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2.Quantum routing of surface plasmons by two quantum dots
作者: Huang, Jin-Song; Zhang, Jia-Hao; Wei, Lian-Fu
1. Simulating the Landau-Zener transitions and Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg interferometers with compacted optical waveguides: An invariant method
作者: Liu, Hongying; Dai, Maochun; Wei, L. F.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 99 期: 1 献号: 013820 出版年: JAN 11 2019
8.Ideal photonic absorption, emission, and routings in chiral waveguides
作者: Li, Xingmin; Wei, L. F.
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 425 页: 13-18 出版年: OCT 15 2018
7.Extended Bell inequality and maximum violation
作者: Gu, Yan; Zhang, Haifeng; Song, Zhigang; 等.
CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷: 27 期: 10 文献号: 100303 出版年: OCT 2018
6.Electromagnetic response of gravitational waves passing through an alternating magnetic field: A scheme to probe high-frequency gravitational waves
作者: Zheng, H.; Wei, L. F.; Wen, H.; 等.
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 卷: 98 期: 6 文献号: 064028 出版年: SEP 14 2018
5.Maximum violation of Wigner inequality for two-spin entangled states with parallel and antiparallel polarizations
作者: Gu, Yan; Zhang, Haifeng; Song, Zhigang; 等.
4.Searching for high-frequency gravitational waves with a ground high alternating magnetic field
作者: Zheng, Hao; Wei, Lian-Fu; Wen, Hao; 等.
SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 卷: 61 期: 7 文献号: 079531 出版年: JUL 2018
3.Single-photon routing with whispering-gallery resonators
作者: Huang, Jin-Song; Zhang, Jia-Hao; Wei, L. F.
2.Periodically modulated single-photon transport in one-dimensional waveguide
作者: Li, Xingmin; Wei, L. F.
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 410 页: 305-309 出版年: MAR 1 2018
1.Targeted photonic routers with chiral photon-atom interactions
作者: Yan, Cong-Hua; Li, Yong; Yuan, Haidong; 等.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 97 期: 2 文献号: 023821 出版年: FEB 13 2018
9.Superconducting micro-resonator arrays with ideal frequency spacing
作者: Liu, X.; Guo, W.; Wang, Y.; 等.
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 111 期: 25 文献号: 252601 出版年: DEC 18 2017
8.Quantifying quantum coherence with quantum Fisher information
作者: Feng, X. N.; Wei, L. F.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 卷: 7 文献号: 15492 出版年: NOV 14 2017
7.Dynamics of Spinor Condensates Driven by an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field
作者: Zheng, Gong-Ping; Chang, Gao-Zhan; Li, Pin; 等.
JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 卷: 189 期: 1-2 页: 27-41 出版年: OCT 2017
6.Cryogenic LED pixel-to-frequency mapper for kinetic inductance detector arrays
作者: Liu, X.; Guo, W.; Wang, Y.; 等.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 卷: 122 期: 3 文献号: 034502 出版年: JUL 21 2017
5.Counting near infrared photons with microwave kinetic inductance detectors
作者: Guo, W.; Liu, X.; Wang, Y.; 等.
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 110 期: 21 文献号: 212601 出版年: MAY 22 2017
4.Experimentally testing Hardy's theorem on nonlocality with entangled mixed states
作者: Fan, Dai-He; Dai, Mao-Chun; Guo, Wei-Jie; 等.
CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷: 26 期: 4 文献号: 040302 出版年: APR 2017
3.Deterministic generations of photonic NOON states in cavities via shortcuts to adiabaticity
作者: Chen, Jingwei; Wei, L. F.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 95 期: 3 文献号: 033838 出版年: MAR 28 2017
2.Simulative Implementations of Fast Single-Qubit Quantum Logic Operations With Waveguides Based on Invariant Engineering
作者: Liu, Hongying; Wei, Lian-Fu
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 卷: 35 期: 2 页: 166-172 出版年: JAN 15 2017
1.Speeding up transmissions of unknown quantum information along Ising- type quantum channels
作者: Guo, W. J.; Wei, L. F.
CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷: 26 期: 1 文献号: 010303 出版年: JAN 2017
5.Photonic switches with ideal switching contrasts for waveguide photons
作者: Yan, Cong-Hua; Wei, L. F.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 94 期: 5 文献号: 053816 出版年: NOV 9 2016
4.Quasi-B-mode generated by high-frequency gravitational waves and corresponding perturbative photon fluxes
作者: Li, Fangyu; Wen, Hao; Fang, Zhenyun; 等.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 卷: 911 页: 500-516 出版年: OCT 2016
3.A tunable coupler for superconducting microwave resonators using a nonlinear kinetic inductance transmission line
作者: Bockstiegel, C.; Wang, Y.; Vissers, M. R.; 等.
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 108 期: 22 文献号: 222604 出版年: MAY 30 2016
2.Probing a single dipolar interaction between a pair of two-level quantum system by scatterings of single photons in an aside waveguide
作者: Li, Xingmin; Wei, L. F.
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 366 页: 163-167 出版年: MAY 1 2016
1.Controllable photon bunching by atomic superpositions in a driven cavity
作者: Guo, Weijie; Wang, Yao; Wei, L. F.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 93 期: 4 文献号: 043809 出版年: APR 6 2016
15.Atomic lenses and ideal single-photon detections
作者: Li, Xingmin; Xie, Lingyun; Wei, L. F.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 92 期: 6 文献号: 063840 出版年: DEC 28 2015
14.Designable single-photon quantum routings with atomic mirrors
作者: Li, Xingmin; Wei, L. F.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 92 期: 6 文献号: 063836 出版年: DEC 21 2015
13.Deterministic implementations of quantum gates with circuit QEDs via Stark-chirped rapid adiabatic passages
作者: Chen, Jingwei; Wei, L. F.
PHYSICS LETTERS A 卷: 379 期: 40-41 页: 2549-2555 出版年: OCT 23 2015
12.Optomechanically induced transparency and absorption in hybridized optomechanical systems
作者: Hou, B. P.; Wei, L. F.; Wang, S. J.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 92 期: 3 文献号: 033829 出版年: SEP 16 2015
11.Photon-detections via probing the switching current shifts of Josephson junctions
作者: Wang, Yiwen; Zhou, Pinjia; Wei, Lianfu; 等.
10.Strong violations of locality by testing Bell's inequality with improved entangled-photon systems
作者: Wang Yao; Fan Dai-He; Guo Wei-Jie; 等.
CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷: 24 期: 8 文献号: 084203 出版年: AUG 2015
9.Does the Berry phase in a quantum optical system originate from the rotating wave approximation?
作者: Wang, Minghao; Wei, L. F.; Liang, J. Q.
PHYSICS LETTERS A 卷: 379 期: 16-17 页: 1087-1090 出版年: JUN 19 2015
8.Enhanced entanglement between two movable mirrors in an optomechanical system with nonlinear media
作者: Li, Junhong; Hou, Bangpin; Zhao, Yonghong; 等.
EPL 卷: 110 期: 6 文献号: 64004 出版年: JUN 2015
7.Genuine vacuum-induced geometric phases
作者: Wang, Minghao; Wei, L. F.; Liang, J. Q.
MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B 卷: 29 期: 11 文献号: 1550043 出版年: APR 30 2015
6.Phase-dependent optical response properties in an optomechanical system by coherently driving the mechanical resonator
作者: Jia, W. Z.; Wei, L. F.; Li, Yong; 等.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 91 期: 4 文献号: 043843 出版年: APR 29 2015
5.Single photon transport along a one-dimensional waveguide with a side manipulated cavity QED system
作者: Yan, Cong-Hua; Wei, Lian-Fu
OPTICS EXPRESS 卷: 23 期: 8 页: 10374-10384 出版年: APR 20 2015
4.Photon-noise limited sensitivity in titanium nitride kinetic inductance detectors
作者: Hubmayr, J.; Beall, J.; Becker, D.; 等.
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 106 期: 7 文献号: 073505 出版年: FEB 16 2015
3.Implementation speed of deterministic population passages compared to that of Rabi pulses
作者: Chen, Jingwei; Wei, L. F.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 卷: 91 期: 2 文献号: 023405 出版年: FEB 5 2015
2.Experimentally testing Bell's theorem based on Hardy's nonlocal ladder proofs
作者: Guo WeiJie; Fan DaiHe; Wei LianFu
SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 卷: 58 期: 2 文献号: 1674-7348(2015) 出版年: FEB 2015
1.High-efficiency single-photon Fock state production by transitionless quantum driving
作者: Shi, X.; Wei, L. F.
LASER PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 12 期: 1 文献号: 015204 出版年: JAN 2015