1996年获南京农业大学学士学位,2004年获北京林业大学博士学位。2013年至2014年在美国Cornell University做访问学者。2004年9月至今在中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉所工作。工作期间兼任中国农业科学院牡丹研究中心主任,中国农业科学院牡丹研究中心青岛分中心主任,中国园艺学会牡丹芍药分会理事长,中国园艺学会分子育种分会常务理事。
1. Xue JQ, Y Tang, SL Wang, RW Yang, YQ Xue, CH Wu, XX Zhang*. Assessment of vase quality and transcriptional regulation of sucrose transporter and invertase genes in cut peony (Paeonia lactiflora ‘Yang Fei Chu Yu’) treated by exogenous sucrose. Postharvest Biol Tec (通讯作者). 143: 92-101. 2018.
2. Zhu FY, SL Wang, JQ Xue, DD Li, XX Ren, YQ Xue, XX Zhang*. Morphological and physiological changes, and the functional analysis of PdSPL9 in the juvenile-to-adult phase transition of paeonia delavayi. Plant Cell, Tiss Org (通讯作者). 133: 325-327. 2018.
3. Ren XX, JQ Xue, SL Wang, YQ Xue, P Zhang, HD Jiang, XX Zhang*. Proteomic analysis of tree peony (Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan’) seed germination affected by low temperature. J Plant Physiol (通讯作者). 224-225:56-67. 2018.
4. Wei XX, JQ Xue, SL Wang, YQ Xue, H Lin, XF Shao, DH Xu, XX Zhang*. Fatty acid analysis in the seeds of fifty Paeonia ostii individuals from the same population. J Inter Agr (通讯作者). 17(8):1758-1767. 2018.
5. Ren XX, Wang SL, Xue JQ, Zhu FY, Liu CJ, Zhang XX*. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of cryptochrome gene PsCRY2 in tree peony. Horticultural Plant Journal (通讯作者). 2: 351-356. 2016.
6. Wang SL, Beruto M, JQ Xue, FY Zhu, CJ Liu, YM Yan, XX Zhang*. Molecular cloning and potential function prediction of homologous SOC1 genes in tree peony. Plant Cell Reports (通讯作者). 34:1459-1471. 2015.
7. Xue JQ, SLWang, P Zhang, FY Zhu, XX Ren, CJ Liu, XX Zhang*. On the role of physiological substances, abscisic acid and its biosynthetic genes in seed maturation and dormancy of tree peony (Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan’). Scientia Horticulturae (通讯作者). 182: 92-101. 2015.
8. Wang SL, JQ Xue, N Ahmadi, P Holloway, FY Zhu, XX Ren, XX Zhang*. Molecular characterization and expression patterns of PsSVP genes reveal distinct roles in flower bud abortion and flowering in tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa). Can J Plant Sci (通讯作者). 94: 1181-1193. 2014.