2008年获西昌学院学士学位;2011年获福建农林大学硕士学位;2013年-2014年在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟校区博士联合培养;2015年获中国农业大学博士学位。2015年至今在中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所工作。现任动物微生态与生物饲料专业委员会副秘书长;长期担任《Poultry Science》、《Animal Nutrition》和《动物营养学报》等杂志审稿人。
Liu G. Q., Li S. F., Su X., He Y., Zhang L. Y., Lu L., Liao X D*, Luo X. G*. Estimation of standardized mineral availabilities in feedstuffs for broilers. Journal of Animal Science, 2019, 97:794-802.
Liao X D, Li W X, Zhu Y W, Zhang L Y, Lu L, Lin X, Luo X G. Effects of environmental temperature and dietary zinc on egg production performance, egg quality and antioxidant status and expression of heat-shock proteins in tissues of broiler breeders. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018, 120: 3-12.
Liao X D, Ma C Y, Lu L, Zhang L Y, Luo X G. Determination of dietary iron requirements by full expression of iron-containing cytochrome c oxidase in the heart of broilers from 22 to 42 d of age. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017, 118: 493-499.
Liao X D, Suo H Q, Lu L, Hu Y X, Zhang L Y, Luo X G. Effects of sodium, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and parathyroid hormone fragment on inorganic P absorption and Type IIb sodium-phosphate cotransporter expression in ligated duodenal loops of broilers. Poultry Science, 2017, 96: 2344-2350.
Ma X Y#, Liao X D#, Lu L, Li S F, Zhang L Y, Luo X G. Determination of dietary iron requirements by full expression of iron-containing enzymes in various tissues of broilers. The Journal of Nutrition. 2016,146: 2267-2273.
Liao X D, Ma G, Cai J, Fu Y, Yan X Y, Wei X B, Zhang R J. Effects of Clostridium butyricum on growth performance, antioxidation, and immune functions of broilers. Poultry Science, 2015, 94: 662-667.
Liao X D, Wu R J, Ma G, Zhao L M, Zheng Z J, Zhang R J. Effects of Clostridium butyricum on antioxidant properties, meat quality and fatty acid composition of broiler birds. Lipids in Health and Disease, 2015, DOI 10.1186/s12944-015-0035-0.