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1.Controlled Release Study on Microencapsulated Mixture of Fipronil and Chlorpyrifos for the Management of White Grubs ( Holotrichiaparallela ) in Peanuts ( Arachishypogaea L. ),2014, 通讯作者, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62(44):10632-10637; 2. Study of Inhibitory Effects and Action Mechanism of the Novel Fungicide Pyrimorph against Phytophthoracapsici, 2009, 通讯作者, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58:2720-2725; 3. Primary Study on Mode of Action for Macrocyclic Fungicide Candidates (7B3, D1) against Rhizoctoniasolani Kuhn, 2009, 通讯作者, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58:2726-2729; 4. Microencapsulation of seed-coating tebuconazole and its effects on physiology and biochemistry of maize seedlings, 2014,通讯作者, Colloids and Surface B: Biointerfaces, 114:241-246; 5. Development of melamine-formaldehyde resin microcapsules with low formaldehyde emission suited for seed treatment, 第一作者, Colloids and Surface B: Biointerfaces, 128:149-154; 6. Molecular characterization of a ryanodine receptor gene from Spodoperaexigua andits upregulation by chlorantraniliprole,通讯作者, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology , 123:56-63; 7. Cycloxaprid: A novel cis-nitromethyleneneonicotinoid insecticide to control imidacloprid-resistant cotton aphid ( Aphis gossypii ), 2016, 通讯作者, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology , 132:96–101 8. Effects of Cycloxaprid, A Novel Cis-NitromethyleneNeonicotinoid Insecticide, on the Feeding Behaviourof SitobionAvenae, 通讯作者, Pest Management Science , 11:1484-1491 9. Recent Progess of Highly Efficient in Vivo Biological Screening for Novel Agrochemicals in China,2010,共同第一作者, Pest Management Science , 66:238-247; 10. Systemic Action of Novel Neonicotinoid Insecticide IPP‐10 and Its Effect on the Feeding Behaviourof RhopalosiphumPadion Wheat, 通讯作者, Pest Management Science ,, 66,779-785; 11. Molecular Cloning, Characterization and Expression Profiling of a Ryanodine Receptor Gene in Asian Corn Borer, Ostriniafurnacalis (Guenée), 2013, 通讯作者, Plos One, 8 (10): e75825. 12. Modulation of the Expression of Ryanodine Receptor mRNA fromPlutellaXylostella As a Result of Diamide Insecticide Application, 2012, 通讯作者, Gene ,511(2):265-273 13. The role of gibberellins in improving the resistance of tebuconazole-coated maize seeds to chilling stress by microencapsulation,2016,通讯作者, Scientific Reports , 6: 35447; 14. Effects of Droplet Distribution on Insecticide Toxicity to Asian Corn Borers ( Ostriniafurnaealis ) and Spiders ( Xysticusephippiatus ),2014,通讯作者, Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 13(1):124-133 15. De novo transcriptome and expression profile analyses of the Asian corn borer ( Ostrinia furnacalis ) reveals relevant flubendiamide response genes, 2017,通讯作者, BMC Genomics ,2017,18:20
