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2008.11~2010.08 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 讲师 2011.07~2012.06 重庆市渝北区环境保护局 副局长(挂职) 2013.01~2014.01 麦吉尔大学(McGill University)访问教授 2010.09~2015.08 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 副教授 2012.07~2016.09 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院材料加工系副主任 2015.09~至今 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 教授 2009.06~至今 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 硕士生导师 2013.07~至今 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 博士生导师 2015.12~至今 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 院长助理


金属层状复合板轧制与性能调控 金属塑性变形与微结构表征 金属轧制工艺与优化 汽车轻量化材料


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Hong Xiao, Zejun Chen. Numerical experiments of preconditioned Krylov subspace methods solving the dense non-symmetric systems arising from BEM. Eng.Anal. Bound. Elem.,2007, 31(12):1013-1023. Zejun Chen, Hong Xiao. Preconditioned Krylov subspace methods solving dense nonsymmetric Linear systems arising from BEM. ICCS 2007, Part III, LNCS4489, pp. 113-116, 2007. Zejun Chen, Hong Xiao. Error analysis and preconditioning for Taylor Series multipole-BEM. ICCM2007 ISI Proceedings, Hiroshima (广岛), Japan (日本). H. Xiao, Zejun Chen. Error estimation of far-field influence of Taylor series multipole BEM. Journal of University Science and Technology of China. 2008, 38(1):64-69. Zejun Chen, Hong Xiao. The vectorization expressions of Taylor series multipole BEM for 3-D elasticity problems. Computational Mechanics. 2008, 43(2):297-306. Zejun Chen, Xiao Hong. Error analysis and preconditioning for Taylor Series Multipole-BEM, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2010, 34(2):173-181. Zejun Chen, Hong Xiao, Xia Yang. Taylorseries multipole boundary element-mathematical programming method for 3D multi-bodies elastic contact problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2010, 83(2):135-173. Zejun Chen, Guangjie Huang, Jianjun Min, Baohua Qian. The development of short stress path experimental asymmetric multifunctional rolling mill. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 145:171-176. Zejun Chen, Z. Zeng, G.J. Huang, Q. Liu. Research on the Al/Mg/Al three-layer clad sheet fabricated by hot roll bonding technology. Rare Metal Mater. Eng., 2011, 40(S3):136-140. Zejun Chen. Taylor Series Multipole BEM for 3D elastic contact problems with friction. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology. 2012, 4(4):1-7. Zejun Chen, Hong Xiao. The fast multipole boundary element methods (FMBEM) and its applications in rolling engineering analysis. Computational Mechanics, 2012, 50(5):513-531. Kawunga Nyirenda, Zejun Chen, Chen Quanzhong, Qing Liu. Mechanical properties of multilayer 1100/7075 aluminum sheet produced by hot ARB. (pp.1753-1760). 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA-13). June 3-7th, 2012 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. US. Editor(s): Hasso Weiland, Anthony D. Rollett, William A. Cassada. DOI: 10.1002/9781118495292.ch262; Published Print: 5 JUN 2012; Print ISBN: 9781118458044. Zejun Chen, Kawunga Nyirenda, Quanzhong Chen, Qing Liu. The effect of heat treatment technology on mechanical properties of Al/Al alloys multilayer sheet fabricated by hot roll bonding. (pp. 1705-1711). 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA-13). June 3-7th, 2012 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US. Editor(s): Hasso Weiland, Anthony D. Rollett, William A. Cassada. DOI: 10.1002/9781118495292.ch255; Published Print: 5 JUN 2012; Print ISBN: 9781118458044. Zejun Chen, Hongbo Hu, Xia Wu, Minhong Zhou, Kawunga Nyirenda, Qing Liu. Effect of cross roll bonding process on microstructure and mechanical properties of 1100/7075 multi-layer composite sheets fabricated by ARB. The 8th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM-8). August 4-9, 2013, Hawaii, US. p. 2285-2295. (Invited presentation). Zejun Chen, Xia Wu, Hongbo Hu, Quanzhong Chen, Qing Liu. Effect of individual layer shape on the mechanical properties of dissimilar Al alloys laminated metal composite sheets. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2014, 23(3):990-1001. Zejun Chen, Xinran Ou, Hongbo Hu, Xia Wu, Kawunga Nyrienda, et al. Light alloys laminated dissimilar metal composite sheet (LDMCS) fabricated by hot roll bonding technology. Materials Science & Technology 2013, October 27-31, 2013, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. pp. 2087-2096. Zejun Chen, Chen Quanzhong, Kawunga Nyirenda, Liu Qing. The mechanical properties and microstructure of laminated 1100/7075 metal composite sheets fabricated by hot accumulative roll bonding (ARB). THERMEC' 2013 International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials Processing, December 2-6, 2013, Las Vegas, USA. (Invited presentation)
