Y., Zhang X., Guo H.* (2016). DELLA proteins interact with FLC to repress flowering transition. J Integr Plant Biol. 58:642-55. Zhang X., Zhu Y., Wu H., Guo H.* (2016). Post-transcriptional gene silencing in plants: a double-edged sword. Sci China Life Sci. 59:271-6. Zhu Z., Xian Z., Guo H.* Li Z.* (2016). Ethylene Biology Blooms from Fundamental Research to Postharvest Applications. Mol Plant. 9:187-8. Qing D., Yang Z., Li M., Wong WS., Guo G., Liu S., Guo H., Li N. (2016). Quantitative and Functional Phosphoproteomic Analysis Reveals that Ethylene-Regulates Water Transport via the C-terminal Phosphorylation of Aquaporin PIP2;1 in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant. 9:158-74.
