1. Zhang S.P., Liu S.L., Miao H., Shi Y.X., Wang M., Wang Y., Li B.J.*, Gu X.F*. 2017. Inheritance and QTL mapping of resistance to gummy stem blight in cucumber stem. Molecular Breeding, 37(3):49-57
2. Zhang S. P., Liu M. M., Miao H., Zhang S. Q., Wehner T. C., and Gu X. F.*. 2013. Chromosomal Mapping and QTL analysis of Resistance to Downy Mildew incucumber.. Plant Disease, 97(2):245-251.
3. Zhang S. P., Miao H., Sun R. F., Wang X. W., Huang S. W., Wehner T. C., and Gu X. F.*. 2013. Localization of a New Gene for Bitterness in Cucumber. J Hered. 104(1): 134-139 .
4. Zhang S. P., Miao H., Yang Y. H., Xie B. Y., Wang Y., Gu X. F. * 2014. A major QTL conferring resistance to fusarium wilt using recombinant inbred lines of cucumber. Molecular Breeding, 34(4):1805-1815
5. Zhang S. P., Liu SL, Miao H, Wang M, Liu PN, Wehner TC, Gu XF. 2016. Molecular mapping and candidate gene analysis for numerous spines on the fruit of cucumber. J Hered.,107(5):471-477