1980-1993 Research scientist at the German Research Center for Food Chemistry, Garching
1989-1993 Lecturer for Food Chemistry at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
1986-1990 Study for Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Munich
1990-1993 Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Munich
1993-1995 Professor (C3) for food chemistry at the University of Wuppertal
since 1995 Professor (C4) for food chemistry at the at the Technical University of Munich
Director of the German Research Center for Food Chemistry, Garching
Director of the Hans-Dieter-Belitz Institute for Cereal Research, Garching
Food Chemistry
The main research area of the chair for food chemistry is the identification of genuine odor and taste-active compounds in foods, such as fruits, cocoa, coffee or tea, by combining human perception and analysis. Further activities are the clarification of structure/ activity correlations by synthesis of "bioactive" structural elements and the development of chemosensorarrays as well as of stable isotope dilution assays for the quantitation of trace components.
Lindenmeier M, Schieberle P, Rychlik M (2004)
J Chromatogr A 1023:57-66. Quantification of ochratoxin A in foods by a stable isotope dilution assay using high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Jezussek M, Schieberle P (2003)
J Agric Food Chem 51:7866-7871. A new LC/MS-method for the quantitation of acrylamide based on a stable isotope dilution assay and derivatization with 2-mercaptobenzoc acid. Comparison with two GC/MS-methods
Czerny M, Schieberle P (2004)
Getreide Mehl Brot 57:340-344. Zum Aromapotential von Hefen in Weizenteigen
Bauer N, Koehler P, Wieser H, Schieberle P (2003)
Cereal Chem 80:781-786. Studies on effects of microbial transglutaminase on gluten proteins of wheat. I. Biochemical analysis
Bauer N, Koehler P, Wieser H, Schieberle P (2003)
Cereal Chem 80: 787-790. Studies on effects of microbial transglutaminase on gluten proteins of wheat. II. Rheological properties
Gellrich C, Schieberle P, Wieser H (2004)
Cereal Chem 81:290-295. Biochemical characterization of g-75k secalins of rye. I. Amino acid sequences
Gellrich C, Schieberle P, Wieser H (2004)
Cereal Chem 81:296-299. Biochemical characterization of g-75k secalins of rye. II. Disulfide bonds
Robert B, Blank I, Fay LB, Beksan E, Hofmann T, Schieberle P (2004)
Synthesis, structure, and activity of novel glycoconjugates exhibiting umami taste. In: Challenges in Taste Chemistry and Biology (T Hofmann, C-T Ho, W Pickenhagen) ACS Symposium Series 867, Amercial Chemical Society, Washington DC, pp 195-209
Schieberle P (2004)
Recent advances in the understanding of thermal flavor generation. In: Takasago Symposium 2002 – The Latest Progress in Savory Supporting Science (Tsuruta H, ed) 18th September 2002, Tokyo, Japan, pp 19-39
Kohl C-D, Eberheim A, Schieberle P (2004)
Technische Messen 71:298-303. Welche Geruchsstoffe (zyklische Kohlenhwasserstoffe) erkennt ein oxidischer Gassensor ?
Schieberle P, Hofmann T (2003)
Chemie in unserer Zeit 37:388-401 Auf den Geschmack gekommen. Die molekulare Welt des Lebensmittelgenusses
Granvogl M, Chistlbauer M, Schieberle P (2004)
J Agric Food Chem 52: 2797-2802 Quantitation of the intense aroma compound 3-mercapto-2-methylpentan-1-ol in raw and processed onions (Allium cepa) of different origins and in other Allium varieties using a stable isotope dilution assay
Granvogl M, Jezussek M, Koehler P, Schieberle P (2004)
J Agric Food Chem 52:4751-4757. Quantitation of 3-Aminopropionamide in Potatoes - A Minor but Potent Precursor in Acrylamide Formation
Lindenmeier M, Schieberle P, Rychlik M (2004)
Getreidetechnologie 58:236-238. Entwicklung einer Isotopenverdünnungsanalyse zur quantitativen Bestimmung von Ochratoxin A in Lebensmitteln
Engel W, Schieberle P (2004)
Czech J Food Sci 22:120-122. On the significant influence of water on the formation mechanisms of 5-acetyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,5-thiazine
Komarek D, Hartmann K, Schieberle P (2003)
Changes in key odorants in beer during exposure to light. In: The 10th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, 24-28.06.2002 (Le Quere J-L, Etievant PX, eds) Editions Tex & Doc, Paris, France, pp 25-28
Komarek D, Hartmann K, Schieberle P (2004)
The role of 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol in beer flavor. In: Handbook of Flavor Characterization. Sensory Analysis, Chemistry, and Physiology (Deibler KD, Delwiche J, eds) Handbook of Food Analysis, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Vol 1, 2, 3, Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, Basel, pp 473-481