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教育背景 2003-2006 上海交通大学 机械工程专业博士 1996-2003 无锡轻工大学(现江南大学)机械工程专业学士/硕士 工作经历 2023- 上海交通大学巴黎卓越工程师学院 院长、书记 2021- 上海交通大学巴黎卓越工程师学院 书记 2019-2021 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院  党委副书记 2017- 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院  特聘教授,副所长 2013-2016 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院  研究员、博士生导师 2009-2012 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院  副教授 2006-2008 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院  师资博士后、讲师 出访及挂职经历 2014.08-2014.09 英国谢菲尔德大学自动化学院 访问教授 2013.07-2013.08 英国谢菲尔德大学自动化学院 访问学者 2011.03-2013.02 国家自然科学基金委员会数理科学部力学处 流动项目主任 2010.10-2011.02 日本京都大学 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员 科研项目 【国家/省部级科研项目】 2021-2025 国家自然科学基金重点项目“自组织微纳米褶皱结构动力学演化机制与调控方法研究”,负责人 2021-2024 上海市“科技创新行动计划”港澳台科技合作项目“局域共振声学超材料结构动力学设计理论与环境声能采集方法研究”,负责人 2021-2023 国防科技创新特区项目“***能量采集***”,负责人 2020-2022 国防科技创新特区项目“***仿生机理***”,负责人 2019-2022 上海市优秀学术带头人计划项目“振微机电系统动力学设计理论与传感技术”,负责人 2019-2023 上海市教育委员会科研创新计划重大项目“高敏抗磁悬浮检测机理、动力学设计理论与调控方法”,负责人 2018-2021 国家“两机”重大专项基础研究项目“***叶端定时***”,课题负责人 2018-2020 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目“快速滚动自组装软体机器人主动变形机理、动力学设计理论与控制方法研究”,负责人 2017-2021 国家杰出青年科学基金项目“微机电系统动力学”,负责人 2016-2019 国家自然科学基金面上项目"微型抗磁性轴承稳定磁悬浮机理、非线性动力学理论与实验研究",负责人 2015-2017 上海市曙光学者计划项目“微机械谐振器非线性参激振动机理研究”,负责人 2015-2017 上海市教委科研创新项目“大行程静电驱动纳米定位系统耦合动力学设计与分析方法研究”,负责人 2014-2016 国家优秀青年科学基金项目“微机电系统动力学”,负责人 2014-2014 国家自然科学基金专项项目“静电驱动纳米定位系统的微扰动作用机理与非线性动力学行为研究”,负责人 2014-2017 教育部高等院校霍英东青年教师基金项目“复杂环境下微机械谐振器的能量耗散机制与控制方法研究”,负责人 2013-2015 国家“万人计划”中组部青年拔尖人才支持计划项目“微机电系统动力学与控制”,负责人 2011-2013 国家自然科学基金面上项目“微转子系统气体轴承的高阶滑移机理、尺度律及动力学特性研究”,负责人 2011-2013 上海市青年科技启明星计划“多场耦合作用下静电MEMS器件失效机理、可靠性评估与寿命预测方法研究”,负责人 2011-2012 科技部国家重点实验室专项项目“纳米定位系统的非线性振动溯源与控制”,负责人 2009-2010 科技部国家重点实验室专项项目“微转子—气体轴承系统动力特性理论与试验研究”,负责人 2009-2011 上海交通大学晨星青年学者奖励计划项目“超高速微转子系统薄膜润滑机理研究”,负责人 2009-2011 上海交通大学医工(理)交叉研究基金面上项目“微型智能化慢性脊髓压迫器研制及应用”,合作方负责人 2007-2009 国家自然科学基金青年项目“参数激励静电驱动微机电系统的非线性振动与控制”,负责人 2007-2008 中国博士后科学基金项目“静电驱动微机电系统非线性动力学特性研究”,负责人 2011-2015 国家973计划项目子课题“大型装备中动力学非线性耦合机理”,学术骨干 2008-2011 国家自然科学基金重点项目“燃气轮机转子系统在多场耦合作用下的非线性振动与控制”,学术骨干 2004-2007 国家杰出青年科学基金项目“超高速、超微转子系统的非线性振动与控制”,主要完成人 【企/事业委托项目】 2021-2023 上海航天805研究所,**一体化隔振技术,负责人 2022-2023 华为公司,**器件封装可靠性研究,负责人 2020-2022 上海航天803研究所,**黏附机理及控制技术,负责人 2020-2021 上海航天803研究所,**微力测量技术,负责人 2020-2021 华为公司,**器件长期可靠性研究,负责人 2019-2020 华为公司,**器件稳定性研究,负责人 2019-2020 上海航天805研究所,**空间***力矩测量装置及技术,负责人 2019-2020 上海空间推进研究所,**自锁阀抗冲击***分析方法,负责人 2018-2020 上海宇航系统工程研究所,翻转式仿螳螂虾软体机器人设计理论与方法及控制,负责人 2018-2019 上海航天805研究所,**卫星柔性管路与电缆展开过程的仿真与试验研究,负责人 2016-2018 上海航天先进技术联合研究中心技术创新项目,“***微振动生成机理与控制方法,负责人 2016-2017 上海卫星工程研究所,**卫星核心机构***力学分析,负责人 2014-2016 TRIO中国上海杰弗朗机械设备有限公司,用模态分析方法指导振动筛的改进设计,负责人 2013-2013 中科院上海技术物理研究所,某工件***力学分析,负责人 出版多本专著,在Nature Communications、Science Advances、Advanced Materials、National Science Review、Advanced Science、Science Bulletin、Matter、AFM、AMR、JMPS、IEEE/ASME汇刊等国际期刊上。 【出版专著】 (1) 张文明,胡开明. 《MEMS/NEMS谐振器技术》,北京: 科学出版社, 2023. (待出版) (2) 张文明,邹鸿翔. 《压电能量采集动力学设计理论与技术》, 北京: 科学出版社, 2022. (国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助) (3) 孟 光,张文明.《微机电系统动力学》, 北京: 科学出版社, 2008. (国家科学出版基金资助) (4) 严博,武传宇,张文明. 《低频磁刚度非线性隔振理论与方法》,北京: 机械工业出版社, 2023. (待出版) 【参编专著】 1、孟光, 张文明, 等. 《动力学、振动与控制新进展》, 北京: 宇航出版社, 2006. (章节) 2、张文明, 孟光, 等. Models and Applications of Chaos Theory in Modern Sciences, 2011, Science Publishers. (章节) 3、张文明. 轴和轴系的临界转速. 《现代机械设计手册》, 2011,北京:化工出版社. (章节) 教学工作 1、《机械动力学与振动学》 本科生,48学时,3学分 2、《静力学与动力学基础》本科生,48学时,3学分 3、《机械工程前沿》 硕士生,36学时,2学分 4、《振动冲击噪声现代理论》 博士生,54学时,3学分 5、《转子动力学》研究生,48学时,3学分 软件版权登记及专利 【国家发明专利】 [85] 李汶柏;魏星宇;陈炜昊;王叙宁;李修璇;范钰;易志然;张文明;基于变刚度柔性折纸机构的扑翼飞行器;申请号:2022112207854;申请公布日:2023.01.10 [84] 宋鹏慧;邵磊;张文明;超快脉冲激光干涉系统的等效波长校准装置及方法;申请号:2021107752517;申请公布日:2023.01.13 [83] 程晶婕;宋鹏慧;邵磊;张文明;基于超快脉冲激光干涉的混频测振装置及方法;申请号:202110775224X;申请公布日:2023.01.13 [82] 王叙宁;李修璇;范钰;魏星宇;周峻峰;陈炜昊;易志然;张文明;仿生扑翼飞行器刚度自适应双层膜结构翅翼;申请号:2022111390299;申请公布日:2022.11.25 [81] 王叙宁;房付熠;魏星宇;李汶柏;易志然;张文明;三自由度关节及其柔性变刚度空间机械臂;申请号:2022108878485;申请公布日:2022.10.28 [80] 邵磊;张文明;程晶婕;宋鹏慧;基于锁相放大的脉冲激光干涉测振方法;申请号:202210829904X;申请公布日:2022.10.18 [79] 邵磊;张文明;彭昭亮;宋鹏慧;程晶婕;基于连续波激光的脉冲激光干涉等效波长校准装置及方法;申请号:2022108243970;申请公布日:2022.09.30 [78] 颜鼎哲;邵磊;张文明;电芯内部集成柔性压力监测传感器的锂电池;申请号:2022106018516;申请公布日:2022.08.16 [77] 邵磊;颜鼎哲;张文明;电芯内部集成柔性温度监测传感器的锂电池;申请号:2022106018874;申请公布日:2022.08.16 [76] 魏星宇;周峻峰;陈炜昊;王叙宁;李修璇;易志然;张文明;单向薄膜阀型仿生扑翼机自适应气动力调节翅翼;申请号:2021111201428;申请公布日:2021.12.10 [75] 房付熠;王叙宁;魏星宇;李汶柏;易志然;张文明;自生长柔性变刚度机械臂空间跨尺寸目标自动捕获控制方法;申请号:2022105370851;申请公布日:2022.08.09 [74] 胡开明;屠尔琪;张文明;李修远;辛宜航;邓心陆;单层锗基石墨烯低温后固化转移方法;申请号: 2021113547581;授权公告日:2023.01.24 [73] 张文明;鞠震昊;闫寒;尤罡;陈健;高秋华;吴志渊;微小行程磁锁式自锁阀阀芯运动状态监测方法;申请号:2021113210915;授权公布日:2022.12.02 [72] 杜荣华;朱胜亿;张文明;魏克湘;邹鸿翔; 一种用于危险路段的自供能道路健康监测系统; 申请号: 2021112279788; 申请公布日: 2022.01.14 [71] 吴志渊; 张文明;闫寒;颜格;赵林川;高秋华;陈雪峰;旋转叶片叶尖定时传感器动态标定装置;申请号:2021111077187;授权公告日:2022.06.28 [70] 胡开明; 辛宜航; 张文明; 李修远;微纳米尺度界面褶皱形貌的表征实现方法;申请号:2020104398723;授权公告日:2022.10.14 [69] 吴志渊; 张文明; 闫寒; 赵林川; 颜格; 高秋华;双转子叶片复合故障模拟试验台;申请号:2021108389018;授权公告日:2022.09.09 [68] 吴志渊; 张文明; 闫寒; 高秋华; 陈雪峰; 杨志勃;可编程力激励叶片振动测试装置;申请号:2021107135029;申请公布日:2021.09.24 [67] 吴志渊; 张文明; 闫寒; 陈雪峰; 杨志勃; 田绍华;轴-盘-叶片非轴对称旋转机械振动响应预测方法;申请号:2021102273677;授权公告日:2022.03.08 [66] 方肖勇; 张文明; 胡开明; 亓文豪; 刘春程;基于光学转角测量装置的MEMS微镜高温可靠性测试方法;申请号:202110209567X;申请公布日:2021.06.15 [65] 邹鸿翔; 李猛; 张文明; 赵林川; 陈泽文; 魏克湘; 杜荣华;易穿戴柔顺关节运动发电机;申请号:2021100959371;申请公布日:2021.05.14 [64] 辛宜航;胡开明;张文明;李修远;表面褶皱机械复合光栅系统及调谐方法;申请号:2021100953695;申请公布日:2021.05.28 [63] 李汶柏;张文明; 郭欣宇; 房付熠;V型快速变刚度柔性抓手;申请号:202011444574X;授权公告日:2022.03.15 [62] 李汶柏;张文明; 郭欣宇; 房付熠;基于几何变刚度的柔性驱动器及其多重耦合变刚度方法. 申请号:2020114445788;申请公布日:2021.04.02 [61] 瞿昊,丁怡丹,林耿杰,高秋华,张文明;Halbach阵列式抗磁悬浮细胞密度检测与分离装置及方法;申请号:2020110947018;授权公告日:2022.03.08 [60] 高秋华,张文明;基于抗磁悬浮原理的流式缺陷检测方法;申请号:2020109934500;授权公告日:2022.11.18 [59] 罗斌;陈鸣亮; 欧红旗; 张文明; 郭欣宇; 刘丰瑞; 常世杰; 秦凯; 郑权; 杨颜志; 徐清华;一种舱门展开力矩自动测量系统;申请号:2020106977773;申请公布日:2020.10.30 [58] 赵林川;张文明; 高秋华; 颜格; 魏克湘; 何清波; 邹鸿翔;适应复杂激励的无接触传动摩擦-电磁复合波浪能量采集器;申请号:2020105692220;授权公告日:2022.05.31 [57] 邹鸿翔;李猛; 张文明; 魏克湘;背戴式四驱人体运动能量采集装置及人体增强装备;申请公布日:2020.11.06 [56]胡开明;张文明; 李修远; 辛宜航; 白欣茹;基于大面积修复薄膜转移-加热治愈的微纳米褶皱祛除方法;授权公告日:2021.07.06 [55]胡开明;张文明; 彭勃; 闫寒;界面可控型无分层式多层级石墨烯共形褶皱及其制备方法;申请号:2020102685441;授权公告日:2021.06.15 [54]邹鸿翔;李猛; 魏克湘; 杜荣华; 张文明; 朱云; 文雷; 廖思华;适合脉冲式激励的电磁-摩擦复合路面能量采集器;申请公布日:2020.10.20 [53] 郭欣宇; 张文明; 费燕琼;自适应干性吸附-脱附功能化气动柔性抓手;申请号:2020104240103;授权公告日:2022.08.16 [52] 高秋华,张文明;动态抗磁悬浮多维度密度测量装置及方法;申请号:202010311610.9;授权公告日:2021.07.30 [51] 赵林川;张文明; 高秋华; 颜格; 魏克湘; 何清波; 邹鸿翔;一种升频式电磁-摩擦串联复合波浪能量采集系统;申请号:2019110660087;授权公告日:2021.04.02 [50] 王江北;费燕琼; 刘朝雨; 刘佳鹏; 张文明;一种仿生软体翻滚机器人;申请号:2019110204099;授权公告日:2021.01.12 [49] 罗斌;欧红旗; 张文明; 陈鸣亮; 郑权; 郭欣宇; 刘丰瑞; 常世杰; 秦凯; 杨颜志; 徐清华;舱门展开力矩自动测量装置; 申请号:2019111035721;授权公告日:2021.06.11 [48] 郭欣宇,张文明;真空吸附式锁定关节的气动软体抓手; 申请号:2019111035543;授权公告日:2022.08.16 [47] 郭欣宇,张文明,李汶柏;弯曲型变刚度自传感式气动软体驱动器;申请号:2019111001617;申请公布日:2020.02.21 [46] 李支康,赵立波,李杰,郭帅帅,胡开明,张文明,徐廷中,赵一鹤,刘子晨,蒋庄德;一种电极形状调控的高超声波收发性能CMUTs; 申请号:2019106972828;申请公布日:2019.11.12 [45] 张文明,高秋华;海尔贝克阵列式磁悬浮密度测量的方法及装置;申请号:2019105240165;授权公告日:2020.07.06 [44] 邹鸿翔,赵林川,张文明 等;具有频率和位移放大作用的小型风能采集器;申请号:2019103740373;授权公告日:2020.03.17 [43] 魏克湘,邹鸿翔,白泉,张文明,等;一种智慧型海上风电运维船结构;申请号:2019105588120;申请公布日:2019.09.17;授权公告日:2021.03.19 [42] 邹鸿翔,魏克湘,赵林川,张文明,等;磁场耦合波浪能量采集器;申请号:2019103740388;申请公布日:2019.08.09;授权公告日:2020.08.18 [41] 彭勃,张文明,胡开明,闫寒;可调灵敏度的弱耦合谐振式微加速度计;申请号:2019110971565;申请公布日:2020.02.11;授权公告日:2021.10.01 [40] 张文明,李汶柏,郭欣宇;自锁式刚软耦合机械抓手;申请号:2019103533918;授权公告日:2022.01.26 [39] 郭欣宇,张文明,李汶柏;变刚度内骨骼刚软耦合机械手指;申请号:201811338349.0;授权公告日:2021.08.10 [38] 张文明,邹鸿翔,颜格,王森;基于PVC Gel的自反馈三稳态变刚度微振动隔振装置;申请号:2018109349162;授权公告日:2020.02.18 [37] 张文明,李汶柏,闫寒;基于人工肌肉的柔性抓手;申请号:201810907666.3;申请公布日:2018.11.23 [36] 李汶柏,张文明,闫寒;基于人工肌肉的括约肌假体;申请号:201810907667.8;授权公告日:2021.01.08 [35] 李汶柏,张文明; 基于介电弹性体的自主滚动软体机器人;申请号:2018102827017;申请公布日:2018.09.11 [34] 李汶柏,张文明; 基于介电弹性体的可调刚度支撑装置; 申请号:2018102826940; 授权公告日:2020.02.18 [33] 李汶柏,张文明,赵云花;介电弹性体主动隔振空气弹簧;申请号:201810282681.3;申请公布日:2018.09.04 [32] 赵林川,张文明,邹鸿翔;一种面内压电振动能量采集器;申请号:2018100149442;申请公布日:2018.06.01;授权公告日:2019.07.26 [31] 刘丰瑞,张文明,胡璐;磁力边界约束增强的宽速域压电式风能采集器;申请号:201710810724.6;授权公告日:2019.06.18 [30] 颜格,张文明, 李汶柏;多向蠕动软体机器人;申请号:201710796156.9;授权公告日:2021.01.08 [29] 胡开明,张文明,闫寒;基于褶皱形成原理的石墨烯力学性能同步表征实现方法;申请号:201710767131.6;申请公布日:2018.01.19;授权公告日:2020.06.09 [28] 赵林川,张文明,邹鸿翔;宽速度域磁力耦合压电风能采集器;申请号:201710636885.8;授权公告日:2019.08.23 [27] 张文明, 李汶柏, 邹鸿翔, 闫寒;介电弹性体机械腕关节;申请号:201710493794.3;申请公布日:2017.09.08;授权公告日:2020.06.09 [26] 高秋华, 张文明, 胡璐, 邹鸿翔;基于抗磁悬浮原理的离心式密度测量装置及方法;专利号:201710553327.5;2017.12.15;授权公告日:2019.05.22 [25] 李汶柏,张文明, 赵林川, 刘丰瑞;双向多稳态介电弹性体驱动器;专利号:ZL201710497155.4;授权公告日:2019.01.10 [24] 李汶柏, 张文明, 颜格, 邹鸿翔;冲击增强型介电弹性体振动器;ZL201710578234.8; 申请日:2017.11.21;授权公告日:2019.05.21 [23] 张文明,邹鸿翔,魏新生,王森,赵林川,颜格;惯性执行机构刚柔耦合微振动隔振装置;ZL201710223439.4;授权公告日:2018.06.21 [22] 邹鸿翔,胡璐,张文明;基于仿生鱼的流致振动能量采集装置;ZL201710238735.1;授权公告日:2018.06.21 [21] 邹鸿翔,李汶柏,张文明,魏克湘,孟光;多向磁拉式双稳态振动能量俘获器;ZL201710034795.1;授权公告日:2018.07.02 [20] 李鑫强,张文明,李汶柏;磁力式多稳态介电弹性体换能器;ZL201611049968.9;授权公告日:2018.05.25 [19] 高秋华,张文明,邹鸿翔;抗磁悬浮双稳态振动能量俘获器;ZL201611019835.7;授权公告日:2018.11.26 [18] 张文明,邹鸿翔,孟光;振幅放大叠加振动能量采集装置;ZL201611024248.7;授权公告日:2018.05.25 [17] 张文明,邹鸿翔,孟光;基于振动加载装置的振动测试系统及其方法;201610144916.3;2016.05.25 [16] 邹鸿翔,李源霜,张文明,汪炜涛,孟光;多频耦合振动能量俘获器;2015107075802;2015.10.27 [15] 张文明,邹鸿翔,孟光;半主动调频振动能量俘获器;2015107333310;2015.11.02;授权号:CN105207524A [14] 李汶柏,张文明,邹鸿翔,孟光;双稳态电气连接转换装置;201510101033X;2015.03.09;授权号:CN104658801B [13] 李汶柏,张文明,邹鸿翔;条形工件表面缺陷全方位视觉在线检测系统;2015101014379;2015.03.09;授权号:CN104634791B [12] 邹鸿翔,张文明,孟光,魏克湘;自发电防雾霾空气过滤装置;2015100424412;2015.01.28;授权号:CN104588211B [11] 邹鸿翔,张文明,魏克湘,孟光;基于双稳态的无接触磁力式振动能量俘获器;2015100539045;授权号:CN104578911B [10] 蒋新雅,张文明,邹鸿翔,孟光;压电俘能与主动减振集成装置;2015100539257;2015.02.02;授权号:CN104578912B [9] 李汶柏,张文明,邹鸿翔;基于双稳态结构的电子设备姿态调整器;2015100265929;2015.01.19;授权号:CN104536534B [8] 邹鸿翔,张文明,魏克湘,胡开明,闫寒;一种自供能智能运动鞋;2014107841722;2014.12.27;授权号:CN104489996B [7] 邹鸿翔,张文明,魏克湘;一种用于汽车悬架的滚动压迫俘能装置;2014107195871;2014.12.01 [6] 刘付远, 张文明, 闫寒. 一种环隙式纳米砂磨机;CN104971799A;2014.04.03 [5] 闫寒,张文明;复杂几何边界下微流体器件中气体滑移流动的计算方法;2014107198719;2014.12.01;授权号:CN104376183B [4] 仲作阳,孟光,张文明,荆建平,李明,何淑芬;基于Modelica语言的泵车臂架系统仿真建模方法;2011104495368;2011.12.29 [3] 魏克湘,邹鸿翔,杜荣华,张文明;自供能智能减振器;ZL2013104546015;申请时间:2013.09.29,授权公布日:2015.07.29 [2] 魏克湘,孟光,张文明;基于挤压式受力的磁流变弹性体主被动一体减振器;ZL2008100361521;授权公布日:2009.10.21 [1] 张文明,孟光,李鸿光,陈迪,周键斌;非接触式微转子振动位移的激光测量方法;ZL2006100268434;授权公布日:2009.08.05 【软件版权登记】 [9] 裂纹叶片动力学快速分析软件(No. 2021SR1409646,2021年) [8] 裂纹叶片-弹性轮盘动力学快速分析软件(No. 2021SR1422252,2021年) [7] 裂纹叶片-轮盘-转轴动力学快速分析软件(No. 2021SR1408684,2021年) [6] 机匣-裂纹叶片-双转子动力学快速分析软件(No. 2021SR1408685,2021年) [5] 含榫头榫槽接触的裂纹叶片振动特性计算软件(No. 2021SR1290982,2021年) [4] 参数化裂纹叶片建模及振动特性计算软件(No.2021SR1290937,2021年) [3] 泵车负载敏感型比例多路滑阀仿真建模软件1.0(计算机软件,No.00109913,2011年) [2] 泵车臂架系统动力学建模仿真软件(计算机软件,No.00109864,2011年) [1] 汽车起重机变幅机构动力学建模仿真软件1.0(No.00109860, 2011年) 荣誉奖励 【人才计划】 上海市青年优秀学术带头人(2019) 国家创新人才推进计划“中青年科技创新领军人才”(2018) 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2016) 教育部霍英东青年教师基金获得者(2014) 上海市曙光学者(2014) 国家优秀青年科学基金获得者(2013) 国家“万人计划”-中组部青年拔尖人才(2013) 上海市青年科技启明星计划(2011) 【奖励与荣誉称号】 2023年 国家教学成果一等奖(排4) 2023年 国家教学成果二等奖(排9) 2022年 上海市教学成果特等奖(排6) 2022年 上海市教学成果二等奖(排2) 2022年 爱思唯尔(Elsevier)中国高被引学者 2020年 ASME能量采集技术领域最佳论文荣誉奖(BEST PAPER AWARD) 2020年 华为公司优秀技术成果奖 2018年 上海市青年五四奖章(标兵) 2015年 教育部自然科学一等奖 (排2) 2011年 全国振动理论及应用学术会议优秀论文奖 2010年 中国振动工程学会青年科技奖 2010年 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)奖学金 2009年 全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖 2008年 上海市优秀博士学位论文 2006年 上海市优秀毕业生 2005年 国际机械工程与力学学术会议ICMEM优秀论文奖 2023年 上海交通大学优秀博士论文(提名)导师奖 2022年 上海交通大学机动学院最受欢迎教师奖 2020年 上海交通大学唐立新教学名师奖 2020年 上海交通大学校级教学成果奖一等奖 2019年 上海交通大学机动学院最佳导师奖 2018年 上海交通大学机动学院最受欢迎教师奖 2018年 上海交通大学优秀博士论文导师奖 2017年 上海交通大学唐立新优秀学者奖 2017年 上海交通大学优秀教师奖 2016年 上海交通大学优秀班主任 2016年 上海交通大学十佳班主任 2016年 上海交通大学机动学院最受欢迎教师奖 2012年 上海交通大学晨星青年学者奖励计划(A类) 2010年 上海交通大学优秀教师奖 2009年 上海交通大学晨星青年学者奖励计划(B类)


【微纳机电系统】--微纳传感器与执行器、M/NEMS动力学、微纳机械谐振器、超高频振动测量理论及技术等 【智能材料结构与器件】--智能柔性驱动与传感技术、软体机器人、振动能量采集技术等 【转子动力学】--航空发动机转子动力学、Power MEMS、气浮润滑技术、磁悬浮技术等 【微振动与控制】--航天器惯性执行机构、卫星压紧释放结构、柔性管路系统、核电装备微振动与控制技术 【精密测量与智能检测】--微纳米尺度的力学表征、磁悬浮检测理论与技术、高机敏测量技术 【表面力学与功能器件】--表/界面力学、褶皱失稳力学设计、微纳米褶皱图案转移技术、功能性表面器件 【仿生与接触力学】--仿生黏附、接触动力学、仿生减振理论及技术 【可靠性设计理论及技术】--动态可靠性失效理论、激光雷达MEMS微镜可靠性


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【2023年度】 (247) Q.‐H. Gao, P.‐H. Song, H.‐X. Zou, Z.‐Y. Wu, L.‐C. Zhao, W.‐M. Zhang, Dynamically Rotating Magnetic Levitation to Characterize the Spatial Density Heterogeneity of Materials. Advanced Science, 2023, 2300219. (246) Kai-Ming Hu, Wang Guo, Xin-Lu Deng, Xiu-Yuan Li, Er-Qi Tu, Yi-Hang Xin, Zhong-Ying Xue, Xue-Song Jiang, Gang Wang, Guang Meng, Zeng-Feng Di, Liwei Lin, Wen-Ming Zhang. Deterministically self-assembled 2D materials and electronics, Matter, 2023, 6: 1-15. (245) Wenbo Li, Huyue Chen, Zhiran Yi, Qiuhua Gao, Lei Shao, Jian Xu, Guang Meng, Wenming Zhang. Self-vectoring electromagnetic soft robots with high-operational dimensionality. Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 182. (244) Yan Qiao, Zhan Shi, Yutao Xu, Xueyong Wei, Alaaeldin Ahmed, Eihab Abdel-Rahman, and Ronghua Huan, Wenming Zhang. Frequency unlocking-based MEMS bifurcation sensors. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 2023, 9: 58. (243) Lin-Chuan Zhao, Hong-Xiang Zou, Xing Xie, Ding-Hua Guo, Qiu-Hua Gao, Zhi-Yuan Wu, Ge Yan, Ke-Xiang Wei, Wen-Ming Zhang. Mechanical intelligent wave energy harvesting and self-powered marine environment monitoring, Nano Energy, 2023, 108: 108222. (242) Xingyu Wei; Zhiran Yi; Wenbo Li; Linchuan Zhao; Wen-Ming Zhang. Energy Harvesting Fueling the Revival of Self-powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 283: 116863. (241) Yu Liu, Qiu Yin, Yucheng Luo, Ziyu Huang, Quansheng Cheng, Wenming Zhang, Bingpu Zhou, Yinning Zhou, Zhichao Ma. Manipulation with sound and vibration: A review on the micromanipulation system based on sub-MHz acoustic waves. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2023, 96: 106441. (240) Tian-Yu Zhao, Ge Yan, Wen-Hao Qi, Jia-Jia Lu, Wen-Ming Zhang. Magnetically modulated tetrahedral structure for low frequency vibration isolation with adjustable load capacity. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 251: 108335. (239) Zhi-Yuan Wu, Han Yan, Lin-Chuan Zhao, Ge Yan, Ao Chen, Hai-Feng Hu, Wen-Ming Zhang. Influences of blade crack on the coupling characteristics in a bladed disk with elastic support. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023, 133: 108135. (238) Ruozhang Li, Dongwu Li, Wenming Zhang. Rate effects in detachment of a spherical probe from fibrillar adhesive surfaces. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2023, 171: 105130. (237) Zhi-Yuan Wu; Han Yan; Lin-Chuan Zhao; Ge Yan; Zhi-Bo Yang; Hai-Feng Hu; Wen-Ming Zhang. Axial-bending coupling vibration characteristics of a rotating blade with breathing crack. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 182: 109547. (236) Lei Li, Hanbiao Liu, Dongfa Li, Wenming Zhang. Theoretical analysis and experiment of multi-modal coupled vibration of piezo-driven Π-shaped resonator. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 192: 110223. (235) Zhiran YI, Xiong WANG, Wanbo LI, Xuezhi QIN, Yang LI, Kaiqiang WANG, Yunting GUO, Xing LI, Wenming ZHANG, Zuankai WANG. Interfacial friction at action: Interactions, regulation, and applications. 2023, DOI10.1007/s40544-022-0702-x. 【2022年度】 (234) Shuzhen Yan, Kai-Ming HU, Shuai Chen, Tiantian Li, Wenming Zhang, Jie Yin, and Xuesong Jiang. Photo-induced stress relaxation in reconfigurable disulfide-crosslinked supramolecular films visualized by dynamic wrinkling. Nature Communications, 2022, 13: 7434. (233) Kejing Ma, Huyue Chen, Zhiyuan Wu, Xiangling Hao, Ge Yan, Wenbo Li, Lei Shao, Guang Meng, Wenming Zhang. A wave-confining metasphere beamforming acoustic sensor for superior human-machine voice interaction. Science Advances, 2022, 8(39): eadc9230. (232) Lei Shao, Vikrant J. Gokhale, Bo Peng, Peng-Hui Song, Jingjie Cheng, Justin Kuo, Amit Lal, Wen-Ming Zhang, Jason J. Gorma. Femtometer-amplitude imaging of coherent super high frequency vibrations in micromechanical resonators. Nature Communications, 2022, 694. (231) Shuai Chen, Kaiming Hu, Shuzhen Yan, Tianjiao Ma, Xinlu Deng, Wenming Zhang, Jie Yin, Xuesong Jiang. Dynamic metal patterns of wrinkles based on photosensitive layers. Science Bulletin, 2022, 67: 2186–2195. (230) Zhiran Yi, Zhaoxu Liu, Wenbo Li, Tao Ruan, Xiang Chen, Jingquan Liu, Bin Yang, and Wenming Zhang. Piezoelectric dynamics of arterial pulse for wearable continuous blood pressure monitoring. Advanced Materials, 2022, 2110291. (229) Qiu-Hua Gao; Baiqing Wen; Yani Kang; Wen-Ming Zhang. Pump-Free Microfluidic Magnetic Levitation Approach for Density-based Cell Characterization. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022, 204: 114052. (228) Dongwu Li, Daniele Botto, Ruozhang Li, Chao Xu, Wenming Zhang. Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Friction Contact of Bolted Joint Interfaces. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 236: 107773. (227) Yulong Chen, Penghui Song, Chen Wang, Miao Zhang, Kaiming Hu, Ziao Tian, Weitao Su, Paul K. Chu, Wenming Zhang*, and Zengfeng Di*. A Versatile Approach to Create Nanobubbles on Arbitrary Two-Dimensional Materials for Imaging Exciton Localization. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2022, 2201079. (226) Song PH, Shao L, Zhang WM. Residue Regulating Homotopy Method for Strongly Nonlinear Oscillators. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 109: 1905–1921. (225) Liu Feng-Rui, Zhang Wen-Ming, Zou Hong-Xiang, Zhao Lin-Chuan, Tan Ting, Ma Ke-Jing, Yan Ge, Meng Guang. Multi-interference local pressure modulation for improving performance of piezoelectric wind energy harvesters. Energy Reports, 2022, 8: 9453-9466. (224) Jingjie Cheng , Zhaoliang Peng , Penghui Song , Bo Peng , Jason J. Gorman , Justin C. Kuo , Amit Lal , Wenming Zhang , Lei Shao. Anisotropic Acoustodynamics in Gigahertz Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducers. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2022, 43(7): 1117-1120. (223) Wang X, Yu N, Wu C, et al. Lever-type high-static-low-dynamic-stiffness vibration isolator with electromagnetic shunt damping[J]. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2022, 146: 104128. (222) Qifan Ding, Huyue Chen, Jiahao Wu, Tianxiang Zheng, Wen-Ming Zhang and Lei Shao. Molding-free Fully-printed Flexible Tactile Sensors with Performance-enhancing Microstructures. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22: 11552-11561. (221) Li lei; Liu hanbiao; Zhang Wen-Ming. Design and experiment of mass warning resonant sensor induced by modal coupling. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22: 11562-11574. (220) Jia-Jia Lu, Ge Yan, Wen-Hao Qi, Han Yan, Jia Ma, Jun-Wei Shi, Zhi-Yuan Wu, Wen-Ming Zhang. Sliding-boundary-constrained cantilever structure for vibration isolation via nonlinear stiffness modulation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 235: 107733. (219) Li lei; Liu hanbiao; Han Jianxin; Zhang Wen-Ming. Nonlinear mode coupling in a T-shaped piezoelectric resonator induced by stiffness hardening effect. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(6): 777-792. (218) Dongwu Li, Ruozhang Li, Wenming Zhang. Combined Effects of Viscoelasticity and Surface Roughness on the Adhesion Behavior of a Flat-end Cylindrical Microstructure. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022, 251: 111753. (217) Bai, J., Hu, K., Zhang, L., Shi, Z., Zhang, W. M., Yin, J., & Jiang, X. The Evolution of Self-Wrinkles in a Single-Layer Gradient Polymer Film Based on Viscoelasticity. Macromolecules, 2022, 55(9): 3563-3572. (216) Li, D., Xu, C., Li, R., & Zhang, W. M. Contact parameters evolution of bolted joint interface under transversal random vibrations. Wear, 2022, 500-501: 204351. (215) Lin-Chuan Zhao, Hong-Xiang Zou, Ying-Jie Zhao, Zhi-Yuan Wu, Feng-Rui Liu, Ke-Xiang Wei, Wen-Ming Zhang. Hybrid energy harvesting for self-powered rotor condition monitoring using maximal utilization strategy in structural space and operation process. Applied Energy, 2022, 314: 118983. (214) Hongxiang Zou, Meng Li, Linchuan Zhao, Xinwen Liao, Qiuhua Gao, Ge Yan, Ronghua Du, KexiangWei, WenmingZhang. Cooperative compliant traction mechanism for human-friendly biomechanical energy harvesting. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 258: 115523. (213) Ruozhang Li, Jun Sun, Dongwu Li, Xiuyuan Li, Xiaolong Zhang, Wenming Zhang. Rate-dependent Adhesion in Dynamic Contact of Spherical-tip Fibrillar Structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022, 259: 111997. (212) Shoulu Gong, Qifan Ding, Jiahao Wu, Wen-Bo Li, Xin-Yu Guo, Wen-Ming Zhang, Lei Shao. Bioinspired multifunctional mechanoreception of soft-rigid hybrid actuator fingers. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2022, 2100242. (211) Peng Ling, Lunlun Miao, Wenming Zhang, Chuanyu Wu, Bo Yan. Cockroach-inspired structure for low-frequency vibration isolation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 171: 108955. (210) Lei Li, , Hanbiao Liu, Chen Liu, Faguang Wang, Jianxin Han and Wenming Zhang. Modal coupled vibration behavior of piezoelectric L-shaped resonator induced by added mass. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 109: 2297–2318. (209) Yi Z, Zhang W M, Yang B. Piezoelectric approaches for wearable continuous blood pressure monitoring: a review[J]. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2022, 32: 103003. (208) Hong-Xiang Zou; Lin-Chuan Zhao; Qiong Wang; Qiu-Hua Gao; Ge Yan; Ke-Xiang Wei; Wen-Ming Zhang. A self-regulation strategy for triboelectric nanogenerator and self-powered wind-speed sensor. Nano Energy, 2022, 95: 106990. (207) Wen-Hao Qi; Ge Yan; Jia-Jia Lu; Han Yan; Jun-Wei Shi; Xin-Sheng Wei; Sen Wang; Wen-Ming Zhang. Magnetically modulated sliding structure for low frequency vibration isolation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022, 526: 116819. (206) Lin-Chuan Zhao; Hong-Xiang Zou; Zhi-Yuan Wu; Qiu-Hua Gao; Ge Yan; Feng-Rui Liu; Ke-Xiang Wei; Wen-Ming Zhang*. Dynamically synergistic regulation mechanism for rotation energy harvesting. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 169: 108637. (205) Ge Yan; Wen-Hao Qi; Jun-Wei Shi; Han Yan; Hong-Xiang Zou; Lin-Chuan Zhao; Zhi-Yuan Wu; Xiao-Yong Fang; Xiu-Yuan Li; Wen-Ming Zhang. Bionic paw-inspired structure for vibration isolation with novel nonlinear compensation mechanism. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022, 525: 116799. (204) Fang, Xiao-Yong; Hu, Kai-Ming; Yan, Ge; Wu, Zhi-Yuan; Wu, Jia-Hao; Zhang, Wen-Ming*. Shock Destructive Reliability Analysis of Electromagnetic MEMS Micromirror for Automotive LiDAR. IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2022, 31: 134-142. (203) Yan, B., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Wu, C., & Zhang, W. Enhanced lever-type vibration isolator via electromagnetic shunt damping. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 218: 107070. (202) Bo Peng, Kai-Ming Hu, Xiao-Yong Fang, Xiu-Yuan Li, Wen-Ming Zhang*. Modal characteristics of coupled MEMS resonator array under the effect of residual stress. Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 2022, 333: 113236. (201) Yan, G., Wu, Z. Y., Wei, X. S., Wang, S., Zou, H. X., Zhao, L. C., Qi, W. H., Zhang, W. M. Nonlinear compensation method for quasi-zero stiffness vibration isolation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022, 523: 116743. (200) Fang, Xiao-yong; Li, Xiu-Yuan; Hu, Kai-Ming; Yan, Ge; Wu, Jia-Hao; Zhang, Wenming*. Destructive Reliability Analysis of Electromagnetic MEMS Micromirror under Vibration Environment. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2022, 2800108. (199) Bo Yan, Peng Ling, Yanlin Zhou, Chuan-yu Wu, Wen-Ming Zhang. Shock isolation characteristics of a bistable vibration isolator with tunable magnetic controlled stiffness. ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2022, 144(2): 021008. (198) Ge Yan; Hong-Xiang Zou; Sen Wang; Lin-Chuan Zhao; Zhi-Yuan Wu; Wen-Ming Zhang*. Bio-inspir8ed toe-like structure for low-frequency vibration isolation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 162: 108010. 【2021年度】 (197) G. Yan, H. X. Zou, S. Wang, L. C. Zhao, Z. Y. Wu, W. M. Zhang*. Bio-inspired Vibration Isolation: Methodology and Design. ASME Applied Mechanics Reviews, 2021, 73(2): 020801. (196) Kejing Ma, Ting Tan, Zhimiao Yan, Fengrui Liu, Wei-Hsin Liao, Wenming Zhang. Metamaterial and Helmholtz coupled resonator for high-density acoustic energy harvesting. Nano Energy, 2021, 82: 105693. (195) Yang Huang, Lijun Lu, Zhiran Yi, Guosheng Hu,Yueqi Zhai, Jingquan Liu, Wenming Zhang, Bin Yang. Aeroacoustics-driven jet-stream wind energy harvester induced by jet-edge-resonator. Nano Energy, 2021, 89: 106441. (194) Li, W. B., Zhang, W. M. *, Gao, Q. H., Guo, Q. W., Wu, S., Zou, H. X., Yan, H., Peng, Z. K., Meng, G. Electrically Activated Soft Robots: Speed Up by Rolling. Soft Robotics, 2021, 8(5): 611-624. (193) Edmond Q. Wu, Dewen Hu, Ping-Yu Deng, Zhiri Tang, Yulian Cao, Wen-Ming Zhang, Li-Min Zhu, He Ren. Non-Parametric Bayesian Prior Inducing Deep Network for Automatic Detection of Cognitive Status. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021, 51: 5483-5496. (192) GUO Xin-Yu, LI Wen-Bo, ZHANG Wen-Ming*. Adjustable stiffness elastic composite soft actuator for fast-moving robots. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2021, 64: 1663–1675. (191) Wen-Bo Li, Xin-Yu Guo, Wen-Ming Zhang*. SomBot: A Bio-inspired Dynamic Somersaulting Soft Robot. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021, 6(2): 1654-1661. (190) GAO Qiu-Hua, YAN Han, ZOU Hong-Xiang, LI Wen-Bo, PENG Zhi-Ke, MENG Guang, ZHANG Wen-Ming*. Magnetic Levitation using Diamagnetism: Mechanism, Applications and Prospects. Science China Technological Sciences, 2021, 64: 44–58. (189) Edmond Q. Wu ; Ping-Yu Deng ; Xu-Yi Qu ; Zhiri Tang ; Wen-Ming Zhang ; Li-Min Zhu ; He Ren ; Gui-Rong Zhou ; Richard S. F. Sheng. Detecting Fatigue Status of Pilots Based on Deep Learning Network Using EEG Signals. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2020, 13(3): 575-585. (188) Jiang, H. M., Yan, H., & Zhang, W. M. (2021). Effects of surface roughness on the stability and dynamics of microtubes conveying internal fluid. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 25(8), 1-16. (187) Zhiran Yi, Bin Yang, Wenming Zhang, Yadong Wu, Jingquan Liu. Batteryless Tire Pressure Real-Time Monitoring System Driven by an Ultralow-frequency Piezoelectric Rotational Energy Harvester. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68(4): 3192. (186) Hong-Xiang Zou, Meng Li, Lin-Chuan Zhao, Qiu-Hua Gao, Ke-Xiang Wei, Lei Zuo, Feng Qian, Wen-Ming Zhang*. A magnetically coupled bistable piezoelectric harvester for underwater energy harvesting. Energy, 2021, 217: 119429. (185) Zhang, J., Qu, Y., Xie, F., Peng, Z., Zhang, W., & Meng, G. (2021). Investigations on nonlinear aerothermoelastic behaviors of multilayered composite panels subject to frictional boundaries and random acoustic loads in supersonic flow. Thin-Walled Structures, 158, 107180. (184) Donglin Zou, Gaoyu Liu, Zhushi Rao, Ting Tan, Wenming Zhang, Wei-Hsin Liao. Design of a multi-stable piezoelectric energy harvester with programmable equilibrium point configurations. Applied Engergy, 2021, 302: 117585 (183) Zou, D., Liu, G., Rao, Z., Tan, T., Zhang, W., & Liao, W. H. (2021). A device capable of customizing nonlinear forces for vibration energy harvesting, vibration isolation, and nonlinear energy sink. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 147, 107101. (182) Zou, D., Liu, G., Rao, Z., Tan, T., Zhang, W., & Liao, W. H. (2021). Design of vibration energy harvesters with customized nonlinear forces. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 153, 107526. (181) Zhikang Li, Libo Zhao*, Jie Li, Yihe Zhao, Tingzhong Xu, Zichen Liu, Guoxi Luo, Shiming Zhang, Kaiming Hu, Tyler Hoffman, Shahid Saghi, Dejiang Lu, Wenming Zhang*, Zhuangde Jiang. Nonlinear behavior analysis of electrostatically actuated multilayer anisotropic microplates with residual stress. Composite Structures, 2021, 255: 112964. (180) Zhikang Li, Libo Zhao*, Yihe Zhao, Jie Li, Tingzhong Xu, Kaiming Hu, Zichen Liu, Ping Yang, Guoxi Luo, Qijing Lin, Shiming Zhang, Martin C. Hartel, Wenming Zhang, and Zhuangde Jiang. Closed-form expressions on CMUTs with layered anisotropic microplates under residual stress and pressure. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2021, 68(5): 1828-1843. 【2020年度】 (179) Kai-Ming Hu, Yun-Qi Liu, Liang-Wei Zhou, Zhong-Ying Xue, Bo Peng, Han Yan, Zeng-Feng Di, * Xue-Song Jiang, * Guang Meng, Wen-Ming Zhang*. Delamination-free functional graphene surface by multi-scale, conformal wrinkling. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 2003273. (178) Liangwei Zhou#, Kaiming Hu#, Wenming Zhang*, Guang Meng, Jie Yin, Xuesong Jiang*. Regulating surface wrinkles using light. National Science Review, 2020, 7: 1247–1257. (177) Ge Yan; Sen Wang; Hong-Xiang Zou; Lin-Chuan Zhao; Qiu-Hua Gao; Ting Tan; Wen-Ming Zhang*. Bio-inspired polygonal skeleton structure for vibration isolation: design, modelling, and experiment. Science China Technological Sciences, 2020, 12: 2617–2630. (176) Lin-Chuan Zhao; Hong-Xiang Zou; Qiu-Hua Gao; Ge Yan; Zhi-Yuan Wu; Feng-Rui Liu; Ke-Xiang Wei; Bin Yang; Wen-Ming Zhang*. Design, modeling and experimental investigation of a magnetically modulated rotational energy harvester for low frequency and irregular vibration. Science China Technological Sciences, 2020, 63: 2051–2062. (175) Kai-Ming Hu, Peng Bo, Xiu-Yuan Li, Yi-Hang Xin, Xin-Ru Bai, Lei Li and Wen-Ming Zhang*. Resonant nano-electromechanical systems from 2D materials. EPL, 131 (2020) 58001. (174) Yan G, Zou HX, Yan H, Tan T, Wang S, Zhang WM*, Peng ZK, Meng G. Multi-Direction Vibration Isolator for Momentum Wheel Assemblies. ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2020, 142: 041007. (173) Ge Yan; Hong-Xiang Zou; Sen Wang; Lin-Chuan Zhao; Qiu-Hua Gao; Ting Tan; Wen-Ming Zhang*. Large stroke quasi-zero stiffness vibration isolator using three-link mechanism. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 478: 115344 (172) Li, W. B., Zhang, W. M.*, Gao, Q. H., Guo, Q. W., Wu, S., Zou, H. X., Yan, H., Peng, Z. K., Meng, G. Electrostatic field induced coupling actuation mechanism for dielectric elastomer actuators. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2020, 35: 100638. (171) Guo, X. Y., Li, W. B., Gao, Q. H., Yan, H., Fei, Y., Zhang, W. M*. Self-locking mechanism for variable stiffness rigid-soft gripper. Smart Materials and Structures. 2020, 29: 035033. (170) Gao, Qiu-Hua; Yan, Ge; Zou, Hong-Xiang; Zhang, Wen-Ming*; Peng, Zhike; Meng, Guang. Density-based Measurement and Manipulation via Magnetic Levitation Enhanced by the Dual-Halbach Array. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, 20(4): 1730-1737. (169) Bo Peng, Kai-Ming Hu, Lei Shao, Han Yan, Lei Li, Xueyong Wei, Wen-Ming Zhang*. A Sensitivity Tunable Accelerometer based on Series-Parallel Electromechanically Coupled Resonators using Mode Localization. IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2020, 29(1): 3-13. (168) Tiantian Li, Kaiming Hu, Xiaodong Ma, Wenming Zhang, Jie Yin, Xuesong Jiang. Hierarchical 3D Patterns with Dynamic Wrinkles Produced by a Photocontrolled Diels–Alder Reaction on the Surface. Advanced Materials, 2020, 1906712. (167) Edmond Q. Wu ; Li-Min Zhu ; Wen-Ming Zhang ; Ping-Yu Deng ; Bo Jia ; Sheng-Di Chen ; He Ren ; Gui-Rong Zhou. Novel Nonlinear Approach for Real-Time Fatigue EEG Data: An Infinitely Warped Model of Weighted Permutation Entropy. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020, 21(6): 2437-2448. (166) Li, L., Zhang, W.M.*, Wang, J., Hu, K., Peng, B., & Shao, M. Bifurcation behavior for mass detection in nonlinear electrostatically coupled resonators. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2020, 119: 103366. (165) Feng-Rui Liu, Wen-Ming Zhang*, Lin-Chuan Zhao, Hong-Xiang Zou, Ting Tan, Zhi-Ke Peng, Guang Meng. Performance enhancement of wind energy harvester utilizing wake flow induced by double upstream flat-plates. Applied Energy, 2020, 257: 114034. (164) Li, Z., Wen, B., Wei, K., Yang, W., Peng, Z., & Zhang, W. Flexible dynamic modeling and analysis of drive train for Offshore Floating Wind Turbine. Renewable Energy, 2020, 145: 1292-1305. (163) Tan, T., Hu, X., Yan, Z., Zou, Y., & Zhang, W. (2020). Piezoelectromagnetic synergy design and performance analysis for wind galloping energy harvester. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 302, 111813. (162) Yan, Z., Sun, W., Hajj, M. R., Zhang, W., & Tan, T. (2020). Ultra-broadband piezoelectric energy harvesting via bistable multi-hardening and multi-softening. Nonlinear Dynamics, 100(2), 1057-1077. (161) Tan, T., Yan, Z., Ma, K., Liu, F., Zhao, L., & Zhang, W. (2020). Nonlinear characterization and performance optimization for broadband bistable energy harvester. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 36(3), 578-591. (2019年度) (160) Zhao, L. C., Zou, H. X., Gao, Q. H., Yan, G., Liu, F. R., Tan, T., ... & Zhang, W. M*. (2019). Magnetically modulated orbit for human motion energy harvesting. Applied Physics Letters, 115(26), 263902. (159) Li, Wen-Bo ; Zhang, Wen-Ming*; Zou, Hong-Xiang; Peng, Zhi-Ke; Meng, Guang. Bio-inspired Variable Stiffness Dielectric Elastomer Actuators with Large and Tunable Load Capacity. Soft robotics, 2019, 6(5): 631-643. (158) Lin-Chuan Zhao, Hong-Xiang Zou, Ge Yan, Feng-Rui Liu, Ting Tan, Ke-Xiang Wei, Wen-Ming Zhang*. Magnetic coupling and flextensional amplification mechanisms for high-robustness ambient wind energy harvesting. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 201: 112166. (157) Hong-Xiang Zou, Lin-Chuan Zhao, Lei Zuo, Feng-Rui Liu, Ting Tan, Ke-Xiang Wei, Wen-Ming Zhang*. Mechanical modulations for enhancing energy harvesting: principles, methods and applications. Applied Energy, 2019, 255: 113871. (156) Gao, Qiu-Hua; Zhang, Wen-Ming*; Zou, Hong-Xiang; Li, Wen-Bo; Yan, Han; Peng, Zhi-Ke; Meng, Guang. Label-free Manipulation via Magneto-Archimedes Effect: Fundamentals, Methodology and Applications. Materials Horizons, 2019, 6: 1359-1379. (155) Tan, Ting, Yan, Zhimiao, Zou, Hongxiang, Ma, Kejing, Liu, Fengrui, Zhao, Linchuan, Peng, Zhike, Zhang, Wenming*. Renewable energy harvesting and absorbing via multi-scale metamaterial systems for Internet of things. Applied Energy, 2019, 254(15): 113717. (154) Feng-Rui Liu, Wen-Ming Zhang*, Zhi-Ke Peng, Guang Meng. Fork-shaped bluff body for enhancing the performance of galloping-based wind energy harvester. Energy, 2019, 183: 92-105. (153) Hu, K. M., Xue, Z. Y., Liu, Y. Q., Song, P. H., Le, X. H., Peng, B., Yan, H., Di, Z. F., Xie, J., Lin, L. W., Zhang, W. 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A water-proof magnetically coupled piezoelectric-electromagnetic hybrid wind energy harvester. Applied Energy, 2019, 239: 735–746. (148) Kai-Ming Hu, Zhong-Ying Xue, Yun-Qi Liu, Hu Long, Bo Peng, Han Yan, Zeng-Feng Di, * Xi Wang, Liwei Lin, Wen-Ming Zhang*. Tension-Induced Raman Enhancement of Graphene Membranes in the Stretched State. Small, 2019, 15: 1804337. (147) Tan, T., Hu, X., Yan, Z., Zhang, W. Enhanced low-velocity wind energy harvesting from transverse galloping with super capacitor. Energy, 2019, 187: 115915. (146) Yun-Hua Zhao, Qi-Wei Guo, Song Wu, Guang Meng, Wen-Ming Zhang*. Design and experimental validation of an annular dielectric elastomer actuator for active vibration isolation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 134: 106367. (145) Tan, T., Yan, Z., Zou, Y., Zhang, W. Optimal dual-functional design for a piezoelectric autoparametric vibration absorber. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 123: 513-532. 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(122) Yunhua Zhao, Wen-Bo Li, Wen-Ming Zhang*, Han Yan, Zhi-Ke Peng, Guang Meng. Performance improvement of planar dielectric elastomer actuators by magnetic modulating mechanism. Smart Materials and Structures, 2018, 27: 065007. (121) Qiu-Hua Gao, Wen-Ming Zhang*, Hong-Xiang Zou, Feng-Rui Liu, Wen-Bo Li, Zhi-Ke Peng, Guang Meng.Tunable rotating-mode density measurement using magnetic levitation. Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 112: 142408. (120) Hong-Xiang Zou, Wen-Ming Zhang*, Wen-Bo Li, Ke-Xiang Wei, Kai-Ming Hu, Zhi-Ke Peng, Guang Meng. Magnetically coupled flextensional transducer for wideband vibration energy harvesting: design, modeling and experiments. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 416: 55-79. (119) Yang, Y., Peng, Z., Dong, X., Zhang, W., & Clifton, D. A. . Component isolation for multi-component signal analysis using a non-parametric gaussian latent feature model. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 103, 368-380. 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(113) Xiong, Y., Peng, Z., Xing, G., Zhang, W., Meng, G. Accurate and Robust Displacement Measurement for FMCW Radar Vibration Monitoring. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018, 18(3): 1131-1139. (112) Cheng, C. M., Peng, Z. K., Dong, X. J., Zhang, W. M., & Meng, G. (2018). Nonlinear system identification using Kautz basis expansion-based Volterra–PARAFAC model. Nonlinear Dynamics, 94(3), 2277-2287. (111) Wei, Y. M., Dong, X. J., Guo, P. F., Peng, Z. K., & Zhang, W. M. (2018). Enhanced Targeted Energy Transfer by Vibro Impact Cubic Nonlinear Energy Sink. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 10(06), 1850061. (110) Xiong, Y., Chen, S., Xing, G., Peng, Z., & Zhang, W. (2018). High-precision frequency estimation for FMCW radar applications based on parameterized de-alternating and modified ICCD. Measurement Science and Technology, 29(7), 075010. (2017年度) (109)Zou, Hong-Xiang; Zhang, Wen-Ming*; Li, Wen-Bo ; Gao, Qiu-Hua; Wei, Ke-Xiang; Peng, Zhi-Ke; Meng, Guang. Design, modeling and experimental investigation of a magnetically coupled flextensional rotation energy harvester. Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, 26: 115023 (14pp). (108) Qiu-Hua Gao, Wen-Ming Zhang (*), Hong-Xiang Zou, Wen-Bo Li, Zhi-Ke Peng, Guang Meng. Design and Analysis of A Bistable Vibration Energy Harvester using Diamagnetic Levitation Mechanism. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2017, 53(10): 8700509. (107) Xin-Qiang Li, Wen-Bo Li, Wen-Ming Zhang (*), Hong-Xiang Zou, Zhi-Ke Peng, Guang Meng. Magnetic force induced tristability for dielectric elastomer actuators. Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, 26(10): 105007(9p). (106)Wen-Bo Li, Wen-Ming Zhang (*), Hong-Xiang Zou, Zhi-Ke Peng, Guang Meng. A Novel Variable Stiffness Mechanism for Dielectric Elastomer Actuators. Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, 26: 085033(11p). (105)Zou Hong-Xiang, Zhang Wen-Ming(*), Li Wen-Bo, Wei Ke-Xiang, Gao Qiu-Hua, Peng Zhi-Ke, Meng Guang. Design and experimental investigation of a magnetically coupled vibration energy harvester using two inverted piezoelectric cantilever beams for rotational motion.Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 148: 1391-1398. (104)Ya


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