Charlotte F. Nellist,†, Wei Qian,†, Carol E. Jenner, Jonathan D. Moore, Shujiang Zhang, Xiaowu Wang,William H. Briggs, Guy C. Barker, Rifei Sun,* and John A. Walsh*. Multiple copies of eukaryotic translation initiation factors in Brassica rapa facilitate redundancy, enabling diversification through variation in splicing and broad-spectrum virus resistance. The Plant Journal, 2014, 77, 261–268. (共同第一作者)
Wei Qian*, Guiyan Fan*, Dandan Liu, Helong Zhang, Xiaowu Wang, Jian Wu and Zhaosheng Xu*. Construction of a high-density genetic map and the X/Y sex-determining gene mapping in spinach based on large-scale markers developed by specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq). BMC Genomics, 2017, 18: 276.
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She Hongbing†, Qian Wei†, Zhang Helong, Liu Zhiyuan,Wang Xiaowu, Wu Jian, Feng Chunda, Correll, James C. *, Xu Zhaosheng*. Theor Appl Genet, 2018. (共同第一作者)