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个人简介 山野村夫,入穷物究理之途,解衣食之忧;赖师友提携,手忙推演脚乱信噪,虽著述若干然干货寥寥;有教无类,淡茶一杯仰天问道,乐乎哉! 一、近期研究兴趣主要集中在: 1.纠缠态微波量子雷达和超聚束光; 2.弯曲时空电动力学、高频引力波和轴子暗物质的电磁效应探测; 3.片上单光子源、单光子探测器和单光子路由传输网络; 学习经历 起止年月 学校 专业 学位/学历 1995/09-1998/06 西南交通大学 电气化专业 工学博士学位 1988/09-1991/06 四川师范大学 学科教学论专业 教育学硕士学位 1982/09-1986/06 广西师范大学 物理系物理学专业 理学学士学位 工作经历 起止年月 单位 职称/职务 1988/07-1988/08 广西融安县高级中学 教师,中教二级 1991/07-1995/08 四川师范大学 物理系 助教、讲师 1998/07-2000/08 中科院上海微系统与信息技术研究所 信息功能材料国家重点实验室 2000/09-2002/06 上海交通大学 物理系 副教授 2002/07-2007/09 日本国立理化学研究所 Research Scientist (研究员) 2007/10-至今 西南交通大学 物理科学与技术学院、信息科学与技术学院 教授,博士生导师 2011/01-2018/04 中山大学 物理学院 教授,博士生导师 2018/05-至今 东华大学 理学院 教授,常务副院长,博士生导师 教学成果 曾主讲过:高中物理,热学,原子物理学,热力学统计物理,量子力学,电动力学,信息论与编码,数学物理方法,大学物理,量子信息论,超导电子学,高等量子力学,量子场论,广义相对论和电子测量原理等中学、本科和研究生课程;在《物理通报》和《大学物理》等教学类期刊上发表过教学研究论文。 科研成果 作为课题组长主持科技部973研究计划项目1项,作为主持人承担国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、基金委重大研究计划项目2项,作为子项目主持人承担国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目1项;迄今为止发表SCI收录论文140多篇(其中5篇PRL),他引1700多次;拥有授权国家发明专利5项;获得过1998年度教育部科技进步二等奖(排名第五)。


研究方向 超导电子学,引力物理,量子信息精密测量,集成光子学


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

代表性论文&科研 1.利用微纳加工技术制备了高品质因子微波共面波导超导谐振器[1],应用于实现了皮瓦级微弱光信号的探测和红外波段光子数可分辨的单光子探测[2]; [1]Li, HJ; Wang, YW; Wei, LF(通信作者),et al.,Experimental demonstrations of high-Q superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators,Chin. Sci. Bul. 58, 2413 (2013). [2] Guo, W; Liu, X; Wang, Y; Wei, Q; Wei, L. F(共同通信作者). et al., Counting near infrared photons with microwave kinetic inductance detectors,Appl. Phys. Lett.,110(21), 212601 (2017). 2.揭示了量子算法运行过程中动力学相干位相错误的本质并提出了校正方法[3],提出了在非Lamb-Dicke近似下实现囚禁离子量子计算的方法[4],并推广运用于液氦上囚禁电子系统的量子相干调控[5];建立了演化时间不敏感的量子逻辑运算实现方案[6],设计了利用电流偏置大约瑟夫结作为数据总线的超导量子计算电路[7]; [3]Wei LF; Li X; Hu, XD; Nori, F. Effects of dynamical phases in Shor's factoring algorithm with operational delays, Phys. Rev. A71, 022317 (2005). [4]Wei LF; Liu SY; Lei XL Quantum computation with two-level trapped cold ions beyond Lamb-Dicke limit, Phys. Rev. A 65, 062316 (2002). [5]Zhang, Miao; Jia, H. Y.; Wei, L. F(通信作者)Jaynes-Cummings models with trapped electrons on liquid helium, Phys. Rev. A 80, 055801 (2009); [6]Wei, L. F.; Johansson, J. R.; Cen, L. X.et al., Controllable coherent population transfers in superconducting qubits for quantum computing, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 11360 (2008). [7]Wei, LF; Liu, YX; Nori, F, Quantum computation with Josephson qubits using a current-biased information bus, Phys. Rev. B72, 104516 (2005). 3.论证了利用超导电子学电路实现宏观尺度上量子力学基本原理验证的可行性[8],建立了基于腔透射发射谱测量的量子比特和微振动非破坏测量方法[9,10]; [8]Wei, L. F.; Liu, Yu-xi; Nori, Franco, Generation and control of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement in superconducting circuits, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 246803 (2006). [9]Huang, J. S.; Wei, L. F.(共同通信作者); Oh, C. H. , High-efficiency tomographic reconstruction of quantum states by quantum nondemolition measurements, Phys. Rev. A83, 032110 (2011). [10] Wei, L. F.; Liu, YX; Sun, CP; Nori, F, Probing tiny motions of nanomechanical resonators: Classical or quantum mechanical?, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 237201 (2006). 4.提出波导中的单光子输运的手征操纵[10],利用原子透镜实现光子路由[11],量子相干操纵的光学模拟[12],和石墨烯介观环中的尺寸效应[13]等单量子器件设计的新思路[13]; [11]Yan, Cong-Hua; Wei, Lian-Fu (通信作者); Jia, Wen-Zhi; et al., Controlling resonant photonic transport along optical waveguides by two-level atoms, Phys. Rev. A 84, 062310 (2011). [12]Li, Xingmin; Wei, L. F. (通信作者), Designable single-photon quantum routings with atomic mirrors, Phys.Rev.A92,063836(2015). [13]Liu, Hongying; Dai, Maochun; Wei, L. F. (通信作者), Simulating the Landau-Zener transitions and Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg interferometers with compacted optical waveguides: An invariant method, Phys. Rev. A99, 013820 (2019). 5.提出黑洞霍金辐射温度的乌龟坐标表换物理性判据[14]和利用实验室强交变磁场实现高频引力波搜寻探测方案[15]; [14]Yan, Cong-Hua; Wei, Lian-Fu (通信作者), Size effects in Aharonov-Bohm graphene rings, Phys.-Cond. Matt., 22 (29), 295503 (2010). [15]Yan, CH; Li, Y; Yuan, HD; Wei, LF (通信作者), Targeted photonic routers with chiral photon-atom interactions, Phys. Rev. A97, 023821 (2018). [16]Lan, X. G.; Jiang, Q. Q.; Wei, L. F.(通信作者), Hawking radiation temperatures in non-stationary Kerr black holes with different tortoise coordinate transformations, Euro. Phys. J. C 72(4),1983(2012). [17] Zheng, H; Wei, LF (通信作者); Wen, H; Li, FY, Electromagnetic response of gravitational waves passing through an alternating magnetic field: A scheme to probe high-frequency gravitational waves, Phys. Rev. D 98 (6), 064028 (2018). 2019年 2.Quantum routing of surface plasmons by two quantum dots 作者: Huang, Jin-Song; Zhang, Jia-Hao; Wei, Lian-Fu JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS 文献号: UNSP 083601 1. Simulating the Landau-Zener transitions and Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg interferometers with compacted optical waveguides: An invariant method 作者: Liu, Hongying; Dai, Maochun; Wei, L. F. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 99 期: 1 献号: 013820 出版年: JAN 11 2019 2018年 8.Ideal photonic absorption, emission, and routings in chiral waveguides 作者: Li, Xingmin; Wei, L. F. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 425 页: 13-18 出版年: OCT 15 2018 7.Extended Bell inequality and maximum violation 作者: Gu, Yan; Zhang, Haifeng; Song, Zhigang; 等. CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷: 27 期: 10 文献号: 100303 出版年: OCT 2018 6.Electromagnetic response of gravitational waves passing through an alternating magnetic field: A scheme to probe high-frequency gravitational waves 作者: Zheng, H.; Wei, L. F.; Wen, H.; 等. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 卷: 98 期: 6 文献号: 064028 出版年: SEP 14 2018 5.Maximum violation of Wigner inequality for two-spin entangled states with parallel and antiparallel polarizations 作者: Gu, Yan; Zhang, Haifeng; Song, Zhigang; 等. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION 卷: 16 期: 5 文献号: 1850041 出版年: AUG 2018 4.Searching for high-frequency gravitational waves with a ground high alternating magnetic field 作者: Zheng, Hao; Wei, Lian-Fu; Wen, Hao; 等. SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 卷: 61 期: 7 文献号: 079531 出版年: JUL 2018 3.Single-photon routing with whispering-gallery resonators 作者: Huang, Jin-Song; Zhang, Jia-Hao; Wei, L. F. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 卷: 51 期: 8 文献号: 085501 出版年: APR 28 2018 2.Periodically modulated single-photon transport in one-dimensional waveguide 作者: Li, Xingmin; Wei, L. F. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 410 页: 305-309 出版年: MAR 1 2018 1.Targeted photonic routers with chiral photon-atom interactions 作者: Yan, Cong-Hua; Li, Yong; Yuan, Haidong; 等. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 97 期: 2 文献号: 023821 出版年: FEB 13 2018 2017年 9.Superconducting micro-resonator arrays with ideal frequency spacing 作者: Liu, X.; Guo, W.; Wang, Y.; 等. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 111 期: 25 文献号: 252601 出版年: DEC 18 2017 8.Quantifying quantum coherence with quantum Fisher information 作者: Feng, X. N.; Wei, L. F. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 卷: 7 文献号: 15492 出版年: NOV 14 2017 7.Dynamics of Spinor Condensates Driven by an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field 作者: Zheng, Gong-Ping; Chang, Gao-Zhan; Li, Pin; 等. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 卷: 189 期: 1-2 页: 27-41 出版年: OCT 2017 6.Cryogenic LED pixel-to-frequency mapper for kinetic inductance detector arrays 作者: Liu, X.; Guo, W.; Wang, Y.; 等. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 卷: 122 期: 3 文献号: 034502 出版年: JUL 21 2017 5.Counting near infrared photons with microwave kinetic inductance detectors 作者: Guo, W.; Liu, X.; Wang, Y.; 等. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 110 期: 21 文献号: 212601 出版年: MAY 22 2017 4.Experimentally testing Hardy's theorem on nonlocality with entangled mixed states 作者: Fan, Dai-He; Dai, Mao-Chun; Guo, Wei-Jie; 等. CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷: 26 期: 4 文献号: 040302 出版年: APR 2017 3.Deterministic generations of photonic NOON states in cavities via shortcuts to adiabaticity 作者: Chen, Jingwei; Wei, L. F. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 95 期: 3 文献号: 033838 出版年: MAR 28 2017 2.Simulative Implementations of Fast Single-Qubit Quantum Logic Operations With Waveguides Based on Invariant Engineering 作者: Liu, Hongying; Wei, Lian-Fu JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 卷: 35 期: 2 页: 166-172 出版年: JAN 15 2017 1.Speeding up transmissions of unknown quantum information along Ising- type quantum channels 作者: Guo, W. J.; Wei, L. F. CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷: 26 期: 1 文献号: 010303 出版年: JAN 2017 2016年 5.Photonic switches with ideal switching contrasts for waveguide photons 作者: Yan, Cong-Hua; Wei, L. F. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 94 期: 5 文献号: 053816 出版年: NOV 9 2016 4.Quasi-B-mode generated by high-frequency gravitational waves and corresponding perturbative photon fluxes 作者: Li, Fangyu; Wen, Hao; Fang, Zhenyun; 等. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 卷: 911 页: 500-516 出版年: OCT 2016 3.A tunable coupler for superconducting microwave resonators using a nonlinear kinetic inductance transmission line 作者: Bockstiegel, C.; Wang, Y.; Vissers, M. R.; 等. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 108 期: 22 文献号: 222604 出版年: MAY 30 2016 2.Probing a single dipolar interaction between a pair of two-level quantum system by scatterings of single photons in an aside waveguide 作者: Li, Xingmin; Wei, L. F. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 366 页: 163-167 出版年: MAY 1 2016 1.Controllable photon bunching by atomic superpositions in a driven cavity 作者: Guo, Weijie; Wang, Yao; Wei, L. F. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 93 期: 4 文献号: 043809 出版年: APR 6 2016 2015年 15.Atomic lenses and ideal single-photon detections 作者: Li, Xingmin; Xie, Lingyun; Wei, L. F. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 92 期: 6 文献号: 063840 出版年: DEC 28 2015 14.Designable single-photon quantum routings with atomic mirrors 作者: Li, Xingmin; Wei, L. F. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 92 期: 6 文献号: 063836 出版年: DEC 21 2015 13.Deterministic implementations of quantum gates with circuit QEDs via Stark-chirped rapid adiabatic passages 作者: Chen, Jingwei; Wei, L. F. PHYSICS LETTERS A 卷: 379 期: 40-41 页: 2549-2555 出版年: OCT 23 2015 12.Optomechanically induced transparency and absorption in hybridized optomechanical systems 作者: Hou, B. P.; Wei, L. F.; Wang, S. J. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 92 期: 3 文献号: 033829 出版年: SEP 16 2015 11.Photon-detections via probing the switching current shifts of Josephson junctions 作者: Wang, Yiwen; Zhou, Pinjia; Wei, Lianfu; 等. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 卷: 515 页: 49-53 出版年: AUG 15 2015 10.Strong violations of locality by testing Bell's inequality with improved entangled-photon systems 作者: Wang Yao; Fan Dai-He; Guo Wei-Jie; 等. CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷: 24 期: 8 文献号: 084203 出版年: AUG 2015 9.Does the Berry phase in a quantum optical system originate from the rotating wave approximation? 作者: Wang, Minghao; Wei, L. F.; Liang, J. Q. PHYSICS LETTERS A 卷: 379 期: 16-17 页: 1087-1090 出版年: JUN 19 2015 8.Enhanced entanglement between two movable mirrors in an optomechanical system with nonlinear media 作者: Li, Junhong; Hou, Bangpin; Zhao, Yonghong; 等. EPL 卷: 110 期: 6 文献号: 64004 出版年: JUN 2015 7.Genuine vacuum-induced geometric phases 作者: Wang, Minghao; Wei, L. F.; Liang, J. Q. MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B 卷: 29 期: 11 文献号: 1550043 出版年: APR 30 2015 6.Phase-dependent optical response properties in an optomechanical system by coherently driving the mechanical resonator 作者: Jia, W. Z.; Wei, L. F.; Li, Yong; 等. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 91 期: 4 文献号: 043843 出版年: APR 29 2015 5.Single photon transport along a one-dimensional waveguide with a side manipulated cavity QED system 作者: Yan, Cong-Hua; Wei, Lian-Fu OPTICS EXPRESS 卷: 23 期: 8 页: 10374-10384 出版年: APR 20 2015 4.Photon-noise limited sensitivity in titanium nitride kinetic inductance detectors 作者: Hubmayr, J.; Beall, J.; Becker, D.; 等. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 106 期: 7 文献号: 073505 出版年: FEB 16 2015 3.Implementation speed of deterministic population passages compared to that of Rabi pulses 作者: Chen, Jingwei; Wei, L. F. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 91 期: 2 文献号: 023405 出版年: FEB 5 2015 2.Experimentally testing Bell's theorem based on Hardy's nonlocal ladder proofs 作者: Guo WeiJie; Fan DaiHe; Wei LianFu SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 卷: 58 期: 2 文献号: 1674-7348(2015) 出版年: FEB 2015 1.High-efficiency single-photon Fock state production by transitionless quantum driving 作者: Shi, X.; Wei, L. F. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 12 期: 1 文献号: 015204 出版年: JAN 2015
