1993.9 – 1997.6就读于武汉水利电力大学,通过文献调研以及考虑水质净化工业需求,对D301型树脂对CO2的吸收和释放性能展开了研究,具有较高的应用性。1997.7 – 2001.8工作于南阳蒲山发电运营中心,对电厂的化学水处理及水汽运行工况进行了调整改造。2001.9 – 2007.7就读于中国科学院物理与数学研究所,主要从事表面活性剂溶液中超分子结构的核磁共振研究。
第一部分、1: X. Y. Yang, H. C. Gao, X. L. Tan, H. Z. Yuan, G. Z. Cheng, S. Z. Mao, S. Zhao, L. Zhang, J. Y. An, J. Y. Yu, Y. R. Du, Difference in micellar properties of sodium dodecyl sulfonate from sodium 4-decylnaphthalene sulfonate in D2O solution studied by 1H NMR relaxation and 2D NOESY,Colloid and Polymer Science, 2004, 282, 280-286;
2: X. Y. Yang, X. L. Tan, G. Z. Cheng, H. Z. Yuan, S. Z. Mao, S. Zhao, J. Y. Yu, Y. R. Du, Mixed micelles of sodium 4-decyl naphthalene sulfonate with Triton X-100 and sodium dodecyl sulfonate analyzed by 1H NMR,J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2004, 279, 533-538;
3: H. C. Gao, R. X. Zhu, X. Y. Yang, S. Z. Mao, S. Zhao, J. Y. Yu, Y. R. Du, Properties of polyethylene glycol (23) lauryl ether with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide in mixed aqueous solutions studied by self-diffusion coefficient NMR,J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2004, 273, 626-631;
4: X. Y. Yang, X. L. Tan, H. Z. Yuan, S. Z. Mao, S. Zhao, L. Zhang, J. Y. An, J. Y. Yu, Y. R. Du, Dynamics of Sodium 4-Decyl Naphthalene Sulfonate molecules in micelles studied by 1H NMR relaxation,波谱学杂志, 2003, 20(4), 329-333;
5: A. H. Liu, H. Chen, G. Z. Cheng, X. W. Fang, X. Y. Yang, S. Z. Mao, H. Z. Yuan, P. Y. Luo, Y. R. Du, NMR Investigation of Quaternary Ammonium Dimeric Surfactant C16-4-C16·2Br Micelles in Aqueous Solutions,波谱学杂志, 2005, 22(2), 123-131;
6: X. Y. Yang, X. L. Tan, H. Z. Yuan, S. Z. Mao, S. Zhao, L. Zhang, J. Y. An, J. Y. Yu, Y. R. Du, Dynamics of Sodium 4-Decyl Naphthalene Sulfonate molecules in micelles studied by 1H NMR relaxation, 第十届北京分析测试学术报告会及展览会(国际会议);
第二部分、1: X. H. Cui, H. Chen, X. Y. Yang, A. H. Liu,S. Z.Mao, G. Z. Cheng, H. Z. Yuan, L. P. Luo, Y. R. Du, NMR Investigation of Quaternary Ammonium Dimeric Surfactant C14-s-C14·2Br micelles, Acta Phys. –Chim. Sin. 2007, 23(3): 317-321
2: H. M. Zhang, X. Y. Yang, H. Lei, Millisecond-Scale Molecular Dynamics in Aqueous Solution of Surfactant CTAB Studied by NMR Transverse Relaxation Dispersion, 波谱学杂志, 2005, 23(3), 8-16;
3: X. Y. Yang, H. Chen, G. Z. Cheng, S. Z. Mao, M. L. Liu, P. Y. Luo, Y. R. Du, Microstructure of N,N’-bis(cetyldimethyl)-α,ω-Propanediammonium Dibromide Micelle and its Dynamics in Solution Studied by 1H NMR, Colloid and Polymer Science, DOI: 10.1007/s00396-007-1804-8
4: Xiaohong Cui, Xiaoyan Yang, Hong Chen, Ai-hong Liu, Shizhen Mao, Maili Liu, Hanzhen Yuan, Pingya Luo, Youru Du, NMR Investigation of the Exchange Kinetics of Quaternary Ammonium Dimeric Surfactants C14-s-C14·2Br, DOI: jp-2007-10784p.R2