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仇少君,博士,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所副研究员。1980年8月生,山西长治人。主要从事养分循环等方面的研究工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金1项、参加973项目、国家基金、农业部项目等5项,发表论文30余篇、其中SCI论文18篇,参编专著1部。 【教育简历】(按时间顺序) 2006年-2010年,中国农业大学,农学博士 博士研究生期间赴德国霍恩海姆大学学习9个月。 2003年-2006年,湖南农业大学,农学硕士 1999年-2003年,湖南农业大学,农学学士 【工作简历】(按时间顺序) 2015.01-至今,副研究员,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所 2010.11-2014.12,助理研究员,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所 【主要科研项目】 1、农田养分协同优化原理与方法(2013CB127405),科技部973项目,2013-2017,项目骨干、项目秘书 2、所青年人才培育计划,创新工程,2013-2017,主持 3、尿素秸秆配施下黑土碳氮转化及秸秆氮生物有效性研究(41101277),国家基金委,2012-2014,主持 4、高产条件下水稻氮素养分资源优化管理研究,所长基金,2011,主持 5、基于产量反应的玉米高效施肥原理与方法(31272243),国家基金委,2013-2016,参加 6、基于产量反应和农学效率的作物推荐施肥技术的引进与创新,农业部948项目,2013年,参加




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Li L, Qiu S*, Chen Y, Xu X, Zhao X, Christie P, Xu M*. Allocation of photosynthestically-fixed carbon in plant and soil during growth of reed (Phragmites australis) in two saline soils. Plant and Soil. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-016-2840-2 2.Qiu SJ, Ju XT, Li L, Christie P, Ingwersen J, Stange CF, Streck T. Nitrate transformation and N2O emission in a typical intensively managed calcareous Fluvaquent soil: a 15-nitrogen tracer incubation study, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2015, 46: 1763-1777 3.Qiu SJ, He P, Zhao SC, Li WJ, Xie JG, Hou YP, Grant CA, Zhou W, Jin JY. Impact of nitrogen rate on maize yield and nitrogen use efficiencies in northeast China. Agronomy Journal, 2015, 107: 305-313. 4.Qiu S, Xie J, Zhao S, Xu X, Hou Y, Wang X, Zhou W, He P, Johnston AM, Christie P, Jin J. Long-term effects of potassium fertilization on yield, efficiency, and soil fertility status in a rain-fed maize system in northeast China. Field crops research, 2014, 163: 1-9 5.Qiu SJ, Ju XT, Ingwersen J, Guo ZD, Stange CF, Bisharat R, Streck T, Christie P, Zhang FS. Role of carbon substrates added in the transformation of surplus nitrate to organic nitrogen in a Calcareous soil. Pedosphere, 2013, 23: 205-212. 6.Qiu SJ, Peng QP, Li L, He P, Liu Q, Wu JS, Christie P, Ju XT. Effects of applied urea and straw on various nitrogen fractions in two Chinese paddy soils with differing clay mineralogy. Biology and fertility of soils, 2012, 48: 161-172 7.Qiu SJ, Ju XT, Lu X, Li L, Ingwersen J, Streck T, Christie P, Zhang FS. Improved nitrogen management for an intensive winter wheat / summer maize double-cropping system. Soil science society of American journal, 2012, 76: 286-297 8.Qiu SJ, Ju XT, Ingwersen J, Qin ZC, Li L, Streck T, Christie P, Zhang FS. Changes in soil carbon and nitrogen pools after shifting from conventional cereal to greenhouse vegetable production. Soil and tillage research, 2010, 107: 80-87 9.Zhao S, Qiu S, Cao C, Zheng C, Zhou W, He P. Responses of soil properties, microbial community and crop yields to various rates of nitrogen fertilization in a wheat-maize cropping system in north-central China. Agriculture, Environment, Ecosystem, 2014, 194: 29-37 10.Xu X, He P, Qiu S, Pampolino MF, Zhao S, Johnston AM, Zhou W. Estimating a new approach of fertilizer recommendation across smallholder farms in China. Field crops research, 2014,163: 10-17 11.Zhao S, Zhao S, He P, Qiu S, Jia L, Liu M, Jin J, Johnston AM. Long-term effects of potassium fertilization and straw return on soil potassium levels and crop yields in north-central China. Field Crops Research 2014, 169: 116–122 12.Zhao S, Li K, Zhou W, Qiu S, Huang S, He P. Changes in soil microbial community, enzyme activities and organic matter fractions under long-term straw return in north-central China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2016, 216: 82–88 13.Xu X, Xie J, Hou Y, He P, Pampolino MF, Zhao S, Qiu S, Johnston AM, Zhou W. Estimating nutrient uptake requirements for rice in China. Field Crops Research, 2015, 180: 37-45. 14.Xu X, Liu X, He P, Johnston AM, Zhao S, Qiu S, Zhou W. 2015. Yield Gap, Indigenous Nutrient Supply and Nutrient Use Efficiency for Maize in China. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0140767 15.Chuan L, He P, Pampolino MF, Johnston AM, Jin J, Xu X, Zhao S, Qiu S, Zhou W. Establishing a scientific basis for fertilizer recommendations for wheat in China: Yield response and agronomic efficiency. Field crops research, 2013, 140: 1–8 16.Chuan L, He P, Jin J, Li S, Grant C, Xu X, Qiu S, Zhao S, Zhou W. Estimating nutrient uptake requirements for wheat in China. Field Crops Research, 2013,146: 96–104 17.Xu X, He P, Pampolino MF, Chuan L, Johnston AM, Qiu S, Zhao S, Zhou W. Nutrient requirements for maize in China based on QUEFTS analysis. Field Crops Research, 2013, 150: 115-125 18.Xu X, He P, Pampolino MF, Johnston AM, Qiu S, Zhao S, Chuan L, Zhou W. Fertilizer recommendation for maize in China based on yield response and agronomic efficiency. Field Crops Research, 2014, 157: 27-34 19.仇少君, 赵士诚, 苗建国, 徐新朋, 孙刚, 易琼, 王淳, 张文学, 何萍. 氮素运筹对两个晚稻品种产量及其主要构成因素的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2012, 18(6): 1326-1335 20.仇少君, 彭佩钦, 李 玲, 刘 强, 荣湘民. 盆栽条件下红黄泥微生物量氮和固定态铵的动态变化. 中国农业科学, 2007, 40(3): 524-531 21.仇少君, 彭佩钦, 荣湘民, 刘 强, 唐 麒. 淹水培养条件下土壤微生物生物量碳、氮和可溶性有机碳、氮的动态. 应用生态学报, 2006, 17(11): 2052-2058 22.仇少君, 彭佩钦, 刘 强, 荣湘民. 土壤微生物生物量氮及其在氮素循环中作用. 生态学杂志, 2006, 25(4): 443-448 23.王 娜,范美蓉,刘双全,赵士诚,赵 英,仇少君*,何 萍,周 卫。东北三省典型春玉米土壤剖面氮库变化及平衡特征。中国农业科学 2016,49(5):885-895 (通讯作者) 24.李玲, 仇少君*, 陈印平, 赵西梅, 刘京涛, 陆兆华. 黄河三角洲区土壤活性氮对盐分含量的响应. 环境科学, 2014, 35(6): 2358-2364 (通讯作者) 25.李玲, 仇少君*, 檀菲菲, 杨红军, 刘京涛, 陆兆华. 盐分和底物对黄河三角洲区土壤有机碳分解与转化的影响. 生态学报, 2013,33 (21): 6844-6852 (通讯作者) 26.李 玲, 仇少君*, 刘京涛, 刘庆, 陆兆华. 土壤溶解性有机碳在陆地生态系统碳循环中的作用. 应用生态学报, 2012, 23(5): 1407-1414 (通讯作者) 27.黄涛, 仇少君, 杜娟, 史振侠, 巨晓棠. 碳氮管理措施对冬小麦/下夏玉米轮作体系作物产量、秸秆腐解、土壤CO2排放的影响. 中国农业科学, 2013, 46(4): 756-768 28.彭佩钦; 仇少君; 侯红波; 李恩尧; 丘亚群. 15N交叉标记有机与无机肥料氮的转化与残留. 生态学报, 2011, 31(3): 858-865 29.彭佩钦, 仇少君, 刘强, 吴金水, 侯红波. 洞庭湖平原典型水稻土氮素固持动态及氮的残留形态. 环境科学, 2009, 30(4): 1139-1145 30.彭佩钦, 仇少君, 童成立, 任秀娥. 长期施肥对水稻土耕层微生物生物量氮和有机氮组分的影响.环境科学, 2007, 28(8): 1816-1821 31.彭佩钦, 仇少君. 洞庭湖区农业环境与湖垸农业可持续发展模式.长江流域资源与环境. 2005, 14(3): 322-326 32.苗建国, 金继运, 仇少君, 谢佳贵, 侯云鹏, 徐新朋, 何萍. 生态集约化养分管理对春玉米产量和氮肥利用率的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2012,18(3): 571-578 33.赵士诚, 何 萍, 仇少君, 徐新朋, 串丽梅, 邢素丽. 相对SPAD值用于不同品种夏玉米氮肥管理的研究.植物营养与肥料学报, 2011, 17(5): 1091-1098 34.彭佩钦, 童成立, 仇少君. 洞庭湖洲滩地年淹水天数和面积变化. 长江流域资源与环境, 2007, 16(5): 685-689 35.彭佩钦, 张文菊, 童成立, 仇少君, 张文超. 洞庭湖湿地土壤碳、氮、磷及其与土壤物理性状的关系. 应用生态学报, 2005, 16(10): 1872-1878 36.蒋 平, 荣湘民, 张富强, 罗建新, 蒋健容, 仇少君. 不同秸秆还土方式对旱地土壤培肥和玉米产量的影响. 土壤肥料, 2004 (3): 7-9, 40 【代表性专著】 何萍, 黄绍文, 赵士诚, 仇少君, 杨俐苹, 金继运. 农田养分时空变异特征与调控. 何萍, 金继运等著. 集约化农田节肥增效理论与实践. 科学出版社, 2012, 384-455.
