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个人简介 为人真诚友善、责任心强。不惧未来,安定向前。 学习经历 起止年月 学校 专业 学位/学历 2005/09 - 2010/07 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 光学工程 博士/博士研究生 2001/09 - 2005/07 华中科技大学 光信息科学与技术 学士/本科 工作经历 起止年月 单位 职称/职务 2010/07 - 2015/09 东华大学理学院 讲师 2015/09 - 至今 东华大学理学院 副教授 2015/12 - 2017/01 美国科罗拉多大学波尔德分校物理系 访问学者 教学成果 课程名称 大学物理、大学物理实验、光电子技术 获2018年东华大学青年教师讲课比赛一等奖 获2018年“高等教育杯”全国高等学校物理基础课程青年教师讲课比赛上海赛区一等奖 代表性专利&其他 1.发明专利:杨馥,邱子胜等,基于伪随机码相位调制和外差探测的测速测距系统及方法,申请号:201610119151.8 1.授权发明专利: 杨馥,詹亚歌等,一种基于啁啾调幅和相干探测的激光雷达测速测距方法,专利号:2012100588673 2.授权发明专利:杨馥 陈卫标 贺岩等,高精度测速测距激光雷达系统及测速测距方法,专利号:200810034379.2 主持项目 1.主持国家自然科学基金委员会项目“用于卫星-卫星跟踪的飞秒光频梳相干激光雷达技术研究” 2011.01-2014.12 2.主持东华大学励志计划项目“复合材料的激光散斑无损检测技术研究”2015.01-2017.12 3.主持中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所973项目“全链路理论模型验证” 201301-201512 4.主持中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所973项目“全链路模型校核和收发软件测试” 201301-201512 5.主持中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所973项目“抗干扰性能评估与优化多参数校核” 201503-201612 6.主持中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所973项目“层析探测工作模式校核” 201503-201612 7.参与国家自然科学基金委员会项目“非结构环境下生物材料表面高分辨率应变检测理论及方法”201601-201912 8.参与上海市自然基金项目“非结构环境下生物材料表面高分辨率应变检测理论研究”201501—201712 9.主持中国科学院空间激光信息传输与探测技术重点实验室开放课题“飞秒光频梳应用系统仿真研究”201901—202112


研究方向 激光遥感、飞秒光频梳精密测量、材料无损检测


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

代表性论文&科研 1. Fu Yang* , Xingchen Ye, Zisheng Qiu,etc, The effect of loading methods and parameters on defect detection in digital shearography, Results in Physics 7(2017) 3744—3755 2. Y. G. Zhan, F. Yang*, P. Zhong, M. Jiang, etc, Influence of piezoelectric transducer displacement error on defect detection in digital shearography speckle pattern interferometry,Journal of Optical Technology,84(6),2017, 395-400 3. Fu Yang, Yan He, Weibiao Chen, etc, Laser Altimeter Based on Random Code Phase Modulation and Hetrerodyne Detection, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 26, 2337-2340, 2014, SCI 4. Fu Yang, Jing Zhang, Yage Zhan, Femtosecond laser range finders based on traditional cross correlation method and frequency resolved dispersion compensation method, Optics Communications, Vol 316, 179-189, 2014, SCI 5. Fu Yang, Yan He, Jianhua Shang, and Weibiao Chen, Development of an All Fiber Heterodyne Lidar For Range and Velocity Measurement, Chinese Optic Letter, Vol. 8, No. 7,713~716 , 2010, SCI 6. Fu Yang, Yan He, Jianhua Shang, Weibiao Chen, Experimental Study on the 1550nm All Fiber Heterodyne Laser Range Finder, Applied Optics, Vol 48, Iss 34, 6575-6582 , 2009, SCI 7.Yage Zhan, Hongyang Zhang, Fu Yang* etc, The Influence of Piezo-electric Transducer Displacement Error on Defect Detection in Digital Shearography Speckle Pattern Interferometry, J. Opt. Technol, accepted, 2016, SCI 8. Y. ZHAN, L. LI, F. YANG*, K. GU, H. WU and M. YU, An all-fiber multi-parameter sensor for composite structures based on a chirped fibre Bragg, OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW , 21(3), 283-287,2013, SCI 9. Yage Zhan, Kun Wang, Li Li, Yong Kong, Fu Yang*, Xiaokai Zhao, A novel modulation technique to enhance the optical intensity of referenced light for BOTDR’s high-accuracy signal interrogation, Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials, Vol 16, 1039-1045, 2014, SCI 10. Yage Zhan, Kun Wang, Li Li, Yong Kong, Fu Yang*, Research of an integrative technique with polarization modulation for generating high-quality multi-wavelength optical source, Optik, Vol 125, 6785-6788, 2014, SCI 11. Yage Zhan, Kan Gu, Fu Yang, Hua Wu, Muhuo Yu, A bubble detection technique based on light intensity and Mie scattering theory for spinning solution, Optik, Vol. 124, 4236-4239, 2013, SCI 12. Fu Yang, Jianhua Shang, Yan He, Yage Zhan, Weibiao Chen, Advanced detection methods of spaceborne laser altimeter, Imaging and Applied Optics, Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, AIO, Seattle, Washington United States, JTu4A. 1, 2014 13. Fu Yang, Yage Zhan, Qinyu Yang, Shaolin Xue, Yan He, Simulation of the Space-Borne Laser Altimeter Based on Pseudorandom Code Phase Modulation and Heterodyne Detection, Chinese Journal of Lasers, Vol. 38, No 12, s114007-1~s114007-6 (in Chinese), 2011, EI 14. Fu Yang, Yan He, Weibiao Chen, Study of Fiber Laser Ranging System Using Pseudorandom Modulation and Single Photon Counting Techniques, Chinese Journal of Lasers, Vol. 38, No. 3,0314003-1~0314003-6 (in Chinese), 2011, EI 15. Fu Yang, Yan He, Weibiao Chen, Experiment on Coheren Laser Altimeter, CLEO/Pacific Rim 2009, Shanghai. China. Aug 31-Sep 3, 978-1-4244-3830-3/09, 2009, EI 16. Fu Yang, Yan He, Tianhua Zhou, Weibiao Chen, Simulation of Space-Borne Altimeter Based on Pseudorandom Modulation and Single-Photon Counting, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol. 29, No.1, 21~26, (in Chinese), 2009, EI
