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学习及工作经历 1977年 华东师范大学数学系本科毕业 1981年 获华东纺织工学院(现东华大学)化学纤维硕士学位,师从纤维材料泰斗钱宝钧教授 1985年 获美国Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute(RPI)化学博士学位,师从世界著名高分子物理学家Bernhard Wunderlich教授 1985-1987年 RPI化学系博士后研究员 1987-1991年 美国阿克隆大学(University of Akron)高分子系助理教授 1991-1995年 美国阿克隆大学高分子系副教授 1995-1998年 美国阿克隆大学高分子系正教授 1998年至今 美国阿克隆大学高分子系董事会教授 2001-2005年 美国阿克隆大学高分子系系主任 2001年至今 美国阿克隆大学Robert C. Musson教授 2007-2014年 美国阿克隆大学高分子科学与工程学院院长 2014年至今 Frank C. Sullivan 杰出研究教授 社会兼职 2008年当选为美国工程院院士,《Polymer》杂志资深主编,北美热分析及量热学学会会士(1993),美国物理学会会士 (1994),美国科学促进会会士(2006),中国化学会荣誉会士(2011),美国化学会高分子材料科学和工程分会会士(2012),东华大学顾问教授(1995),东华大学第一届校董(2011),纤维材料改性国家重点实验室学术委员会副主任(2013)。 荣誉获奖 国际高分子物理学和材料学界的领军人物。曾获美国总统青年科学家奖 (1991);美国物理学会 John H. Dillon 奖章(1995);北美热分析学会 Mettler-Toledo 奖 (1999);国际热分析和量热联合协会 TA-Instrument 奖 (2004);美国化学会高分子材料科学与工程分会合作研究奖 (2005);美国物理学会Polymer Physics Prize (2013)等学术奖项。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Wen-Bin Zhang, Yiwen Li, Xiaopeng Li, Xuehui Dong, Xinfei Yu, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Roderic P. Quirk and Stephen Z. D. Cheng, Synthesis of shape amphiphiles based on functional polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane end-capped poly(L-lactic acid) with diverse head surface chemistry. Macromolecules, 44, 2589-2596, 2011. 影响因子5.927,一区,引用53次。 Jin-Liang Wang , Xiaopeng Li, Xiaocun Lu , Hsieh, I-Fan, Yan Cao, Moorefield, Charles N, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Cheng, Stephen Z. D and Newkome, George R. Stoichiometric Self-Assembly of Shape-Persistent 2D Complexes: A Facile Route to a Symmetric Supramacromolecular Spoked Wheel. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133, 11450-11453,2011.影响因子11.444,一区,引用49次。 Tingbin Yang, Ming Wang, Yan Cao, Fei Huang, Lin Huang, Junbiao Peng, Xiong Gong, Stephen Z. D.Cheng and Yong Cao. Polymer Solar Cells with a Low-Temperature-Annealed Sol-Gel-Derived MoOx Film as a Hole Extraction Layer. Advanced Energy Material,2,523-527,2012. 影响因子14.385,一区,引用48次。 Yiwen Li, Wen-Bin Zhang , Hsieh, I-Fan, Guoliang Zhang, Yan Cao, Xiaopeng Li, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Lotz, Bernard, Huiming Xiong, Stephen Z. D. Cheng, Breaking Symmetry toward Nonspherical Janus Particles Based on Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes: Molecular Design, Click Synthesis, and Hierarchical Structure. Journal of the American Chemical Society,133,10712-10715,2011.影响因子11.444,一区,引用41次。 Chien-Lung Wang, Wen-Bin Zhang, Van Horn, Ryan M., Yingfeng Tu, Xiong Gong, Stephen Z. D. Cheng, Yanming Sun, Minghong Tong, Seo, Junghwa, Hsu, Ben B. Y., Heeger, Alan J. A porphyrin-fullerene dyad with a supramolecular double-cable structure as a novel electron acceptor for bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells. Advanced Materials,23,2951-2011.影响因子15.409,一区,引用36次。 Xinfei Yu, Kan Yue ,Hsieh, I-Fan, Yiwen Li ,Xue-Hui Dong, Chang Liu , Yu Xin; Hsiao-Fang Wang, An-Chang Shi, Newkome, George R., Rong-Ming Ho, Er-Qiang Chen, Wen-Bin Zhang and Stephen Z. D.Cheng, Giant surfactants provide a versatile platform for sub-10-nm nanostructure engineering. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of America.110,10078-10083,2013.影响因子9.809,一区,引用35次。 Zhao Wang, Yiwen Li, Xue-Hui Dong, Xinfei Yu , Kai Guo, Hao Su,Kan Yue, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Stephen Z. D. Cheng and Wen-Bin Zhang, Giant gemini surfactants based on polystyrene-hydrophilic polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane shape amphiphiles: sequential click chemistry and solution self-assembly.4,1345-1352,2013.影响因子8.601,一区,引用34次。 Yiwen Li, Xue-Hui Dong, Kai Guo, Zhao Wang, Ziran Chen, Wesdemiotis Chrys, Roderic P. Quirk , Wen-Bin Zhang and Stephen Z. D.Cheng, Synthesis of shape amphiphiles based on POSS tethered with two symmetric/asymmetric polymer tails via sequential grafting-from and thiol-ene click chemistry. ACS Macro Letters.1,834-839,2012.影响因子5.242,一区,引用34次。 Xinfei Yu, Wen-Bin Zhang, Kan Yue, Xiaopeng Li, Hao Liu, Yu Xin, Chien-Lung Wang, Chrys Wesdemiotis and S tephen Z. D. Cheng. Giant molecular shape amphiphiles based on polystyrene-hydrophilic [60]fullerene conjugates: click synthesis, solution self-assembly, and phase behavior. Journal of the American Chemical Society ,134,7780-7787,2012.影响因子11.444,一区,引用34次。 Kan Yue, Chang Liu, Kai Guo,Xinfei Yu, Mingjun Huang, Yiwen Li, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Stephen Z. D. Cheng and Wen-Bin Zhang, Sequential click approach to polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-based shape amphiphiles. Macromolecules ,45,8126-8134,2012.影响因子5.927,一区,引用29次。 Dimitry Papkov, Yan Zou, Mohammad Nahid Andalib, Alexander Goponenko, Stephen Z. D. Cheng and Yuris A. Dzenis. Simultaneously strong and tough ultrafine continuous nanofibers. ACS nano.7,3324-3331,2013.影响因子12.033,一区,引用28次。 Xue-Hui Dong, Wen-Bin Zhang, Yiwen Li, Mingjun Huang, Shuo Zhang, Roderic P. Quirk and Stephen Z. D. Cheng, Synthesis of fullerene-containing poly(ethylene oxide)-block-polystyrene as model shape amphiphiles with variable composition, diverse architecture, and high fullerene functionality, Polymer Chemistry,3,124-134,2012.影响因子5.368,一区,引用27次。 Kwang-Un Jeong, Ji-Hyun Jang, Dae-Yoon Kim, Changwoon Nah, Joong Hee Lee, Myong-Hoon Lee, Hao-Jan Sun, Chien-Lung Wang, Stephen Z. D. Cheng and Thomas, Edwin L. Three-dimensional actuators transformed from the programmed two-dimensional structures via bending, twisting and folding mechanisms, Journal of material chemistry.21,6824-6830,2011.影响因子6.626,一区,引用27次。 Wen-Bin Zhang, Xinfei Yu, Chien-Lung Wang, Hao-Jan Sun, I-Fan Hsieh, Yiwen Li, Xue-Hui Dong, Kan Yue, Ryan Van Horn and Stephen Z. D. Cheng, molecular nanoparticles are unique elements for macromolecular science: from nanoatoms to Giant Molecules, Macromolecules,47,1221-1239,2014.影响因子5.927,一区,引用24次。 Hao-Jan Sun, Yingfeng Tu, Chien-Lung Wang, Ryan M. Van Horn, Chi-Chun Tsai, Matthew J. Graham, Bin Sun, Bernard Lotz, Wen-Bin Zhang, Stephen Z. D Cheng, Hierarchical structure and polymorphism of a sphere-cubic shape amphiphile based on a polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-[60]fullerene conjugate. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21,1424-1427,2011.影响因子6.626, 一区, 引用22次。 Xiaocun Lu, Xiaopeng Li, Yan Cao, Anthony Schultz, Jin-Liang Wang, Charles N. Moorefield, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Stephen Z. D. Cheng, George R. Newkome, Self-assembly of a supramolecular, three-dimensional, spoked, bicycle-like wheel. angewandte chemie-Inernational edition, 52,7728-7731,2013.影响因子11.336, 一区, 引用19次。 Hao Su, Jukuan Zheng, Zhao Wang, Fei Lin, Xueyan Feng, Xue-Hui Dong, Matthew L. Becker, Stephen Z. D. Cheng, Wen-Bin Zhang, Yiwen Li, Sequential triple click approach toward polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-based multiheaded and multitailed giant surfactants. ACS Macro Letters,2,645-650,2013.影响因子5.242, 一区, 引用18次。 Jinlin He, Kan Yue, Yuqing Liu, Xinfei Yu, Peihong Ni, Kevin A. Cavicchi, Roderic P. Quirk, Er-Qiang Chen, Stephen Z. D. Cheng, Wen-Bin Zhang, Fluorinated polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-based shape amphiphiles: molecular design, topological variation, and facile synthesis. Polymer Chemistry, 3, 2112-2120, 2012. 影响因子5.368, 一区, 引用18次。 Yiwen Li, Wen-Bin Zhang, Jonathan E. Janoski, Xiaopeng Li, Xuehui Dong, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Roderic P. Quirk, Stephen Z. D. Cheng, Anionic synthesis of mono- and heterotelechelic polystyrenes via thiol-ene click chemistry and hydrosilylation. Macromolecules, 44, 3328-3337, 2011. 影响因子5.927, 一区, 引用17次。 Kan Yue, Chang Liu, Kai Guo, Kan Wu, Xue-Hui Dong, Hao Liu, Mingjun Huang, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Stephen Z. D. Cheng, Wen-Bin Zhang, Exploring shape amphiphiles beyond giant surfactants: molecular design and click synthesis. Polymer Chemistry, 4, 1056-1067, 2013. 影响因子5.368, 一区, 引用15次。
