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基本情况 李传斌,男,1978年2月生,专业为核化学与环境放射化学 承担科研项目 1.2018-2019行政院科技部与原子能科技专题研究计划科学技术发展基金“探讨不同核种于花岗岩中移流延散行为之研究:开发与建立室内核种传输实验”,18万元,主持 2.2017-2018行政院科技部与原子能科技专题研究计划科学技术发展基金“氧化还原敏感性核种于深地层处置迁移之物种评估与研究-碘物种及硒物种于花岗岩与膨润土之吸附与扩散行为研究”,15万元,主持 3. 2016-2017台湾科技部与原子能科技专题研究计划科学技术发展基金“用过核子燃料重要核种于深地层处置之物种分析与迁移机制研究-重要核种在不同氧化还原环境下之生成物种分析与研究”, 10万元,主持 4. 2014-2015 台湾科学技术部专题研究计划科学技术发展基金“以管柱实验模拟碎裂岩体中地下水流与放射性核种溶质传输作用之研究”,15万元,主持 5. 2014-2015 台湾财团法人中央畜产会基金项目“稳定同位素分析培训计划”,8 万元,主持 专利专著 2017 应用微电脑断层扫描金属表面腐蚀分析方法 (发明第I618929号,作者:施宇鸿, 陈亮丞, 蔡翠玲, 李传斌) 获奖情况 2017 台湾科技部奖助国内专家学者出席国际研讨会 -第一届非洲青年核能研讨会,地点:肯尼亚内罗毕 2016 台湾放射性物料研究发展杰出贡献奖-成功大学获得研究团队团体奖 2016 台湾科技部奖助国内专家学者出席国际研讨会 -第一届国际放射化学分析研讨会, 地点:匈牙利布达佩斯 2014 台湾科技部奖助国内专家学者出席国际研讨会 -第十七届国际放射化学研讨,地点 :捷克玛莉安蓝泽市 2013 台湾国科会奖助国内专家学者出席国际研讨会 - 第五届亚太放射化学论坛,地点 :日本金泽市 2012 台湾国科会奖助国内专家学者出席国际研讨会 - 第九届放射分析化学方法与应用 国际研讨会,地点:美国夏威夷 2008 台湾国科会补助博士生出国奖学金2008.3-12(日本东北大学 量子科学与能源工程系) 2006 台湾清华大学国际学生访问奖 2006 台湾斐陶斐学会荣誉会员 承担教学课程 环境与辐射(科普课程)、 地球环境放射化学-仪器分析(与实验课程)




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

近几年发表论文 1.C.C. Jung, Lee, C.P., W.C. Wang, M.C. Wu, H.J. Su. Application of a stable carbon isotope for identifying Broussonetia papyrifera pollen (2019) Environmental Science and Pollution Research (accepted) 2. W.T.Liu, S.C. Tsai, T.L. Tsai, Lee, C.P. , C.H.Lee. An EXAFS study for characterizing the time-dependent adsorption of cesium on bentonite (2019) Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts . 21, 930–937 . 3.T.L. Tsai, H. Mimura, Lee, C.P.;S.C. Tsai. Preparation and characterization of tri-n-octylamine microcapsule (TOA-MC) used for selective separation of Re (VII) [chemical analogs of Tc (VII)] in the high level liquid radioactive waste (HLLW) (2019) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 319, 1235–1242 4. B.T. Wang, Lee, C.P.;M.C. Wu, T.L. Tsai, S.C. Tsai, K.C. Hsu. Novel Method for Analyzing Transport Parameters in Through-Diffusion Tests (2019) Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 196, 125-132 5. Lee, C.P.;S.C. Tsai, M.C. Wu, T.L. Tsai. A study on removal of Cs and Sr from aqueous solution by bentonite-alginate microcapsules (2018) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 318, 2381-2387 6. Y.H Shih, L.C Chen, T.L. Tsai, Lee, C.P. ,S.C. Tsai, T.Y. Su. Investigation into bentonite colloid sorption behavior of cesium using batch tests (2018) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 318, 439–444 7. Y.H Shih, I.H. Lee, C.F. Ni, T.L. Tsai, L.C Chen, Lee, C.P. ,S.C. Tsai, T.Y. Su. Experimental and numerical investigations of 99TcO42- diffusion in compacted SPV 200 bentonite (2018) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 316, 1081–1089 8. Y. Wu, Lee, C.P. , H. Mimura, X. Zheng, Y. Wei. Stable Solidification of Silica-based Ammonium Molybdophosphate by Allophane: Application to Treatment of Radioactive Cesium in Secondary Solid Wastes Generated from Fukushima (2018) Journal of Hazardous Materials 341 ,46–54 9. Lee, C.P.;S.C. Tsai, M.C. Wu, T.L. Tsai, Y.L Tu, L.J. Kang. A comparative study on sorption and diffusion of Cs in crushed argillite and granite investigated in batch and through-diffusion experiment (2017) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 311, 1155-1162 10. W.T.Liu, S.C. Tsai, T.L. Tsai, Lee, C.P. , C.H.Lee. Characteristic study for the uranium and cesium sorption on bentonite by using XPS and XANES (2017) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 314, 2237–2241 11. S.C. Tsai, Lee, C.P. , T.L. Tsai,Y.C. Yu. Characterization of cesium diffusion behavior into granite matrix using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (2017) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 409, 305-308 12. T.L. Tsai, S.C. Tsai, Y.H Shih, L.C Chen, Lee, C.P. ,T.Y. Su, Diffusion characteristics of HTO and 99TcO4- in compacted Gaomiaozi (GMZ) bentonite (2017) Nuclear Science and Techniques 28,67 13. Y.H Shih, T.L. Tsai, L.C Chen, T.Y. Su, Lee, C.P. ;S.C. Tsai. Determination of sorption and diffusion parameters of 99Tc in crushed granite using through-diffusion experiments (2017) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 311, 1111-1116 14. Lee, C.P. *;M.C. Wu, S.C. Tsai, C.Y. Liu, T.L. Tsai, L.Y. Ou. Study on sorption of Cs from aqueous solution by microcapsules enclosing natural minerals (2016) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 307, 1743-1748 15. Lee, C.P.;M.C. Wu, S.C. Tsai, C.Y. Liu, T.L. Tsai, C.H. Pan, M.S.Yang. Numerical analysis of transport and retardation for cesium in crushed granite using multi-stage advection-dispersion column experiments (2015) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 304, 377-386
