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个人简介: 张光林,男,1981年4月生,东华大学信息科学与技术学院通信工程系系主任,上海市青年拔尖人才计划获得者(2019)。2003年本科毕业于山东师范大学数学与应用数学专业,2006年硕士毕业于上海大学运筹学与控制论专业,2012年博士毕业于上海交通大学电子工程系信息与通信工程专业,2013年至2014年于香港中文大学网络编码研究所从事博士后研究。主要围绕无线网络与物联网、车联网与智能电网、移动边缘计算、频谱感测与隐私保护等展开研究,主持国家自然科学基金面上、青年项目、上海市科委国际科技合作项目、上海市教委科研创新项目及教育部中央高校交叉重点、自由探索项目,东华大学“励志计划”等。在IEEE JSAC、TCOM、TVT、TII、TCST、JIOT、ACM MOBICOM、IEEE GLOBECOM、ICC等国内外重要学术期刊和会议上发表论SCI/EI论文50余篇,授权国家发明专利6项。2017至2019连续三年获ACM中国杰出服务奖(Outstanding Service Award)。 荣誉及获奖情况: 1. ACM中国杰出服务奖(2017-2019) 2. 2016年获EAI MLICOM最佳会议论文奖 3. 2017年获上海市教委本科重点课程建设 4. 东华大学教学成果奖一等奖(排名第二) 5. 上海交通大学教学成果二等奖(排名第八) 6. 东华大学“外国留学生心目中的好老师”(2016、2017) 7. 2016-2017学年东华大学信息学院优秀共产党员 8. 2012年全国大学数学建模竞赛二等奖(指导教师) 9. 2012年上海市大学数学建模竞赛一等奖(指导教师) 10. 中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等教育教学成果奖三等奖(排名第一) 近年来承担的主要科研项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:内容中心车联网容量分析与缓存优化研究,2018/01-2021/12,59万元,主持,在研 2. 教育部中央高校“交叉重点项目”:物联网移动边缘计算及在智能可穿戴技术中的应用,2020/01-2022/12,50万元,主持,在研 3. 上海市“青年拔尖人才开发计划”项目,2020/01-2022/12,15万,主持 4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:具有时延限制的大规模车载网络容量研究,2014/01-2016/12,25万元,主持,已结题 5. 上海市科委国际科技合作项目:含分布式电源和储能装置的智能微电网网络化调控关键技术研究,2015/09-2018/08,50万元,主持,已结题 6. 上海市教委科研创新项目:基于定向天线和时延限制的大规模无线车载网容量研究,2014/01-2016/12,8万元,主持,已结题 7. 东华大学“励志计划”:大规模无线网络性能优化与评价,2015/01-2017/12,50万,主持,已结题 8. 教育部中央高校“自由探索项目”:大规模无线社会网络容量研究,2014/01-2016/12,10万,主持,已结题 9. 上海市教委优秀青年基金:图上的随机游动及其在通信中的应用,2007/01-2009/12,5万,主持,已结题 国家发明专利: 1. 一种基于车载网络的停车场信息的获取方法,2017.12.22,已授权 2. 一种基于公交车骨干网的停车场选择系,2018.12.04,已授权 3. 一种基于泊车与寻车的停车系,2018.12.04,已授权 4. 一种红外无人机自主电网巡检系, 2019.06.21, 已授权 5. 一种地震行业集群多链路节点监控系,2017.02.22, 6. 一种车载自组织中车辆均匀分布下的分层多跳链路方法, 2019.04.09, 已授权 国际交流与合作: 哥伦比亚大学、奥本大学、戴顿大学、德克萨斯大学、波士顿大学、佛罗里达州立大学、卡尔加里大学、澳大利亚国立大学、莫纳什大学、香港中文大学


研究方向: 车联网容量与时延、内容中心网络缓存优化、智能电网能量管理、物联网与移动边缘计算、强化学习及其应用


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

期刊论文: [1] Guanglin Zhang, S. Ni, P. Zhao, “Enhancing Privacy Preservation in Speech Data Publishing,” IEEE Internet of Things, 2020.DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.2983228 (SCI一区, IF: 9.515). [2]Guanglin Zhang, A. Zhang, P. Zhao, J. Sun, “Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Scheme in Wi-FiFingerprint-Based Indoor Localization,” IEEE Systems Journal, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2020.2977970 (SCI, IF: 4.463). [3] C. Guo, D. Li, Guanglin Zhang*, X. Ding, R. Curtmola, and C. Borcea. “Dynamic Interior Point Method for Vehicular Traffic Optimization,” IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2020.2983434 (Corresponding Author) (SCI, IF:5.033). [4] Guanglin Zhang, Z. Shen, L. Wang, “Online Energy Management for Microgrids With CHP Co-Generation and Energy Storage,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(2): 533-541, 2020. (SCI, IF: 4.883). [5] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Chen, Z. Shen, L. Wang, “Distributed Energy Management for Multiuser Mobile-Edge Computing Systems With Energy Harvesting Devices and QoS Constraints,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(3): 4035-4048, 2019. (SCI一区, IF: 9.515). [6] Guanglin Zhang, Z. Shen, Z. Li, L. Wang, “Energy Scheduling for Networked Microgrids with Co-Generation and Energy Storage,”IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(5): 7722-7736, 2019. (SCI一区, IF: 9.515). [7] Guanglin Zhang, W. Zhang, Y. Cao, D. Li, and L. Wang, “Energy-Delay Tradeoff for Dynamic Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing System with Energy Harvesting Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14(10): 4642-4655, 2018. (SCI一区, IF: 7.377). [8] C. Guo, D. Li, Guanglin Zhang*, and M. Zhai, “Real-Time Path Planning in Urban Area via VANET-Assisted Traffic Information Sharing,”IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(7): 5638-5649, 2018. (Corresponding Author) (SCI, IF: 5.339). [9] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Cao, L. Wang, D. Li, “Operation Cost Minimization for Base Stations With Heterogenous Energy Supplies and Sleep-Awake Mode: A Two-Timescale Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 4(4): 908-918, 2018. [10] Guanglin Zhang, J. Liu, and J. Ren, “Multicast Capacity of Cache Enabled Content-Centric Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” China Communications, 14(7): 1-9, 2017. (SCI) [11] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Xu, X. Wang, X. Tian, J. Liu, X. Gan, H. Yu and L. Qian, “Multicast Capacity for Hybrid VANETs with Directional Antenna and Delay Constraint,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 30(4): 818-833, 2012. (SCI一区, IF: 9.302). [12] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Xu, X. Wang, and M. Guizani, “Capacity of Hybrid Wireless Networks with Directional Antenna and Delay Constraint,”IEEE Transactions on Communications, 58(7): 2097-2106, 2010. (SCI, IF: 5.69). [13] P. Zhao, H. Jiang, J. Li, F. Zeng, Z. Xiao, K. Xie, Guanglin Zhang, “Synthesizing Privacy Preserving Traces: Enhancing Plausibility With Social Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 27(6): 2391-2404, 2019. (SCI). [14] W. Zhang, J. Yang, Guanglin Zhang, L. Yang, and C.K. Yeo, “TV White Space and Its Applications in Future Wireless Networks & Communications: A Survey,” IET Communications, 2018, 12(20), 2521-2532. (SCI) [15] X. Ying, J. Zhang, L. Yan, Y. Cheng, Guanglin Zhang, M. Chen, and R. Chandra, “Exploring Indoor White Spaces in Metropolises,” ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 9(1): 9:1-9:25, 2017. (SCI, IF: 3.196). [16] C. Chau, Guanglin Zhang, and M. Chen, “Cost Minimizing Online Algorithms for Energy Storage Management with Worst-case Guarantee,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 7(6): 2691-2702, 2016. (SCI一区, IF: 10.486) [17] D. Li, H. Zhao, F. Tian, B. Huang, Y. Xu, Guanglin Zhang, “Multipath network coding and multicasting for content sharing in wireless P2P networks: A potential game approach,” Computer Communications, 96: 17-28, 2016. (SCI, IF: 3.338) [18] L. Fu, L. Qian, X. Tian, H. Tang, N. Liu, Guanglin Zhang and X. Wang, “Percolation Degree of Secondary Users in Cognitive Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 30(10):1994-2005, 2012. (SCI一区, IF: 9.302). 会议论文: [19] S. Zhang, Z. Shen, Guanglin Zhang*, “Cost Minimization for Geo-Distributed Data Centers with Renewable Resources and Energy Storages,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Hawaii, Big Inland, USA, Dec., 2019. (Corresponding Author) (EI). [20] Guanglin Zhang, M. Qin, Z. Shen, and L. Wang, "Energy Management for Smart Base Stations with Heterogeneous Energy Harvesting Devices," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec, 2018. (EI). [21] Y. Cao, Guanglin Zhang*, D. Li, and L. Wang, "Online Energy Management for Smart Communities with Heterogeneous Demands," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec, 2018. (Corresponding Author) (EI). [22] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Cao, and D. Li, “Energy Cost Reduction for Hybrid Energy Supply Base Stations with Sleep Mode Techniques,” IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC), Kansas City, USA, May, 2018. (EI). [23] Guanglin Zhang, K. Yi, W. Zhang, D. Li, “Cost Reduction for Micro-Grid Powered Data Center Networks with Energy Storage Devices,” Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2018. (EI). [24] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Chen, Z. Shen and L. Wang, “Energy Management for Multi-User Mobile-Edge Computing Systems with Energy Harvesting Devices and QoS Constraints,” IEEE International Workshop on Sustainable Edge Computing for IoT systems, ICCCN, 2018. (EI). [25] C. Qi, Guanglin Zhang*, W. Zhang, and D. Li, “An Indoor TV White Space Resource Collecting and APs Locations Selecting Scheme,” IEEE CBD 2017. (Corresponding Author) (EI). [26] J. Liu, Guanglin Zhang*, D. Li, J. Ren, “Capacity of Content-Centric Hybrid Wireless Networks,” EAI MLICOM, 2016. (Corresponding Author) (EI). [27] Y. Shen, X. Ou, J. Xu, Guanglin Zhang*, L. Wang, and D. Li, “Optimal Energy Storage Management for Microgris with ON/OFF Co-Generator: A Two-Time-Scale Approach,” IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Orlando, Florida, USA, December, 2015.(Corresponding Author) (EI). [28] X. Ou, Y. Shen, Z. Zeng, Guanglin Zhang*, and L. Wang, “Cost Minimization Online Energy Management for Microgrids with Power and Thermal Storages,” Workshop on WiMAN, IEEE ICCCN, 2015. (Corresponding Author) (EI). [29] L. Mak, M. Chen, Guanglin Zhang, L. Huang, and H. Zeng, “Online Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicle,” ACM E-energy, 2015, Poster. (EI). [30] X. Ying, J. Zhang, L. Yan, Guanglin Zhang, M. Chen, and R. Chandra, “Exploring Indoor White Spaces in Metropolises,” ACM Mobicom, 2013. [31] Guanglin Zhang, L. Wang, “Multicast Capacity of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Transmission Uncertainty,” IEEE ICCC workshop D2D communications, 2013. (EI). [32] X. Cao, J. Zhang, Guanglin Zhang, L. Fu and X. Wang, “Heterogeneous Multicast Networks With Wireless Helping Networks,” the 7th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, (WASA), 2012. (EI). [33]Guangin Zhang,Y.Xu and X. Wang, “Multicast Capacity for Hybrid MANETs with Direction Antenna and Delay Constraint,” IEEE GLOBLECOM, 2011. (EI).


担任期刊China Communications (SCI)、PlosOne (SCI)、Journal of Communications and Information Networks编委;ACM Mobihoc 2020本地组委会主席,ACM图灵大会2017-2020本地组委会或程序委员会副主席,IEEE ICDCS 2019、IEEE GLOBECOM 2016-2018、IEEE ICC 2014-2018、VTC 2017程序委员会委员。任中国通信学会青工委委员、高级会员,ACM中国上海分会秘书长,中国系统仿真学会智能物联系统建模与仿真专委会委员,中国计算机学会上海分部委员,上海市计算机学会青工委委员,上海市计算机学会网络专委会副主任,雾计算产业联盟专家委员会副主任,东华大学青年学者协会秘书。
